Crouching Morphle, Hidden Mila! | Mila & Morphle Literacy | Cartoons with Subtitles

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[Music] [Music] being a ninja is awesome yeah [Music] that hurts don't worry Troy only a real ninja can punch through a plank wow that's great morphle my ninja manual says a real ninja can not only punch through a plank but they can also climb really well ninja Morpher can climb [Music] and ninjas can jump really far and quick [Music] that's awesome also a ninja can hide himself everywhere [Music] wow where did he go I don't know [Music] how there you are you are really good at hiding as well now you only need two chop fruit in the air [Music] now you're a real ninja real Ninja the bandits no today we are the Ninja band uh Ninja Masters yeah how can morphle be a real ninja if he doesn't know the super secret ninja moves wow what's the super secret ninja Moon best ninja okay then uh listen carefully you first have to go to the school but no one can see you go there [Music] then you have to find a yellow flower put it on your head and dance around with it now a bit more for this learning the super secret ninja move we can kidnap Mila laughs why are you doing this delay a trap for your ninja friend of course oh to test out the super secret ninja move good idea more full health [Music] now [Music] [Applause] oh what was that I don't see more full Stein Marvel you're here I like to make the Trap you on [Music] surprise he's actually doing its time [Music] there you are the bandits did all of this for you yeah thank you bandage sure wow [Music] oh no the magic letters are gone I had every letter of the alphabet in my truck is that one of them Daddy ah yes it's the tea for tree look over there in that yellow card the C for car and the Y for yellow here everything you catch with this magic pet transporter hoop will end up in the magic pet store [Music] will the two of you catch all of the letters for me Mila of course daddy let's start with the a morphle that's right let's find an airplane [Music] [Music] [Music] you're right look morphle the olive ocean [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] look the eye of Island [Music] hmm x marks the spot purple morph into an excavator [Music] there's the G on the garage [Music] let's keep on going Marvel the D for Desert [Music] the V for volcano [Music] the N for the North Pole [Music] the J the jungle [Music] it's the E for elephant [Music] do you know any other special places where the magic letters could be [Music] um you're right let's go to the Moon [Music] it's the ass for space [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] say are you looking for this little guy the U for UFO I was on my way to Professor Rasheed but I got lost don't worry [Music] no tumbling test tubes look it's the L for maybe that also explains why there is a cue in my quantum physics experiment [Music] only a few more Marvel and I think I know just where to find them F is for fire truck he is for policeman huh there is a police chat [Music] do you know where we can find the Z Marple uh so that's right thank you [Music] kangaroo kangaroo okay [Applause] hi meland morphle what brings you to the zoo we're looking for other magic letter pets and we only need the zebra zoo well it sounds like your friends are waiting for you [Music] oh Mila and morphle [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] I wonder how the toy dinosaurs are doing more full [Music] pterodactyl [Music] great you are here to save me I'm stuck on this island and it's filled with giant monsters those aren't monsters they're the toy dinosaurs [Music] no wait it will eat you scary they are my toys Professor rasheed's light rays left them to life [Music] wow really into a T-Rex too [Music] this is amazing now let's play [Music] goodbye friends [Music] I know what will cheer you up [Music] my invention is done come and see I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my assistant [Music] oh that's so cute [Music] tumbling test tubes morphle oh I don't know how to take care of a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote oh good grief [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] hey morphle boy am I glad to see you I had the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby isn't that silly [Music] oh no not my beautiful hat [Music] oh Leela it's terrible I was just walking around in our beautiful city thinking mayoral false when someone drove by and stole my hat don't worry Mr Mayor we're on the job Marvel morph into a search dog [Applause] hold it right there I saw who took the Hat it was you Morpher all right what's going on here there you are you Thief give me back my dog gy are you saying morphle stole from you Marvel would never do that yes he would I just bought a birthday cake when morphle drove by and grabbed it from my hands are you all sure it was morphle yes well well more full a criminal not in my city I'm going to have to take you to the police station morphle no please he didn't do anything looks like they're gone you can come out now Jordan they all think Marvels know their stuff oh this must be our best plan yet yeah let's do some more [Music] worry morphle I will prove you're innocent no give me back my apples [Music] so the bandits took all the stuff I can't believe it morphle took all my apples don't worry sir we've already caught morphle but it happened just now outstanding police work if I say so myself more food didn't do it it was the Bandit I saw them with my own eyes now now Mila you can't go around blaming everything on the bandits bye bye now oh [Music] morphle on the Bandit stole everything but no one wants to believe me but I can't do it without you morphle more full no catch ruffle but I have an idea [Music] give me back my tools more Bowl sounds like trouble go down morphle [Music] don't worry Joe we're on it what another morphle [Music] masterful we almost tell them too fast time she's going to catch us we'll see about that [Music] no no no no no slow down mortal not so fast now are you morphle turn around quickly please [Music] [Applause] we've done it before [Music] yeah I adored how did you get out of jail morphle trying to hide all your stolen Luke I see that's not more full those are the bandits hey wait a minute this isn't morphle that's what I've been telling you all along all right already goddess uh oh I might have made a slight mistake I'm very sorry I doubted you morphle of course you're not a criminal and in light of your outstanding police work I'll make you honorary police officers [Music] it was fun pretending to be more full bright Stein it sure was morph into a plane yawn no you morph into a car Stein your teeth are in perfect condition I make sure to brush his teeth twice a day are we ready to go to the next Magic Pen we certainly are morph into an ambulance Marvel [Music] magic pet Dental team to the rescue foreign are you ready to get your teeth checked little guy no problems here you're all good [Music] now only the magic pets and the magic pet store are left right yes then we'll have done all the checkups let's go more full [Music] looks good who's next [Music] all right let's see hmm oh dear you have a cavity don't worry it's not so bad I can fix it with this [Music] hey wait up big guy oh no he's all scared we need to stop him before he gets hurt more full morph into a horse foreign [Music] morph into a dragon [Music] stop running it's really not that bad [Music] oh boy how are we going to stop him hmm we need something that can swim really fast and it's strong enough to stop his boat morphle morph into a crocodile [Music] now stop the boat morphle I'm sorry I scared you big guy but it's very important that we treat that cavity it might not hurt now but it will in the future if you don't do anything about it [Music] okay morphle you cannot go now morphle Marvel just hurts oh dear let me see it seems you have a cavity too morphle oh but you're not afraid of the dentist right let's go back to my clinic as good as new and because you both have been so brave a little present [Music] watch out dudes sharks in the water [Music] more full we have to tell those sharks that they shouldn't scare people morph into a shark [Music] [Applause] [Music] Stop scaring people what are they doing oh wow good job Marshall but look those sharks are still scaring away people we need to help him morphle [Music] stop it you sharks match oh no robot sharks [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to stop them but they're too fast [Applause] all right [Music] one more to go more full by now the robot sharks must have scared away all the people from the beat yeah so now we can steal all the towels I can't believe Professor Rasheed fell for it the idea that we actually wanted these robots in order to research sharks and that he made them in exchange for just one egg sandwich speaking of which where are our robot sharks look out more full [Music] Bandits not those two again morphle become a big shark too [Music] you're no match for our robot let's get them on [Music] now more Flags more full [Music] we need to get out of here [Music] thank you [Music] Luke's dying a robot sharks have come to save us those are not robot sharks Yorn those are real sharks [Music] foreign [Music] Ed an important lesson today yeah real sharks are dangerous so we shouldn't scare people while dressed like sharks exactly [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at these firefighters foreign [Music] they are real heroes wow let's become real firefighters ourselves more full yeah [Music] now we need to find a fire thank you I don't see any fires but I do see smoke and where there's smoke there's fire [Music] wait oh no what have you done oh another barbecue is ruined shall we why don't you go play firefighters somewhere else [Music] thank you [Music] we need to help him off the room [Music] don't worry Builder Lawrence you're not stuck on the roof anymore stock I was working on the roof building a chimney oh my God [Music] I have heard about a fire truck that's not helping people is it you just leave the firefighting to real firefighters okay [Music] there you are the city needs your help firefighter German was saving the kitten out of the Flames when they got trapped on the roof morph into a fire truck again [Music] foreign [Music] no you can put out the flames [Music] you saved me I was wrong about you you are a real firefighter yeah [Music] all right [Music] boy ah you're making me dizzy [Music] what's wrong well one of the kangaroos attacked me that's what's wrong [Music] who wants an apple [Applause] [Music] one for you one for you [Music] what hey that's not nice [Applause] [Music] what's wrong zookeeper Kenneth I think I saw a green morphle he sprayed water in my face when I was feeding the elephants that sure sounds like or full we'll find him hey elephants do you know which way or full went oh thank you let's go mortal [Music] good morning [Music] hey there little guy what are you doing over here [Music] are you okay Builder Lawrence yes yes I'm fine just don't let him get away with it [Music] okay Oracle should be here somewhere [Music] that was awful quick after him that orfle is too good at hiding from us I don't know what to do morphle [Music] hmm that gives me an idea Marvel if we hide he will get bored and come looking for us oh [Music] hmm [Music] you didn't think we would give up that easily did you how about we try to play hide and seek without scaring anybody okay you better hide because here we come foreign [Music] it's great you will always help everyone you can [Music] please come back down Mr pauses ah more for can you help me Mr Posey just stuck in the tree and I miss holding him in my arms can you bring us together again [Music] I didn't mean that they're like this if you two hadn't stolen my police car you would be in jail already we don't mind yeah [Music] oh it's great you're here can you help me bring these Bandits to the police station [Music] okay oh no what Marvel wait for me [Music] [Applause] to police station bye he didn't put us in jail this time yeah let's run away [Music] oh hey morphle can you help me lift these crates they're really heavy oh [Music] no morphle not all the way to the roof there you are Marvel what happened your red friend put me in the tree and ran away that can't be right but I thought that no do oh I know what I saw foreign [Music] where did you leave the bandits we haven't seen the bandits I saw you taking them to the station morphle uh we'll catch the bandits again more full morph into a robot [Music] oh man the joke has gone on long enough morphle please put the crates back down again Martha was with me all day daddy but he looked like morphle and was red like morphle apart from those green spots of course green spots of course it's awful we need to stop him more full [Music] can you help me make some room here look more full Orville has painted himself red oh no let's clean him up more full morph into a fire truck [Music] careful morphle that's not more food it's awful to full hour or full thank you real morphle [Music] morph into a race car all right stop it right there orphal what this isn't awful this is more full oh sorry morphle uh I can never keep the two of you apart uh which one is which again more full is red or full is green I knew that well the green one is causing all sorts of trouble in my city oh no we'll find Oracle off Mr Freeze great and when you do get him away from my city will ya [Music] oh [Music] [Music] well this is strange what oh no it's awful look more full it's awful oh no let's go after it [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] no don't leave me here we need to get him down again morph into a fire truck [Music] thank you morphle but Orville's gone again we need to find him all right everything's ready to start building [Music] what [Music] no stop please don't do that [Music] there he is [Music] oh no it's about to fall morph into a robot morphle [Music] thank you Milan morphle but Orville's gone again still haven't found orphal where else could I look [Music] a helicopter I can look for orphal from the air oh no orphal is the helicopter [Music] [Applause] oh no help somebody help me morphle can help you morphle great look more full it's awful and he's getting tired I have an idea how to get orfull away from the city [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Laughter] [Music] what morphle there is snow outside of Daddy's magic pet store that's strange Marvel morph into a bulldozer [Music] now you can push the snow away [Music] ah hi Mila and morphle thank you for getting rid of the snow was made by atmo a new magic pet it can control the weather but uh it's a bit naughty [Music] and he's making a storm we need to find it before its Mischief gets out of hand oh no [Music] foreign that way let's go [Music] [Music] the path is blocked [Music] [Applause] not in my city no we need to find the mall [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you need to stop the storm it must not be able to hear me through the storm I know you need to go [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh admo I know you like playing with the weather but that was dangerous [Music] hmm I have an idea [Music] here atmo can use his weather powers to help out [Music] hi I'm Mila and my magic pet morphle can morph into anything I want [Music] huh [Music] ah Milan morville it seems that I have the flu and I'm unable to do my work can we help you Mr these vehicles need to be delivered to their owners quickly [Music] I had this list [Music] uh oh all the names of the vehicle's owners are smudged but I think we can still figure it out more full morph into a big red truck [Music] okay hmm I think the tractor needs to go to police officer freeze I wish I need a tractor yep I think that is what it says on the list [Music] but but this I'm sorry police officer freeze but we are in a hurry [Music] hmm [Music] it doesn't seem right but I think it says that we should drop off the police car here laughs [Music] [Music] sorry oops I didn't see you there [Music] this is impossible not so fast [Music] I think we made a mistake morphle more into a police car too [Music] [Music] now let's try to use our brains and bring the vehicles to the right owners hmm I think this tractor belongs to Farmer Bob [Music] and the ice cream truck must belong to the ice cream man [Music] [Applause] thank you yes yes [Music] how did it go everything has been delivered Mr Joe oh great was the list of any help wow [Music] thank you [Music] oh no what happened here those are time portals tumbling test tubes how did this happen [Music] items don't belong here someone must be looking for them we should bring them back to their own time what a good idea Mila this little machine is looking really high-tech yeah it must be from the future you're right let's go there then so stop the future yeah good morning foreign [Music] [Music] wait a minute Hmm this doesn't look like the future [Music] man over there is in trouble more full morph into a pterodactyl [Music] ah thank you so much for saving me fellow Time Travelers you won't believe what happened I was just researching these grounds when suddenly my time remote was gone is this yours perhaps duh yes thank you very much oh now I can get home [Music] all right keep your hands inside the vehicle next stop will be the Medieval Times yeah let's bring back the sword [Music] s oh [Music] this doesn't look like the right time for a Medieval sword that's because this isn't the Medieval Times what went wrong with this machine that's it that's my family's heirloom sword they stole it family heirloom we didn't steal it we came to bring it back that's what all thieves say policeman arrested oh no [Music] well at least the sword is back with its owner but I don't understand why nothing works today don't beat yourself up Professor we only have one item left that's true well let's see where we end up now [Music] [Music] we're here the medieval times here finally it was a bit of a detour but we're here I wonder where the egg is from [Music] tumbling test tubes why is everybody running foreign [Music] please give it back to the dragon hurry oh so that's a mommy Dragon searching for her egg we need to give it back but how full morph into a dragon too [Music] oh you uh who is this is that you so you're the reason why everything went wrong today because of you this mommy Dragon almost lost her [Music] well there were some problems but now everyone has their things back well I sure hope awful has learned his lesson [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm the strongest superhero I can easily lift up this car Let's help him out [Music] I'm a superhero too and I Can Fly [Music] help help but he only wants to play he won't bite and he is that thing out of here [Music] leave that woman alone Mister whatever [Music] thank you very much superheroes who can I thank for this what are your names I'm we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secret identity [Music] get back those Awards but I never got any awards in high school oh yeah now I am officially the number one ballet dancer [Music] thank you [Music] okay okay here are the awards back no no you can keep that one it says best at getting caught we are Champion Stein yeah we are standing here with the people that saved all the cities Awards we have one question for you who are you we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secrets from Troy I'm April hmm [Music] morphle morph into a toy dinosaur [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] test tubes I accidentally dropped this life Ray that I was going to present at the National Science conference and it Zapped your toy dinosaurs to life but it broke and I can't zap the dinosaurs back again hmm Mila can you look after them while I fix my life Ray of course Professor Rasheed I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together great I'll be back as soon as I can foreign [Music] okay toy dinosaurs while we wait for the professor to return let's play a game [Music] thank you [Music] now let's play tag you're it T-Rex [Music] foreign [Music] that was fun but now I'm tired yeah we we something to eat Nick yay [Music] ah there we go that took longer than expected but it's fixed now let's go back to the toy dinosaurs right away I hope nothing bad has happened while I was gone [Music] foreign test tubes [Music] Professor do you want to join the picnic we've been having great fun thank you Mila but I think it's time to zap the dinosaurs back into toys steady oh Professor Rasheed I don't think the toy dinosaurs want to go back to being toys they've been having much more fun as living dinosaurs but the city no place for dinosaurs [Music] I have an idea maybe zookeeper Kenneth has a place for them [Music] laughs [Music] wow what's this are those giant toy dinosaurs yeah Professor Rasheed accidentally Zapped them with his life right do you have a place for the toy dinosaurs to live zookeeper Kenneth well the zoo only has one place for big animals and the elephants already live there but during my travels I think I spotted an uninhabited Island where the toy dinosaurs could live oh they're right away morphle there it is [Music] you seem to have fun already [Music] this island is a great home for you but we need to go home again as well [Music] it's really strange teacher Arnold hasn't come back after break no more fool let's go find him morph into a race car [Music] oh no it's Arnold what happened don't worry we'll find a way to get you out of there [Music] [Music] look there's Mr vanderboos [Music] get you out just wait a bit longer okay that way more full [Music] bandage we need to help atmo morphle morph Rockets to the car almost gotcha you did it Stein [Music] it was atmo that froze Daddy and the rest it has a cold go to the doctor at Mo he can help you get better more full morph into an ambulance [Music] thank you whoa what's going on Mo has a cold and when he sneezes he freezes every everything in front of I think I have some medicine just for that whoa uh-oh [Music] um we'll just need to find the right medicine is it this one okay how about this one how about this one no uh this okay this one no well there is only one bottle left um [Music] it's working yeah atmo do you think you can make the sunshine again so that all the ice melts again [Music] [Applause] oh no there you are again I knew you three could solve this problem now let's go home I could use a hot chocolate chocolate [Music] I think I caught a cold oh no huh [Music] thank you [Music] wait where are you playing [Music] ah so this is what you were after you smelled the other dog yes little girl this is the yearly dog agility course your pet can join too oh let's compete more full [Music] oh come on Sammy you can win this race [Music] what's what's room my little Sammy doesn't want to do this race anymore because the big dogs are being mean to her poor Sammy [Music] good job Barky [Music] thank you don't be scared Marvel isn't mean look [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm that's it morphle let's play with Sammy so she doesn't think you are scary anymore [Music] hey guys that was our ball can we have it back [Music] is it well Finders Keepers if you really want to have it back then why don't you try taking it [Music] into a T-Rex [Music] are all doggies ready [Music] but there's still a chance Sammy can win [Music] two one [Music] goal [Music] laughs foreign good job Barky oh no give them a dose of their own medicine [Music] hooray you did it laughs [Music] the award goes to this little one who beat the biggest of participants [Music] please stop Mr vanderboos no cats are allowed in my yard thank you foreign [Music] hi Troy um what's wrong hi Mila Mr vanderboost chased my kitty into the tree with water and now it it can't come down again we can help with that morphle morph into a fire truck don't worry Kitty we'll get you down again thank you Marvel Anila [Music] wow foreign [Music] can you help me Barky is chasing all my cats into a tree [Music] foreign [Music] you shouldn't chase after cats [Music] that's great thank you Milan morphle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not in my city [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what is going on [Music] oh no [Applause] [Music] oh I know cats don't like water spray water at the lion [Music] Molly are you scared yeah and it went up in the tree I think that as a fire truck you should be able to get a kitty out of the tree right [Music] [Music] let's get them out again [Music] so that's why the cats were in the trees Barkley's at it again money what is going on you're lying [Music] hi I'm Mila and my magic pet morple can morph into anything I want [Music] hi everyone we are going to take a look at different feelings morphle what was the last time when you felt really happy [Music] I scream yeah you felt really happy when you had that ice cream and what was the last time you felt scared hey [Applause] [Music] we are the ice cream Bandits we steal all the ice cream [Music] it's scary yeah you were scared when the bandits came to steal your ice cream and then your ice cream fell on the ground that must have made you feel very sad the next feeling is anger yeah you got angry because the bandits ruined your ice cream [Music] yeah hey me land morphle there is one feeling you didn't cover surprise ice cream [Music] oh morphle I want to play train driver morph into a train [Music] oh let's drive the train all across town [Music] [Music] ah look there is Uncle Wilbert [Music] what's wrong Uncle Wilbert Mike my car broke down now I can't go on my photo Safari and take pictures of all the animals but Uncle Wilford you can come along with us we can bring you everywhere you want to go oh thank you Mila and borf [Music] wow great where do you want to go next what about the sea foreign [Music] these pictures are going to turn out amazing yeah [Music] thank you [Music] oh no my camera give it back [Music] please give it that monkey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm I have an idea we're still missing one picture a group picture of all of us would you take a picture of us monkey [Music] thank you here you go two small robots as ordered perfect what's that now oh uh nothing uh thank you bye bye have you brought everything yep [Music] perfect now let's see if it works look it's the bandits look it's the bandits now this is going to work brilliantly [Music] [Music] more full [Music] never mind the ball we're going to play another game [Music] please more full you came looking for the ball too no oh do you want to play another game oh okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas hmm mindful get those ice creams [Music] you're acting very strange morphle you don't even want to morph no all you say is no no no no daddy morphle is being weird Al Mila that's not a nice thing to say hey morphle what's up uh do you want some ice cream no no ice cream that can't be right [Music] oh no I'm so sorry morph hey wait a minute see I told you morphle isn't real the bench yeah more for you get the ball now [Laughter] oh look at him he's going to do it oh hey Marple do you want to play [Music] daddy over there [Music] oh no it's Mila's dad play it cool yawn hey Mila what are you doing yeah uh you know girl stuff more full over here well okay then you do that bye bye Mila bye daddy [Applause] excellent yawn now for some more Mischief more full paint the wall no no give me that morph into a police car now a fire truck now an elephant then now [Music] thank you [Music] those kids are so loud [Music] do you want to help me play some pranks on Mila and morphle yeah [Music] now awful foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh it's awful [Music] oh no yes [Music] it's awful again [Laughter] hmm I think I know what's going on listen Marvel I have an idea look awful you can jump on top of the sand castle Yeah [Music] no morple [Music] oh no I know Mr vanderboos helps you to prank us but how would you like to help us prank him for once yeah [Music] Mr Vanderbilt hi Mila I'm sorry for being so loud Mr vanderboost we will never do so again [Music] oh that's all right I guess I can go back to watering my yard [Music] yeah that's strange now I'm all wet [Music] what is going on [Music] what where did you come from [Music] no stop growing now my backyard looks like a jungle [Music] a tiger it really is a jungle [Music] there's a crocodile in my apples oh no [Music] all right you get the award for me let's water this beautiful garden of our Sparky hmm wait a second this isn't a garden hose it's a snake [Music] Leah now the scary animal Bandits we steal scary animals and release them in the city but Stein I thought we were released the Tiger [Music] ah oh no no we need to help them morphle morphle my phone no can help tiger scary the tiger is scary for me too morphle it is very dangerous but you don't need to be afraid of the tiger because you can morph into something big so the tiger is scared of you instead I know just what would scare a tiger look a big T-Rex [Music] um of course but you should still do it because if we do something a lot you won't be scared anymore thank you yes now let's scare all the other animals out of the city [Music] [Music] [Applause] these scary animals are making sure everyone in the city stays inside so that we can execute our real plan yeah we are actually the fruit Bandits an apple a day keeps the doctor away so if we eat all the fruit in the city we don't ever have to go to the doctor again and the doctor is really scary we need to stop them morph into a big crocodile [Music] bye [Music] Bandits you don't need to steal all that fruit I used to be scared of the doctor but I went anyway and now I'm not scared of the doctor at all because if you do something a lot you won't be scared anymore really hello there you are please follow me inside he is not scary at all this time [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the playground is much too small for the giant hmm let's build him a giant playground [Music] oh foreign [Music] construction vehicles can you help us build a giant playground for the Giant [Music] can you bring that over there [Music] let's fix those together [Music] great now you can put that on top [Music] hi giant we have a surprise for you follow us [Music] [Applause] [Music] Michael morph into a hot air balloon [Music] let's go morphle [Music] wow this is the most extraordinary School presentation I've ever seen but you still haven't told us what it's about it's about the animals of the Jungle wow wow [Music] come on look what animal do you guys think this is oh no is that a snake it's a cute monkey [Music] hey Another Monkey [Music] hello there do you want to come out and play too [Music] oh no more full morph into a tiger too [Music] wow thank you Morpher that was close [Music] this is the end of my presentation we've learned that the animals of the Jungle are fun but sometimes they can also be a little bit scary Mila this was the most interesting School presentation I have ever seen an A plus [Music] yeah hi I'm Mila and my Magic Tap Marple can morph into anything I want foreign [Music] these two monkeys got away again and need to get back to the zoo as soon as possible could you take us there uh sure Marvel morph into a bigger bus [Music] thank you so much more for the bus and YouTube need to get back to your rock very quickly ice cream now yeah Mila more full Sarah and I are late for basketball practice can you please drive us there please okay let's go more folks [Music] [Applause] you're exactly on time thanks to morphle thank you morphle yeah thank you [Music] we're finally at the ice cream truck hey you kids what kind of flavor can I get to you today hmm I think I would like Mila Morpho there you are telepox has the magic pet flu and needs to be taken to the hospital can you take us there [Music] we'll get some ice cream afterwards for sure [Music] okay let's go okay I'll see you soon huh foreign why did you take us here morphle has the hospital moved Heaven that must mean tell teleported us here when he sneezed oh that must be because of the magic pet flu I'm sorry morphle he's talking who's okay we need to get to the hospital quickly morph into a blind bus [Music] oh hat telepods must have wanted to go to a warm place but not to a hospital definitely no hospital here I've never heard of a hospital underwater there's no hospital here but the tree that carries the fuzzy fruit is growing in the jungle and fuzzy fruit is known to cure magic pet flu I think I see it [Applause] [Music] and Dr Abraham Dr Abraham is in the jungle uh hello there can I help you with something telefox has the magic pet flu and needs some fuzzy fruit to cure him I think Papa jungle can help with that right [Music] [Music] I think telepox feels better already it was very lucky to find you in the jungle Dr Abraham the jungle this is the garden Papa jungle made right behind the hospital I guess you brought us to the hospital after all telefox oh I'm sure they were here I don't to worry kids ice cream hey cute little fella it's so funny to think that one day you will be big and scary [Music] with this zapper that we stole from Professor Racine we can turn these animals into Giants [Music] thank you we are going to have a great day at the zoo more full [Music] the bandits are zapping all the animals into Giants [Music] into a superhero [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you we'll be back [Music] great now let's zap back all the animals there it's the Penguins [Music] great that's one [Music] there you are lion [Music] [Music] we had one more full [Music] hi Monkey let's zap you back to normal [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh no you have become really small but you're still great animals [Music] more full morph into a horse [Music] welcome to the medieval fun fair everybody the horse race is about to start the bravest of nights will ride their horses through the forest cross a bridge and fight a dragon and to make the race more interesting I will bring a real night from the Middle Ages to our time [Music] thank you look more full a real knife since the competition don't make me laugh I like your attitude three two one go go Marco hey wait three two one good luck everybody [Music] hey you cheated little girls in my time everybody cheats onto the bridge foreign [Music] to the Dragon foreign [Music] they're going to defeat the dragon before I do I will have to find something even bigger [Music] hmm where did the night go what Beast is this I'll defeat you and win the competition please sir stop it more dangerous pieces I will defeat them all one attacking a bus not in my city [Applause] [Music] hey you stop it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you must be the sheriff why are there so many monsters in your town my monsters what are you talking about these are not monsters they're cars cars there is such you don't know about our time let me show you foreign [Music] [Music] you have shown me so much today I don't want to be a knight any longer from now on I will be a surfer that leaves you to be the only night still in the race Mila congratulations you won [Music] oh no hello police officer freeze what are you doing here so early I couldn't wait to pick you up let's go where'd you take a video I'm taking Mila to jail [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's more for help a policeman then a policeman free Mila [Music] what why do I get this isn't even a real ticket I really wouldn't want to stay here for a long time I'm also have a policeman [Music] get out of my front yard what are you doing here Morpher what what are you doing you're very mean to birdies [Music] you can't just take people to jail morfo I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] what that was pretty funny [Music] oh man [Music] oh that's great oh where have all my tires gone what a ticket for lettering [Music] thank you [Music] whoa no no can't be on the grass I can't be on the grass in the park why I order it will I be a monkey's uncle kids these days that's great just great [Music] that was great and you'll always remember to stay out of jail huh more full [Music] you're not in jail no I was never in jail police officer freeze gave me a tour of the station what oh no you can't just take people to jail morphle [Music] I had a great time with our little red fin look here my latest invention can turn humans into teddy bears foreign [Music] isn't this great teddy bear [Music] buy me land morphle time to turn myself back oh no without hands I can't use the zapper [Music] did you hear that yawn yeah and I love teddy bears quiet yawn [Music] test tubes [Music] and they have the teddy bear zapper [Music] yes what is happening [Music] we need to stop them more fool morph into a super fast cheetah [Music] huh no I can't hold on without hands can you hold me with your tail great let's go [Music] oh no I have a date soon [Music] [Applause] how about you carry me for a bit [Music] [Music] not in my city [Music] all right [Music] don't worry off Mr Freeze we'll Stomp the bandits [Music] how about we turn you into a teddy bear as well [Music] the ray only works on humans [Music] oh no now I'm a teddy bear oh you're such a cute teddy bear great now we can wrap everyone back again starting with the officer freeze huh that's better but not for YouTube Oh at least I'll have a soft cuddly teddy bear with me in jail [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what's up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're going to build you a house Little Bird yeah yeah okay morphle let's saw these wooden planks to the right lane morph into a saw [Music] right here [Music] great work now morph into a hammer oh [Music] now let's do some more [Music] hi Barky do you want a house too okay let's build a dog house morphle yeah [Music] thank you what is all this noise in my backyard hi Mr Vander Booth we are building a dog house for Barky there's way too much noise now get out of my backyard hi there Mr squirrel do you want us to build you a house too [Music] we'll follow you more full morph into a dump truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's your tree okay let's start building a squirrel house morphle [Music] thank you hi tortoise don't worry we won't harm you Turtle want a house too the tortoise already has it you do [Music] [Music] oh let's see where it goes [Music] wow this is a great place tortoise yeah are you thinking what I'm thinking morphle well [Music] whoops I guess underwater animals don't really need houses now let's go back to our house morphle come on Barky you have a great house already I'm sorry I sent you away me land morphle Barky really wanted that house do you still want to build a dog house for Barky yeah hmm I think I have an idea [Music] what is this [Music] the whale didn't use the house anyway look my yard [Music] look more full there are dinosaurs everywhere oh Mila and Waffle what do you think of our new dinosaur park dinosaur park yes Professor Rasheed and I have transported these dinosaurs to our time because everybody likes dinosaurs am I right little buddy isn't this dangerous nonsense these are harmless they don't eat people well that's good now this T-Rex on the other hand [Music] this doesn't seem very safe don't worry this is the strongest cage in the world just don't touch this lever it controls the door see ah the lever is stuck [Music] Everybody Run quickly more fool morph into a T-Rex as well [Music] [Applause] back to the past Mila two of the dinosaurs have escaped into the city if you bring them here I can send them back to the past as well all right let's go morphle morph into a helicopter [Music] thank you please stop this is not a tree hmm it must be hungry I think we can lure it with a snack morph into a robot pick up that tree morphle [Music] [Music] only one more [Music] huh something is happening outside the park [Music] move over buddy [Music] oh he's strong but not as strong as you morphle morph into a bulldozer [Music] hey you [Music] now scoop him up more full [Music] thank you Mila and Morpher without you we would have been in quite a pickle outstanding book it's what to do with the park it looks a little boring without dinosaurs well how about you organize a picnic hmm yes a picnic with Dinosaurs [Music] oh I think Kenneth is going to need a doctor morph into an ambulance morphle [Music] we're going to take you to the hospital zookeeper Kenneth oh thank you Mila [Music] oh dear it looks like you made quite the tumble better come with me [Music] oh [Music] I think this sandwich has gone bad [Music] are you okay Mr Mayor well I felt better no oh that's not good take him to the doctor as well more full morph into an ambulance again [Music] thank you Kenneth needs a lot of rest so no monkey business while driving ready [Music] let me guess Green With Envy Bad Sandwich come on in I'll fix you right up [Music] okay everybody hide one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I found you that was easy I I can't help it I'm all itchy hmm Marvel I think you need to morph into an ambulance again I [Music] and from now on please be more careful about spoiled food [Music] my oh my what a busy day [Music] it's really itchy I'll bet looks like you're having an allergic reaction follow me I have some cream for that [Music] [Applause] are you okay morphle hmm [Music] looks like our little helper could use a hand himself [Music] all better now [Music] hi I'm Mila and my magic pet morple can morph into anything I want oh [Music] [Music] with Professor receipts time machine we are unstoppable [Music] oh we have to stop them morphle morph into a dinosaur superhero [Music] [Applause] [Music] there now you can't do any more damage no leg this is not how it's supposed to happen [Music] great work Mila and morphle let's get them all together so I can zap them back into prehistoric times quickly pick up the Triceratops mortal [Music] foreign [Music] colorful [Music] quick to the lab we need to find out where he went [Music] there he is tumbling test tubes hang on Mortal [Music] that should do it foreign [Music] [Music] pool can morph into anything I want [Music] wow where did all those magic pet toys come from all of a sudden oh no no let's clean them all up so we can solve this mystery yeah hmm but there's only two of us and so many toys [Music] [Applause] wow two more forms [Music] Things become so much easier if you work together but how did we end up with all these toys and with two more fools because of Doubler [Music] its magic power is that it can create copies of anything [Music] hmm who could that be good day sir we are actual real boy scouts and we sell cookies that looks great I think I would like some cookies Milo Morpher the Bandit stole Doppler but they're way too far what could we use to catch them not fast enough morphle morph into a super fast car [Music] there they are oh no run [Music] where have they gone I'm sure they went this way huh look more full they're behind us now how did they get there we've caught you now doubler isn't with them morphle where did you take doubler maybe he's with the instrument that is or the feather Bandits footage or maybe he's with the morphleman is oh [Music] [Music] a new Bandit mobile can use the power of any magic pet without us having to be their human companion and with doubler in there we can copy ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wheels we don't want to be the real Bandits we will be oh yeah we demorphic Bandits have stolen morphle great let's morph him into a bulldozer so it's easier to steal the wheels of cars you know morph him into tweezers so it's easier to pluck feathers you're silly you're silly no you are foreign morph into tweezers [Music] morphle isn't doing anything of course not because we haven't put him in the Bandit mobile yet don't do that if you take out doubler there will only be two of us again we escape Martha have a pen what do we move no [Music] not that fast enough Mila [Music] finally now we need to get more full bath [Music] hi morphle yes but there are so many Bandits if they all work together there's nothing we can do [Music] really then I think we just might have a chance more for one morph into a T-Rex [Music] too morph into a robot one for three morph into a big fan now we're together to blow the feathers away [Music] oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] more for four more into one ramps doubler Bandits we need more feathers no we need more Wheels double the wheels that's a dumb idea you're a dumb idea no we need Wheels [Applause] um so I guess now we free Doubler [Music] bye [Music] bye no no no no that is not what we should do yeah it is more full morph into a big robot to catch them huh what oh no and then there were four more fools and four of the bandits and it was really exciting wow that sounds really scary no scary but the bandits didn't work together and we did and that way we could save doubler and then there is only one more full again [Music] oh hey yawn your Stein I'm glad you are the band at this stage when the others disappeared oh me too Stein good night yawn good night Stein whoa careful morphle telefox has the magic pet flew so you'll need to keep your distance for a while [Music] won't you get sick Daddy only magic pets can get the magic pet flu telefox and I will stay inside to make sure other magic pets can't get the flu now play don't worry we can still have fun inside right telefox [Music] look I wonder how that happened [Music] I think chroma has the magic pet flu as well don't get too close morphle foreign [Music] ER hi chroma I think you have the Magic Pen blue chroma so that's what it is chroma started sneezing right after a big bubble popped in front of her [Music] you should stay inside until you get better so you won't make any other magic pets sick we can still have fun at home think of all the paintings we can make [Music] a big bubble let's see where it came from whoa [Music] [Music] Builder Lawrence you should take a nimi home it has the magic pet flu oh no it must have gotten sick from one of those bubbles in the air let's go back home and get you better anime [Music] look Marvel it's boba [Music] Boba you need to go home and stay inside [Music] I don't think Boba wants to go inside let's go after it morphle oh [Music] oh do you feel good enough to chase after Boba yeah [Music] almost [Music] we have finally caught you you need to get inside boba when you're outside and sick you are making lots of other magic pets sick as well including more full and we can still have lots of fun at home right morphle [Music] playing inside can be fun as well [Music] [Music] Mila morphle I've made you some lemonade feet whoa whoa oops oh um I'll clean it up later I really want to finish reading my book [Music] I didn't break your Tower oh you ruined my drawing morphle no no no no no no how about YouTube go and do something else yeah [Music] sure [Music] hi I'm Professor evil Mr action is here to stop you miss action um sure I have built a machine that will make everyone fall asleep oh no Marissa action stop you you so exciting [Music] let's get this out of the way okay now where was I you haven't seen what the hell why did he take away the chest I'm offer no take a chest I did not break your silly building silly you know what I'm going to play Without You Without Mila perk put off a plane [Music] I wish no fun oh huh I don't know what to draw Marvel would think of something [Music] that was a great book [Music] I'm so mad at you for breaking the crayon on my drawing huh oh that was morphle I did that by accident what oh did you also break Marvel's block tower um yeah and take the toys away um yup and where to stick uh probably [Music] [Applause] of course I'm sorry I did all those things you two and I'm sorry I caused you to fight can I stay your friend as well of course dad yeah [Music] [Music] oh no look [Music] Builder Lawrence and mechanic Joe are wrecking the city why would they do that [Music] not in my city zapping with the Hypno Radion [Music] follow us yes sir morphle more into a giant robot okay stop Lawrence and Joe from Wrecking the city morphle foreign [Music] [Music] everybody will have to do what we said [Music] oh no [Music] Daddy we have to follow the bandits they hypnotized more full but how can we stop them when morphle doesn't do what you say foreign [Music] I'm sure it will work this time Mom there are two people here that want to tell you something if it isn't my good for nothing Sons I don't have time for the two of you right now the president isn't going to Blackmail himself tell her tell her your sons are the greatest baddies that I have ever seen in my city they are truly bad baddies what are you talking about my sons have never been real baddies and now they've even brought a cup to my house why you two are even worse baddies than I thought but mom tell us that we are great baddies yes tell us you are proud of us stop it Bandits why should we you are just a little girl without your red blob everybody grab them huh why are these people following your orders did you hypnotize them people shouldn't do what you say because you forced them they should do what you say because they agree with you and for Wrecking the city you two are going to jail my sons are getting arrested yes Mom we get arrested all the time oh boys the two of you are real baddies after all I'm so proud of you guys did you hear that Stein yes I did yawn yes I did [Music] the city looks perfect again but come on guys it's time for bed now no Daddy we don't want to go to bed and you should only do what people say if you agree with them that's true but little kids do what Their daddies say just daddies and mommies and school teachers and the police officer and grandmas and grandpas uh let's see m Mr mirror can you show us what's happening in the mirror world I most certainly can Mila [Music] [Music] put him back inside me that's awful in the mirror world everything is the opposite of what it's like in our world and since morphle is very friendly I am afraid that awful will want to do nothing but bad things good thinking we can't have warful running around in the city creating a mess come Marvel let's play with chroma for a while [Music] laughs hello morphle how are you today what are you doing [Music] ball you can't just leave me here [Music] foreign [Music] 's looking for you morphle you are morphle now get me back down from here [Music] thanks but I don't appreciate these kind of shenanigans it was you who put me on the roof in the first place morphle was inside with us the whole time no he put me on the roof and he was laughing about it like this [Music] oh no that sounds like awful Mr meemer show us the mirror world please oh no Orville has escaped oh dear we need to find him you guys [Music] thank you [Music] my car what are you doing morphle are you building something [Music] hey what's the deal here this isn't Fun more fool [Music] there you are this joke has lasted long enough put everything back please Morpher we must be getting close morph into a race car what about my car [Music] more full put us back on the ground but if that's more full who's that [Music] uh who's winning and who is the real morphle we need to make sure Orville can't pretend to be more full anymore chromas pink Oracle green [Music] purple queen hold up morphle let's help Troy and April down first [Music] I hope we have seen the last of Orville hahaha
Channel: Mila and Morphle - English Cartoons with Subtitles
Views: 266,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 123, CC, abc, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for children, cartoons with subtitles, children learning, close captions, education, educational cartoons, educational songs, educational videos, kids cartoons, kids songs, kindergarten, literacy, mila, mila & morphle, mila and morphle, morfo, morphle, morphle literacy, morphle nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, orphle, sing along, sing-along, songs for children, subtitles, with subtitles
Id: o58ZlKiRi4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 57sec (11037 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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