Crossing into USA on America's ONLY Unguarded Border Road

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well hello youtubers here I am it hope British Columbia I'm about to head up into the Skagit Valley to cross on the only unguarded American border road crossing into the u.s. and Washington State and for some reason they don't have any centuries there and it's a campground which mostly Canadians use because the Americans have to drive all the way up through north into Canada to get there so it's a gravel road I talked to several locals who said it's in reasonable shape and I should make it and I guess we're going to start finding out right now everyone says you you talks to you master is going through you hating that you went before me made me find the will to make it through still be after you so great the year she gave me get your heads and evil will fall through now for anybody curious it's exactly six kilometers to the US border from when you turn off and pull come up to the Skagit Valley Ross Lake area so make sure you got enough fuel so I finally made it I'm here in Washington State at the North Cascades and Mount Baker National Park and there's handouts here there's the Skagit Valley Provincial Park in the Canadian side where they actually charge you to camp which is on that side of the lake which I'll show you right now and we got a little bit of handout here about the North Cascades National Park Service US Department of the Interior I'll be reading that a little later it's quite a warm day here got my ice machine going off the solar panel which is nice you need a bunch of ice chill down and just taking it in it's quite little nice little place here mostly Canadians here obviously because Americans don't want to drive all the way through Canada to get to this little gem of a place and like I said even though there was a small chance that there would be a spot check there actually wasn't I do have my passport with me but you actually can get away with not having one I suspect a lot of the people here don't have a password you pretty much need a boat to get anywhere and then you need to hike through the bush and yeah probably a little red from the heat so that's it from here on the unguarded American border and the only road that is done guarded so I guess I'll do my Canadian Minuteman thing to keep track of the Canadian border if anybody sneaking north Amy time suspension bridge
Channel: Linescrew1
Views: 173,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Border, Canadian Border, Linescrew1, unguarded American border, Canada USA border, Linescrew Productions, Ross Lake, Skagit River, Hope, British Columbia, Canada, Ross Dam, Cascade national forest, US border, last unguarded American border road, border road, Canada border, Vancouver, border crossing, international boundary, 49th parallel, Washington State
Id: DjqRIZNburk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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