Crossing into NAMIBIA [S5 - Eps. 38]

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How are you doing? I'm fine and you? Alright, alright Where is your disc? Sorry? No disc on the bike? Good morning Internet, it is exactly 8:30 in the morning and welcome back to the channel I am ready.. Savannah is ready We are going to Namibia today I will show you what the plan is So I am now here in Springbok So I will first ride over the highway right here to the border and then I am going to follow the Orange River here do some off-roading and then I want to end up today in Ai Ais So entering a new country is always a little bit exciting border crossings are always a little bit nerve wracking to be honest But I am just really looking forward to today so let's go! Total distance of today, 250 kilometers including the border crossing so That will keep me busy for the day, I think So I believe it is about 100 kilometers to the border And that is all going to be paved and then afterwards I think it will be unpaved So.. it's an easy beginning of the day, I can quickly cover some distance cover that 100 kms and then hopefully.. on the Namibian side The fun will begin What is this? Check point Already Not at the border yet, I think Hi! Oh, this way Hello How are you? Good and you? How are you doing? I am fine and you? Alright, alright Where is your disc? Sorry? No disc.. on the bike License of the bike? - Yeah It's in my bag Oh, it is in your bag? Yeah I can take it Drive safely, have a good journey Yeah, thank you Bye! - Bye Alright, I guess this was a pre border check or something 'Cause it's not the border yet Alright, this is the border here I am also back at the Orange River That is also here again, looking at all the green Good morning Okay - You know the procedure right? No Complete the form and then you go to the department of Health for screening Okay, bye Let me see What is next Oh, okay How does this work? Alright, that seems to be the South African side I had to fill in some health forms and get a stamp by the police stamp my passport, that's it Your passport Passport Thanks Sorry? That - Ah, I need it at the gate Yeah, okay.. alright, got it That's okay? Thank you, bye Okay That was South Africa Now, let's see if we can get into Namibia What a beautiful place for a border crossing, look at this See now I am crossing the Orange River to the other side Stunning! Welcome to Namibia Okay Now we are going to do the entry here Let's see how that will go Parking here I think I just had a health screening which I passed then I had to pay some road tax Now I have to do some more customs stuff There probably A scale Alright, not sure what this is all about, this paper got stamped again That was it. Now I go to the gate This one then Yes, how are you? Good and you? Put a stamp in it.. I go to - Okay Thanks - You pay for the road? - Yes I did I can finally say it Welcome to Namibia! That was actually quite a smooth border crossing, it took an hour and 15 minutes so that is not bad not bad at all So first, what I am going to do is, there is a petrol station here I am going to make a stop get some Namibian dollars out of the ATM Shell ATM I think I also need to buy some water 'cause I actually didn't fill up my hydration pack completely and it is going to be hot, hot, hot So let's get all of these logistical things done before I start to go off-road somewhere in the middle of nowhere Hi - Hello How are you? - I am good and you? Good thanks. Question, first can I pay with Rand? Yeah - I can, okay Then full please Full tank? - Yeah Okay Stocked up on everything I bought some fruit as well so I have a little snack with me It's now 11:45 so almost noon and I still need to ride 127 kms which I think is mostly going to be dirt so We better get going Alright, there we go Here starts the unpaved Seems like a pretty okay gravel road So far Let's see.. what will happen For 80 kilometers. Well, I will not follow this road for 80 kilometers Going to take a right in about 7 kms Wow, look at this Stunning! A lot of people on bicycles I am going to take a right here This is the trail I am going to ride I think Here is the trail Right, time to lower my tyre pressure a little bit because eh.. It's going to be a sandy affair I think, again This is a nice little trail I am riding through a dry river bed at the moment Um.. oh Wait the trail was there this way What an awesome canyon to ride through Wow, it must get so hot here in summer time Unbelievable I already opened all my ventilation zippers Oh wait, not the arms yet Let me open those as well Alright Much better Well, there is a little bit of water here But it's nothing compared to how much water this canyon could carry Oeh, there are some animal prints here also No idea, what animals roam this place Namibia is quite different from South Africa in that regards Wild animals just do roam freely around the country Whereas in South Africa all the big animals are within nature reserves They do get leopards every now and then but that is so rare that you don't really have to worry about dangerous predators in South Africa but I think Namibia is an entirely different ball game Very different Um Where do I go? There is two ways So there are only 2.2 million people living in Namibia And if you take into account the size of the country on average that means less than 3 people per square kilometer but of course most of the people all live in the capital and other urban areas So that means that the vast majority of Namibia is just emptiness vast landscapes and just nothing So I think.. well, it sounds like the perfect country to me Empty roads and just nature, desert.. oh, I love it I have been looking forward to exploring Namibia for quite a while Find the trail Here? I think It's a little hard to follow It's not really sign posted or anything Ah, yeah must be here Oh no wait, it went there not here This way Can't believe, I didn't drop her now Back on track Oeh, temperatures are rising It's obviously midday And I can't really move very fast on this terrain I have to be a bit cautious 'cause of all the stuff like this Sometimes it is soft, sometimes it is not Wow, so now I have the mountains on that side and then just sand dunes on the other side That is just incredible Think I lost the track again though.. oh it's here Ah here, they put a pole I don't think, anyone passed through here in a little while I have no tracks, oh wait I think it is over there Here Yes There some animal prints as well Straight through here I think Whaa this is not so easy to find this track all the time Kind of comes and goes.. disappears And I know the general direction but I am just not sure where they want me to ride Ah here it is still okay I guess the trail just continuously is being washed away if there is a little bit of rainfall The tracks.. the tyre tracks from the previous person are gone And you just.. riding somewhere I think over here Or not? I am not sure I see tracks everywhere here Oh wait, I see a pole.. a pole! Found a pole So this must still be the right track Last bit of gravel I think Well, I am back at the main road here Look at that Ah these red mountains are just.. incredible I am just taking a small break to.. properly drink some water and I am also going to put some air back in my tyres because I don't need to run that low tyre pressure on this hard gravel It will only just wear my tyres Alright, all set Let's go Oh, baboons on the road Oeh, there is loads of them here I see more over there I think I am here I am at the Ai Ais Hotsprings And I am going to try to stay the night here place of burning water They have room. So they said yeah we have room pay, I did and then they let me wait one hour and a half for the key Yeah, they were still cleaning the room So this room better be gigantic if it takes them an hour and a half! Yeah, it is somewhere there so I will just park here get all my stuff in the room and then put Savannah on the other side Alright, and now I can properly settle in my room now I just went, there is a little shop here where I just went and I bought myself a Namibian sim card and then I spent the next half hour trying to top it up with data but it finally worked so now I am also connected even though reception here is pretty non existent but hey So yeah, welcome to Namibia I thought it was a pretty good start I loved the ride through that canyon It was absolutely amazing and it was a bit of mission to actually find a track but it was also pretty cool I am just looking forward to everything else that is here and that I will discover so that was it for today I really hope you liked this video if you did please give me a big thumbs up and subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video
Channel: Itchy Boots
Views: 1,861,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honda, Honda CRF250L, crf250L review, dual purpose bike, South Africa on motorcycle, motorcycling south africa, things to see south africa, RTW, round the world on motorbike, adv rider, motorbike traveller, female motorcycle traveler, solo female traveller, best dirt bike, travelling south africa
Id: 4baFj4_Rva0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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