CrossButton VR | Ep65: When VR Goes Too Far

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[Music] PlayStation hello and good day to you my beautiful friends I do hope you are well welcome to episode 65 of cross button VR our journey into the world of psvr 2 I am your host Lori and it is an honor to be joined by one of the most piratey influ uences in the metaverse it's Reese hello oh you didn't do the oh yeah I should I should have just done that yeah so just if anyone says why is Rees piratey someone just telling me so people just give give him bottles of rum whenever he SE whenever whenever someone wants to give me a gift they usually give me a bottle of rum appr ho and a bottle of rum no I should probably start doing that though that would actually probably go over better just oh thank you for the ROM but even more rum then even more yeah no anytime someone drop me a gift rum is what I get so send him some rum well I like whiskey you like rum I like whiskey as well of course you do of course you do just them smart man have you had a good day ree I have how about you oh it's been a busy one I've been running around I don't work Friday so I've been running around everywhere with the kids I've been every time I get somewhere I feel like it's time to leave and get to the next place I've just been in a Non-Stop kind of day so this is the first time I've really sat down over da so I've been come talk to me it's amazing this is nice we have to out we have a chat we have uh have a have a m about and uh yeah it's a nice nice way to wear my Friday and have you got a whiskey with you because now I'm going to be disappoint if you don't I don't I just have a I should have brought a beer out with me because it's quite warm up here and I could actually kill for a beer right now um but I should get we'll wrap this up and then I should go and probably open a can of something thinking if I've got anything actually I think there is one thing I think there's at least one can in the fridge and we'll be okay anyway enough about my drinking problems or or not my non- drinking problems as well drinking problem yeah yeah um I'm just going to just just talk because I just need to find a bit of news this is some breaking news news a bit of new a lot news this week I'm sure of it but let me just quickly adjust my you say there a lot of news okay you adjust your mic enough yeah it was a bit low so feel like it needs to be right in front of my face no I'm yeah Ben comes to do the edit if our sound is not right then it it'll tell us you need you need to like get your finger like that and you need to make sure it's that distance away from your mouth Yes Ben sorry Ben yeah yeah yeah s yeah all right are we ready sorry Ben Ben can edit this bit out and post it's fine he doesn't mind um he won't okay anyway so the breaking news that we've had tonight is there is a new astrobot that is game expected to be announced within the next 15 days not two weeks the next 15 days yeah there was very specific with that according to some leaky type of person apparently part of the game is set this is I'm now reading Wario 64's uh Twitter part of the game is set in a desert environment which I don't think we had in the previous G did we and one of the new characters is a fenic fox in the form of a robot that sounds intriguing there's a random detail that sounds like it's such a random detail you think must be true cuz like like they've managed to see a picture something from it I wouldn't make a detail like that it does feel a bit like exactly yeah a weird thing specific the other annoying part of this rumor which you're not going to like it's seemingly it is a PS5 game and not a psvr2 game yeah how do you feel about that that can't be a thing that Happ how do you feel about that right when I read it I believe I saw I think I saw a um like a parody post of it first before you sent the one that you sent so I was like oh people just mess around on Twitter then you sent that one I was like oh okay that's what they were messing around off of and when I read it's not VR I was like asro started in VR okay and I get that he's now become bigger than it but I feel like it still deserves to be a hybrid game I don't mind if it's a hybrid game but it needs to be VR because that's just how I remember playing Astro don't get me wrong I love the Astro that was on PS5 but I want to play in VR again I want to experience that in VR again without hooking up fre wires to actually play it again I mean I'm cuz I feel like there needs to be an followup to Astro bot rescue machine like there's so many so many people's like my kids love that game all three of my kids love that game and they played through it multiple times I've played through the whole campaign multiple times it is the only game like seriously this is the only game I've platinumed ever and that tells you yeah I just wanted to keep going it's not a difficult Platinum but you know well all right I felt quite proud all right no I didn't feel bad I just want I just loved it playing it so much I was just like yeah I'll just keep there's anything else that I need to find because it is you just have to find everything don't you and fill up the museum yeah it was just a really good game basically just fill out that Museum and obviously being a a long time PlayStation Fanboy I was like uh Keen to Keen to just get all the bits of fat to go all the the digital Museum stuff and I just loved you could run around it and interact with everything and uh and yeah and in that museum you've got the psrr1 headset and in that headset it plays of course astrobot yes uh I mean so I can absolutely see why they need to follow up to it because that game is so beloved and if they just did it on PSR 2 you'd have 60 million PlayStation 5 owners who can't play it because you probably only got like 1 million maybe two million at push that have got PSR to so I absolutely see why they need to just do it and it needs to be uh a flat game but whether it's got uh a map or just like a whole exclusive VR World attached to it or some there if there isn't any VR element to it like an extra expansion that's VR or like a whole world or set of levels or it's a hybrid game that just plays better in VR then I think that is Sony's way of saying we're not you they can't support the headset with an astrobot a new astrobot game then I think that's just their way of saying we're not going to support the headset anymore I think the way you like with just having maybe like exclusive level to VR I think I'd be happy with that as well not because I'm I'm like fan of exclusivity it's just more of I remember when concrete Genie did that and I felt like I was getting this extra part of the game that was just you know it was just something you know it's something you could experience if you had the VR conrete J Love concrete J such a good game it was like I mean again with the VR addon of that it wasn't enough for you to go oh I've missed out on anything but it was also enough for you to go I feel like I've experienced something for the people that did and yeah concrete jior was amazing um I plaed that one as well can't believe they shut down pixelopus yeah in Sony you're hard to love sometimes you really we try we try you keep doing these things I mean what if there was a new ashot on PS5 full game and all they did was Port the ps31 what is that game called what's asro asro uh It Is Res isn't it cuz you have playroom and you asro boot Rescue Mission yes that's right yeah yes Rescue Mission they res Mission with some extra like you know they enhance it and stuff htics would be happy with that only because I obiously be thrilled and be thrilled because somebody that's has played it again like played again i' played it before I'd gladly Play It Again definitely yeah um would I still want a new one in VR certainly but I still wouldn't be missing out on playing the new experience that I also enjoyed in flat screen so I mean if they did do that and say oh they show the trailer and go also we're bringing Rescue Mission back to psvr one uh P you know pting it to psvr2 i' I'd be frilled with that just simply because there is a lot of people that missed out on that and I think lot need to experience it to give them that to want to play VR so yeah I see I kind of want both I want another flat astrobot and I want exper I just want to play res um Rescue Mission I'd be happy with that but I want a new Rescue Mission as well because I'm basically I basically want to play three new astro Bot games I want to play Rescue Mission I want to play rescue mission 2 and I want to play playroom two could you imagine though this leak was just for one of the games there is actually three games they're be but it does make me think if they're saying it's going to be with the next two weeks hopefully that means we'll get the uh the Showcase in the next couple of weeks because you got to think that's going to be if they don't have any new big franchises in like you got a Wars or you're Uncharted or whatever last of us a new asro B if for this holiday season could be a really popular good I think that would be a system set push and I think as well is like we said before there's not anything to cross the two between psvr 1 and psvr2 I mean yes you have um switch back but on a level that's not exactly the same as uh Rush of Blood so I mean you don't really have a system where you look at and you go oh I want to play the sequel of that because whereas Russia blood isn't really a sequel of Switchback it's two different universes whereas like if they did asot in the same world and same thing like that you might go oh I love the first one I want to play that again it might make people that own the psvr one who haven't upgraded yet to go out and get the psvr 2 and I mean even if only sells another hundred systems of it it's it's still worth it because it'll make them experience other games on the system as well for the try that they haven't tried yet yeah and it's not even if they don't sell any more systems I feel like you [ __ ] owe us Sony come we bought we bought a headset to play games like I bought on you [ __ ] ow Us games like this so even the existing people that have bought one they might not sell that many copies but it's like I don't give a [ __ ] Tony you you made this headset and sold it to to people with the understanding expectation there was going to be some level of first party support and I think the an asro Bot game is the the bare minimum of what people expect now frankly yeah I'd say so when me and my partner preed our psvr2 we were obviously looking forward to firewall which I'm you know unfor turned out the way move on move on but we we also was looking forward and we kind of you know 99% sure in our mind that within the year another astrobot game was going to get announced because that was another game that we both LED playing obviously it wasn't multiplayer but we both played it separately and we both really enjoyed it it's one that she still remembers this day and obviously when she recently got a quest while she was so excited to get Max Master because it's so similar in them senses and she went to play a game on that again so we were both hyped and just in our mind we was like oh obviously you know sooner or later astr bot's going to come and we've not heard nothing and I do feel like from them early day one buyers it's like we was kind of expecting this the first year and we're still waiting they are kind of still waiting like we are the yeah carrying the per anyway let's let's not do because it's going to be old news very soon hopefully we'll get and we'll talk about it again in a week or two weeks or maybe if it's 15 days uh three weeks time I'm sure the leak will get debunked in like the next two hours and what we've will be irrelevant so that would be really embarrassing wouldn't it yeah it would be but at least we our episode yeah it was a little time capsu uh you reminded me when you say about you and your partner waiting for a new Asher bot when I remember when I got the switch uh I didn't know what the library was going to be like on the switch this is like back in 2017 and I thought oh it's all right because they'll have the Virtual Console on there and there's a load of old Zelda games on the Virtual Console that I want to play so I'm sure I'll be able to play those on day one because of course why wouldn't they have the Virtual Console on there [ __ ] six years later [ __ ] Majora's Mask came to the switch online service I finally got to play it I [ __ ] six years AG did they release the Virtual Console straight away no they didn't have it on there at all that's was my point yeah cuz CU that was one of the reasons why I was first I need to go on the NX podcast to make it's like that to tell stories like that sorry I uh I had to literally dust my switch today there you go that proves you how much I Ed the thing right Max that's another little deep cut there um anyway let's let's move on I'm sure we'll talk about asro in a few weeks time oh my um yeah Max has been pumping out the tunes he's doing some some great work entertaining us all in our WhatsApp with new theme song yeah some good good content there for people um okay next bit of news we've got a date for sushi Ben I'm GED Ben is not here tonight to discuss Sushi Ben but maybe next week so it comes out on Tuesday the 28th of May which is the day this episode drop so if you weren't aware of that you're listening to this first thing in the morning when we put this episode out that means tonight I can go and play Sushi Ben so yeah yeah good good for you go go give it a play this very high regarded well yeah is it though because it's a funny one because it's been on Quest since I would want to say October but I've only seen one review of it by remind me who it is friend of the show VR realm VR realm yeah it's a good review uh I really like very in depth as well with VR realm's n out of 10 or 90 out of 100 yeah he does he does percentage Yeah but I mean you know really well regarded and it looks great and it's got a new blog post on the Playstation blog written by the technical director Brian Edward Hicks of the big brain Studios um it just gives some more details of the game and yeah there's some nice there a video trailer and stuff on there that is worth looking at but yeah I just I really I'm looking forward to this after having read it it was kind of was vaguely aware of it but I wasn't really sure what to expect with it but yeah the fact that they just describe it as this kind of narrative story driven game that's what I want more story driven games I want more narrative not yeah it's just kind of mini game you running a sushi restaurant you have to do favors for everyone in the town so that they come to your sushi restaurant and uh it's kind of a bit wholesome it's bit of a manga story it's it's bit of a kind of a graphic adventure kind of thing but VR I guess is how you'd be it seems to be very much a focus on the story and it's written by The Mad genius that did hat for boyfriend a hatto MOA um yeah and hat for boyfriend I play played that have you have you played it yeah so when I talk about that before Alex and Ben just laugh they had no idea what it was I was like it's a pigeon day in see and like what the [ __ ] yeah it's sounds completely mad but it's but it's quite like it's it's it's like when you look at it you think of the exact same thing cuz both games are just completely out there and wacky and I remember when we I don't know if it's the first time we saw the trailer but it was at the VR showcase egx and this game came on and you saw the businessman get turned into a motorcycle and I that stuck with me since then it was such a random thing and i' like to anyone to think of that as a as a thing in a game just blows my mind yeah but yeah it's it's silly so yeah definitely one to keep an eye on I think yeah I think it's been enhanced since the quest it's got better visuals and haptics and stuff so I yeah really like look this one so I want the quest store reviews are quite good as it as well so I mean yeah it does seem like a lot of people that have bought the game and reviewed it on the quest St questor has like it own little review section where you can top up your reviews and things like that so does seem a lot of people that have purchased it played it and seem to be enjoying it as well so well I think we are du to get some codes for that one so I will be Keen to play it and give our thoughts on our next episode moving on let's talk about the ever reliable for regular news drops uh walkout mini golf and I've got to say when you never know what they're going to do next and once again they do a a new announcement of what they're doing where they're going next with it You' be like okay I did not see that coming this next one is an Elvis themed of course um yeah so yeah amazing because they announced the Avatar packs as well yesly the three of them you got the Fraggle Rock Dark Crystal and exploding kittens so when I first read it and I I saw the the picture of like Dark Crystal I like oh it's going to be a Dark Crystal call oh wait that's a that's just an avatar pack and then I read that it was an Elvis one I was like oh okay I was I was kind of feel like a Dark Crystal one would be really good but then they've already done Labyrinth which is a bit similar in a sense isn't it so I mean yeah I don't know what to expect from this one at all like I I have no idea i' like the whole Viva loss Elvis thing I've I'm yeah afford my time uh yeah so these Avatar packs there's one for Elis as well and they are $1.99 uh and you basically get custom heads that are in the theme of the world as well so not a huge thing but it's just to be a fun way to personalize a game and just $2 I think basically is it and they've said that literally it's just for the cost of the license for them I don't think they're doing it to makeing money LIC in probably it's just just funny just to you'll be able to have like I don't know I I can't think of any fraggles names but you could just have like the head of a fraggle um which should be quite funny no I just remember the them song that's that's stuck with me I just think it'd be really funny going around like an Elvis course with all of us looking like Elvis impersonators with presum like an Elvis mask in the hair and stuff it'll be awesome like a c stream with us all doing an Elvis impression we wearing Elvis heads they're also doing some free packs to go with that as well just with different animals and stuff that you can be so they've adding some some new free packs that you can get as well nice um the go I think it's 2025 they've dated it so yeah that's shame um and then the Wallace and gromets one this year that's not out yet is it the Wallace and no it's not out yet that's one that I am excited to play because that's ripe childhood content there like I remember that from like just sitting there watching as a kid so for me that's just going to be pure Nostalgia and I think it's going to give me that same feeling that the Labyrinth one gave me so I'm looking forward to that one definitely walk about Min has got to be top well definitely my top five games yeah I think it's got to be top on anyone's list just for the simple reasons one the sheer amount of content and two when you play with friends or even on your own it's so much fun more so with friends saying that have you seen uh gamertag VR but out a video today on his YouTube uh his top 20 games on the headset and I don't think he featured walk about manyi golf um so but I was like went through it it's a really good list like the 20 games uh all really good games did you just see what his number one uh I did not I watched half of the video and then I lost signal on my phone when I was on the bus so andl imagine you on the bus watching your game video um no it was Resident Evil 4 remake is his number one oh okay number one and I'm like oh I'm really looking forward to playing that now because all the bers that were going through the list and stuff um I was like oh god I've got that let play brilliant I hav't haven't started that yet that's cool but going through his list there was loads of games on there that I wouldn't have loads of like shooty shooty bang bang shite as Alex would say um lots of you you would love his list because it's like breaches and Pavlov and all that kind of stuff yeah I think I got to a part where is just I saw breaches and then it froze a little bit so I don't know where breaches was on the list but yeah my my list would be very very different I've got stuff like walk about I'd have on there um I trying to think what games I had that that he didn't um obviously my mind's G completely now I can't think of a single thing um The Last clock Winder go on my list um another that you speak really highly of that oh yeah we love we love the last clock Winder in this house I'd agree with you with Fishman Tower I think I would put the first one on my list over the second one personally I know that is that's a conversation for another day there ree we're g really see I yeah oh second one only VR games made me c i don't I I enjoyed the second one it was just the controls of the the hand that was it yeah it was a bit I'll give you that it was story was really good but I just enjoyed the first one with how situated it was yeah man gamertag though no [ __ ] s Riders on his list apologies gamertag V if I've missed I watched you yeah I I don't think I don't think there was any s Riders um yeah uh before your eyes there not on there probably not my either but but there's just of stuff probably would be on mine but it was a good game well Alex and Ben they love it um room VR that probably be on my list especially in my top 20 but there's so many games on there that yeah I think but people say they don't you don't get games on there there's not enough games on it and I think we you know we're very fortunate we we get codes to to um to play and to talk about but if you're average person I can't imagine buying 20 games for like the PS5 I've had for like four years and I've probably bought I don't know a dozen games four and obviously the much longer game and VR games but like I can EAS lot of VR games on the first week yeah I could easily recommend these are 20 games that you go out and buy these these games these are all solid recommendations um there so much so much variety as well so anyway what were we talking about walk about mini golf it should be on it should be on gamertags list but other than that it's a good list gam tag in the comment now he like what do you mean it should be there like hey we love it when people comment hey like it's not on your list cuz you haven't played it with us that's probably why if you played it with me and you saw how bad I was at golf you would probably have a good laugh so that's probably why it's not on that yeah yeah yeah you can't put on your list you're sh it um moving on we have well you've spotted apparently the devs of swordsman um they s studio I would say they've announced this you just said they've been they've just but they've said they're just getting to work now they SK some funding to start working on a new free-to-play VR combat game yes that's pretty cool yeah especially again I feel like they're quite that was loud I feel like with um with Sin Studio I feel like they've kind of hit the mark really well on their combat game like I mean obviously a lot of people played swordsman the Collision based combat that's on it is really well done there's a lot of great things about that game I mean don't get wrong I think a lot of other games have done something similar and in some senses may have expanded on it because the world they've made around it whereas this is quite situated with the combats but they feel really cool and yeah I'm really excited to see what they do with a new game with this type of funding for them so yeah good on them yeah obviously no idea when it's going to arrive or or anything yet so yeah there's NOS that just a little bit of a I suppose excitement people little tipit there for people that like swordsman um and then the final bit of news through about this week is beat saber uh another game which did not feature on gamertags list um as announced OST 7 and you told me this one and I was like what the [ __ ] is that this is we'll go on you you tell us what yeah it's beat saber's original soundtracks they release them every now and then it has sometimes four to five songs in it which will be featured as in-house artists from their team or once before they've also added you know uh Living Tombstone on there I think was on there before and I believe one of them featured dragon fce as well which was incredible L difficult I highly recommend trying that song on even medium or hard it will make you sweat it's crazy so yeah it'll just have four to five new songs free as usual and just expands the game of what's already great about it you know without you having to buy a pack so if you don't have to buy packs now what is what you're saying to me I've already got six free packs of around five songs so on your yeah on yours you'll have you'll have the six six oral soundtracks you also extras as well there's also an extra pack and I believe there's one other pack as well crystallized pack which is all three so you have all them so you have the original songs that are for it and then you have the various packs as well as extras which extras gets added to every now and then with remixes you know so there's it's definitely worth picking up even if it's just a base game and then you want to buy the packs later on for you know artists that you actually like then you can certainly do that what is your favorite pack that you've bought oh I'm going to say either the Imagine just simply because it's one that I've played a lot and it was one of the first packs I bought and I feel like the songs works really well on it they did later change it and update it but the the song still work really well on beat Saab they go well and I'd say the more recent one I bought was the mar shenoda one and I was really having a blast of that have they got a proper Lincoln Park pack yes they have got a proper Lincoln Park pack so I want to get yeah I think I want the queen pack and I want the Lincoln Park pack be a great one for when people come around and everyone loves Queen it's just great everyone know all the songs Lincoln Park is just like personally just grew up my teen years right there same as me link Park all the way but literally the so the mar One features some link Park songs as well and it's more of the newer stuff they released which was from the more deluxe editions of their albums that were released after Chester pass so yeah definitely worth checking out I I love beats area it's still one that I jump into quite a lot do my 30 minute sessions in there quite a lot of the time when I'm doing me VR exercises beat saber is another one like pistol whip that I'm just leaving on the Shelf thinking that when I new releases finally dry up I'm going to go back to the well and uh pull out the you know I'll play the card and I'll play the pistol whip card and I'll pistol Whip's definitely one to that star Warsame experience is yeah there's a Star Wars game there's a list of maybe we should do that with kind of the list why you don't need to that because you played everything but I I've been buying certain games on St I haven't went around to play them yet and the Star Wars one that you mentioned is one I have bought when I haven't got around to playing it yet IED to buy that one say I was going to buy it and then I never that was the best had but yeah I I probably get the Imagine Dragons pack as well because my son bloody loves Imagine Dragons yeah it's a really good pack and they added two extra songs to it which unfortunately you did have to pay for the two extra songs but they they're both good songs so yeah definitely worth checking them ones out I think the Rocks mixtape as well is very the rock mix tape very I bought a lot of them I used to buy all the new packs even if it was something on there that I didn't like it was just because it was more songs to play and I think I stopped when they released I think it was just after they released the Skrillex pack I stopped buying them because I had an issue with the right motion controller where it wasn't tracking properly on that game back on the psvr one so I just stopped buying the packs H interesting one pack I would not buy is the Billy ish pack because I do not understand Billy ish I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure my M bought that one I'm pretty sure that's the one she bought she bought magic dragons because I because when she got her Quest I she went I want to play um beat I could call it's crossplay me thinking it's crossplay it's not crossplay by the way so I had to buy beat saber again on the quest just to play versus with her and then I had to buy the Imagine Dragons pack because unlike simp Riders if one of you owns the pack the other person can't hear that song whereas simp Riders say literally so when I play simp riders with Alex he has all the packs on the quest so he'll host the game and play all the songs and I can hear them you can't do that on be sa which is a big shame so yeah I had to buy the Imagine Dragons pack and she was like I'll buy the Billy is and I was like I am not buying the Billy ish pack it's not happening I don't listen to her music I think I only know bad guy and that's it yeah oh well let's not talk any more about Billy ish on this podcast ever again okay well that's there ends there ends the news uh don't there must be pack is anyway not enough beat saers chat um before we move on if everyone would like to support us please give the podcast a sub however they're listening to us whatever you're doing just subscribe like review comment share it with someone um next time someone paral delivery comes to your door say to them hey Have you listened to the Cross button VR podcast we going do that my next time Amazon turns up actually know they run away from the door if you ask we've got some stickers we can send you can give out stickers to people if you want on our behalf forget the fact there is an election on don't go knocking on doors for any of the political parties just start door knocking for cbvr please um and once you've done that you can join our Discord and say hello to everyone prob do that first actually that if you're at that stage you probably should be the Discord by now um and yeah and you can also support us by when you are buying your uh lenses for any of your VR headsets you can go to VR rock at vren and you can buy some LS from there and re if you use the code c b VR you get 10% off and free worldwide shipping so there you go that's cbvr cbvr it's at vren okay you have you've had a busy week haven't you you've just been playing lots of clean sheet tell me more about got hooked to it so I jumped back into it after we spoke about a little bit because I think last week I played just the quick shot mode I still keep forgetting the modes it's three modes Cho choose from the fourth one is basically just your tutorial and ways to learn how to play the game which I'm going to be honest is not really needed it's quite intuitive and you know what you got to do you got to stop a ball with your hands it's pretty simple to what yeah exactly who knew um so I was just messing around with some of the settings and things like that and trying to get a feel for the haptics to see what the support is like with that just so I kind of know the full extent of the game itself um so firstly when I started playing it I did turn off Collision body because I didn't like seeing my shoulders when I was playing it so I turned it off so it's just my gloves but then I heard people saying l oh you can can you headbut the ball and I was like no I was trying I started throwing the ball to my head couldn't do anything that so if you turn Collision body on you can headbut the balls you can also use your actual head to block the ball as well and when you do you get headset haptics which literally makes your whole head Rumble like i' hope so yeah if you didn't get haptics on it be I mean there is haptics on the controller but they're very subtle like to the point where like I only noticed it when I was like juggling the ball or catching it kind of a lot of the time but you it's very subtle so if you're used to the haptics you might not notice it so I mean I've been paying a lot of it I've got into the top 100 on the easy and the uh medium leader BS so I played them I'm still trying to do the professional one but I think I have to play it for about 30 minutes until I get into the top 100 now because the how many people been jumping on it oh now if you tell Alex you've been getting into the global leaderboard he'll be like he'll be St stiffing around I can't stop jumping on it I can't like I had like my washing in here the other day so I can't play my VR where I usually play it to the point where I like move the washing mov the thing around the room just so I could play this game so there's there's also another mode which is set play and on that one it will play out scenarios of footballers shooting the ball towards you and you know pass it around headbutt it in that kind of stuff you do save the ball to these scenarios which he pretty good because you don't know who's going to take the shot so you're kind of looking at each one as it's going along which I thought was really cool and they they feel really well done like it does actually feel like you've got these footballers in front of you taking these shots so Props to for that imagine be so cool as well for for people that play football a lot and like because a lot of kids especially are just obsessed by they live breath and they eat sleep Die Repeat football um and that's just all they want to do I've got some friends who got young kids who just want to do it and just to have something like this you can just do even after you come home you got to come in you could just play this as well you can just carry on playing football carry on training carry on just just working at it it's it's really cool yeah I mean when I was younger and I used to play football it I did used to play goal I enjoyed that and I think it's because I just didn't want to run around on pitch and had the fear of messing up kind of thing so I used to stick stick and go and I enjoyed that so it does kind of take me back to them times where I used to play just not having to dive which was always the worst thing to do because yeah it was just painful sometimes but so it does give me that same feeling with having to have that reaction be really quick when the ball comes towards you and when they kick the ball or even the when you play on the professional level of the quick shot mode and the ball Springs out really quickly you do notice the speed of it and you do have to quickly grab it and it does on one of them I think it's set play it will show you where you miss shots and how it bounced and got into the goal so you can kind of look and think okay am I reaching that area properly let's try that again so there's all these ways to kind of make you improve at this game but no it's it's quite addictive for what it is and I think it says a lot as well for these small idea games coming to VR but have a very fun gameplay Loop because for me I just I keep wanting to play it like even talking about now I want to jump back into it because it is very addictive Chris I I love how much you're loving it I really do um let's let's leave it on there because I think we're going to try and get uh one of the devs on uh TN in the next few weeks trying to find trying to find some times we've got a few hectic weeks with various holidays coming out the next few weeks but we're trying to find a week but we'll probably revisit clean sheets when we do do that um so yeah I have been playing well I promise you I'd give this a go uh and this is kind of talk about what we been playing we'll just we'll just go straight into our main topic where we want to talk about how far is too far in VR so this is something that I kind of wish Ben and I here as well because as the sort of newcomers now but be useful for me as a newcomer and you for the seasoned ficado when it comes to to VR with you C legs and all that and and really one of the things we've all talked about in in our little group and Ben especially is just like this is just too much this is too intense and just certain things and certain experiences doing certain stuff in VR it's just like oh just like nope this is too much um mentally draining I think is the best word for it and I'm not talking about because obviously you've got I can think of like racing in gt7 where it just literally just makes you feel sick and that's kind of the motion sickness it's not so much that it's more a psychological thing just like I am not comfortable doing this or being in this situation because I think we touch on some of the things as well that brings on brought on the discussion I think as well yeah those so as someone that's never really enjoyed or played horror I don't know why I agreed to this but I played The Exorcist and yeah I did the first level and then I did a bit the second level and then I I to stopped playing and by that point I was just like thank God i' can't play anymore because I've got something else I need to do um oh God that the first level it just just oh God just even making makes feel so it's so dark so but I mean it's great example of the OLED definitely um because it is so dark but the things you need to see you can still still see it's dark for a reason um but just oh God just being in that uh the priest's back office and you can hear the noise outside the room you're like what the [ __ ] is that I don't I'm nowh I'm leaving this room and yeah I mean I'm going to be a bit spoilery now so just yeah stop listening to this the first mission yeah it's the first mission I haven't got really far enough to spoil it properly but there's a bit where I won't spoil it too much something creeps up on you and is literally breathing down your neck and the headset haptics kind of make you gives you that shiver down the spine and the exist is a really good looking game wolf and wood have done fantastic good it's a fantastic job it's almost wol wood it was ported by VR monkey this time but yeah I mean w from would they like the original yeah they set the ground photo realistic in parts for sure so you're in this setting that looks very realistic and they can do it because the settings are quite small and yeah this this scene is nearly complet completely ped back so what you can see is almost photo realistic um yeah you've got thing breathing down your neck and that is oh like because you're in obviously in first person you're you're there you can't look around quickly enough like you're literally spinning around just to try and see what's behind you and you're in this scene where there is noises coming from all around you people are throwing books at your head and you feel it when the impact lands sometimes you see it sometimes you don't it depends if you're looking the right way or not and I'm just looking around this room and there's [ __ ] just appearing and I can't keep up with it all quickly enough and the lights are flashing and I just like this is [ __ ] like it's quite I I get it I get that it's fun and it's enjoyable and I can see why people enjoy it because it's like being in a watching a scary movie but it just compared to watching a horror movie it's so much more intense being in that world having no it's not like when you're watching on a panel in your TV in the corner of your room uh the middle of your room it's it's all of everything that you can see and there's nothing else that you can you can't get out of it you can't look away you know even if you close your eyes I think so much of it is in the sound and You' talked about this with Madison so much of the horror comes from the sound assign um and just yeah I just like this is too I can't do it it's is too intense and in the second level you start off that and you're there and there a you conceal the security cameras I won't say too much but I don't want to get too specific I don't want SP things but you can just hear this this woman crying on one of them and it's the most unearthing horrible thing that you can just hear hear crying um and then on the intercom as well you can hear it and is it someone screaming or is it just static or like interference over the intercom or is it scream you can't quite tell what it is that you're hearing and it's just oh it's just so unnerving and un just like really put me on edge really gave me the heie GBS Reese it gave me the he GBS it's it's very well done and I think on the trailer again it was one of them ones that kind of stated it's uh I don't know if it's the scariest but one of the scarier VR games or I mean Exorcist alone has always been such a staple point of horror but yeah this made me jump and like I said last week I do feel like Madison's kind of broken down that barrier that I've had for horror now to the point where like I'm now back to I need to build myself back up which says a lot um but yeah this is making me jump it's unnerving it's so dark like and it it does really show how well darks look in the psvr2 they look great you can't see where you are unless you have that torch and just even then you kind of see look if if you don't have your torch on because I actually didn't find the torch on the first level I did not find one no where that so I I still haven't done it I carried on I cracked on with the second level a little bit and I was like oh okay but so there is a talk in the first it's more a candle type of thing so I could I was just there with the cross just like waving at anything just like just holding I was like this got do something right it's got to do something so I was literally you can see it's not too dark to the point where you can't see something in the darkness moving you're like is that something there or is is my eyes just paying tricks on me and you've got that worry in your head as well but no they have done a really good job obviously fun any horror fans who play this game don't sleep on NEX CU we spoke about fun Train's last game which was obviously Twilight Zone which we enjoyed for various reasons and obviously some things that we didn't enjoy but I think I feel like with this it feels like such a solid game in the horror esque of what is it's like it's enough to I probably wouldn't recommend it to like somebody who's never played horror before just simply because it is that scary um but then some people don't mind scary stuff do that CU it felt very very different because any other real horror game I played was that uh propagation Paradise Hotel and that was more had lots of jump scares they love a jump scare in that game def but it's then you just you have a gun you can just shoot and that's always my argument don't do enjoy horror games like that but it's it's like I've always said if you got a shotgun in your hand then I'm not going to be as scared because I feel I can defend myself whereas if I'm just holding across like this got to do something right and all these little vials I can throw of salt on water like what's this going to do yeah you feel so defenseless it's uh it's horrendous yeah but no it is really well done from a horror fan of VR games it does get my approval of what I've played um I think it's really well made and I think the pole stands up really well obviously there is some things where textures may look a little bit less than what they could be but bear in mind this was originally on psvr one you know Quest two and he's now getting a quest three upgrade and it's just now come to yeah I me I think it's really having not played any other version of it I think it looks really good yeah they've done really well with it I saw a lot of footage of the original psvr one so um but no they've done really well so I think if you're a fan of if you've played it before you I think you're still going to get a kick from the new haptics and all that kind of stuff and still get that enjoyment but so beyond horror though Reese we've got I I found it really unnerving playing games and Shri Fates did this most recently but there been other ones just stabbing people in VR I just I don't I mean I don't really like shooting people in VR I don't really like shoot like games you just run around just with a sort rifle shooting things it's just not really my kind of thing but Arizona sunshine I quite that's kind of more comedic you don't stuff that one it's just more comedy it's just so over the top and silly it's just the violence against zombies doesn't really count somehow but but yeah sh F when you just supped to sneak up and stab someone in the neck it's just like I don't like doing this this is this is unpleasant this is not this doesn't make me feel good about myself but like I don't know just because it's so real and it kind of makes you think is this like I don't know the KN bounces off the head well right it's supposed to feel real but when when you're playing a fact game you've got that Detachment from it you've got you're looking at the TV and you're controlling an avatar doing something even if it's a first person game you're still you're doing the motion so when someone comes in a room and sees you like you know acting out this this motion you're not doing that you don't feel like you're and yeah I completely agree there has been times in VR where I've done something I go oh did I just do that like was that the route I've taken to do um like from I I'm going to say Saints and Sinners as well because that was one that was one of the first games where it kind of gave me that thing where I had to kind of grab something around the throat and then stab it whether it be through the tempo or through the jaw or wherever you want to stab the zombie in the head and the thing with that game was this was where I wouldn't say it's too far but I'd also say in some people they might think well that's a bit much the blade gets stuck and you have to actually pull out with weight to get the knife out of the head otherwise it will just stick in the skull and you you can literally have your knife stuck in there so they went really in depth with the staing mechanic in Saints and Sinners to the point where and like even with two handy weapons so if you did the axe the axe the end of the axe would get stuck in this you actually literally have to pull your whole body weight to pull this axxe out of their head so I mean yeah I think there's I think there's a pretty a lot of people out there that would play VR games go oh that's a bit much um and there is there is examples that like you with stabbing I think stabbing isn't a thing for me um but I when I got for me love stabing stuff Lon mate a thing for me no in video games it's not in video games it's not a thing for me um but there was something in stride face that did make me go oh why did I do that why did I feel like the best route to take and it was when I was having fist combat with an enemy and obviously the St F you don't need to use your gun you can go grab them and you can punch them out the face but you can also grab the head and kind of use the environment to smash their skull and that was something I did first I was like oh that felt very brutal like it and you hearing the collision and then after I did it I was like I could have done anything else but yet that seemed the route to takeen it's almost like well I suppose you could also argue what does it say about yourself if that's the decision you took but then there's also you know is is it opening up that route for you to do whatever you want kind of thing but I you know virtual combat things like that I've not really got a big thing with it's although like it makes me more question the decisions you take yourself of it just a quick spoiler and Trigger warning here we're about to discuss the ending to Madison VR and also some things about bone lab if you haven't experienced these yet then you may want to skip this part but when you are forced to make these things to progress in the game I think is a big argument and obviously with there's two games I think I can mention here where you've not played either of them uh I've only played one of them um but obviously I'll start off with bone lab and I don't know if anyone's ever heard of bone lab bone Labs a pcvr quest game but when it first came out and I'm sure the scene got put back in actually you have to hang yourself to progress in the game and that alone is a big thing uh I think it's a trigger and it's a it's a worrying thing for some people to even consider but it's literally right at the start of the game and that's how you progress the Rope is physical you have to grab it with both your hands so I think for some people in VR that could be a bit of a oh that doesn't feel right and there's no way to skip that I don't know I think at first when the game first came out I think there wasn't but I don't know if they added it so you can skip that when they added it back in you think that nowadays it at least be like a trigger warning or something just help people Madison also does it as well so but Madison does it at the end so I should probably just spoilers sorry but the game has been out for a while there my bad um we'll put a little warning there in the time stamps so yeah read those please um so yeah there is there's a bit at the end where you do have to hang yourself and I think that is very triggering more so because this game is traumatizing you have to go through this whole trauma of this character story and the only out is for you to hang yourself is the message of it really that's even talking about that makes me feel a bit sick to my stomach I'm word it like that it's it's a lot I think for people to consider and I like even when you look at yourself in the in the game you kind of go one minute I've I've got to do that that's that's after all this that's what you're making me do and I think it's a very big it's a very big worrying thing um that some games are doing this and yeah even talking about just feels weird but yeah because I mean you will have people playing it who are troubled and do have mental health issues and going through that it's like the developer wouldn't want to spoil their own game but it feels like they needs to be a bit more responsibility on I feel like because VR is just so much more like almost like wish fulfillment in a way or it's so much more realistic like you do feel you're in danger more under threat more when you're playing these games these horror games you do feel much more exposed and um you could be snuck up on and it it just kind of becomes makes things come to life more so James will you have to harm yourself is that really the right thing do we doing is that too far it feels like it probably is I feel like I feel like that is to me I feel like I feel like combat in games and things like that it's it's more like sandboxy in a sense but when the only way to end the game or the only way to progress is you're hit with this that you have to do it does also go I mean you could argue the whole thing that it's art and I'm not I'm not disrespecting the developer what his decision is to lead to this choice or whatever I'm not disrespecting his art style what he's you know at the end of the day the game is really great and the story HS and the whole thing you know it's it's just one of the things that it's like if they if this is where it can go in VR where else can it go and that's always the question is what's next and what's going to be the next thing that's too much so I mean I could argue that even back on res Evil 7 when you first saw your hand get cut off was a bit like oh [ __ ] know that's you know that you visually seeing his hand get St off but at the same point you was playing on a Jew je shock so you didn't feel like you had your hand up there to kind of block your face it didn't it kind of broke that immersion H so and yeah you make a good point that it's going to be this constant sort of well let's push it further or what the the next thing we can do it's like the S films each one they try and outdo each other with the most kind of horrific thing they can think of and I was definitely surprised in Madison that it was there but um yeah Ben whing a working a spoiler thing before that please mate yeah you've got pissed a lot of people off there race but I feel like people want to play Madison they would have played by now um yeah we'll put that in the episode description s in the start or Ben can work here but yeah sorry yeah I mean I was just thinking much more wholesome like in the Jurassic Park uh game I forget what it's called that it's got a raptor in it I think just for me that the controler that gives you over the camera just being your head movement essentially um when you're sort of looking you hide yourself in a locker and you're sort trying to look to get a sense of where where the Raptor is prowling around and stuff and on a normal game you think well I can just sit here and the camera will allow me to see because it's the camera I the developers have to make it so that I can position it in such a way that I can get the information I need it's much more I don't know mechanical if if you know what I mean but in VR you're you're there you have to kind of work it out by positioning yourself and looking around and just peeking around corners that just feels so much more scary for me because you I need to peek around this corner like in a game in a third person game you can just tail the camera around and your avatar is still hidden so you know that the enem is not going to see you but you can get sense where the enemy is um but in VR you have to Peak yourself and then stuff can see you and you're ah [ __ ] Shri Fates did that as well there's a few times that peek around corners and then the enemy was like ah I can see you a [ __ ] really the o is that good I didn't noce being that good yeah no but that's that's a cool mechanic but also makes it feel a lot more there's a lot more Peril in any just simple actions that you don't get in non VR so that's that's another cool I think the discuss well I definitely don't want devs to feel Limited in what they do and if anything I do want them to push what they can do as much as they can but I think there should also be the ability for if there is something that serious or that that topic that touched on for to go okay you can skip this part because I have spoken to people before about the obviously the stuff with the newses and things like that and some of them have said oh I didn't play it because of that and there is people that would not play the game because of that so it's it's one of the things to consider in both senses it's yeah or at least give a trigger warning like it's not even mentioned so I'm just um of the reasons I want to talk about this this week I have been playing pretty much non-stop hellblade 2 I am very obsessed by hellblade 2 I absolutely love it I think it's brilliant and playing it I was like this game would be great in VR but then I'm like but but would it would it be yeah having those voices because you play the game with headphones so you kind of hear the voices that you would in VR anyway but in first person I can't decide whether or not it would be too much and too intense or if it would be brilliant um I don't know but the game is it's not for everyone but it's this definitely for me it's my sort of thing um and it would work I think it's quite a short six seven hour game seen SE say 11 it's varied I think 11 W it's probably it's a good sort VR length sort of game and playing it I was like this would work in it would work mechanically in VR so it'd be cool and obviously Microsoft is never going to put it to VR but no it made me think it would be really cool but no I think that would work the first one was obviously the camera angle VR but yeah I mean I'm sure PC moders will mod into VR oh yeah I think they already have actually I think they already have done I did see a video yeah yeah yeah the opening scene as it's just so intense I'm getting the Game Pass set up on my quest just to try it that's how much I want to play I really enjoyed the first one yeah that is pretty cool you don't have an Xbox but yet you can sub to Game Pass and play on the quest that is pretty great idea yeah good shout uh Xbox who did that yeah oh well um cool well let's wrap things up there recently you've got any final pears of wisdom or final spoilers you want to give away 20 games all right okay I made a I made a mistake I'm still new to this podcasting malar okay we'll figure something out there it's fine don't worry about um well everyone thank you for listening if you have enjoyed this episode we'd love it if you could please tell your family and friends all about us and if you'd like to get more involved jop into our Discord and say hello well I've been your host Lori this guy here has been Reese and we will see you again next time until then is goodbye
Channel: The Cross Players
Views: 365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming Podcast, UK Gaming, Cross-Platform Gaming, The Cross Players, CrossButton VR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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