Crops That Will Make You FILTHY Rich!

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the farming sector has been on the rise in recent years considering how specialists have suggested that the population is set to increase by another 3 billion people by 2050. as such many young entrepreneurs have taken to the field with dreams of becoming rich through the production of much needed produce but what are the crops that any family farmer is able to grow that are sure to result in a profit when handled correctly well whether you're a farmer yourself or just want to know more about the gaps that currently exist in the agricultural sector stay right where you are as we're about to explore specific crops that if grown are sure to make you rich so strap yourselves in and get ready for a lesson in farming as things are about to get interesting but before we get into it make sure that you leave a like and subscribe with notifications turned on so you don't miss out on any of the new videos we post number one mushrooms the first crop on our list is a bit of an odd choice when it comes to the idea of exploring the agricultural sector but mushrooms are brilliant when it comes to small-scale farming they are an excellent choice for urban farmers as well or anyone who is thinking of starting up but doesn't have a lot of space to work with across the board mushrooms are often grown indoors as they require a certain amount of humidity to truly grow to the best of their ability compared to other crops they produce an extremely high return per square foot this is especially true when it comes to oyster mushrooms which take as little as five weeks to reach maturity and sell for around 10 to 20 dollars a pound what experienced farmers of oyster mushrooms often do is designate an entire room to the growth of the crop often placing the required materials in large plastic bags and hanging them vertically to save on space when close to maturity these mushrooms will often force their way out of the plastic bags informing the farmer that it is time to harvest since mushrooms don't last very long after being picked many find them difficult to ship across the world this presents local farmers with a gap in the market that only they can fill giving them a massive advantage over other commercial operations a number of local farmers also choose to forego on selling their produce to convenience stores and shops of the like rather choosing to approach local restaurants and chefs or setting up a store at the local market such direct selling often results in a much larger price per crop yield making mushrooms one of the best crops to grow if you're just starting out in the farming industry another great thing about mushrooms is that they can be dried and sold before going bad and although dried mushrooms often fetch a lower price than fresh ones there is a lot less wastage when it comes to your overall crop yield oyster mushrooms are a sure thing when it comes to farming so don't knock it till you try it number two micro greens another group of crops that is very similar to mushrooms when it comes to crop yield is microgreens which are considered to be all the rage right now with many flocking to high profile stores like whole foods to get their healthy fix the most advantageous thing about micro greens though is just how scalable they are you can easily start off growing five or six trays of micro greens in a spare room or basement and end up earning a couple of hundreds of dollars a month right away which as far as side hustles is concerned is quite a bit of money microgreens usually take around two to three weeks to reach the point at which they can be harvested making them one of the fastest growing crops on this list often selling for around 15 us dollars a pound with it being quite easy to start growing micro greens you won't be surprised to hear that it is just as simple to scale up but keep in mind that the upscaling of a micro greens operation will require a number of shelves being set up and what is considered to be your growing room many professionals in the sector end up designing a room with multiple platforms from which their micro greens can be grown encapsulating on how much they can actually grow in such a little bit of space using fluorescent lighting to simulate sunlight the farmer is even able to place up the four rows of microgreens on top of each other using this little design it's possible to produce around ten thousand dollars worth of micro greens per month in just an average basement or spare bedroom worth of space now that is an insane amount of money especially considering the size that is being used to yield the crop being sold while micro greens are usually grown in 10 by 20 inch trays filled with soil many farmers have also taken to growing them hydroponically which is to say without the use of actual soil since like mushrooms they are difficult to keep fresh once picked you'll need to find yourself a restaurant or market to sell to when your harvest is ready it's also possible to sell the micro green in a packet of soil almost like a starter for those who want to keep it fresher for longer which will often go for a much larger price tag number three ginseng the next crop on our list is also pretty surprising and comes in the form of ginseng this slow growing medicinal root comes in the form of panax ginseng otherwise known as korean ginseng and panax quinquifolius which is also called american ginseng both of these types have been used in countless ceremonies and other forms of traditional medicine over the years and although there is no conclusive scientific evidence that ginseng has any health benefits at all primarily studies have linked the route to having positive effects on memory menopause symptoms and fatigue the root also has many culinary applications especially when it comes to asian cuisine many countries in the east included in their herbal teas to get the same effect that us westerners have from monster and red bull consumption making it pretty sought after that being said the growth of ginseng is considered by many to be a pretty long-term investment as it takes around six years for the root to mature allowing it to be harvested and sold it is however possible to sell ginseng seeds and younger rootlets while you wait for the full extent of your crop to yield and when it does finally yield you'll be sitting on an absolute gold mine according to reports ginseng growers can earn upwards of 200 000 us dollars per acre of yield making ginseng one of the most profitable long-term investments you can sink your money into ginseng can be grown under forest cover for next to no cost so if you do find yourself living on the outskirts of society and have a forest for a background it's definitely a crop that you should be thinking of growing it has been known to grow wild throughout much of the eastern and northern united states after all with buyers actually preferring wild ginseng to the formulated crops that are grown on larger farms in other words by growing ginseng yourself you will be able to enter into a very niche market fetching quite a good price for something that requires quite a bit of investment and since true wild ginseng is becoming more and more rare the opportunity for making a lot of money is only growing so what are you waiting for go ahead and plant so that you can start making a killing in a few years time number four saffron then we have saffron which might very well be the most expensive legal crop that the earth has to offer you'll be surprised to hear that saffron actually sells for around 2 500 us dollars per pound and could go for even more if you find yourself a direct link to a culinary studio or restaurant while it might be a bit tough to describe how saffron actually tastes with many describing it as a floral honey-like flavor there's no doubt that many restaurateurs and chefs consider it to be a delectable item that they need to possess saffron sauce is an accompaniment that many wealthy foodies have learned to love after all which clearly has saffron as one of the main ingredients the reason why saffron costs so much is that it is made out of the stigmas from the crocus plant with the stigmas being the portion of the plant that has been germinated by pollen and since it takes approximately 75 000 flowers to produce just one dried pound of saffron it's really no wonder that the ingredient is so incredibly expensive growing that many crocus flowers takes up about a quarter of an acre of land after all but since the yield is around 2500 us dollars it's definitely something that is worth the time and space required just keep in mind that saffron grows best in areas like california where the region is dry and experiences very mild winters you wouldn't want to invest in a crop like this and yield next to no flowers because of the environment in which you live the growing of saffron can be considered to be a lot more complex than the other crops on our list to grow the crocus flower from seed you need to first plant corms which are the fleshy tuberous roots of the plant once these grow the crocus flowers open up awaiting germination so that the saffron can be harvested in time what's great about the process however is that over the years the crocus corms can divide allowing you to separate and replant them for a greater yield over time number 5 goji berries and last but not least we have goji berries which are considered to be a superfood to many health nuts around the world making them incredibly sought after in the long run they are packed full of antioxidants after all and have even been said to be linked to anti-aging and the treatment of certain cancers and although there is no scientific evidence to back this up the fact that it is said almost speaks for itself most goji berries are grown in china but can be adapted to grow in the north american climate as well organic dried goji berries can sell for around 20 us dollars or more per pound with fresh goji berries fetching a much higher price especially when sold at a farmer's market and since around 7 000 berries can be grown per acre this makes a pretty great price per yield what do you think of our top picks for crops that will make you rich feel free to let us know in the comments section below
Channel: Down On The Farm
Views: 179,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crops That Will Make You Rich, urban farming, sustainable, profitable farming, gardening, growing, vegetables, homestead, spin farming, high yield crops, how to get started in farming, soil, vertical farms, the urban farmer, suburban farming, convert lawn to garden, farming, farm, urban agriculture, market gardening, most profitable crops, agribusiness, profitable crops, microgreens, crops, backyard gardening, harvesting crops, farm crops that will make you rich, down on the farm
Id: x2LPK65HJm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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