Crop/Resize/Straighten Images with FastStone Image Viewer

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hi it's Rob I'm going to show you how to do some basic image editing using a program that I like and recommend this is a free program called Fast Stone image viewer I'm on the fast Stone homepage now so you can see it's and you can see right here you can download the fast Stone image viewer for free I have a couple of other programs but I'm not familiar with them so if you download and install this it will allow you to do some image editing and I'm going to show you some of that all right I have my image editor open already there's the icon at the bottom of my screen I have it open into a folder with a picture so on the left hand side you can see where I can navigate to the folders that I have on my computer I have a picture in the main window this thumbnail photo if I had more they would be listed here and I have a preview of the picture I have selected it's really very basic so I'm going to click on this picture and show you how I'm going to make some simple edits so double click on this and it opens it Up full screen for me to look at now this is a picture I took at um Stonewall Jackson State Park Last Summer and it's not a bad picture what you'll notice right away is it's kind of far away even though I might keep it this way because it's a just a pretty landscape to begin with but if I wanted to focus a little bit more on the resort little I can see through the trees and it's crooked so this happens a lot um in photos that we take by hand because sometimes you just don't hold the camera perfectly straight and so you can see um that the photo is crooked so the first thing I'm going to do is straighten this photo now if I take my mouse and I hover all the way to the left hand side of the screen a menu pops up so there's a good bit of options some things you can do with the photo I'm going to go for straighten this is a fantastic tool so now I can straighten either using the slider which I find is a bit inaccurate so I go to the up and down buttons I can click the up button and you can see as it's starting to straighten the photo I can get a full screen preview and what I'm looking for when I straighten a photo I'm looking for vertical lines horizontal lines are subjective vertical lines in the middle of the photo if they're to the side of the photo they can be skewed but in the middle of the photo if your vertical lines are straight chances are the rest of your photo is as well if you have a a definite Horizon like a water line you sometimes you can use that as well okay so I'm going to hit my Escape key takes me back to the view I've straightened it so I'm going to click ok great now I have a straight or at least close to straight photo okay so now if I you'll notice my mouse is a magnifying glass if I click on the subject it will zoom in on it for me so I can think okay maybe I want to crop it to look something like this that would be nice so let go of my mouse come back over to the left side menu and I'm going to choose crop board this is a really nice crop board all you do is draw a box where you want the crop board the the cropped image to be draw a box to fit the area that you want you can even specify specific dimensions here in the left in some cases we've had uh sliders or slideshows on a website that need to be specific width or height and we can specify that here crop the image accordingly so I got the image framed in the crop area that I want I click the crop button and now I have the image cropped where I want it now it's still a big image you can see up here in the left hand corner it's 2 000 pixels wide by 1300 pixels High I want to make that a little bit smaller especially if I'm going to use it on a website now if it's printing I wouldn't but for website purposes I want to come back here and choose resize and now I can specify maybe I want it to only be 800 pixels wide I click ok and now I can save as and here's my original file name I can name this to whatever I want it to be this is Stone Wall Jackson but I'll just go with Stonewall and I'll save it okay now I'm gonna hit my Escape key take me back out now I have both photos and you'll see if I hover over this photo it's 12 megabytes large the second one that I just edited is only a little over 100k much smaller it's a simple program does great things easy to use and it's free so I hope this helps thanks for watching
Channel: OfficialDWC
Views: 765
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Id: arIL2GchCXk
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Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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