Crop Scouting! - #221

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this is what we call mare's tail some people may know it as horseweed it is it's the devil good morning guys how's it going we are back at farm today working on some stuff waiting for parts for our disk ripper i'm hoping that those come this afternoon uh you know green mart's got their little parts drop out here so they'll bring them right to me which is good uh so this morning i'm going to run around and do a little bit of seed business stuff i'm going to drop off some flyers for my field day that's coming up i got a box to pick up from somebody that i had no idea i still had i i'm that's not sure what happened there i'll talk about that later and if i got time i'll clean up a little bit around my seed warehouse yet but before i go and do that i wanted to update you guys or talk about these bearings a little bit more because i get a lot of comments on some of my other videos about them and i just want to address a couple of those things first of all i said that the races were not replaceable and this is the hub and i'm going to show you guys this as best that i can let me let me even turn the light on i know there's a line there but it's a groove for a seal to sit in there is no way that that race comes out of there and it's not hardened like it's it's rusty there's no chrome to it it's it's kind of cone-shaped i don't know like um yeah it does not come out and likewise on the bearings this was one race of the bearings some guys had said look up the bearing numbers and go buy them you're right that's exactly what i was going to do no numbers on that race nothing on that side like there's there's nothing there's no distinguishing marks whatsoever on these things um that one's still got part of a seal in it so my instinct was we'll just go buy bearings somewhere and put them in right but no good there are some numbers here if any of you guys can make any sense of those feel free find me this part um but i couldn't i couldn't and the only other number on the whole thing was this one that's on that cap that is just the deer part number so i don't know not real thrilled about it i'm still working with the dealer trying to get them to do something for us but it doesn't doesn't look promising what i did find though is uh i think i kind of showed yesterday a little bit but basically that bearing fits in there and then this fits on like this uh and then there's a seal that goes in here i took apart a good one yesterday i don't think i showed that i'll put a picture up here and you can see that seal where it fits around and actually seals dirt out well the ones that were bad this one the other two over there that seal was non-existent and i don't know if it never got put in or if uh it just broke and was gone or what the deal was i don't know but clearly subpar quality not good it also would be good to have a grease zerk on them um you're right i completely agree with that however the whole point of this thing was to try and reduce the maintenance on it you don't have to do as much greasing and stuff so there are very few on here and they don't need greased often at all um plus this is going to run in the dirt you put a grease stick on there it's going to wear off or it's going to get dirt in it or whatever so i'm not thrilled about this but we're gonna get it back together and make it work so oh one other update you guys know that pulley that we replaced on our traveler it was wobbling and the shaft was all wallered out i'll show you this one here this is the old one well i took this apart and i managed to get this hub out of the center here that's the hub that kind of fits on the motor shaft the part that was really worn because the rest of this is in okay shape and i found out how much this thing costs anybody want to take a guess i'll wait while you put your comments in down below what you think this piece cost the new one that we put on here is that hub that i got out i don't know if i'll be able to find one of these or not it's a little more specialized part than i was anticipating but this here you can see how worn this is this is some of that jb weld in the key shaft where i tried to make it work and did make it work for a while but basically if i could get a new one of these then i could put that pulley back together and have a spare that pulley with this piece 800 800 unbelievable not only did i have to wait a month to get it it cost me eight hundred dollars unreal had a not really a hose but this piece that holds these hoses broke on him on the backhoe here i think he's got it fixed up he's spreading some chaff again today or straw he's seated down his other waterway over there that we were looking at the other day so maybe later we'll go over there but right now i'm gonna go drop some uh flyers off invitations to my meeting and uh [Music] pick up a box well i'm doing pretty good today i found several people to talk to handed off some pliers people act like they're going to come we'll see if anybody actually shows up or not but i am also at our farm down to berkey and wanted to look at our corn down here it's dry it's real dry it's not it's not looking pretty here so far it's um it's about noon it is not hot overcast well kind of partly cloudy i guess sometimes the sun's out and it gets sort of warm but this corn is fired oh big time not good here guys surprisingly we actually pollinated halfways decent they're just short tiny little ears we boarded a bunch of kernels off the tip they're dented uh this is really early corn this is hundred day corn so some of the earliest stuff that we've got so it's gonna be drier it's gonna mature faster see if i can break this yeah just dented in the last few days here those kernels got some depth that's it's not terrible um for what it is 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. that's 20 around ah yeah it's awfully brown fired way up the stalk so the the corn plants are cannibalizing these bottom leaves basically to feed the ear and once it gets up to this ear leaf this one that's on the same note as the ear uh you you've got problems and we're even well above that tough it looks tough walking out here a little farther off the sand ridge it looks a little bit better in spots some of it the stand is pretty thin and then you get more spots that are burn up really bad oh well um i did find one really nice here check that one out that was in a really thin spot oh man it's not it's not it's not great but it's not terrible i mean like this this here here is is that's respectable yeah where there's still some green somewhat down the plant i mean these are these are nice ears and it's not super thin here so there's hope for this field um but don't count on 200 plus bushel corn here all right i've got my box and i think i figured out where it came from so i have a seed customer down here kind of on the way to or back from berkey whichever way you want to look at it and uh he called me earlier this week today i got one of your boxes here yet what do you mean you have one of my boxes i didn't bring you any boxes he only had 25 bags of beans ordered from me and i took him in paper bags so i was quite confused when he said he had a golden harvest box and uh he is right next door to one of my other bigger customers turns out that customer had this guy plant some beans for him and so he gave him a box of beans that ended up at their house and it just it came from yeah that's that's where it came from i was quite confused there so but we got it we're heading back to my seed warehouse with it had a pallet as well and we'll see if we got our disk river parts it's uh yeah it's almost two o'clock already okay made it back to my seed warehouse let's get that box out of my truck and go back and work on our disk gripper dang no parts well i called the dealer parts will be here tomorrow and order stuff they'll come in tomorrow morning so i'm getting frustrated it's a good thing this is the start of the season we're plenty early and we got lots of time and it's not too wet and we're not fighting to get stuff done quickly because gosh dang we've been down almost a week already i haven't even started so anyway we're gonna go do some mowing yeah just a little bit of mowing left to do and then uh we'll be done for a while maybe you can unhook this and use this tractor for some other stuff so out here behind the farm over there we've got a little bit of a pond or a low ground that we run a tile into and then it's got an overflow into another tile and it's wet almost all the time but not now and so i've got an opportunity to come and knock down some of these willow trees before they get big like some of the other ones i've done and maybe trying to do it without getting stuck because i've almost never been able to get down in here it's always too wet so i'm just trying they're not real big yet but i'm trying to get them before they get big yeah you can see there's a wet spot there there you can see the little pond a little bit better yeah wet spot we're going to stay out of there don't really want to get stuck it wouldn't be the end of the world because we're close but i don't really want to get stuck see if we can make a couple passes here in these cattails good enough there so this wheat field i'm in right now was uh the last field of straw that they had to bail at least of ours i don't i think they got everything done though um and we got a couple of these dikes in here so i'm gonna mow these weeds down before we come and get it worked up which it's on the list but it's slow down the list of fields to work because this field did not get chicken litter spread on it well looks like they're seal coating this road now today got half of it done so we get to chip all our windshields now on this next week yay okay i'm done mowing for today i don't think we have a whole lot left really uh i'm gonna jump in the gator i need to go talk to dad he's working over in the field uh or he's been moving dirt and uh we're gonna do a little crop scouting too let's go look at some corn and some beans and see we can find around here still moving dirt he did get his waterway seated here the other day though but my boys were over last night uh dad brought him over here and had him pick up rocks oh which is what we got in the back and he just told me to go dump it i forgot we're gonna go do that all right let's do a little more crop scouting here today um this is uh obviously corn field that we're in is uh 07f23 which is 107 day golden harvest number uh and it is a good old standby go anywhere hybrid that has been very good for us it has excellent disease tolerance rating so i don't expect to see a whole lot out here stuff is not real tall which is kind of common this year with the dry weather we had the end of june when it was finished and growing vegetatively but you can see how much greener we are underneath the canopy than that field we were in this morning down to berkey just because we've had so much more rain here not that we've had a lot of rain but more than there so looking at the leaves they do look pretty healthy this did not get a fungicide here i did spray a little bit of this stuff early but that was that was a long time ago no tassel fungicides so yeah nice healthy good looking leaves a little speckling on the end but i don't think that's actually a disease i think that's more uh when the leaves kind of rub against each other in the wind like this it kind of rubs some of that leaf tissue off and the chlorophyll and that's what that's from so we'll peel back in here too here not bad not bad at all i'll uh i'll take this we got just a little bit of tip back so this some of those kernels actually did pollinate and then the dry weather the ear has kind of aborted them um a lot of times they won't even pollinate just the silks don't grow fast enough if it's dry and and then there's no pollen by the time they make it out the end of the year uh these ones i think i think they actually pollinated and then died off but that's minimal not too bad we still got a really nice ear there i don't have to count but they look like they're either 16 or 18 around decent length got good size kernels for as dry as we've been that's pretty good i you can't complain about that at all now whether the whole field looks like that or not uh probably not but that one's a win okay now we're gonna focus on some beans and uh yeah a couple of days ago somebody maybe this morning or yesterday heck i don't even know at this point somebody asked me to do uh show some close-ups of some weeds and stuff so to help identify them and what they are and all that so we're gonna do that as well first we're gonna look at these fields this is one of the fields we've been spraying manganese on and round up to try and control the giant ragweeds which there's a few of over there i just wanted to look and see what things look like here they're quite tall and thin and there's not a ton of pods on them but they're they're they're thick the plants are thin they don't have a lot of branches on them but they're like i can't really walk through these because it's so tangled up and yeah it's pods per square foot that matters not pods per plant and we do have some pods there's a four bean pod a lot of threes they don't they don't look bad they got a lot of filling out to do yet but uh not too bad so i am seeing some speckling on these leaves not real sure what that is wade if you're watching text me let me know um let's see what else do we got some disease there these these did get sprayed with the fungicide i'm pretty sure look at all the nodules okay soybean lesson today and i think i've talked about this before but we're gonna do it again so you see all these little uh knots on these roots those are the nodules that form that uh fix the nitrogen basically they're uh brady rhizobia it's a bacteria that's in the soil bugs are bad out here and they uh kind of feed off the roots of the plants form these nodules and then they i'm sorry they uh take nitrogen out of the atmosphere make it available to the plant which is a cool thing that's why we don't apply nitrogen to soybeans um and there's a lot of them on here they look good so fairly happy with these beans this low ground here is muck it's high organic matter it's hard to grow beans here anyway so they they look good okay weed time look at this one this one is called giant ragweed uh this is it in a smaller form got this unique shaped leaf here um they're sort of tough to kill they really like our high organic matter soils most of what we have is not roundup resistant but there are roundup resistant giant ragweed these ones are obviously quite tall and you can see why they're called giant ragweed um fortunately we've got most of them controlled out of the beans there's a few right here on this edge but my my spraying it has kept them at bay or right around this electric pole where it's really difficult to spray them which is why they're there so that's one i might have to go to the neighbors fields to find any weeds i mean we don't have weeds in our fields okay let's look at this field of beans and we'll start with the beans and then we'll look at the weeds that are quite obviously out here this was the first field of beans that phil planted with the bean planter 15-inch rows i believe it was april 24th they are a 3.0 30 88 and they're a little thin right here but let's get out here into the field and see what they look like not 30-88 i was wrong 27.88 2.7 we're gonna plant wheat here this fall so these are a little bit earlier maturing bean they're not super tall that is this hybrid or variety they just this is a shorter variety so let me see if i can pull one of these ground's hard quite a nice stalk lots of branches and lots of pods they are potted heavy a lot of small pods um some two bean pods not all threes not any many fours uh which is going to cut down the yield a little bit but there are pods they that that's a nice bean plant so let's see if we got any bugs on the back of the leaves we've got some holes been chewed in it i believe that's mostly grasshoppers um but i don't see anything aphids or anything too serious that we need to worry about um i don't know what that is yep nice nice plant look good um the pods are starting to get sort of fat you can see there's some thickness to them that's good they will swell up more or quite a bit and then kind of shrivel back down as the beans dry out there's what the the beans look like at this point some of you may be familiar with the edamame i believe it's just green soybeans fry them some salt supposedly they're good not my thing okay weeds what do we got right here this weed is our nemesis this is what we call mare's tail some people may know it as horseweed it is it's the devil this weed can sprout in the fall it can sprout in the spring it could probably sprout most of the summer which makes them difficult to control they are roundup resistant we could spray this with roundup it will not touch it won't do anything to it and they will put on these giant seed heads and flowers and uh hundreds of thousands of seed on a plant so yeah they're not good this field's got a lot of it and there's nothing we can do about it because we can't we can't spray them we can't go out here and pull them but that's going to take a while so uh yep that's a mare's tail that's our biggest problem weed right there right here on the edge of this field we've got a little bit of a grass this stuff here this is foxtail i believe it's yellow fox tail of all of the the grasses that we deal with this is um this is one of them it's not terribly hard to control it's fairly prevalent we get a lot of it but roundup still works really well on grasses in soybeans it's really hard to control broadleaf weeds like the mare's tail in soybeans because the soybeans are a broad leaf and so we can spray chemicals on it that will kill the grass and not the beans but it won't kill any of the broadleafs either so we don't worry too much about grasses but there's still it's a problem okay here's another field of beans these are a 2.2 22 30s they're very early maturing for our area they look pretty good they're tall on me i mean they're waist high let's see what we got down in here decent pods i got a little ways to go to fill out i'm a little surprised they're not a little bit thicker bigger beans there's a four-beaner good good good they look healthy not a lot of holes in the leaves soaking up the sun that's good and they're clean i don't see any weeds out here for that one i would not be surprised if in the next two weeks these beans start maturing and turning turning yellow starting to ripen up um we're towards the end of august here usually by the time you start seeing beans turning yellow and ripening you got three weeks maybe four weeks to harvest and uh i wouldn't be surprised to be starting harvest by the 15th to 20th of september so um somebody's birthday thanks guys this is this is yeah i don't really like these in our field they get run through machines the strings get wrapped in bearings and stuff we're not it's not as big a deal to me as it is to the livestock guys because this ends up in a hay field and goes into a hay bale or the silage or something and a cow eats it big time problems don't do this i found another weed worth talking about here on these end rows see this one here this one is called a velvet leaf or sometimes button weed because the seed pods look like buttons um that one's pretty easy to kill with roundup we don't have too much trouble with it if you don't put any residuals in your soybeans they will be full of those but roundup will kill them so this one just got away on the end but i don't see any of them out there in the field back to some corn here for a minute this is one of our better non-irrigated corn fields so i was curious how it looked and how this hybrid was holding up we did spray fungicide here but i think this hybrid was one that uh a little bit more susceptible to some to some disease so that was why we sprayed it leaves look pretty clean though i don't see anything that's uh concerning some decent ears here this one looks good not bad this is kind of that old uh so this hybrid is always m20 and every time i've seen it in the past it does this just the craziest crooked ears rose that you could imagine like ugly ugly ears but the yield was there so you plant it uh and for whatever reason this year we've gotten a lot of straight rows out of it but that's that's more what we're used to so i don't know looks okay i'm not disappointed i'm not terribly excited but i'm not disappointed here here's something we can talk about so i noticed this plant here nice big ear up top which there's a gap but there's another plant next to it but look this is a second ear on the same stalk that it's not much of an ear but there are some kernels there and this one it did pollinate but you can see these kernels started to fill out and then it just they just died off because there was not enough moisture to fill it out had we gotten uh some rain and kept some moisture right after we pollinated this here would have filled out we would have had two on that stalk pretty rare uh maybe in our irrigated corn we've got some but we would have gotten a few kernels out of that and of course we've got our damage out here not even close to a woods ah this corn is pretty tall okay we are still in corn here this is uh 09a 86. um just a little bit of dent i'm a little surprised actually that this has done it at 109 day not real great ears here we are on a sand ridge this corn has been rolled and not looking great a lot this summer so pretty consistent years though which is the thing on this hybrid is it is very consistent years um needs to be planted at a pretty thick population to be any good i probably did not plant it thick enough here because i was in a split planter situation and yeah but um it's short but that's a girthy ear there's a lot of kernels on it and they are very deep kernels so um not going to be record-setting corn here but not going to be awful terrible either so we'll take it i don't know if the camera will show up very good maybe the height difference but i'm in a split row of a variety right here this one's that 0986 that i was just in this one is 10 t63 definite color difference this one's a lot lighter this one's a darker green and this one the t-63 is a taller one very different ear type on this too let me peel a couple back very long skinny ears this one's got more girth to it than most of them do but very very long 110 day corn still dented that's that's good this one here has got a lot of tip back to it that was a pretty spindly stock probably a later merger um this 10t63 here about five six years ago uh it when it was new it was winning every plot i had it in it was by far the most dominant corn that we had in our lineup at that time we've got newer stuff now that seems to be better and this one's kind of falling out of favor i think this is probably the last year we'll plant any of it but it was relatively cheap this year and had been excellent corn for us which is why i planted it unfortunately a lot of this field got flooded out and we had to replant it so i don't have a ton of it out here um i wonder if that's yeah because it's split so not too bad a little bit of gray leaf spot right there's a lesion a few on that leaf but i don't see a ton of disease out here this field did not get sprayed with an insecticide that dark spot there is just pollen that accumulated on the leaf so better than i was expecting out here with the sand that this stuff is planted on so happy with it one more corn field we're going to look at right here along this edge we got some thistles this is another weed that we deal with ah this is a canadian thistle canada thistle uh not really that hard to control roundup kills it pretty effectively this used to be a huge problem weed for us before roundup ready crops but anymore not not so bad so the reason i wanted to stop and look at this field this is one of the fields that we ended up tearing out and starting over with the replant and so i wanted to see where it's at grow stage wise how it looks and all that good stuff this is a hundred day corn double h-12 it is the same hybrid that we looked at in the field down to berkey that was all burnt up right now i'm already seeing something that concerns me big time so we don't have any pollen nor do we want any it's the middle august but look we have fresh silks growing out the end of these ears with brown silks underneath that means it did not pollinate well let me pull the year back and i'll show you so immediately you can see how much smaller these ears are farther behind and how much more growing they've got to do that's the month planting date difference but these kernels on the end of this ear some of those did not pollinate and these ones aren't bad but look at this here that one's no good sporadic pollination this one's no good it's behind ah crap our replant corn may not be near as good as we were hoping here but nothing i can do about it it was the right decision at the time it looks okay just dry at the wrong time you can see a lot of these ears that got these fresh silks shooting out the end of it i don't like to see that at all okay we've got one more weed we need to talk about in beans and uh this field is one that i sprayed but not our field do you see this one right here that's what all of this is this is the new one that is uh super concerning and i haven't seen any of it in our field which is why we're here looking at it but i am almost positive this is a water hemp and these things are nasty roundup doesn't touch it clearly because i sprayed this field two weeks ago not dying and uh from what i understand there's a lot of other chemicals that don't touch it that should so welcome to the neighborhood something new for us to deal with and it's gonna be a problem so um that one looks like a common ragweed giant ragweed's younger cousin which should be dying it's not a lot of this other stuff is though you can see this died and there's dead ones there so it's just that's that's what we have we have roundup resistant weeds you got to control them when they're small we can't let them get this tall so i got an email today said they're coming to pick up these empty chemical totes tomorrow so i figured i'd better get them ready so got them all shrink wrapped onto the pallet and ready to stick on a truck whenever that truck shows up tomorrow so that's good and now it's after six o'clock so i'm going home so overall our crops don't look terrible you know we could still use some rain it's still plenty dry but it's better than i was anticipating i guess as far as yield estimates it's still pretty hard for me to guess and and say i think we've got at least 150 bushel corn may be better than that yet i don't know another couple of weeks or first or second week of september maybe we'll go out and actually pull some ears and do some better yield checks on the corn anyway beans if we get some rain and they can put some size on those beans they'll be decent but so bean our yield is made two ways it's the number of beans and the size of the beans and uh right now the number of beans is shrinking because we're aborting one's off because it's so dry and the size is not going to be very big if we don't get some rain which is is not setting up for great soybean yields will there be some 60 bushel beans around here probably at least spots we're going to average 60 i highly doubt it we're going to average 50. i still can we still could i don't know if we'll get there or not um just depends on the weather from here on out so but anyway that's it for today have a great night uh our ripper parts are coming tomorrow i called them and asked and they will be here tomorrow so we're gonna uh we're gonna get that put back together and maybe start ripping tomorrow night i might be running that we'll see uh yeah we'll see so uh tomorrow morning i'm gonna probably work down here getting this cleaned up and uh i got a couple of signs to put back up in the plot there yeah and getting stuff ready for tuesday and i don't know that i'm gonna have a lot of time between now and then to do it especially if we start ripping wheat stubble and i'm in the tractor quite a bit so that's my plan uh have a great night everybody questions and comments leave them down below hit that like and subscribe buttons for me would you please and uh we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Border View Farms
Views: 5,544
Rating: 4.9844661 out of 5
Id: vGCObLR1pvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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