Crooked Road

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[Music] got married 16 at a 15 year old why cuz I've been grown man just bad on my left like my daddy before me I've done the best I could so my things turned out little words an issue [Music] Logan West Virginia is her mama hand cold man took my balls laughing my Jana's piece man I'll land those back in Logan and I ain't never been that smart but and the widely there to heal my Jane is hard damn these hard times damn cold man damn good dreams gone cold while I made it damn this crooked road [Music] me and Jana worked out to get our children grown Jeannie was our first bonus cutters to bone we learned long ago with you don't doubt the Lord's plan but some things is hard to take Lord we just try not to stay pretend these hard tests damn cold man damn the good dreams gone cold while I marry damn this crooked road [Music] there's a big blue ocean another 300 my turn on water just might make my Janus my the light in her eyes is worth molding me and go hope runs straight land ride and this man rode so damn nice heart and damn cold man damn good dreams gone cold [Music] while I'm 80 damn this crooked road [Music] while I made a dam this crooked road [Music]
Channel: Chris Knight - Topic
Views: 159,976
Rating: 4.7346768 out of 5
Keywords: Chris, Knight, Heart, of, Stone, Crooked, Road
Id: LSor52MtD-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 28 2015
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