Crocodile Tears | When murderers lie to the cameras | Sunday Night

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just come home Jody contact somebody there just knows each other okay I'm very worried because she hasn't contacted anyone as far as I know of me and her son really do want her to contact somebody or come home her son needs her he needs his mum this is the moment a grandmother seemingly bears her pain to the world is grieving the loss of her son's fiance Jody Myers who's vanished without a trace someone that's out there knows anything to contact the police or Crimestoppers there's no way she'd leave her son behind I just knew something wasn't right I was always worried always worried um well she is listening I just want her to know that we all do love her and miss her dearly and we would really like her to come home Jodi's fiance Neil Archer is upset too and pleads for the mother of their two-year-old son to come home I wouldn't be the man I was today if I hadn't met her say she made me grow up a quite fair bit especially but she's the first woman where I've actually had a long relationship with she's given me a family she'd given me a beautiful son and she gave me a beautiful partner in herself we miss her we want her to come home Margaret's and Neil know the nation is watching me wiping away the tears playing the part well a little closer you'll see they're not real tears at all it's just one big act that's that's quite interesting she's actually wiping away imagine it is there's a classic example of crocodile tears The Archers join a long list of performance in their own twisted screenplay they are some of the best actors you'll never see on the silver screen I haven't home my wife or my daughter I haven't harmed ever loved them they played the roles of concerned fiance me and her son really do want her to contact somebody or come home grief-stricken mother and a son desperate for answers all I can remember is hearing the death of my father while all along they were the murderers who lied to the world and cried crocodile tears to cover up their crimes I've dealt with people living count real grief you know where they've come home and people have died in a fire or someone's been killed in a car accident they're inconsolable the last thing they want to do is go on television and get it given interview about it all by and large whereas these people the crocodile terrors they're falling over themselves to give an interview maybe they like being on TV tonight with the help of forensic psychologist Tim Watson Munro and former FBI profiler and body language expert steve van operan will show you how to spot those lies and what makes the shameless murderous tick seek person really insane I don't know some of the cover-ups were very obvious others were very subtle you know such as a shoulder shrug you are somebody a question they don't know usually they're their eyebrows will go up their shoulders will shrug and the palms are the hands will face sky was but sometimes these are so my new so small that it is missed by many and you'll never find a more brazen or more callous pair than this mother and son Margaret and Neil Archer their relationship Neil and an markets how would you describe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree very close and I've encountered this eye of the deck I is where mothers of crooks really love their sons and they'll do anything to protect them and crooks love their mothers and they'll do anything to protect them so here you have a situation of a psychopathic son being protected by myself Margaret Archer is the mother of four boys but her favorite as always been Neil she raised them alone in Adelaide before eventually settling and housing estates in the small town of Menem South Australian not far from the Murray River what about mum tell us about Margaret well she did as good as she can racing for boys little life follows that left now and she was pretty much her mom and her dad Aaron Archer is one of Margaret's four boys and Neil's younger brother let's talk about Neil what was he like growing up it was just a standard brother like we had over scraps like kennel brothers do a couple of punch-ups we were stickers thieves busy crafty is he smart his craft is hands-on um he's no accountant or anything like that he's street-smart yes yeah and would that go for your mum - mum is actually very smart she actually graduated year 12 and everything sir me all lived at home with Margaret's until his mid-20s before moving just up the road with his fiancee Jodie Meyers and their son Elijah Jodie was very close with her younger sister Tanya and tenures husband Michael always smiling happy love life love Elijah more than anything in the world when she became a mum it's made her so happy she was such a great mum in your eyes had she met the right person no it was never willing to become a part of the family to being be someone that people relied on could trust him he was always sat a little bit off-center from everything so there was concerns about him from day one early on Jody's mum Lucy also had her doubts about Neil was she happy she made out to be but I don't think she was right what makes you say that just she said to me one day how she could finally see what see what Neil was trying to do and that was like taking take her from the family so he was very controlling yeah very controlling extremely controlling extremely controlling to the point of where he always had access to her Facebook and she was know that it takes certain people she wasn't allowed to come and see people without him and he had to know where she was all the time it's one of the most controlling relationships of se and the relationship had one other volatile ingredient Neil's mum Margaret Margaret was controlling over her boys like she said jump they'd say how high everything yes she wanted the boys I'd do did she rule with an iron fist ah she was tricky s didn't mess with mom no while margaret's was exceptionally close to Neal and she doted on her grandson Elijah she had little time for Jodi always siding with Neal when the couple were fighting which was happening all the time Margaret often held Elijah inside if nearly Jodi had had an argument and she had often dropped Shirley out and say you're not getting your son by early 2015 Jodi had had enough of her fiance and confided in her family that she was planning to leave Neal she'd made that decision yeah yeah she was gonna leave him yeah Neal suspected Jodi wanted out but he blamed her mother and sisters for pulling them apart he said to me the families are trying to break me and Jody are trying to get in between us and break us up and I said what choice do you have I said yeah either try Mike threw a throw or you break out - what else can you do and straight out there was no pause there was nothing with the coldest look on his face he said Oh killer I will kill her if she leaves me yep a year later Jody leaves a party with me logic she's never sing again [Applause] Jody Myers has gone missing if she was last seen leaving a family birthday party with her controlling fiance Neil bachi [Applause] [Music] two days later her mum received a text message from Jodi's phone I got a message supposedly from Jodi I'm saying that she's left Neil she's gone with friends she'll contact me and I knew straight away from then that something wasn't right because there's no way she'd leave her son behind just none of it made sense and there was no reply after I replied well Jared usually always reply and they were like grammatical mistakes doing yeah spelling errors and Jodi was a pretty good speller and if she did make us the mistakes she'd repeat it like retakes the actual word mm-hmm I cut her days later I showed my eldest daughter and she went berserk actually she said that's not how I swear on TV Jodi and that's when we went to the police station and reported her missing as police searched the town of Menem and the banks of the Murray River foreclosed Neil told anyone who'd listen that he'd been abandoned holding his young son Elijah Neil fronted the cameras begging Jodie to come home um we're all hoping she just needs some time to herself and hopefully returns later on safely right there I have a major problem with that in all the years I've been analyzing videos very rarely do you see somebody's smiling when they're talking about such a devastating event in their lives that that is a major red flag for me they like to be front-page news and you know in some ways that's reinforcing the delusion I think that if the press are buying it other people are buying it and they keep it going Neil's media blitz showed no signs of slowing but right from the beginning detective Alex mcclain and his team at the Major Crime Squad had serious doubts that Jody had run out on Neill and central to the investigation was that text message apparently sent by Jody after she disappeared there were little things the grammar the family was simply telling us that isn't charity there's no way but you didn't write that message well no like I can guarantee 100% I did not write that message adding to the uncertainty was the discovery that Jody's ATM card had been used to withdraw 250 dollars at this Bank hours later her phone was recharged with credits bought at this news agency I don't know who actually access the account I'm hoping it was her or maybe one of her friends if she's asked them to do it for her so hopefully that all worked out and they do hopefully find something from that say but once again was that you using that account no no by now me and his mom appeared more and more confident even cocky they went so far as to tell investigators Jodi left with a mystery couple in a red four-wheel drive the people that will area that night in the red four-wheel drive have gone there obviously to pick her up which it didn't take them too long to get there so they can't live too far from madam itself but hopefully they're just hoping her what pretty much in a sense hiding her away so she sort her so fair in a sense were they being cooperative they were being cooperative in the sense that they would always engage with us they would always give the appearance of cooperation when in fact all they were trying to do was cover their tracks misdirect and have the investigation team look at other people based on information from the arches police searched up and down the river and the vast rolling hills and plains surrounding the town of Manimal the arches were more than happy to help any information will help them say more than happy to fill them in with all their inquiries and things like that but it was all a ruse an act a performance worthy of a Hollywood film for the recall I mean did you kill Joey no I did not I would never harm her she was stopped alone she was the love of my life was talking past tense red flag big red flag was Neil Archer a good actor I think I think you'd look at some of the interviews and say yes he can look in a camera and he could tell a story with some conviction so you're not a murderer you're not a killer no I'm not I've never harmed anyone in that way so I would never harm anyone in that way 20 year old mum Jody Myers hasn't been seen in several words and Joanie's fiance Neal was making regular appearances on the nightly news if she is out there I would appreciate the lady's contact some way it doesn't have to be directly to me it could be anybody as long as she contacts someone to let us know that she is safe but his plays didn't fool the place they never let up and slowly but surely they built a case this CCTV footage of Neil and his mother Margaret was taken the day after Jodi's disappearance that's Neil leaning against the wall Margaret's in a hoodie using Jodi's ATM card to withdraw two hundred and fifty dollars the last of the missing young mother's savings they'd been interviewed that they'd never mentioned withdrawing that money they'd lied about it that was one of the first and most significant tells I suppose in relation to what raised our suspicions more CCTV video then emerged suggesting that Neil and Margaret were behind that text message sent from Jodi's phone two days after she vanished we managed to pick up Neil and Margaret in Neil's green Ford parking outside the manum news agency we then get footage of Margaret going into madam news agency and she buys a recharge voucher she then leaves the newsagent she goes and sits back outside in a car with Neil the car stays there for six minutes during that time Jody's mobile service is recharged from the voucher she's just bought the text messages sent in a couple of minutes after the text message is sent they drive away there was only the two of them in the car when that phone was charged when the credit was put on it and that's our missing person who's either one or both of them and again regardless of which the other must have known what they were doing they were both sat in the front seats Wow another lie yeah at the same time Jodi's family was becoming more and more suspicious of Neil and Margaret they wanted everyone to see that they'd done nothing wrong yeah everything they did pointing in their action they had and what would we really say ya know you know saying someone trying to cover up the worst things you can possibly do they're not crazy they don't see flying saucers Jesus isn't telling them to do this or whoever it may be they know what they're doing and they know the risks that they run they know if they're caught they will be going to jail the delusion is I think they won't be caught because I think they're very clever and invariably they're not that clever weeks after Jodi vanished Margaret arches husband Lawrence who had nothing to do with the crime innocently agreed to an interview we need her back really really bad mr. Jody I love you everybody loves me come on please then Margaret yield out from inside the house Jericho children of anything than this I've already told them to leave me alone yeah despite her initial reluctance Margaret eventually agreed to be interviewed I would like Jody to at least contact somebody because this is getting really bad we miss her we want her to come home or at least contact someone someone that's out there me knows anything to contact the police or Crime Stoppers her son needs her beneath his mum Jodie's sister and brother-in-law watched the charade unfold on TV even today they're filled with disbelief what do you think Tanya just don't know how they can take that hmm knowing what they knew she was like a daughter to me we spoke about anything and everything and only say so yeah and what do you see there you monster [Music] Tania and Michael knew Margaret was shedding crocodile tears so did the police but they needed proof and it began with this CCTV footage from Bunnings it's Margaret by cement how much cement we talk [Music] over 600 kilograms of concrete that's a lot of concrete it is so much the suspension of their car buckled under its weight meal drove the load home and a few days later Margaret's unwitting husband Lawrence Tom police Neal had been concreting the shed floor he was away in Tasmania when when Jody was killed when he came home to their house he was surprised to discover that his shed floor had been concreted although he described it as a terrible terrible job Neel told him our wee-wee concreted that that concrete floor for Father's Day it's a surprise for you um and even Lawrence himself said that just wasn't in his character he was a lazy man he wouldn't do something nice like that for Father's Day the suspicions police had from the start of the investigation were about to be confirmed under the mounting pressure Neel cracked telling everything to his brother Aaron mum was out the front having a smoke and Neil got me in the hallway and he said he need to speak to me and he pulled me down to the laundry in his first words to me were I killed her and then he went to walk off and I'll call him back I asked him why and he told me why JD was gonna leave him and take Elijah and then he went to walk off again not called him back and asked him how and he told me he strangled her and then I asked him like where she was and that's when the big bombshell happened that he told me that she was under the shed and he asked what he should do and I'm like well you need to turn yourself in tell me about the look on his face when he when he told you his eyes were black like nothing there it was scary scared the shit out of me Erin told police what his brother had said and soon after a team of detectives arrived at the house [Music] Jodi my's body was discovered in a shallow grave under the freshly laid concrete slab now I'll show you where please happened so Neil Archer and his mother did those TV interviews just here telling the world how much they missed their beautiful Jodi all the while her lifeless body was lying in a shallow grave under a layer of cement less than 10 meters away after back of the house the sheer audacity of it is just breathtaking even more shocking Neil and Margaret bought the cement using the cash they'd withdrawn from Jodi's bank account the day after she disappeared it's the lowest act they couldn't even use their own money to go and do what they needed to do Neil was charged with murder he'd strangled Jodi to death with a cord from this hoodie he wore during one of his TV interviews Margaret Archer was charged with helping her son cover up Jodi's murder but she's always maintained she had nothing to do with the murder itself it's just unbelievable for us to accept that she didn't know what was going on do you think she was more involved in what's she saying yes I'll go straight out of his I reckon his mom helped him agamotto was involved from from when Jodi was still log no no afterwards so that big sigh it's almost like a sigh of relief absolutely no emotion devoid of any emotion was very robotic very mechanical cold-hearted killer they think they can get away with murder and they're so confident they won't be caught up tony hawk's did they serve up why after lie for the camera she was a very frail I just can't understand Edith but all it takes is a missed time digestion an odd expression or a poorly chosen word and experts like Stephen a pro can spot their guilt a mile away what's their response are they defensive are they angry of a sidestepping the issue or their nonverbal cues indicative of frustration annoyance anger and so on Steve is a body language expert and former FBI profiler he's built a career spotting the fakes and the frauds and tonight he's letting us in on some of his secrets Steve we're in the control room and we're gonna show you some examples of murderers who cry crocodile tears to cover up their crimes absolutely and we're gonna peel layer by layer by layer until they're exposed McMartin played up to the cameras casting himself as the victim of a violent crime we would just love these people to be caught so we can move on with her life but he was convicted of killing his father with a samurai sword then tying himself up to make it look like a home invasion all I can remember is hearing you know the death of my father it was just terrifying I never expected that I'd see my wife or children again I right there I hope my father died where's the emotion where's the the where's the feelings yeah this is his father his father yes and been murdered I don't see remorse I don't see empathy I don't see concern I don't see a motion I seek knowledge there's Kristi Abrams from Sydney now she put on a real show as it turns out this seemingly heartbroken mum killed her six-year-old daughter kyeshia and shoved her broken body in a suitcase how do you rate her emotion it's staged it's it's like a method actor you think about something sad which in this case I believe probably the reason she's crying is because what she's done and the ramifications of what she's done and she's drawing alone to produce those tears John sharp played up to the cameras as well in reality the man dubbed the Mornington monster killed his wife and young daughter with a spear gun and there's not one scaring of Westar in those offices right no and we say that you know over and over and over again it's a it's just not convincing it doesn't look at authentic it doesn't look real and there's not that emotion associated with absolute sorrow Jared Baden clay is another brutal wife killer I'm trying to look after my children at the moment they've got three young girls and we really trust that the police are doing everything they can to find my wife and we just hope that you come home soon one of the things that concerns me he says I'm trying to look after my children what I'd expect him to say is I don't look after our children how do you spot a lie so we look at a three categories in particular and that is verbal I can lie with words but often my body language is much more overt so I focus so much on the delivery of the content structure of the story that often pay very little attention to what my body language is doing so I need to look for conflict or contradiction between what a person is saying and what their body language is in fact stating secondly I need to look at how that message is delivered and that's what we call parrot linguistics and that could be tone pitch voice modulation response latencies arms and ours so purpose fillers and so on and thirdly I look for does the person include themselves in the narrative of their explanation or do they exclude themselves I look for you know whether or not a deceptive person is taking ownership or creating distance disassociation and separation for his brutal crime in this quiet riverside town neol Archer was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 22 years while Margaret Archer was sentenced to six years and with time served could be out later this year Jodi's family has planted a memorial tree for her on the banks of the Murray River here family and friends remember the Jodi they loved the beautiful sister the loving daughter Jodi's son Elijah now lives with his grandmother Lucy and misses his mum every day and what are you telling me about his mum we bought him a bike for Christmas and he went and picked up his photo inside mums photo took it out into the shed showed her the bike and then sat on the table while he wrote it so she could watch him ride the bike he sees stars at night he goes oh there's my mum well he loves his mum kisses his mum's photo he adores n really does mrs. ma'am good then we'll always keep her alive in his heart you
Channel: Sunday Night
Views: 222,417
Rating: 4.7427282 out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Night, News, Channel 7, Australia, Australian News, Current Affairs, world news, headlines, story, stories, Melissa Doyle, Alex Cullen, Jody, Jodie, Meyers, Myers, Neil, Margaret, Margret, Archer, crime, murder, crocodile tears, fake, lie, lying, media, hide, red flag, murderer, murderers, Mick Martin, Kristi Abrahams, John Sharpe, Mornington Monster, Gerard Bayden-Clay, Mannum, South Australia, mother, mum, missing, loved one, relative, true crime, mystery, country, outback, police, arrest, guilty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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