Critical Role vs Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 4 Those Who Walk Away resurrection comparison

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you glance over at the sudden intense energy of the room and see your sister lying cold and lifeless on the ground being cradled by Zara dead Ray that's different it's I can I can I can I can review the fire or I can raise the dead second do you have it prepared I mean what do you mean do you have it prepared as one of your prepared spells I believe so yeah do it go go I do I have it prepared it's true it's written down and I have third third levels left oh my God I'm shaking all right I can bring her back oh [ __ ] they found it hike heal her [Music] there's nothing to heal you do something see we can't just stand by let me see her we could try resurrecting her so um we're gonna do a quick ritual skill challenge as part of this revivify enchantment so as you grasp the symbol and as you do you can see all of the scars across your forearm begin to light with a deep red Crimson energy just and you close your eyes as you look up you can see gosh I just go straight black and this kind of dark energy begins to swirl off and as it reaches out it touches the diamonds which then shatter upon impact and the dark energy seeps into your sister's corpse the back arches though she does not register on the face or any of her movement her body lifts slightly in place her arms just kind of draped dangling and scraping against the stone beneath her as she's elevated there how do you guys want to help with this ritual all right not many have so we got to do it here we go it's gonna be happening who was with her [Music] oh she's gonna owe me big time for this it works Phil's not holding it's not working because we're inside our Temple this is the domain of the matron of ravens strong I have no Authority here but what can we maybe move back somewhere else we're underneath a lake there is no somewhere else there's there's got to be another potion or something you focusing look up at the altar where the body was and you see the very faint drifting image of a dark female form looking on it's no use she's done why he's in this block you can't give up please why even [Music] effects no come on what's Happening oh God no no please [Music] wants to make the third and final attempted Aid I will I spot oh [ __ ] I'll let you do it I pulled my sister in close and I say take me instead you Raven [ __ ] go ahead and make persuasion check let's go with advantage 11. 11. okay at this point the dark female form that drifts from the altar you glancing up intently feeling the sudden intense fearful gaze of vesh upon you as it gets closer and closer the presence is different what you feared was vesh is not vesh actually it is an image of Specter of the Raven Queen herself the face is formless at this proximity you can't make any details it's just as perpetually blurred female form of face the hair just tumbles down past and as it steps forward no expression no words the hand reaches out towards you back there's a nod the magic strengthens focusing through your Moon Crystal into vax's body take a picture of this so that no one questions this no take me incentive Raven [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] passes a second moment passes foreign the vision of the Raven Queen nods the head to you steps backward and the Specter vanishes breath fills backs his lungs as she begins to cough perform drifting back to the stonework your vision clears and you find yourself looking up at the partially broken Stone ceiling of the dark altar into the face of your brother tears dreaming down his face the rest of her friends gathered around what happened no doubt yeah that was a close one did we find anything oh can I I reach out and I touch vax on his back who I feel or sense anything different no oh my God take my stone and put it back what I look at Cash you people suck I just hand Vex 30 gold and say sorry about before what happens you [ __ ] died yeah we turned around I pulled your brother out of the pit and you're laying there lifeless on the floor what at which point you immediately have this Perpetual slapping of wet bare tongue across your face as trinket is just nuzzling up against you and like pressing all of his weight against your body to an almost intense degree I'm sorry easy oh thank the everlights I can't believe you pulled that off holy [ __ ] I'm amazing what happened I touched the armor and you you she [ __ ] died Grog no like dead dead it was crazy we turned around and you were just laying there stone cold excalia it was an accident well [ __ ] you saved her thank you well yeah yeah of course I mean I'll just say you owe me one all right all right yes your breath is lovely yeah how did I how did I feel I feel cold take my cake how am I not dead then if I died that's good question facts how are you feeling wait Percy did you set off a trap is that how I died yeah yeah well who brought me back cash and your brother oh and Zora but if I died then how facts the Vestige when how are you wearing wearing I I don't know [Music] I was just worried I'd lost you you okay that yeah fine that was just intense
Channel: 555smo
Views: 54,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Vox Machina, TLoVM, campaign, critical role, critical, role, vox machina, laura bailey, vex, vex'ahlia, vax'ildan, vax, raven queen, death, revivify, resurrection, ritual, season, animated, series, The sunken tomb, 2x4, Those who walk away, reaction, comparison
Id: ez3JtRIh1Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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