Critical Role Animatic - ep 112 - Henry Crabgrass

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when there are kind of is there are there things growing and and on the in it like in the earth no there are like uh low bushes and uh so they would know when the trees and the Earth got dug up oh they would maybe okay will give us a timeline I'm going to go and talk to a nearby shrub or some grass in this area or something okay you there are elements of you know kind of a crabgrass clusters amongst the mud as well as some scented bushes and small trees that are kind of scattered throughout this Plains area I'm gonna kneel down on the ground and get really low and talk to the craft rasp okay oh crap grass so just recently A friend of ours was dug up from the earth and came back to life did you feel a great disturbance in the ground lately I don't know God there was some movement yeah there was a guy under there and then some people came by and then they took them out there were multiple people that took them out yeah it was like a small group or something wow do you I mean I know it's hard to tell time but do you have any idea how many like you know Suns and moons there were or like hot and colds there were or I don't know I don't know you just mean like like a like a like a cycle yeah yeah yeah like a like a day night cycle oh yeah you're you're smart
Channel: MageGoatTea
Views: 7,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UqcGvvl8zYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 42sec (102 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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