CRISTIANO RONALDO was just going out for tea and this happened...
Video Statistics and Information
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Views: 79,839,400
Rating: 4.8946157 out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Ronaldo, Cristiano, Cristiano Ronaldo, Tea, Photo, Tea vs photo, surprise, fans, player, roc by ronaldo, headphones, funny, paparazzi, cafe, autograph, fun, vs, Messi, disguise, best soccer player, ROC
Id: iHz82I8Vv88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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Now when you see those random front page posts of redditors with some famous person and a caption like "look who I ran into in the mall today!", think of this and how goddamn annoying it must be.
God that must suck.
My girlfriend and I were walking to the bar a couple months ago and we see a man walking a dog, of course I look at the dog before the person. But when I look up its Ben Affleck I was super shocked! My girlfriend wanted to take a picture with him but I told her no before she ran after him because he was in sweats at 9pm at night walking his dog, I'm sure he doesn't want to be bothered. It was just a very cool moment and I don't need a picture to remember it.
Louis C.K. on pictures with fans
Tea. He went out for tea.
Is he speaking Spanish or Portugese? Genuinely can't tell
He always comes accross as such a good bloke in videos, genuinely nice and quite smart and confident more than he is arrogant but when he plays he is such a lying cunt i want to kill him.
And the first person he says "no" to posts online everywhere about "what a dick" Renaldo is.
"Also notice his headphones? You can get your own pair "
I love how its not even subtle advertising , just full on admitting it in the description