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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aliparvin 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most valuable football is on the planet his talent is mesmerizing technically is really fast he's an athlete to complete athlete Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world but what is it that gives Ronaldo the edge over other players to find out he's come to this specially created state-of-the-art laboratory in Madrid here in a world exclusive sports science experts are going to forensic ly analyze what makes him such an efficient machine Ronaldo will submit to an array of tests each one designed to investigate a different strength in his game it's amazing to see all my body work so it's fun fun day the results are revealing and often surprising as Cristiano Ronaldo is tested to the limit in this sports laboratory Cristiano Ronaldo is about to undergo a series of challenges unlike any he's done before he'll undergo tests for body strength mental ability technique and finally skill guiding him through this is football consultant and the answer he's teamed up with leading sports scientists hoping to uncover the secrets behind Ronaldo tremendous ability the first of the four challenges is one of the most crucial on a football pitch body strength with 40 goals in a single season Ronaldo is La Liga z-- highest scoring player ever one of the fastest men on the pitch his lower body strength gives him the acceleration to get that hair's breadth nearer the ball and in today's game every millimetre counts to test Ronaldo sprinting ability Andy has developed a two-part challenge first a straight sprint over 25 meters then a 25 meter zig-zag sprint designed to measure speed and agility to draw a comparison Ronaldo is going to race against professional sprinter and gal David Rodriguez Rodriguez is the spanish champion over 100 meters but how will he compare with Ronaldo over 25 meters infrared beam timing gates will give split-second results and in charge of the test is biomechanics expert Neil Smith we want to see the different muscles and their different components that is in order to find out who is quicker a Sprint's are all for one Rodriguez is going to go first take your marks set how'd you do now and Gayle hit 3.31 seconds early and go poor little different class is fast would you pick one out oh they may be the same strong after Aiden yeah sure ya know slow-motion replays reveal that Rodriguez makes a strong explosive start reaching top speed in under half the distance all his movements are in a straight line very linear nothing from side to side at all everything is moving in front to back directions no energy is wasted Rodriguez has a high knee action this gives him a very long stride length of 2.5 meters Ronaldo's target to beat is 3.3 1 seconds let's see what he's got coming buddy let's get Ranaut on the blocks okay milk thank y'all come and join us what was we're now does time he's done well indeed he's got three point six one seconds and what does an girls time and gal plucked in a 3.31 so the point three seconds point three different quality different class considering angles regulations classes we know that's not bad at all so Ronaldo narrowly lost the straight sprint on closer analysis the reasons why are clear from a sprinters point of view Cristiano Ronaldo technique isn't the best but then Cristiano Ronaldo's not sprinter he's very quick off the mark but his style is quite different he has to still think about the sprint in that's wise head Bulls Barca if you go like this with your arms the chances are behind you your legs will be doing that also and that means low in knee height because of his usual increase in speed and decrease in speed during a game of soccer his stride length is quite short and quite sharp quite staccato and only covers 1.7 meters first ride in a 90 minute match Ronaldo will usually cover over ten kilometers but very little of that is in straight line Sprint's in football the ability to abruptly change direction is vital so the zigzag course is designed to replicate what happens in a game how world you think you're doing this is exactly me yeah let's go and do our thing come on guys let's give it a go take your marks get set Rodriguez is still very fast around this course he navigates the polls one keeping his balance even when his body is almost at 45 degrees at some points Rodrigues completes the zigzag course in 6.86 seconds so now those six point six by eight six to be what do you think well because this is my my type work I use more distant again then run in straight line so this is my warmup or file my star perfect let's get set okay good man till your marks get set go Ronaldo's style again has very little in common with the sprinters okay go come and join us sir percival kneel remind us of anger score and Gail came in at six point eight six second six point eight six and then ronaldo's six point three five so what's the difference they're almost half a second there and almost half a second superb exactly what we're expecting from our footballer correct yeah yeah well what we hope in there you can see very big difference between the straight line sprinting we've got very long strides nice high center of gravity Cristiano comes into his own here we lower the center of gravity we enable ourselves to push off and accelerate side words that center of gravity nice and low their knees are bent the hips are bent and the muscles are hopefully working at their optimum level because this is my my style you know I I use this a lot in a in a pitch so I guess that I'm more chances in this type of run that straight line shadow that I improved it when we look at the zigzag movement we can see a way that Cristiano anticipates the change of direction coming into play as Cristiano approaches we see a lot of shorter steps this is in stark contrast to what we see from angle to change direction he does something that probably most people wouldn't they would almost drop down to the ground to change movement Chris down and Ronaldo almost balls up right goes taller look he jumps into it with two feet this time here we go yeah there we go there yeah we could see angle using one foot there to brick in one stop in one particular stride and to try and push off in the very next cristianos decelerate using both feet yeah places his center of gravity inside the line of his foot yeah no way cause it's almost like he uses one foot primarily you know taking the braking force as we see that inside go there then the outside foot is more for the acceleration loss and Cristiano place is approximately five body weights worth of force through the outside foot towards the next turn so in what we're seeing now is is multi-talented that that's a given anyway with Cristiano Ronaldo but the way his body works and weights built and all the different components that he uses when sprinting affords him the ability to maybe perform in terms of an athletic sprint at the BRIT high very very highest level yeah he's up there we've seen his speed is up there we've seen the movement and the agility is up there he can change direction quickly it can accelerate decelerate whilst he's still concentrating on the game renault that won by quite a margin his time over the zigzag sprint was six point three five seconds clearly his ability to corner at speed gives him an advantage and fundamental to this is muscle strength so before the next test Ronaldo's muscles are going to be measured to say there's anything unusual okay Ronaldo this is Luis okay so we want to look at your body we want to check everything out what makes Ranaut are special okay okay this is a state-of-the-art precision 3d body scholar it uses a laser beam to create a visual profile of the exterior body shape and gives us example measure month one hundred eighty five point one centimeters just one hundred and nine Ronaldo has extremely lean well-defined musculature he has three percent blasts body fat than a supermodel his thigh circumference is sixty one point seven centimeters which is well above average but his calf muscles are less developed and the scan exposes a fact about their size that surprises one elder having uneven calf muscles hasn't held an L dough back in fact his body dimensions are part of the secret to his success he has the long legs of a sprinter the lean physique of a middle distance runner and the powerful thighs of a high jumper what sets him apart is that he has all those attributes in one body like tuning a nanji-bhai performance Renaldo is tuned of his body strength significantly over recent years he's increased his win rate in the air from 40 percent to over 66 percent he can now fly higher than many of his opponents so next well now those explosive jumping abilities going to be tested here we are okay Renaldo this is a high jump no explain to us how this works what we're gonna get you to do is a test of lower body power the higher you jump the more powerful your legs are going to be so we're gonna place you on the mat we're going to instruct you to jump as high as possible give you a maximal effort and try and land back on the mat this mat is actually a very sensitive pressure sensor a measures takeoff force and the key thing is having his hands on his hips I mean I'm try not to use the arms as a next encounter pass so that's why we do this so that you can't use these arms as elevation it's just about the leg concentrate just on explosive okay okay three two one the result is surprising Reynaldo jumps only 44 centimeters barely average with the force if just one and a half times his body weight something's wrong so now this is the thing you don't jump like that in again yeah we have to make it relevant to football of course if you jump with free hands yeah yeah quite limited so can you also register day if I get Ronaldo to jump if he comes in and jumps up of 1:4 and lands we'll get the impact of the pressure as he hits the rest play let's try that let's try that three two one go now the results are very different Ronaldo's body strength enables him to jump 78 centimeters which is higher than the average NBA basketball player can jump his take-off force is almost 5 times his body weight or 5 G's the same as an astronaut goes through a takeoff but what's more intriguing is what he does in the air when he jumps high he tooks his knees and his legs up behind under his buttocks this has the effect of raising the center of gravity temporarily but enables him to give this impression of hanging in the air ready for him head in the ball into the Gulf good good good awesome another let's move on to our next test very hearts because you you have to give hundred-percent everything that you involve Renaldo's muscle distribution and lower body strength contribute significantly to his ability but the next set of tests will reveal how importances mental ability as to his gain and the results are truly stunning for the first time Cristiano Ronaldo is being put under the microscope sports scientists are testing the component parts that make him one of the world's most valuable footballers his body strength has been tested but now scientists are going to test his mental ability how much of an aldose success comes from what his mind is doing on the page here's as well a little bit of arrogance you know that believe that he is the number one first it comes from the fact that you know you can deeply inside himself he knows that if he wants you can pass anybody if you are strong mentality the quality is coming natural so all the side to be focused in my game and my mental is quite good to find out how his mental ability contributes to his performance the scientists are going to start by testing ronaldo's spatial awareness they're fitting him with these state-of-the-art early truckers that will reveal exactly what he looks up when he plays okay that's wrong they are operated by equipment specialist John Borg Oh perfect that's good I'm running this test it's sports psychologist Zoe Wimshurst with Ronaldo he's gonna be using all of his senses pretty much while he's playing probably around between 80 and 90 percent of the information he's taking in will be coming through his eyes during this test Ronaldo is going to try to stop Andy taking possession of the ball and the technology will reveal how he does it so John the eye tracker explained to us exactly how this works okay so you both wearing equipment where we have a camera looking at the eye yeah and it uses infrared light to reflect from the eye this picks up an image and we have a camera at the front here that looks at what you're seeing some itself and Cristiano the software with them match those two together we ought to see exactly what you guys are looking at fantastic let's do this thing okay let's see if you could keep that ball five seconds away from me play that's good five seconds that's a good five seconds that is quali there's no doubt that Renaldo's feet are fast and effective but what part does his mind playing this ability the eye trackers show intriguing results on the replay the little red dot shows exactly what Ronaldo was looking at you'd expect a lot of players to be focused on the ball the whole time with Ronaldo he did look at the ball a fair amount of time but he was much more looking around looking at the defender and taking in the information from his body and also scanning for the spaces beyond the defender only on the other hand can't afford to take his eyes off the ball because he doesn't have quite the same ability to predict what the ball is going to actually see what's going on we need to slow down to one third of actual speed that's how fast Cristiano is so he didn't have much of a chance I'm afraid thanks in 8 seconds he pulled 13 moves on you okay and we're not just talking kicks of the ball we're talking step over spins is beautiful so you can see here on the the gaze data you can see is concentrated on the ball what you'll see in the interesting thing is when he wants to go past you and look at how you're moving he's predicting where you sort of gonna be he's looking for movement in the hips to sort of plan his next move so he looks at the ball then he looks at well I move it comes in looks at your foot looks to the other one up to the hip really accurate precise sharp movements and then when we looked watching you you're mostly trying to follow the ball which means you're only ever going to be able to react to where the ball is moving rather than anticipate in advance anything that he's going to do so you're always gonna be that one step behind and also your eye movement you can see is much more all over the place like this much more like a pinwheel where my eyes down he's locked in you're constantly chasing him basically and I bet if you asked him you probably wouldn't know what it was that he was looking at it's all in his subconscious he knows where he's picking up the information that's going to best help him and without even thinking about it he's looking for those angles of your hips your knee and your foot and obviously it's working pretty well for him so that's just second nature to him yeah Ronaldo's subconscious ability has come from thousands of hours of practice which have filmed his mind with so many permutations of the game to tap into but when it comes to much play he has an uncanny ability to perform without having to think or even look at the ball he is effectively a scholar of football it's the same way as studying any other subject learning a new language anything like that you build up experience you learn the basic rules of grammar in the different words that are available to you so in full terms that's going to be the skills then putting them into a match situation and so as you become more fluent in the language you don't need to think about it as much so Renaldo's vast experience gives him the ability to intuitively read the game under normal conditions but what if the conditions are very far from normal can Ronaldo still hit the back of the net if all the lights are turned off and he's in complete darkness okay what we're gonna do we're gonna have Andy feeding the balls in as if it's a cross and then sometime in the ball flight the lights are gonna go black so you won't get to see anything at all we're expecting you to be able to put the ball in the goal that's what we're hoping will happen we're hoping that you'll have picked up some advance cues from Andy's body position the shapes the positioning of his feet and his hips and therefore will be able to tell exactly where the ball is going to go and get yourself in the right position even though you can't see him okay taking Manolo on and the seemingly impossible test is an amateur footballer called Ronald come and join me Ronald Ronald Ronaldo so we've got Ronald in here same age as you roughly the same height we're gonna use Ronald as a comparison and see how he reacts doing this st. is normal des is going first so what does the night vision reveal Ronald misses the ball by quite away perhaps not that surprising but Cameron Aldo do any better I hope to the ones that's what straight in the bag the night vision replay shows how differently Renaldo performs to confirm that wasn't just look another attempt love that and the replay how hard is that she's difficult because it's change a lot yeah because your focus in the war and after not like you you have to try to to memorize the ball human reaction time is about 200 milliseconds and by 500 milliseconds Ronaldo subconscious has interpreted and these body language worked out which direction the ball will go in calculated its speed and trajectory and then programmed his body to reach it at the optimum moment it's almost as if they're doing maths in their head even though they wouldn't be able to describe it to you you could see from their performance that Ronaldo first saw the first part of the ball flight information he picked up information from Andy kicking the ball and was able to move his body into the correct position this is because he's processed the information he has experience of where the ball is likely to go he's able to analyze all that it's it's coming towards him and therefore connect successfully with the ball Ronald on the other hand doesn't have the same level of experience he would have watched the ball fights it's likely that he will just have had his eyes on the ball instead of picking up any information from Andy himself and then when the lights go down and it's black he's kind of stranded in no-man's land a little bit and just has to do his best to react but is naturally going to struggle with that so far the lights have been shot off when the ball is in midair but now the lights will be turned off just at the moment and Lee kicks it can Ronaldo score with only Andy's body language to go on hey go we'll get one we're good yeah good okay right now we're done doc like was that shoulder great finish great finish that was a great finish this is great because I imagine the boys coming I scared to go there with a face or a good of chest off shoulder and I put the ball inside quality great finish so tell me how difficult is that I mean the last one when we adjusted the time of the line yeah it's so difficult they've done studies like this using computer simulations so you watch it on a computer and just have to say where the balls going and from them they can see that early athletes can tell much earlier where the ball is coming from but to have to actually produce a physical response when a ball is flying at you then it's really good skills amazing sort my on this ledge my worst fear the test proves that Bernardo can perform an almost impossible task he can make decisions this quickly and with such little information to go on because in his subconscious he's an expert in the science involved Ronaldo can tap into that knowledge tap into his memory banks and he can then use that to help him so what you're saying despite the location because the first time being here he still recall in the pictures what he's done previous before an other location maybe matches in in training and he's recalling all those messages and in his brain saying this is the execution exactly and that's kind of the whole point of people training even though they can't train in a mapped environment they can still take their experiences from the training ground put it into practice in the match take things from one match and utilize it in another and even utilize things in a really strange situation like we've got here in terms of the match this means that instead of having to track the ball completely onto his foot he could be scanning to see where the goalkeeper is if there's any movement there so he can then place his shot past where the goalkeeper might be well as its base of the Maya success is to improve myself all the time so this is why I'm one of the best in the world next Ronaldo's technique is tested as scientists dissect his most formidable weapon the one that goalkeepers fear most his free-kick scientists are taking apart Cristiano Ronaldo's body to discover what makes him one of the world's most valuable footballers so far his body strength and extraordinary mental ability have been examined the next set of tests will investigate his amazing technique is it this that gives him the edge will now those free kicks are as famous as they are effective fast accurate and unpredictable his success rate is three times the average no one else in the world has mastered his technique so the question is how does he do it it's a port to go Brazil a free-kick because yes we this ball goes up and down and that makes it extraordinary difficult for for the goalkeepers it's not really dangerous when you shoot the kicks cousin our eldest thighs is like a pouch the bull Ronaldo has probably got one of the most efficient power application models of kicking that there is in terms of the amount of effort that he puts in and the return he gets on the ball speed to find out how he does this the scientists are going to analyze his free-kick in my new detail what we're gonna do now is put reflective markers all over your body so the cameras can pick up all your movement and we can see they're in 3d we can see all your movement how you move how your technique is when you strike again okay so let's pry the markers on email okay we're gonna go for a full-body marker set here essentially what we're looking for is we've got ten infrared cameras that are going to sample 300 times a second and hopefully what we get then is a three-dimensional reconstruction of exactly what happens during your kick this process is called 3d motion capture it's what video game animators use but this is the first time it's been used to analyze Renaldo's free-kick the most important bits of course are going to be on the leg as we can then identify just how fast his a his leg is traveling so we put these clusters on this part here stick this down so that's for the joint yeah how often will you do freaky practices in terms of practicing your technique once a week you just it after training just repeat it when you do generally deal with a goalkeeper in there yeah yeah yeah there we go beautiful so now we're gonna do your free kicks but I'm not gonna go look at your former teammate Jersey do that we did good man let's get that Andy has set up the lump with the gold 20 meters away to begin Ronaldo will take a free-kick employing the technique he uses to bend the ball over a defensive wall okay venado and play it may be over in the blink of an eye or 900 milliseconds to be precise but what happens during this time is fascinating to get the ball to curve Ronaldo must strike it in exactly the right place this is something that is achieved by hitting the ball off the center of mass so we're hitting it almost to the side of the ball and using the inside of our foot to wrap around that ball and generate spin once we've generated the spin this creates a difference in pressure between the inside of the ball and the outside of the ball and will tend to push the ball towards the direction of low pressure hopefully then this curves over the top of the wall and the keeper won't see the ball until the last minute the precision is extraordinary he sends the ball spinning around a perfectly vertical access bearing off it's normal straight trajectory by more than three meters but perhaps what Renaldo's most famous for is his devastating power kick or knuckleball if we then take a look at the word Cristiano hits his knuckleball this is a free-kick where very little spin is imparted to the ball play what we then get is a contact more towards the ankle joint Center this of course is going to generate less spin to the ball striking the ball right in the middle and giving it virtually no spin send it off in a dead straight trajectory but at the last second of all unexpectedly deviates of course is a really dancer for the keepers because it's impossible to understand the trajectory of the ball hits it with the laces and the ball floats as well so it has a double effect it comes down very late but during the whole move of trick it moves sideways if the ball spinning is easier difficult to catch but easy to understand their trajectory it's all down to aerodynamics and the secrets of Renaldo's knuckleball is in the seams when the ball spinning fast the seams have no effect but when the ball isn't spinning the seams can catch in the wind on one side and not the other it's just enough to make the ball deviate the slight movement of the ball in the air can generate the movement of the seems to generate turbulence that varies from one side to the other side of the ball makes it almost impossible for the keeper to react into which way it's going to move first how does it feel being a goalkeeper when you strike the ball straight on this strike is very hard to read obviously the ball flies like a bottle you know right up and down does the ball move around the cone you know really safe barred or the finger isn't in because the ball move a lot I think sometimes it makes goalkeeper scared when when you see you cast an oncoming so this is what Dudek would have seen in goal this is perhaps the cues that you might get to pick up on the amount of weight and pressure on the standing foot before he strikes with his rifle that's gotta be huge it's fairly large we're talking around about 30 storm going through going through his foot there the bowls on crack don't break as you saw before as well very very strong musculature he flexes that leg slightly on impact as we then come towards this point here all the energy that we've stored in this segment around the pole around the thigh yeah then gets translated through the knee that power flows through the knee to whip through to the ball very much if you imagine like a cowboy with a win he moves his arm and then stops it the end of the whip goes so fast yeah Reynaldo moves his thigh very fast then stops it and the end of the end of the foot comes through so quick looking at the kick from the front it's clear that Renaldo's posture is also a factor I have a phrase that I call the pillar which is basically the crutch to the top of your head if that pillar is straight and it is with Ronaldo particularly on his spot kicking and his legs are an extension of that line even though you might tilt it on its side okay there is still that flexion type of movement coupled that with the fact that his body moves through the ball you've got a pretty potent power model there but just how much speed does this power generate and is designed an unusual test to find out inspired by an event in Renaldo's childhood six sheets of glass are arranged around a speed monitor Ronaldo will fire the ball at this glass target what is it like as a kid smashing windows well I'm well I'm kidding I think I'm brave just wonder why someone neighbor it was very very big problem because whenever I've been home my mum keep my this is so this is a perfect situation where you can smash glass no it's okay no it's not for nobody gonna kick my I'm up as much power as possible so we've smashed in glasses well now this is your chance to take your free-kick with no restrictions nothing call we're gonna hold you back look free free take a nap so what speed has been recorded what we wanted to do is see just how fast that ball speed actually was this is pure unadulterated maximum speed and we can see we took out readings from the ball here yeah and we're hitting around about thirty five meters a second or that will translate into 80 miles an hour 80 miles an hour 80 miles an hour you as ferocious Ronaldo's free-kick is one of the fastest in the world it's a match winner on one of his key strengths a trademark that involves a unique and unconventional technique the rest my daily Restless tailor a snap got a capybara huh yeah look at the damage here just here look at that damage down there straight for it let's clear this area please clear this do you need those that's the only time you don't get in trouble for smashing glass in the final challenge Ronaldo will need to use all these fine-tuned abilities in one amazing test of skill like never before Cristiano Ronaldo's talent is being put under the microscope so far his body strength mental ability and technique have been nice acted but there's one aspect of Renaldo's game still to test his breathtaking skill while no Cristiano Ronaldo's biggest strengths is how quickly is able to move his feet the laboratory has been reconfigured as a 25 meter course with a finish at the far end the challenge is for Ronaldo to run with the ball from one end to the other but lined up against him is a team of weapons trained snipers armed with laser sighted guns they will try to shoot the ball the course is divided into three sections and as Ronaldo makes it from one section to the next the number of snipers increases final tete sniper's alley this is how it's gonna work when they hit the ball it will make this noise you're gonna hear that okay when they miss you'll hear this I fully expect you to make it from the beginning to the end without a sniper game ok ok let's give it a go to get through the course without the lasers getting a lock on the reflective ball is an incredibly tough challenge Ronaldo will have to perform skills not just at speed but in ways that the snipers can't predict will he be able to dance his way through the beams ok we now know the final test free 1 section 1 section 2 section 3 I finish difficult difficult one shot one only one got you then one one rabbit won't be tremendous what's the hardest thing is just not stand still yes most of the times a dribbling I go forward but here you have to stay here on which is more difficult it's a lot more difficult and I think it's more easy for them usually you'd move a lot quicker yeah no it's just for I give you opportunity to them to to be the shot you'd be a planet fair yeah perfect so how did he manage to get through the course virtually unscathed when Christiana was doing the test with the snipers see a lot of very good very impressive close work with the ball lot of skills on shore he manages to combine a Cruyff turn with R all in the outside of his foot over the top of the ball swiveling background then drops his center of gravity knocks the ball from his feet and accelerates away leaving his opponent for dead if we watch something such as the step over we see that the timing of the step over occurs at just the right time to make the opponent think that he's going to move one way before offering them the signal to move the other but the key is that fast foot movement lots of little touches and keeping the ball moving it was really amazing to see that he managed to perform so well in a situation that he wouldn't necessarily have been in ever before but he could still keep control keep his beliefs nice and positive there will have been no thoughts of failure no thoughts of what happens if I lose control that just wouldn't even enter his head at all it's complete belief and what he's going to do remaining positive the whole time some people dance over the ball but it don't move the ball he moved the ball a dance over the ball it's difficult for the opponents to stop the ball is like a rabbit is impossible to to shoot the ball amazing Ronaldo how you found the test today from it's a fantastic day to see all all my body works we do do tests what we did think it's amazing so it is great for me to give for the opportunity I try to improve much much well there's not much more you can improve oh it's been a great test thank you very much thank you good man Cristiano Ronaldo's footwork is perhaps the most influential factor in his rise to become one of the most successful goals scoring machines in history but today's tests have revealed how his body plays a crucial role in his effectiveness on the pitch one of the most impressive things about him was his strength and his power I think this is what sets him apart alongside that high high level of skill he has and something in other players find it very very hard to replicate his body strength contributes significantly in all areas of his performance but his technique enables him to generate maximum power is the mental strength that he shows to be able to perform in front of huge crowds and a massive amounts of pressure but also the decision-making processes that he has to make constantly while he's on the pitch we often forget how big an athlete Ronaldo is and we often forget where this guy delivers between 50 and 65 games per season and that's in an offensive position as a striker that's absolutely exceptional some players can do it in training but cannot deliver it in the big games Ronaldo can and that's why goes in the category of the great players walk is run under the edge over so many other players is that he's strong in every single aspect of his game and that's the secret to his winning performance my strife is to do it the right things to eat good sleep well to training well and to improve myself in football I do it all those things to focus for the football
Channel: ReNo9Prod
Views: 16,016,094
Rating: 4.8640518 out of 5
Keywords: Cristiano, Ronaldo, Ballon, D'Or, Real, Madrid, Goals, Freestyle
Id: 4achmhzLNoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2016
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