Crimes against Expats in Ecuador vs. Panama: Is There a Difference in Crimes?

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ah in Panem outside of Panama City hello Frank how you doing today in at the beaches outside of Panama City super if you were to compare crime on the Ecuador Coast to crime on the Panamanian coast what would the differences be if any I don't think generally there's any difference one could get the feeling there's a difference just because two areas have different appearance they outwardly look different because they're different countries but their same kind of crimes or well but haven't we been reading online about some violent crimes in Panama to expats towards XPath well there's Violent Crimes here and in Ecuador so again you know they're the same these crimes is the same do you think that perhaps it's just because there's more expats in Panama that we're reading about more violent crimes because I read more violent crimes happening in Panama than Ecuador I think that Panama is more mature in the accumulation of foreigner enclaves of Catalan plays with lots of corners and therefore they've had more more time to make a presence of their financial inequality with the locals unfortunately as you can see here no shortage of opulence there's no keeping a low profile or anything like that so you know after a number of years the word gets out no we've been saying it all along since we started helping foreigners understand what it's really like to live abroad well I had a conversation with a South American before we we left the states and she explained how things aren't out there she spoke English she knows what it's like in the u.s. so in the u.s. people show off their wealth in South America people keep a low profile it's it's totally different cultures but what happens is that these these North Americans go abroad to these countries and they don't understand that that principle and they they attempt to live the same way they don't attempt they do it they live the same way to live in the States and you don't realize it coming to cool country there's a lot of hubbub about middle classes and all that but you don't realize is that that's not the foundation in the base of the country you know it's not middle class like in the states where it's a sizable it's a misleading statement when you when you hear that there's rising middle classes these are designed to make you feel better about your living standards when you go to poor countries the reality is that percentage-wise you may have a middle class in these countries but it's much much smaller percentage of the population than what we're used to in the States so whether it's rising or not is really immaterial there's too many people here living up five hundred dollars a month and then after a while resentment I think I think a lot of these crimes are resentment if you look at the way that these criminals are acting that violently towards the foreigners I mean raping sixty five year old women and stuff you I mean there's stuff like people getting home invaded and for their refrigerators you know and they're getting their refrigerators and their sneakers still work I mean what does that tell you you you know nobody likes to talk about crime and stuff and there's a lot of people that will minimize crime and they will poopoo it and they will make all these statements and there's a lot of reasons for them to do so and there's a lot of reasons for locals to get defensive a lot of times the locals take it personal as a personal insult which it is not yes there's crime everywhere and it's important to know what the crime is if I was moving to Pittsburgh I'd want to know what the crime rates were and I'd want to know what kind of crimes there are and then I could make an informed decision you it doesn't matter where I'm moving I want to know the straight skinny I want to know where bears squat in the woods you know I want to know everything and that's what we do that's what we write about it's not about complaining or whining or not having anything good to say when of course we have a lot of good to say it has been said that moving is one of the most stressful things a person does in their lifetime the only other stressful as stressful more stressful thing as the death in the family I think I think if I remember correctly and so this is even more stressful because you're not just moving in the States to a different city you're moving through a completely different culture different country people look different sound different speak different act different earn different and it's big shock the culture shock so I think it's important people to know straight skinny on everything and to pretend and stick your head you know and pretend that you're going to some idyllic place that nope no problems exist and everything's perfect it's just not real you know so it's not meant to discourage it's meant to be honest you know and to be clear and honest up front so yeah I would feel uncomfortable living here I would and and I speak Spanish I I'm not saying that I couldn't live here you mean in a house yeah in a house I think that I would have to have an awful lot of South American style protection like barbed wire electric fencing guard dogs or lights guard dogs just the whole rigmarole rigmarole and and even then I'd still be uncomfortable because you know you can do all those things and still you know if you get targeted which foreigners after coroner has been going to a place for 15 10 15 years doing things the way they do them you know you know living opulently and such kind of in-your-face to the locals like that it seems to be just a just a cause and effect where eventually the crime rates just go up you okay Frank well that was a lot of detail thank you so much for that anyway all right have a beautiful day thanks for listening
Channel: Retire Earlier and Better
Views: 44,099
Rating: 4.6557865 out of 5
Keywords: Expats in Cuenca, Living in Ecuador, retire in ecuador, retire in panama, live at panama beaches, coronado beach crime, living in south america, panama crime wave, are gated communities safe?, beach crime panama, ecuador coast crime, crime wave panama, gringo robbed in Boquete, Chiriqi crimes expats, 65 year old raped in panama, thieves, robbers, crime against gringos, rich foreigners invite crime
Id: 3vAebureU-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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