Crime Scene Rescue | Cancer Patient Fears For Her Safety | Crime Documentary | Full Episode | S1EP10

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in the uk there's burglary every 45 seconds it's been broken into that is house walking into this car pinch then gone in our bedroom and everything's all over the floor and taking all my jewelry i've just come down from bed things are all over the house but right across britain committed police forces are leading the battle to stop the thieves in their tracks for the victims of these crimes it can take months or even years to overcome the trauma it's getting to me now yeah last night i just sort of felt it was all it was almost as if it hadn't happened it was very surreal but in this series we're about to show them and you how we can all fight back against the burglars this is crime scene rescue on today's show we meet heidi who's had a desperate year after battling cancer and now she's been burgled i've i'm having chemotherapy at the moment so you can imagine you kind of think you know i've worked hard it's not like they were you know in their presence and i could never get those back now will i but my army of helpers have pulled out all the stops to turn things around i'd like to say thank you very much to you for your help you know it's been a process and i don't think it would have been as easily done if it hadn't been for you and whilst i work hard to improve heidi's security i also join the police as they go on the offensive with every burglary costing the taxpayer around 4 000 pounds this force is going all out to catch the thieves using everything at their [Music] disposal [Music] it's 6 30 in the evening and in a district of leeds a call from a woman is coming in with such a police what's your emergency i mean they haven't taken my laptop or tell you or anything like that they've just gone upstairs and they've taken the doors after returning from a long day at work heidi discovered that thieves have stolen treasured items from her house we just had a call there's a burglary that's happened at this address we know very little about it which is often the case there's one officer on scene so let's have a chat [Music] tell me what happened today i've come home from work and i've walked in and the door is open here i thought that's strange and i've noticed that my conservatory draws the jar my laptop is still here so i've walked upstairs and there's all black footprints and people have been installing all my jewelry and it's stuff that i won't replace this stuff from my godmother who's dead now and necklaces and bracelets and i suppose a massive amount of money but it's not the point really the point is that you've had someone in your home the thieves broke through the patio door that led into the conservatory oh yeah you can see some markings here so do you think they've actually leave it open usually it expects the this bit to be broken off and the lock barrel snapped so i'm quite surprised i managed to jamming this door open very surprised it seems the criminals knew what they were looking for and it's only when we get upstairs that the full extent of the burglary becomes apparent oh yeah you look you can see they put all your stuff on the floor look at it absolutely rifled through but they shut my curtains because obviously they don't want people looking in do they and harley when you came home and you saw all your personal items or what or what's left of them on the floor scattered like that gutted is that how you felt yeah cause i've had a really bad year i i'm having chemotherapy at the moment so you can imagine you kind of think you know i've worked hard it's not like they were you know their presence and i could never get those back now will i i say i've got some costume jury they've left me they'll see knew what they were looking for i don't feel very secure now your home is your home isn't it and you invite people into your home when someone comes uninvited it's awful and but what can i say this it wasn't late at night at least it wasn't in the middle of the night just an awful thing for you to come home and find yeah i was a bit shocked i suppose we were shocked so the police have called the the scenes of crime team to come and have a look and just see if there's anything that they could find um clues yeah as to who might have done this um i'd imagine they'd want to have a close look over there and some of these surfaces especially the drawers inside of the jaws and bits and pieces as the scenes of crime officer arrives pc james burks checks with the neighbors to see if they have any vital information there's been a burglary next door but one what's happened today just wondered if you'd heard or seen anything basically i've been at work all day so this was the point of entry so scenes of crime is just having a look now just to see if there's any marks any finger marks especially so he's just gonna dust that now i mean it looks like quite a brutal way of forcing that door open so it it may not have too many but it's always worth trying and it's a nice smooth surface so he's got something to work with the lock is intact but i'm amazed that these doors have been forced something you don't expect for pc berks it's not the only line of inquiry there's a primary school at the back as well so we'll be looking for cctv inquiries over there a lot of people do have cctv as well so it's you know if anyone does a cctv area then you know we're asking them to check through their database meanwhile i'm seeing how the scenes of crime officer is getting on with the forensics if you have a look by the fence and it looks like a some sort of footwear mark down the bottom so it seems that's the way the offenders come into the property and possibly left as well but what he's doing now is just seeing if he can find out where he's gone from this point and trying to find if he can see an escape route for heidi the end of a long working day has become every homeowner's worst nightmare i want to see what i can do to help it's awful what's happened i can't imagine to to know what's going through your mind right now i mean jewellery can be replaced but your security and how you feel about your home that security fit that takes a while to come back again i want to to know if there's anything we can do to help you and make this place more secure you do seem to have a lot going for this property to make it quite secure however they've still got in there wasn't a burger alarm present in your cul-de-sac there are an awful lot of burger alarms and from my time in the police i do know that it's very often an opportunist crime and they tend to look for the easy target now if i was walking down the cul-de-sac and i saw that there's burger alarms and every other house except one obviously i'm probably gonna target the one that doesn't have one so that's something i think we can do i know you've got a cat here spike and some people are put off if they've got a pet but there are certain alarms that you can get um not very expensive that do allow for pets and won't be activated by a pet how does that sound so far this is your home at the end of the day i thought i was secure and i have been secure for 10 years all of a sudden now they're a bit more sophisticated maybe and they're it's not secure burglar alarm is the thing to to look at now if there's anything we can do we certainly will do for heidi it's not only the jewelry that's gone they've stolen my security they've made me feel insecure in my own home and i don't think i deserve that as a person i'm never gonna feel safe at night now every time i hear a bump or a crack or a i'm gonna be thinking oh my god is someone broken in again downstairs even though the patio doors have been forced the police have checked them out and they can be secured for the night i really want to be able to help heidi out because she has been through so much these last few months but her house is actually quite secure i'm really gonna have to make some phone calls fast because this job is going to be a challenge i've returned to the police station there's work to be done [Music] hey steve it's rav steve we need your help we've got a lady that was burgled and um she's got no burger alarm system whatsoever be mindful she's got a cat as well so she's a bit worried about a cat setting off any alarms is that something you can work around yeah yeah yeah okay then what i'll do i'll send you over the details of the property and i'll meet you there but that sounds great thanks for your help steve okay thank you cheers it's early morning in leeds and i'm paying a return visit to heidi so heidi last time i saw you you literally just got burgled you had a night to sleep on it and how are you feeling today bit shocked actually it's not gutted about the whole thing and just have to accept it don't you move on i mean there's a lot of really personal stuff that's gone that i'll never ever replace you know at least my house is intact you know they didn't destroy my house they didn't damage my house heidi's insurance will be covering the cost of replacing the patio doors but she does need an alarm and that's definitely something i can help with [Music] i've enrolled the help of steve a local tradesman who answered my call after heidi's burglary [Music] if you ever look around all the other houses everyone seems to have a burglar alarm box except this one and i think that must be one of the reasons why this place was targeted i think it needs a nice new system put in that really sends out literally the alarm signals to anyone that fancies a go at this place to know it is secure now obviously a lot of people are put off with alarms because they go in it starts making a noise they've got to go and put the code into the keypad and even though it's not a great deal to do it does put some people off is there anything you can do there to help out yes we can have a remote control fob which you can have on a handbag or on a person and just press the fob and that will switch the system off remotely sounds pretty good to me steve households with less than basic security measures are six times more likely to be burgled than homes that have protection like an alarm [Music] you just see the small marks there i mean it's literally brute force that they've used to somehow level that door open so i'm thinking if you can put some contact points on there that would make a big audible alarm straight away the minute that's open and that's something you think you can do yeah yeah perfect the door contacts can go on to the door and if somebody forces it open it would instantly all the instant belts internal and external that's fine figures suggest that only 12 percent of homes that have been burgled have gone on to update their home security and if you've been burgled once there's a higher chance of it happening again [Music] homeowners like heidi face the distress of losing their precious belongings every day great ladies and gentlemen start on the briefing second phase of operation in that while i've been in west yorkshire i've been shadowing the police as they wage a war against the burglars i'm sitting in on a briefing the police force are about to raid a number of properties in leeds that are believed to be dealing in stolen goods it's common for the police to discover the proceeds of several burglaries during these raids [Music] so the officers are just about to go in and execute a warrant in a takeaway where they believe there's a number of stolen items as proceeds from burglary they're going in as we speak we've got one of the workers from inside here who's uh saying this is just a seller he's happy to show the officers around so that's what they're doing at the moment he's just showing him what's down here so that's the fast bit now it's the slow time bit doing the search uh which with the places stacked up as this and this is just one room with very many it's like you're looking for a needle in it yeah yeah so we'll get crack in there the suspects in the takeaway have been searched and questioned but nothing's been found the police are now checking another part of the building you've done the the main building we have yes uh you've contained everyone inside yes uh happy there's no more people there and there's nothing obvious at the moment no they're carrying on search at the moment obviously with jewelry small items it's taking a little bit more of the detail so absolutely now there is another door behind me here that's part of the same building but um tell me about that we've heard noise upstairs in the flight it's clear that there's somebody in there who've tried to knock on the door refusing his entry at this moment in time so the officer is just getting ready now to force entry to that door so that we can gain entry and secure the premises inside there and also search up there now the police are going after more suspects and stolen goods it looks like it could possibly be student accommodation or a number of bets it's seems like three or four flats or beds it's there there's another one at the top there chris has just been talking to a female it sounds like she thinks there might be other people actually in these rooms while the police are acting on good intelligence there's no sign of any stolen property as yet we've spoken to the lady obviously limited english the officers now run with language line uh to try and assist with the communication barrier and from what coming and established these um various people various ages in there we're trying now to ascertain whether from whether legally in the country at this moment in time given the way that they've reacted to the police attending here those inquiries are now ongoing with officers inside the building with immigration uh at the airport to ascertain so if you can find out who they are brilliant so quite a bit of work for you guys to do it we're still carrying on down here and we'll carry on the search will continue for the original reason why we're here with the laptops and the jewelry now your team did two warrants this evening at the same time this being one um tell me how the other one went uh the other one we've rusted two males at the other takeaway in relation to handling stolen goods as we speak now there's further officers from that team who are going on to their home addresses uh to conduct the searches there uh we've recovered a number of items at the other takeaway so we'll just wait for those identifying again that's ongoing as well it's a cold night in leeds and cid officers john brayshaw and chantal marcum from the priority crime team are paying heidi a visit they'll be seeing what they can do to help recover her jewellery what we're wanting to do is go around the shops as soon as possible and look out for some of your jewelry and most shop owners are quite pro police and fair and they do you know tell us if someone's been in and often the report if they think it's suspicious did you manage to get any photographs i've done a list yeah and this is the thing i did for you for these are the diamond earrings here that's the and these rings here they're the things that were on the back of each of these cards saying what the stones are how much they weigh the weight of gold for now i mean what's it then because if somebody's brought in sort of three rings that match three of the ones on there then the chances are it's going to be you know if there's just one that's like it but i think if anything it'll be my bracelets because the the victorian gate bracelets yeah all right thanks see you later bye in the neighborhood around heidi's home the police are making house-to-house calls in a bid to maintain a strong presence it may be that someone comes forward with information and a few miles away at the station there's an update from cid officer chantel markham we've been around as many of the local jewelry stores as possible to see if anybody's taking any of it in it is quite distinctive stuff at the moment we haven't had any results on that but we're also in the process of doing a press release to see if anybody has come into contact with any of the jewellery that was sterling [Music] hardworking heidi has had a torrid few months she's enduring chemotherapy treatment after battling cancer and being burgled has left her feeling vulnerable at home it's time to make her feel safe and secure again and steve and colleague richard have started to fit the new alarm system [Music] with alarm contacts being fitted to the doors and sensors being fitted to the interior this house will soon become a lot safer steve box looks great totally changed the appearance of the front of this house straight away tell me what you've done inside well richard's been connecting the sensors and the control panel he's just finished connecting the final door contact and if that alarm is activated i can see the blue on the outside is that going to light up as well yeah this is robot lights up sounds great yeah thank you steve thank you very much for your help okay it's late afternoon and i've come to see roger lomas who works for the coordinating and tasking office or cato for short they are the police units responsible for gathering intelligence about pidi's burglars in terms of the burglary that could the ammo i.e in terms of ammo the method of how the suspects have actually gained entry and the property they've stolen is very similar to two previous burglaries and there is a match on two potential suspects for the burglary the next stage will be for the priority crime team to consider the uh intelligence and that's been put forward to them with the two names look at the previous offending background uh let's see what markers are on and then they will consider an arrest so officers are out there they act on the information as soon as it's received and there's a much higher potential that any stolen property will still be at the address the police are hoping to catch heidi's burglars by using a mixture of intelligence and also disrupting the lifestyle of known offenders in a bid to drive down the crime level in west yorkshire the police are doing all they can to get the criminals off the streets officers are tracking down known offenders who have broken their bail conditions after being released early from prison essentially what we're trying to do is make inquiries in respect of the information that we've had so we're just awaiting that at the moment but we've got in the meantime some information about another address so that's obviously somewhere that we're going to be making a call police check all known addresses for the offenders and if at first they don't succeed the two addresses that you we've been to there um the first address that was negative um that his brother had said that he was he'd just gone out we attended a second address which is one of his associate's addresses we did find him there he did give false details to the police it wasn't until myself and my colleague walked in there then obviously when you were clearly who it was and he was arrested the man who attended the police station was released without charge so far there's no joy finding heidi's burglars however on the night of the break-in the scenes of crime officer did find fingerprints and a footprint in the garden and this forensic analysis often plays a crucial role in police investigations [Music] the scenes of crime officers are always quickly on hand to gather evidence before it's disturbed fundamentally what they're actually doing is trying to put themselves in the mind of the burglar and when they're looking at the scene thinking whereabouts that offender will have been what they will have touched and where they may have left evidence for us hopefully to recover they will be looking for evidence which could be visible or on the other hand may be invisible to the naked eye potentially looking for fingerprints looking for footwear marks looking for dna in heidi's case the fingerprints found on the patio doors offer a unique clue to the identity of the burglar incredibly every single fingerprint is one of a kind scenes of crime officer sally smith shows us how the evidence is collected so just apply this fine powder lightly so that you can see the fingerprints and there you can see those being developed okay so i'm just going to peel off the fingerprints now but it's not only fingerprints that can be used to identify the burglars police are increasingly using other forensic evidence and at heidi's they also found a clear footprint in the garden of course the offender may not leave their fingerprints behind um but they have to walk around the house that they've burgled therefore we would use all the tools available to us to find that footwear mark left by the offender at the scene the distinctive imprints left by different designs of footwear are recorded on a vast police database the footwear mark would enable us to find out the brand or type of shoe we could then use that to try and link that to other burglaries which might have happened nearby or within the same area that quite often happens where you'll get a series of burglaries where they've got the same or similar footwear marks and then you could possibly attribute that to the same person once the evidence is collected from the crime scene it is processed back at the station here it's added to a detailed database so it can be cross-referenced with millions of suspects nationwide so that'll go across to our identification bureau they'll have a look at the fingerprint to see if it belongs to anyone who's on our database if there's someone already in custody for this offence and they'll be able to look at the fingerprints straight away so they can look at the fingerprints immediately forensic evidence like that found at heidi's home continues to play a key role in modern police work in west yorkshire we aim to attend 100 of all burglary crimes that message is quite simple that if you are a victim of a burglary in the west yorkshire police area you will be visited by one of the scenes of crime officers even though heidi thought her house was safe burglars still managed to get past the security that was in place to steal her jewelry these were precious items that can never be replaced it's been a traumatic few months and i really wanted to help [Music] i hope that the alarm system restores heidi's safe haven as she looks towards a brighter future [Music] and as the security work is coming to an end i'm back to see how she feels now the alarm box is all out of the front and i've had a look and i'm really impressed actually i think it makes a big big difference do you want to take a look at yourself yes please yeah let's go and have a look thank you so heidi here we are at the front of your house you got your brand new alarm box there now this is up and running it's really going to make a difference you can set the alarm off yourself if you did feel um panicked in there you can press a button the alarms will all sound yeah that blue light up there is going to flash it's going to scare anyone off it's going to alert your neighbours which is a it's a good thing because you've got a nice tight-knit community around here aren't you we have yeah and you can actually go off we'd all come out and have a look yeah which is really nice so um hopefully that's just a small thing that we can do for you to make you feel a little bit better after the horrible thing that happened to you i'd like to say to those people that come to people's houses and steal you steal more than contents you steal people's memories you steal people's security i just hope it was worth it for them quite frankly you know because i really really at this stage in my life could have done without all of this but i have to say thank you very much to the alarm people both stephen richard they've been fantastic today they've been really really kind i'd like to say thank you very much to you for all your help you know it's been a process and i don't think it would have been as easily done if it hadn't been for you well it's been an absolute pleasure i mean obviously i wish we hadn't met in these circumstances but if it makes it that much better for you then obviously that's a success because it's one of the worst things that can happen to anyone being burgled i know that from my time in the police i dealt with hundreds of burglaries and it's never easy um and i really really feel for you i'm more reassured now that obviously if anyone wants to break in the alarm's going to go off now i'm really pleased a lot happier i'll sleep better i think tonight and i'll stay asleep i think it's changed how i value my home i've decided now i'm not going to be a victim you know i don't want to live in fort knox but now i live in a house that is as secure as i can make it despite the efforts of the police heidi's jewellery has not yet been found the two possible suspects identified were not arrested as they were later eliminated from police inquiries and though the crime remains unsolved it is still being investigated i'm really pleased with being able to assist heidi especially after she's had such a hard few months and the installation of that burger alarm has clearly made such a difference to her home security [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Banijay Crime - Crime Documentary
Views: 5,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime, true crime, documentaries, crime documentaries, full documentary, criminals, factual, documentary, full length documentaries, documentary film, documental, top documentaries, crime documentary, documentary full, Crime Scene Rescue, crime scene rescue full episodes, crime scene rescue season 1, crime scene rescue season 1 episode 10, crime scene rescue season 1 full episodes, crime documentary bbc, crime documentary full episodes, Police, crime scene, survival, crime show
Id: 5c4R2rZf9K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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