Crime Scene Cleaners Share Bizarre Things They Have Seen - AskReddit

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warning this video contains detailed descriptions of extreme murder scenes and very horrible stories please do not watch this if you are sensitive regarding such topics people who clean up crime scenes what's the most bizarre thing you've witnessed I don't clean up crime scenes but I do remove the deceased I can get into more accurate detail of the deceased but here's some general stuff hoarders are a lot more common than they really should be first of all and it's never a clean hoard its piles of junk covered in several types of urine crap and vomit molds I've never seen before and probably insects that haven't even been discovered yet I understand when the emergency services don't want to be in that kind of house longer than they have to but I'll never forget having to ask them to help me because I couldn't distinguishing what was actually the deceased and what was just a piles of random stuff that looked more human than the deceased did people will warn your bodies will bloat and touching them the wrong way will make them leak but the imager conjuring up doesn't even hold a light to what it can be like insects skittering when you delicately lift a 400 pounds deceased onto your cot because one wrong move and they will start to sing oh and the ones who had pets who were so desperate they had to eat their owner staring into the eyes of a big brown eyed mutt who is happy to finally receive human contact and all you can think about is how the deceased is missing their entire face poor things were just hungry but it's unsettling my job is to clear landmines I clean war crimes you can say yay bit of a stretch I know recently a cow had walked into a minefield in our area of operations and stepped on a small anti-personnel mine however this mine was boosted by having been buried on top of a directional fragmentation mine gamers and soldiers think Claymore but but bigger the cow had literally been split in half with cow intestines spread all over the area and hanging from trees like Hannibal's Christmas ornaments I occasionally work on the weekends for a funeral home it's decent money for what is essentially two hours of cloud work when their normal staff is off last year I was called in at around 5:00 in the morning a 30 something year old guy had killed himself shot himself in a pretty small two-bedroom that wasn't the bizarre part at all since I've seen it before on call outs what was bizarre was what was in the apartment literally thousands of documents piled on the floor on a desk on shelves of people's financial information credit card statements bank statements personal data etc probably three thousand folders with all this stuff in it even where there weren't piles of folders there were just loose papers magnetic cards surveillance cameras it was just the weirdest thing I've ever seen and of course some of these documents and folders had blood and brain spattered all over them didn't matter to me though since the detective on scene had said it was fine to take the body the police had to clear a path by collecting the papers from the route we would take from the door to the apartment to where he was a couple of months later it came out that the guy had over a million dollars in cash and Bitcoin apparently the state police were on to him and he decided he didn't want to try to run with his seven figures or go to jail for what would have been probably less than 10 years hit up our / stop at theft because you never know who is stealing your financial information family member did heavy duty cleaning including crime scenes a guy shot his head off with a shotgun EMTs were supposed to pick him up literally but missed a large chunk of brain behind a couch that was when said family member decided to find other engagement so I worked in health care crazy stuff comes in all the time one time a woman came in who was shot in the vagina she was dirty in only a bra I thought she was a prostitute tossed from a car turns out she was drinking with her boyfriend and another guy she and the bf got into a fight like serious fight the boyfriend starts choking her out so the friend runs upstairs grabs a gun and tries to shoot out the legs of the bf well he missed and shot her instead took a bit of explaining to clear that up a friend of mine works as a detective for homicides and vice sometimes the two combined usually she doesn't talk about work ever but she was clearly suffering from the scene she described the following imagine a small apartment one bedroom one separate kitchen a small living room small bathroom tiny toilet you enter a small hallway and you find a trail of blood you follow the trail and at the end of the trail is someone hanging out of the living room window with half her head blown off she apparently tried to commit suicide by shooting herself it didn't stick and she decided to jump out of her window but died before she could fall down you look around and enter the kitchen there's a baby in the kitchen the baby is no longer alive because it's facedown in the sink full of clear water the child was drowned later they found out the mother did it you keep exploring the scene in the bedroom her other two children were found they were older four and seven years old boy and girl they apparently fled from their mother after she killed the baby the mother came after them with a knife there was a lot of blood each kid had over 30 stab wounds it was an otherwise normal family of five stay-at-home mother working father talented sporty boy very smart girl and a few months old baby girl so where is the father you see a potential suspect can we find anyone who knows where he is let's tag and bag the scene consider him suspect for now put a warrant out for his arrest or whatever kind of come with us innocent until proven guilty person arrests there is then the father steps out of the elevator outside the front door of his apartment he looks at the open door with brain cards rolling out with covered bodies of his children and wife he looks at the police presence and detectives in white suits the hysterically crying man is having a meltdown of astronomical proportions and my friend was there to see it all unfold in front of her eyes in the span of one afternoon the guy was innocent the timeline was something like this the mother had not slept in days because of the baby crying out of pure frustration she drowned the baby her other children saw her do it she panicked and killed the other children she panicked even more and tried to blow her own head off but that didn't immediately work so she tried to jump down the windows to kill herself blood-loss made her pass out and she died hanging from the window where she was spotted by a neighbor who called the cops the cops opened the door saw it wasn't their type of scene my friend has seen suicides of all kinds she's seen the results of two young kids committing suicide by train she's seen all types of hangings she's seen all types of necrosis she's seen it all but not a happy family going from heaven to the deepest depths of Hell in the span of one afternoon she's been on paid leave for a few weeks now it was simply too much I have no idea how people can do the job for several decades my best friend used to have this job most of the bizarre stuff was cleaning up suicides found a guy's full intact mustache across the room when he blew his head off with a shotgun one guy tried to kill himself by shooting his stomach with a small caliber pistol he didn't die immediately so he wrote tons of whacked-out stuff on the walls with his blood then finished the job USA arty mop propane / NAT gas explosion guy's arm was holding on to a lander growing up a holding tank no body no anything just an arm a friend of mine is a firefighter and he told me about a scene of a wreck he showed up to when he arrived there was a Corvette smashed under a trailer of an 18-wheeler when they finally pulled the tool apart the driver of the Corvettes body which was intact in the front seat with cellphone in hand meanwhile his head was in the back seat turns out he had been going at least 70 miles per hour while texting and didn't realize there was a red light and rammed into the back of an 18-wheeler I was at this house cleaning up a suicide it was a beautiful young woman in her 20s who had killed herself with her prescribed antidepressant the investigators had left so it was just me and my partner there we just had to put her in a body bag and take her to the morgue I went out to the ambulance to get the body bag / stretcher walk back in the house to see my partner raping the girl's corpse the strangest part is that he seemed like a totally normal dude I would have even said we were friends he's in prison now was dispatched to a vehicle versus pedestrian call a couple months ago and when we arrived on scene it was like something out of a movie dude was running across a fairly busy four-lane road and was hit by a car traveling about 55 miles per hour after his head went through the windshield of the first vehicle he then proceeded to be thrown into the opposite lane and was ran over and drugged about 20 yards by another vehicle once the coroner was on scene with traffic investigations we proceeded to pick up his organs bit by bit it was a fantastic anatomy lesson I was at a scene recently where someone jumped off a balcony onto the street below the balconies of the second and third floors extend out further than the others the person left pieces of themselves on the third floor and the rest of them continued down to the second floor another one that I attended a few years ago was a suicide attempt in a nursing home a lady cut both her wrists and waited to die the only problem was that the wounds were too superficial she had a bit of time to kill so she made herself a smoothie watched some TV went to the bathroom basically just going about her normal day she eventually changed her mind and called for help the company I work for doesn't usually clean up crime scenes but it's something my boss has been trying to get into for a while we have gone and done a couple of bits usually when we show up the crime scene is over a week old sometimes two this one in particular a man murdered his girlfriend and confessed the next day so it was about three or four days old this man stabbed his girlfriend 56 times throughout the home while she was trying to get away he then scalped her in the bathroom there was blood and hair everywhere that's not even the most effed up part after she was dead he cut off her boob and cooked it in a frying pan drugs were involved I used to work in forensics picking up decedent's as well as assisting the medical examiner and conduction of the autopsy not necessarily cleaning up the scene but I've seen a guy who during some kind of psychotic break completely castrated his entire package he then proceeded to stuff the entire package into his mouth and down his throat he then slit his own throat did all of this with a cheap kitchen knife in his shower cause exsanguination complicating transverse carotid and jugular severance manner suicide just trying to do my part to get actual crime cleaners here but I'm a medic so similar I guess one time we found this guy dead in his home in the corner of the living room tucked around the couch but up no clothes on literal coffee ground looking crap spread everywhere across the house on the floors furniture walls everywhere along with mass amounts of liquor bottles and glass everywhere he had massive GI issues along with drinking himself to death don't know what was worse the smell or the scene I don't clean them for a living but had to clean a few apartments when my uncle managed an apartment complex we had one tenant OD on heroin he sat there for roughly three weeks before anyone noticed the smell they took his body and left it to us to clean up the dude vomited on the ceiling there were a little dry droplets of vomit all over the ceiling right above where he died and to top it off you basically liquefied and left a puddle of gut juices on the concrete foundation underneath the carpet I thought that crap was left to a professional team but I guess it's optional and if you don't want to pay for it you can scoop the brains and blood up yourself crime scene cleaner here my first suicide cleanup was quite an experienced man shot himself in the head in his garage I'll never forget needing to use pliers to pull teeth and skull fragments out of the drywall behind where he sat or that blood and brain managed to make its way more than 50 feet across the garage most disturbing though was his pickup we chose to take it to our company wash Bay to pressure wash it and make sure it was as clean as possible I cleaned it myself and was satisfied that I had done well inspected for blood and couldn't find anything so I began driving it back to the owners garage on the way back a slight drizzle began and switched on the wiper blades imagine my horror as a chunk of brain streaks across my newly cleaned windshield I pulled over quickly and cleaned it up but it still makes me sick to think what would have happened if it didn't rain the day this man's poor wife or daughter would have been met with that sight and been crushed again by the impact of suicide that was ten years ago and I'll never forget it now I triple or quadruple check every job thanks for watching another episode of radio TTS hit the subscribe button for more dark videos and also lighter content and let me know how do you feel about these topics is this something you like to hear or do you want us to avoid such subjects [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 228,720
Rating: 4.9248028 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, story, reddit stories, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r\, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, best of askreddit, reddit best, top posts, Crime Scene Cleaners, reddit crime scene, crime scene cleaner stories, Crime scene cleaner, death cleaning, crime scene cleaners stories, crime scene cleaners real stories, crime scene reddit, Death Cleanup, death scene cleaners, reddit scary stories, reddit creepy
Id: aPoJQ8ViwfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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