Crime Patrol Dastak - Ep 1008 - Full Episode - 29th March, 2019

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Yes I've released the parrot. 'What if someone captures it?' I've released it from a distant location. No one will be able to capture it this time. What is it, sister? Why are laughing? You know, Natasha, sometimes my reader asks such stupid questions, just don't ask. Natasha, few of my books are over the drawer please bring them for me. - Yes, sister. Jyoti come here. Have you looked into my advice? Ma'am, I thought about it. But, if I do this Santosh is going to be very hurt. Will you ruin your life because of how he feels? Release yourself from your husband's prison and learn to fly, Jyoti. Spare me.. Forgive me. Spare me, I made a mistake. 'Cage.' Hi, I'm Inspector Adil Khan. Welcome to 'Crime Patrol Dastak'. A prisoner is well aware of the value of freedom. But someone who misuses his freedom can be dangerous for anyone at any time. And, protecting you from such people is the Police's responsibility. However, this case was going to challenge our responsibility. And as the investigating officer of this case I was in the crosshairs of both media and the criminal. This case from New Delhi was such it had created fear among the people. Jyoti, you aren't done yet? - Almost done, Sir. Are you going to do it after the guests arrive? Natasha. - Yes, father. Are you going to finish your study today itself? Go and check if Nandita is ready. Hurry. You aren't ready yet? What the use in getting ready now, Father. Guests will arrive at 5 o'clock. - 5 o'clock? No, they said they'll here by 11 o'clock. But, Father, the guy you called won't be able to coming now. But the guy I invited at 5 o'clock will arrive at that time with his mother. I've told before, Nandita you'll marry with the person of my choice. But Father he won't be able to come anymore. Call him if you want to. The number you've dialed is switched off.' 'Please try again later, thank you.' Welcome, Inspector Adil. This place has been stinking since morning. After looking around, we found a corpse. It's possible someone may have dumped this corpse here yesterday. Take the body out. - Yes, sir. Abhisekh. Sir, the corpse haven't been only beheaded his genitals have been removed as well. And there are injury marks all over the body. He was severely tortured. But why would someone take the risk of dumping the body near a prison? Sir, it may be possible the body has floated on a drain. This drain doesn't seem to have enough water to carry a body. What's the design on his hand? Check it. 'Anuraag.' Vikas, look around the area. May be, we'll recover the head. Sir. Jailor Sir, is this corpse connected to your prison? I mean, may be the inmates got into a fight and this body belongs to one of them. What are you saying, Inspector Adil? This corpse isn't connected to our prison. If it's not connected why would someone dump a corpse here and risk themselves? We don't understand it either. Since the body was found, we've looked at all the cctv footages. But we didn't find any suspicious activity. Yes, the area where the corpse was recovered is out of range of the camera. Sir, I looked around the neighbouring areas but couldn't find the victim's head or anything which may help identify the corpse. One of the corpse's hand mentions the name 'Anuraag'. 'Anuraag.' Check at local police stations if any missing report had been filed for someone whose hand has the word 'Anuraag' written on it or anyone whose name is 'Anuraag'. It's important that the corpse is identified. Then we can find out who he is as well as the person responsible for beheading him. Greetings. - Greetings, ma'am! Dad, this is Raghav and his mother. Please come in, ma'am. - Come. Mr. Ranjit, kids find their life partner on their own nowadays. Parents don't need to worry. That's fine, Ms. Sudha. Tell me, what does your son Raghav do? Dad, Raghav is looking for a job. Oh, he is looking for a job. You do have your own house, right? No, sir, we stay in a rented house. How do you afford the rent and household expanses when he doesn't work? - Sir, I work.. Is he a thief? - Dad! You can't insult Raghav like that. And I can't let you marry a boy who has no income. After your marriage, you'll earn for them and then these guys will sit at home. Is that your choice? My choice is very good, Dad. And I've decided that I'll only marry Raghav. Any news about Anurag? Sir, this is the postmortem report of the boy whose body we found outside the jail. Sir, according to this report, this boy was around 20 to 24 years old. And he died around 7 days ago. He was beheaded slowly with something sharp. He died because of too much blood loss. And his head was removed completely after he died. Any lead about his identification? No, sir, not yet. The boy died 7 days ago and no one has filed a missing persons' complaint? Could that be intentional, Vikas? Activate our informers in Delhi NCR. Find out if any person who had 'Anurag' tattooed on his wrist is missing. Mom is very troubled about what happened at your house. And I get rejected in every job interview. I don't know what to do. - Don't worry about job, Raghav. I'll help until you find a job. Besides, I earn enough for us to give a new beginning to this relationship. Nandita, you don't understand. Your father.. A-Are you okay? - I'm okay. Did you find out who he was? - I don't know. But I know who must've sent him. But don't call me again. - Are you talking to the same man Dad, whom you sent to kill Raghav? W-What nonsense are you talking? - It is the truth. Tell me, who did you send to kill him? Otherwise, I'll really go to the police station and file an FIR against you. - Are you out of your mind? First, you had that boy attacked in order to marry him. And now you're threatening me to get me out of way! Wow, Dad, wow. Now you're blaming me to hide your own deeds? Nandita was a facet of this case which was about to attract our attention. They did not even file a report about the attack on Raghav and Nandita. We were getting nowhere in our investigation of the beheaded body we found outside the jail. And we were going door to door to identify that body. I don't know about this tattoo. But, yes, a boy named Anurag used to live in this neighbourhood. But I haven't seen him since many days. Where does Anurag stay? Does Anurag stay here? - Yes, sir. He is my son. But you.. - Where is he right now? Sir, he.. He is not at home. - We've found out that he hasn't returned home since many days. Are you hiding something? Sir, Anurag is my son. He hasn't come home since many days. But what is the matter, sir? - We found a body. Name 'Anurag' was tattooed on the body's wrist. Did your son have such tattoo? Anurag! Anurag! Your son was missing since so many days. Why didn't you file a report? Actually, he left the house angrily. And we thought he must be at his friend's house. Many times he has left the house for several days in the past. Why was he angry? - Sir, every family fights. It was nothing special, sir. Your son got murdered. Does that qualify as special? Tell me clearly, what are you hiding? Sir, we're not hiding anything. You told me that he would go missing for many days. Where would he go? - We don't know, sir. Yes, the day he left, he told his mother that he was going to Narela. Anurag. - Yes, Mom? Where are you going? - Narela, Mom. Why are you going to Narela? - I'm looking for a job there. I'll get a little late. Okay, bye. Where was he looking for a job in Narela? Sir, I know nothing. He never used to tell us whom he used to meet and what he used to do. Seeing Sukhram gives me a feeling that he isn't grieved to hear his son's death. Sir, Anurag's father Sukhram is a carpenter. It would be too early to say but the object with which Anurag was decapitated even Sukhram must be using that kind of an equipment in his work. But Anurag's body was dumped outside the jail. Only a dreaded criminal can take the risk of dumping a corpse outside a jail. Question Sukhram's neighbours as to how was the father-son relationship. Find out from Anurag's call records if there is any number of Narela or not. - Okay, sir. Nandita, are you sure that your father will try to kill me? His nature is like that. When mother was alive, he used to harass her. And now, he is making my life miserable. When I blamed him for this he tried to put up an innocent face. Nandita, just because you want to marry that boy I don't want you to consider me as your enemy. Marry that boy if you want to.. But on one condition. What! Live-in son-in-law? How can you.. - Yes.. Let's agree to it. Once we get married, we'll do whatever we want to. Listen, Nandita. I know you don't want to lose me but my mother will have a problem with your father's decision. There will be no problem, Raghav. Talk to her and bring your mother to our house next Tuesday.. And finalise this marriage. Sir, Anurag wasn't Sukhram's biological son. Sukhram and his wife had adopted him. Adopted child? - Yes, sir. How was the relation of Anurag with his parents? Sir, Anurag was a drop-out from school. He was unemployed. Sukhram used to curse him for that. After getting drunk Sukhram used to beat up Anurag and his mother. You'll be a useless boy all your life! - Father! I made a big mistake by adopting you! Father! - Don't beat him. - Shut up! Father! After that day, Anurag wasn't to be seen, sir. Who knows what happened to him. Sir, I agree that Anurag was not my son but I didn't adopt him so that I kill him. Sir, I wanted him to be a successful man but sir, he always let me down. That doesn't mean you'll cut off his head. You killed him because he was your stepson. You used to tell him to mend his ways. And what about you? You used to beat both the son and his mother. Sir, I admit that I used to beat him but it is also true that I used to take to liquor that I know nobody would take care of me in my old age. But sir, I didn't kill him. I didn't kill him, sir. I agree that Anurag's father was very harsh but he cannot even think of killing his son. Let's assume that your husband didn't kill Anurag. But Anurag was missing. Why didn't you and your husband file a missing complaint? Is it that you knew that your husband murdered Anurag and you're deliberately hiding that fact? No, sir. You're mistaken. My husband is innocent. What happened? I don't know.. I can't reach Raghav on his phone. Did you call Raghav and his mother this Tuesday or the next? I mean.. Did you call them today or the next week? Hello. - Hello, ma'am. You and Raghav were supposed to come to my house today. Why didn't you come? After getting insulted by your father do you expect me to visit your house again? But ma'am.. - Listen, Nandita. I can't even think of Raghav marrying a girl whose father tried to kill him. But ma'am.. Raghav.. Hello? Hello.. What happened? Hello. What? Okay. I'll be there. Raghav and his mother aren't coming over. Shall I do my work? I'll be right back. Sir, we searched Sukhram's house. We didn't get anything suspicious but we found this wood cutting machine of Sukhram's. Send this to the forensics. Check Sukhram's activity the day Anurag was murdered. - Sir! Sir. This is Anurag's call record. Sir, on 16th September, Anurag's phone got switched off in Narela itself. We got phone booth number from his call record. The last call to Anurag was made from that phone booth. The parrot is free. We searched near the PCO but didn't get anything. We also got a number from his call record of a girl named Pari. This is her photo. We got this photo from the mobile network service provider. Sir, Pari's phone number is registered in a West Bengal address. But her phone is switched off for quite some days. Anurag and Pari used to exchange a lot of calls. It can also be an affair. An affair. Anurag wasn't only decapitated but even his private parts were chopped off. And now we get a girl's number from Anurag's call record which is switched off for many days. Find out what connection does Anurag have with Pari. And find out why Pari is missing. - Sir! Yes, sir. Sister, father hasn't returned since last night. Moreover, his phone isn't reachable. Get the case files. Hello. Two bodies have been found in two weeks outside the jail in Delhi. And just like the first body the head of this body is also missing. I think the police team has arrived. Come, let's get some information from them. Sir. Sir, say something. As you just saw, the police team has arrived. Sir, he has also been murdered with the same modus operandi. But instead of the gutter the body has been thrown close to the jail this time. The head has been cut and a pot has been placed on the neck this time. There's a pot in place of the head on the body. A smiley on the pot. What is the criminal trying to prove? Sir, I found a letter from the cloth tied on the body. Read it. 'Another impotent dead body as a gift' 'to the impotent police officers.' 'Did you see where the body was found?' 'The place where you claim to do justice' 'by punishing the criminals.' 'You don't know how to do justice.' 'But I have done justice.' 'I have separated his head from the body.' 'If you know to investigate properly' 'then find me.' Jailer, two bodies have been throw outside your jail. What is the matter? That is for you to find out, Adil sir. You are answerable to us, Jailer. The bodies have been found outside your jail. The meaning is clear. The one who is throwing the bodies here is aware that he can throw it and leave easily. He is not bothered about you, your security or staff. Are you blaming me? I am doing my duty. You told me that it is my duty to find out who is throwing the bodies here. And I will find out too. 'Sir, one question.' 'What is the police and the government doing?' 'Are the criminals not scared of the police?' 'Or is the police involved in all this?' 'Move aside. - We are investigating.' 'And trust the police.' 'The criminal will not be spared.' Pari, you are showing attitude just like your name. I don't want to talk to you. Go from here. Hey, where are you going? Come with me. I have come to take you. If you touch me again or try to touch me I will kill you. Understood? Hey, do you think I am an idiot that you try to kill me and I will be quiet? I'm giving you two days. Come back. Otherwise, I'll take you forcibly. Sir. Sir, I noticed from Pari's call records that her phone is usually active in Delhi's red light area. Red light area? So, Pari may be a prostitute. Activate our informers in the area where Pari's number was active. But I noticed one thing, sir. Just like Anurag the other person's private part was also cut. If Pari is actually a prostitute why would a prostitute do this? We are still believing that Pari and Anurag had an affair. But the private part of the second body has also been cut. A woman who hates men may be involved in both these murders. Or these two men. Make a list of all the history cheater women who can commit such a crime. Sir. - Sir. Sir, a girl named Nandita is here. She is claiming that her dad is missing since last night. Where did your dad, Ranjeet, go yesterday? Sir, he didn't tell me anything. He received a call and he left. Hello. What? Okay, I'll be there. Sir, I don't know where he has gone. I checked at his office and with our relatives too. But there is no clue about him. We have found a body last evening whose head has been cut. Dead body? Don't worry. It can be somebody else's body too. Just see it once. Abhishek, get the body identified. Sir. Go with him. Excuse me. - Yes. I want to meet Inspector Adil Khan. Sir, I work for the U.P Police. I am a sub-inspector at the Ghaziabad Police Station. Sir, I had received a call from a number this morning. I want to talk to you regarding the same. Tell me. Hello. - Hey, what are you doing? Who is speaking? You will be shocked if you hear my name. I have left a gift for you outside the jail just like the last time. Go and take a look. And celebrate your birthday. But we found the body in Delhi. Why did somebody call you in Ghaziabad? Sir, even I found this strange. Sir, I had received a similar call 15 days ago too. I checked outside Ghaziabad Jail. But I didn't find anything. I thought it was a crazy man. I just ignored it. Did you ignore it? - Yes, sir. Do you know that we found a dead body 15 days ago too? Sir, I had no clue about this case that time. I had gone on leave after that. Which number did you receive the call from? Sir, I received the call from this number. I found out about the number. It is a PCO's number from Narela. Narela's PCO? We found Anurag's body 15 days ago and his phone had switched off in Narela. He had also received from a PCO from Narela, right? Yes, sir. Check the number. No, sir. The numbers are not the same. Go to Narela and talk to the PCO owner. Check whether there's a CCTV. Okay, sir. Excuse me. Tell me, Abhishek. Sir, I made Nandita identify the body. She told me that it is not the body of her dad, Ranjeet. Find out what is the mystery behind her dad's disappearance. Okay, sir. Nandita. Please stop avoiding me. You were avoiding me. You have switched off your phone since last nightt. What could I do? I am not able to convince my mom. I don't know how to face you. But I'm not in a mood to talk to you now. Please. - Listen.. Nandita, this problem is not due to me or mom. This is due to your dad. Stop cursing my dad. Even you curse him. Yes, but the time was different then. He is missing since last night. I don't know where he is and how he is. What! Yes, Vikas. There's no CCTV near Narela's PCO. I didn't find any clue to find out who had called Nihal Singh. Nihal's phone had Narela's PCO's number. But Nihal Singh may be hiding something. Sir, what can he hide? He himself admitted that he received a similar call 15 days ago. Now, he is avoiding us. When he received the call again, he still kept quiet. But after watching this on the news he came running to us. Maybe Nihal Singh and the jailor have a connection. That's because the jailor has an idea about us keeping an eye on him. Has the jailor sent Nihal Singh to us as a distraction? The media was pressurising us. Hence we intensified our investigation of this case. Along with Jailor, Atul Mishra Ghaziabad's sub inspector, Nihal Singh and his information we were finding out the reason behind Anurag's trip to Narela. On the other hand, my team was investigating the recent case of missing Ranjit. The case of missing Ranjit was going to unravel many secrets. In order to find the reason behind Pari missing our informers were probing the red light area where her phone was mostly active. This girl is from this area itself. She works for a broker named Heeru. Where can I find this Heeru? 'Bahadur Nagar, Delhi.' Where does Heeru stay? Sir, You.. Over here.. - Heeru? Yes, sir. Where is Pari? Call her over here. Sir, she left this work a long time ago. If she left this job, then where would she be now? I don't know sir. But why are you looking for her? This is Anurag. He was frequently in contact with Pari. Do you recognise him? Sir, he was a regular customer of hers. He has been murdered. Now tell me, what is the connection between this murder Pari and you? Sir, I am not involved in this. But I do remember Anurag having a heated argument with Pari. After that we admitted her to a hospital. She was not in a condition to work after her recovery. So she went back after that. Anurag didn't return as well. Are you hiding something from me? Not at all, sir. I don't want any trouble by lying to you. Sir, Heeru's statement about Pari and Anurag makes a strong case of Pari murdering Anurag. We can't trust this broker's statement. Maybe he is hiding Pari somewhere. Keep an eye on him. - Yes, sir. I do agree that I had differences with my father. But all this has nothing to do with him missing. Okay, so who was the boy you wanted to marry without your father's consent? Where were you? Mom, I had been to a job interview. Was it that or you went to meet that girl Nandita? Mom, why do you have a problem with Nandita, all of a sudden? Her father had insulted you while she always respected you. I figured out her character that very day. If you marry her then she will control you as well as me. Her father is a very proud person. I know it. Anyways, he is.. Why was your phone switched off the night Nandita's father went missing? Where were you? - I was at home. I had switched off my phone on purpose because Nandita.. You had switched off your phone because you had abducted Ranjit that very night. What! No.. Sir, my son has done nothing as such. Instead, Ranjit had attempted to kill my son. Hey! His daughter told this to Raghav. She told that her father wants to kill my son. If Ranjit attempted to kill Raghav then Raghav or even Nandita must have a strong motive behind abducting Ranjit. I checked Ranjit's call records. Ranjit's phone was last tracked in Jahangirpuri. The last call on Ranjit's phone was of someone with a fake ID. 'Hello.' According to you, even Nandita had a doubt about Ranjit conspiring to kill Raghav. Maybe, the last call on his phone must be of the same attacker. Closely examine Ranjit's call records. Maybe the call records have the number of Raghav's attacker. Yes, sir. Yes, I'll be there soon. Auto! Sir, the day Anurag was murdered this person had spotted him over here. What did you see? Sir, he used to buy a magazine called 'Samadhan'. That day as well, he bought the same magazine. Then he got a phone call. He was carrying a cage in one his hands. On the call, he was saying that he freed the parrot. He was saying weird things. Freed the parrot? What is this? Parrot and a cage.. How is this connected to Anurag's murder? Sir, even I don't understand the connection. But from that book store owner's statement it's clear that Anurag, frequently visited Narela. But we are unable to narrow down as to where in Narela. While we have no clue about the identity of the second person. His post-mortem report is here. His murder has been executed similar to Anurag's murder. What do we have on the jailor and Nihal Singh? The jailor and Nihal Singh have no connection to each other. But the service record of Nihal Singh is interesting. The criminals of Uttar Pradesh fear him. He tortures the criminals badly in the police custody. Maybe, one of the tortured criminals must have taunted him by throwing a corpse outside the jail? We have to meet this Nihal Singh again. Get it arranged. - Yes, sir. Get me the bread. 'Take some more.. - No, I had enough.' 'Yes'.. 'Just bother about feeding this idiot.' 'Anyways, he knows nothing else.' What are you wondering about? Give me the bread. Hey! What was that? Am I an animal? It was you who took us to be animals. He had such a horrible death. He was not on of us. Who knows his lineage? Sir, I was the one who informed you about that caller. Why are you doubting me? You are cross questioning me. I have checked your service record. A year ago you were posted in Gorakhpur. Under your custody, there has been one casualty. You tried to frame it as an encounter. The media had hyped this case of yours. Sir, the media is hyping your case as well. You can't question me due to the media. I am questioning you not because of media. It's an order from the court. Now tell me, how are you linked with the corpses found outside the jail? You think that I will get intimidated and admit that I have a link to the Narela case? No sir, I will still say that it's nothing as such. Don't try to make me lose my job. You try to save your own job. Two corpses have been found in this area. You better handle the media before you find the third corpse. Don't waste your time by interrogating me. Sir, we had Heroo's phone under surveillance. Just a few minutes ago, there was a call from a public telephone from Khanpur. Sir, I've noticed that before we met Heroo, he used to frequent Khanpur but since we met him he hasn't been to Khanpur. Now he got a call from Khanpur. Maybe Pari is hiding in Khanpur. Alert your team over there and locate Pari. - Okay, sir. Sir! I studied Ranjit's call records again. Pari's number is there in Ranjit's call records. Until a month ago Ranjit was in touch with Pari. Was Ranjit in contact with Pari? Ranjit is also missing just like Pari. Ranjit is definitely connected with the corpses that we found outside the jail. There is one more connection between these two cases. Anurag used to read a Tuesday weekly magazine 'Samadhan'. Ranjit's daughter, Nandita works for 'Samadhan' magazine. Tuesday weekly? As per the post-mortem report Anurag was murdered on 16th September and it was a Tuesday. After 14 days, on 30th September another person was murdered that was also on a Tuesday. Ranjit went missing from a Tuesday itself. During investigation we found that Nandita visits the temple every Tuesday. It was a Tuesday, when Raghav was attacked. The Tuesday connection may not be a coincidence. Catch up on Nandita. - Okay, sir. Raghav, I think we shouldn't delay further. We should inform the police. Okay, don't worry. I will come home. Let's visit the police station together. Just a minute, somebody is at the door. I will call back. 'A pot is placed on the corpse in place of its head.' 'There's a smiley on the pot.' 'What is the culprit trying to convey?' If you touch me or try to stop me on my way 'I will take you to task.' 'I think we shouldn't delay further.' 'I'll come home, let's go to the police together.' Did this girl make a call from your PCO? A girl had come to make a call, she was in 'burqa'. I don't know if it was her or not. Okay. May be it's her. Enquire in the neighbouring areas, if somebody has seen her. Okay, sir. Take, have your food. Untie my hands. What? Even Nandita is missing. Yes, sir. I spoke to her sister, Natasha about Anurag and Pari. She doesn't know about them. But Ranjit was in contact with Pari. Maybe Nandita knew Pari and Anurag. Where is Nandita? I don't know Nandita. Take her along. Who is Nandita? I don't know Nandita. You don't know Nandita but you know Ranjit, right? Sir, who is Ranjit? I don't know about any Ranjit? This Ranjit, Nandita's father. He used to call you. Do you know him? Sir, he was my customer. He got intimate with me many times. Like Anurag, even Ranjit was your customer. Anurag was murdered. Ranjit is missing. You used to humiliate Anurag about his manhood. Is that why you cut Anurag's private part? No, sir. Actually Anurag loved me. He wanted to get me out of this and marry me. 'Many people try to talk me into their dreams.' 'But I am not one of them. I love you.' 'I will marry you, for sure.' But Heroo came to know about it. Hey, you. Will you marry her? When I regained consciousness, I found myself in the hospital. I called up Anurag many times but his phone was switched off. Somehow I hoodwinked Heroo and ran away from there. If you wanted to run away from Heroo, why did you call him from the PCO? Sir, he scared me that police are looking out for me in regards to Anurag's murder case. He wanted to send me to Mumbai. Sir, he used to threaten me using your fear. He wanted to send me to Mumbai and get me into the same work. Sir, I am sure that Heroo may have murdered Anurag. No, sir. No.. I'll am telling you the truth. Sir.. I didn't murder Anurag. Not just Anurag, you murdered him also. Tell which of your girls was he involved with? Where did you vanish Ranjit? Where is his daughter, Nandita? I am telling you the truth. I don't know Nandita. I am innocent, sir. Maybe Ranjit asked you to kill Raghav. It wasn't me, sir. Maybe he is someone else. I didn't kill anybody. Please trust me, sir. I am telling the truth. Reveal the truth else you will have to suffer more. I am telling you the truth, sir. I didn't kill anybody, sir. We tried different methods to extract the truth from Heroo but he was fixed on his statement. On the other side, sub inspector Nihaal Singh was still on the list of our suspects. The second corpse which was found after Anurag's corpse whose head was missing, was still unidentified. Anurag and the other person were murdered on a Tuesday. Ranjit went missing from a Tuesday. Anurag used to read Nandita's Tuesday weekly magazine Samadhan. Apart from this Anurag and Nandita were not connected in any other way. But this common connection of Tuesday was hinting us towards a conspiracy. Anurag was last seen on Tuesday with an empty cage when he was talking to somebody over the phone regarding a parrot. Was this a real parrot or some mystery man in this case who was not visible to us? Sir, I'm telling you the truth. I don't know where Nandita is. But we know everything about you now. We've got your history from Haryana Police. You stayed in Bhiwani three years ago. And the Haryana Police had arrested you under the charges of drug peddling. Sir, somebody had kept the drugs' packet in my bag and framed me. Sir, the court had given me a clean chit after six months. But you were in jail for six months. You were not finding a job in Delhi due to your track record. That is why you developed hatred towards police officers. And you are committing all these crimes. Sir, you have a misunderstanding. I'm telling you the truth. I don't know anything. You.. - Sir. Sir, this way. Sir, we found a letter near this body too. The contents of this letter is also the same. Sir, this girl has been killed in the same way how Anurag and the other man were killed. Their private parts were cut. This girl has also been abused sexually. But Nihal didn't receive a call this time. Sir, Nihal's story about the two phone calls may be a lie too. We have been assuming so far that a girl is responsible for the two murders. But we have found a girl's body now. And Nandita is missing. Did Nandita know any secret about the murderer and he killed Nandita for that? Call Nandita's sister and get the body identified. Sir. No, sir. She is not my sister, sir. Close the door properly. Will you escape from us? Please. Please ask him to let me go. - Quiet! Cry baby! We'll leave you when you return my brother to me. Sir, Raghav and Sister Nandita loved each other a lot. I don't think Raghav would harm sister. He is Anurag. He used to ask questions in your sister's magazines. He has been murdered now. Your dad and sister's disappearance definitely has some connection with his murder. Sir, sister used to get many letters for answers. Sister once told me that somebody has asked her a stupid question. Stupid question? - Yes. Do you know what happened few days ago? A man asked me whether a talking parrot can become a witness in court. Okay. Keep it in the file. - Sir. One week before Anurag's murder a man named Vinay had asked a question in 'Samadhan' magazine. Can a parrot become a witness in court? Sir, I didn't get any lead from the place where Vinay had posted that letter. His address is also fake. Anurag was also talking about a parrot over the phone. The question was asked by Vinay. I think he was scared of a parrot's statement. The question is, is this parrot real or is the story something else? I can't understand anything, sir. Why would a person who is challenging the police be scared of a parrot? Sir, I think the person who asked this question is a psycho. He may be the same man who is challenging us. He.. Excuse me, sir. Hello. We had found four chopped heads one after the other. The media had created a chaos in reporting this case. We were under a lot of pressure. The biggest pressure was in identifying the other three people apart from Anurag. We found another body soon. We asked Ranjeet's daughter, Natasha, to identify the body. That was Ranjeet's body. But apart from Ranjeet and Anurag a male and female were murdered. On the other hand, Nandita was still missing. After trying hard we didn't get any clue about Nandita. We thought the criminal's next target could be Nandita. Sir, the second body found outside the jail has been identified. His name is Mukesh, sir. His native place is Bihar. But he stayed alone in Inderlok, Delhi. He worked as a taxi driver. Sir, Mukesh's wife stays in Bihar. She was not able to contact her husband from many days. That is why she filed his missing complaint at the Bihar Police Station. Inderlok Police had conducted an inquiry too. But they didn't find anything. His wife has just identified him. Ranjeet, Anurag and now, Mukesh. All three murders took place on Tuesday. Tuesday is a common connection among all of them. There is one more connection. All of them belonged to Bihar. They had come to Delhi from Bihar. Are you trying to say that the psycho killer is killing people who came to Delhi from Bihar on Tuesdays? This is definitely the work of a psycho killer. But a psycho killer who hates the people of Bihar. So, Nandita can be his next target because Nandita is also from Bihar. 'The police is saying' 'that psycho killer is targeting people from Bihar.' 'This has created a fear in the minds of the people.' Sir. Sir, a boy wants to meet you. Sir, my name is Aditya I am from Bihar. Sir, I had come to Delhi from Bihar few days ago with my girlfriend, Sunidhi. Sir, we wanted to get married. We were together one day and.. Hey, what is happening here? Nothing, sir. Nothing? What are you doing here? Sir.. - Sir, we are friends. Are you friends? Are you friends? Sir, the police officer hit me. I ran away. And he left with Sunidhi. Sir, I got to know after few days that you have found a dead body in that area. It was Sunidhi's body, sir. But we found this body eight days ago and you are coming today. Sir, I was scared because Sunidhi and I had eloped from Bihar. When I got to know that he's targeting people from Bihar I acted brave and came here. Look at this photo carefully. Is he the same police officer? No, sir. It was not him. It was somebody else. Are you sure? Yes, sir. It was not him. Sir. Ranjeet was captured in the CCTV at Jhangirpuri on the day he was murdered. The footage is in this. Sir, this taxi is registered under the some Harish which registered at Silampur address. I've arrested him. No, sir.. No! I didn't kill anyone. Sir, I didn't do anything. Sir, I didn't do anything. I'm telling you the truth. I didn't do anything. You gave this man a ride on 23rd September. This man has been murdered. Not just him. Many other murders have taken place. And all of them have taken place on Tuesdays. On Tuesdays? But I don't drive taxi on Tuesdays, sir. I take an off on Tuesdays. Ram Kumar drives my taxi on Tuesdays. Ram Kumar? - Yes, sir. Who is Ram Kumar? Sir.. - Sir! - But what did I do? What's his crime? - Move! - What did I do? What's his crime? - Ma'am. - Listen, what's his mistake? Speak up! Sir, I cracked him well but he's saying the same thing time and again. Sir, I didn't do anything. I had dropped that man outside Deepali Chowk that day. But we won't spare you until you speak the truth. Continue. - Sir. Sir, we were finding out about people connected to all the victims then we found out the husband of the maid working at Nandita's place is missing with his elder daughter for some time now. Tell me. Where is your husband? Sir, my husband has gone to his village Bahadurgarh. But I don't know anything about what he has done. I'm telling the truth. Dad! Dad.. - Singh, hold the kid. Hey! Catch him. Take care of the lady. Bring the kid. Sir! Sir, please don't.. I didn't do anything. Sir, stop or I'll die. Listen, you'll be spared if you speak the truth. Speak. - Sir I didn't do anything. I had only abducted Nandita because she'd turned my wife sterile. Sir, I have five daughters. My husband, Santosh, used to make me pregnant every year in his longing for a boy. That's why Ms. Nandita had said Jyoti, your life will become miserable if you give birth to so many children. What do I do, ma'am? Even I am troubled. My husband just doesn't listen. He's adamant on having a son. Get the operation done. Only then will he come to senses. Sir, she got my wife sterilised. I wanted to take revenge for that. I had even tried to kill her once. But, sir, that boy saved her. Then I thought there's no use in killing her. I shall abduct her and have a male child through her. And I took her to Bahadurgarh with my daughter. Sir, I'm telling the truth. I've done nothing else, sir. Sir, I'll die this way.. Sister! Sir, we've strictly interrogated Santosh but he's not divulging anything. Interrogate harder.. - Sir. I checked Ram Kumar's background. Two years ago, Ram Kumar has even gone to jail for theft. Is it hurting? Will you speak the truth now? You won't be able to stand if you don't. We've found out everything about you. Two years ago, you were jailed on charges of theft. And now.. - I didn't steal! I didn't steal. I killed everyone but I didn't steal. Police arrested me forcefully on charges of theft and thrashed me badly. Anurag, Ranjit, Mukesh, and Sunidhi. What harm did they do to you? Why did you kill them? They were bad people and I can't tolerate bad people. You murdered one innocent person after another on Tuesdays. Was that not wrong? I don't do anything wrong on Tuesday. But on that Tuesday I captivated that rascal Anurag. So you knew Anurag? Yes. He wanted to drive taxi. I wanted to help him. I had gone to meet him at his place on that day. And I saw that worthless guy was beating his venerable father. It was wrong. He had to be punished. Anurag was seen on Tuesday with an empty cage. He was talking about making some parrot fly. What was that about? That was my parrot. Yes the parrot has been freed. Have you? What if someone traps it? That's why you asked that question about parrot in Nandita's magazine? Why was a criminal like you afraid of a parrot's statement? I was not afraid, sir. I wanted to do the first justice by punishing Anurag to death. That's why I was taken every step cautiously. That day I freed the parrot from the cage and trapped Anurag instead. You felt encouraged after killing Anurag. You became so audacious that left that letter near Mukesh's dead body. Didn't I trick you nicely? But that Mukesh was tricking me. He used to drive taxi with me. And on that Tuesday he was having meat right before me! I don't believe in all this. Hey, spare me. Let me go. Spare me. - Shut up! You are a non-vegetarian. Now, I will take your flesh out. You used to know Ranjit and Sunidhi too as you used to know Anurag and Mukesh! No, sir. I didn't know that shameless girl by name. But I identified her by her actions. I lost my temper after seeing that girl with that boy. I couldn't control myself.. I went so crazy that I.. But I couldn't leave her alive. Hence, I chopped off her neck. But before killing that girl I killed Ranjit and served justice. He lied to me. Nandita, I have told you several times. That boy doesn't deserve you. She has made me crazy. Sir, what's the problem? - It's my problem. You just drive the car. It's none of your business. I help everyone. Tell me what the problem is. I might be able to help you. Ranjit told me that a boy named Raghav was hounding his daughter. I told him that I will help him to get rid of Raghav. I went to know Raghav one day. I saw that they were true lovers. I realised that Ranjit had lied to me. I had to punish him. I took him to my butcher shop in my taxi. He kept blabbering there too. Why did you use to wear police uniform? I used to serve justice. That's why, I used to wear police uniform. After Anurag's death, you used to leave a letter with every corpse and challenged us. Why did you call up Sub-Inspector Nihal Singh? You could have called me up if you had courage. Why did you call him up? I searched internet to increase the effect of the letter. I found SI Nihal Singh's number. Hello. - Nihal, what are you doing? Who is that? I enjoyed abusing him. I felt as if I took a revenge on policemen like you. Because I was behind bars for six months because of policemen like you, away from my wife and kid. That too, for a crime which I never committed. What about now? Now, you will go behind bars for your entire life not just for six months. What will happen to your wife and kid now? Did you think about this while taking revenge? No, right? Now, think about it in jail for your entire life. I dealt with every type of criminals. But it wasn't easy to understand a criminal like Ramkumar his obsession of committing crimes the reason behind his crimes and his craziness. Because such criminals stay around us like normal people. But they are abnormal from inside. So it's not easy to understand what they are up to. Being a police officer, I will definitely say that we should observe strangers or someone known to us carefully to understand them well. So that we can protect ourselves and alert others before it's too late. Not only that if you think that someone's abnormal behaviour is alarming then contact the nearest police station immediately. I, Adil Khan, will take your leave now. We will meet again with a new case. Till then, keep watching 'Crime Patrol, Dastak'. Our aim is to protect you.
Channel: SET India
Views: 9,191,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime patrol, crime patrol dastak, crime patrol dial 100, crime patrol satark, desi crime patrol episode, fight against crime, indian laws, hindi tv serial, crime alert, thriller tv shows, true events, reality based cases, indian justice system, indian crime rate, crime patrol full episode, indian crime investigation, nagpur crime, justice for women, FIR, indian police force, uttar pradesh, high alert crimes, high alert in india, criminal cases, indian crime patrol
Id: TfeA9eJsPuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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