Crime Experts Rate 24 Cons And Heists In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? | Insider

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so I'm gonna bury you right here but you'll be dead before Steve he pulls your teeth accurate he says all right take his teeth out back in those days they didn't have DNA they would identify bodies by dental records my name is Mark Silverman and I was involved in organized crime hello my name is John panisi I'm a former made member of the Lucchesi crime family my name is Lee Thompson I'm a pickpocket for Hoya my name is Brian Stanton I'm a casino executive in Las Vegas my name is Charlie santori Kane Vincent Dyer today we're going to be looking at casino Heist movie scenes Mafia scenes safe cracking auth Heist Clips Irish mob movie scenes bank robbery scenes pickpocketed in movies I'm gonna judge just how real they are [Music] on the Chicago Loop I would actually see lots of businessmen reading newspapers and this steel is spot on the interaction the amount of eye contact it's not too much it doesn't knock him over it's a little whoops the guy is shielding his his own pocket with his newspaper that he's reading he's already done the pickpocketing work for the pickpocket unknowingly the technique is beautiful and we're watching it from a spectator sport point of view it's not tried to move away because he's there's no heat on him but he will get out of that Carriage when I went with the police we often tell people about a thing called looping where you might think I know that person but you don't but you've subconsciously you've seen them a couple of times in a short space of time because they're not getting anywhere but they've got an agenda the London Underground is notorious for pickpockets because it's crowded it's been reported that there's in one station alone it was 139 cases I've picked pocketing close your bag keep it in front of you especially on a crowded tube or Metro it's a 10. the technique is beautiful and unfortunately does happen as he raises his arm he's actually raising his pocket to her hand so she and has to stand like that and clip whatever she needs to clip and then when he puts his arm down the pocket moves away from the item and his peripheral vision her head is to his right side he can't see anything over this right side now I'm not telling you this so you go out and do it I'm telling you this so you don't be a victim of it the greater movements supersedes that are the Lesser movement or the greater force supersedes that of a left that's a force so they say if I tap your leg with a pencil and then hit your shoulder with a hammer you'll forget me tapping the pencil leg but you'll feel the hammer so misdirection and slight hand is super important and you can easily do that we've got a piece of paper or an envelope it's not a bulky item so it's not perfect I would give it an eight [Applause] oh I love it I love it I think this movie Super well choreographed pressure in gripping that purse or that wallet with the Chopsticks you're gonna have to be pretty spectacular gripping most people kind of can pick up sushi so a heavy purse with coins in maybe we don't know what's in there um would be trickier but it can be done I've done things like this on behalf of the police to draw attention as a crime prevention but just to show people how easy it was and how vulnerable they are yeah 100 could um because he's moving and she's moving he's not static so the movement is covering all her movement definitely she's taken that leather strap watch with that technique because if you look the crystal is really heavy so when you undo the tongue bit through the prongs the weight of the crystal will make the wall the watch fall away from the wrist so and what's actually happened is he's actually moving away from the watch the friction could make him go what's going on so he's actually aiding it himself unknowingly and the weight of that Crystal would make it fall away easier for her it's not how quick can you do it it's when you do it so she's not actually looking at the wrist she's looking into his eyes and she's constantly looking into his eyes she never once looks at his wrist when she's doing the watch steal you might think there's a lot going on that would never happen but you're looking from a bird's eye view but they're all communicating with telephones on the earpieces and with visual signals people at Street parties who have been drinking are easy targets because one the inhibitions have gone and that makes the element of surprise better for the pickpocket to get close to you my colleague Apollo Robbins I could see in the clips because I can tell his body language and I know what he looks like was involved in this it's phenomenal I'd give it 10 out of 10. doing here chances of her having anything in that pocket it's highly unlikely because it's quite it's quite a smart trouser suit and the pockets high and although for the girl in the clip being small down is really advantageous to be in a pickpocket because you're low down to people's bags and Pockets but the Black Canary is quite a tall lady compared to her so she's got to reach up into the pocket and just the timing is wrong 100 she would catch her could be that the the three finger dip if you like it doesn't matter they don't three fingers a whole hand she's a child who's got a small hands I hate that bit I hate it clearly just done for the movie Zero technique to do a bracelet how do you know what clasp is on the bracelet there are so many different sorts does it come over the hands if it's over the hand there's one important thing that gets in the way that's the thumb she just takes it off but her hand is on the bench so she's got to go under to find the clasp and it clearly undoes from underneath fake it's a normal thing that you would be used to seeing someone's broken their arm or they've got it in a sling or people carry babies in front of them that are not babies that's a a doll you can buy realistic babies I've actually witnessed and seen the babies and I do the baby trick myself everything is doable so I would give this out of ten and eight hello my name is John panisi I'm a former made member of the Lucchesi crime family I also got involved as a low associate to the Gambino family when I was very young today we're going to be looking at Mafia scenes and movies and TV and what's depicted here is a guy getting what we would call straightened out inducted and it's inaccurate by the way that they're kidding around this is a serious ceremony where there's no joking or playing around okay at Saint Peter my family's Saint now was that Cod burn so may your soul burn in hell if you betray your friends in the family there was two members being made and that is not accurate it would be one at a time they would bring one person up into the room and do the ceremony and then call the other one up some of the things were accurate that was said and obviously the pricking of the finger and the burning of the saint but all in all it wasn't a hundred percent I don't know if they put it there for this reason but a lot of times are superstitious about birds they don't even give cards out with Birds on it they don't think it's a good sign they're doing really good this year with the Sportsman yeah it's been good I'm gonna give it to you my boy it's yours nothing set in stone of how how long you have to go as an associate before you become an inductive member some people have been Associates for 10 15 years five years 10 years three years when I first got straightened out it was the at that time the highest honor to be inducted into a family and to become a wise guy and to be treated with that respect looking back on it now it was the lowest point of my life it was an embarrassment because basically everything that I thought the life was about was a Foss from a scale from 1 to 10 I'd rate it at three friends passing around jewelry and that's insane I don't even I couldn't even answer what that is about and why they would put something like that we want to do business with you Michael this was a commission meeting with the heads of families New York is chopped up by the five families and everybody knows their place and they know who's who commission would meet if there was business to discuss within the families and decisions to be made only the people involved in the meeting would obviously be in the know of where and when and what time they were meeting they could take uh and on the boss a consulate or even a captain if they want the different families intermingle a lot more than people understand and it's not so territorial as people think if they were attempting to hit somebody it would definitely not be that flashy it was very Hollywood to me with the helicopter and the Machine Guns this would never happen it would be very low-key and be done quietly on a scale of one to ten I would rate this as zero and my name is Charlie santori I'm the owner of santorian sunlock and safe I'm a safe technician meaning safe cracker in Southern California today we're going to look at some clips on safe cracking and films the clicking dial that Hollywood loves so much they typically have a bearing surface on it it's usually very very smooth if it was properly installed it shouldn't be clicking there's like one or two models of a junkie safe that you can get at Staples where the dial clicks it's not really a real thing [Music] the sort of dialing sequence that she would be doing in order to do so is not how she's dialing here she's actually working backwards to to how we typically would the principle of it is that wheels are being searched for low spots and what that involves is parking certain wheels and moving other wheels and there's a certain repetitive sequence to to doing that by people that know how to do this and she's not doing this here you can do this there's a difference between people burglarizing things and people opening things the the way that we open them to put them back in service they're not going to be sitting around trying to manipulate a safe open they would drill it open even opening a safe like this even if you're drilling it it's also extremely difficult you're not haphazardly drilling holes in something you're not vandalizing something when we open safes the idea is it's like arthroscopic surgery we're doing it in a minimally invasive way the whole thing is a very academic study we're supposed to believe when that click happened that final click is the fence of the lock dropping but here with Vault locks and safe locks you have to do a final turn to pull the lock bolt back so there's a certain amount of travel that then opens that lock so she dials the combination here she stops at 50 the fence drops she sang the safe is open and he turns the handle but the safe wouldn't be open even if the lock was unlocked because she didn't retract the lock bolt you know this notion of somebody creeping around and manipulating a safe open it does happen and it has happened but nine times out of ten it's Sledge Hammers and wedges or Grinders or saws cutting the thing open so I want to be generous it's three thank you he's taking the fingerprint off the door with tape could have been the cleaning ladies print that he pulled off of there this actually broke my head a little bit if you pull the print off with tape and you turn it over and put a ring on it and put Loctite in it aren't you actually making it a cast of the inverse of the fingerprint his safe is serious how serious we talking Scotty the Carbondale Carbondale is a made-up name but the vault door itself I looked through hundreds and hundreds of photos of Vault doors and I'm pretty certain that the art directors base this off of a very early Debold vault door foreign this is a strong arm mini rig that's used for putting pressure when one's drilling so that aspect of it is definitely accurate we'll go do a quick job it winds up being something where you don't have your full tool kit with you so I mean there's lots of times when we've been running around trying to bend wires and make tools and sort of have to come up with something that we didn't have with us [Music] supposedly he's freezing it and it's going to expand and crack this door apart what they showed us was the bolt work inside of the safe and the door pan there's a big door pan if you poured a gallon of water in there it would spill out the bottom of the door pan basically if by chance he froze it and the ice expanded I mean obviously water can expand glaciers expand over time the thing about a vault door is in this case there's a thin back panel that's like sheet metal essentially on the back of the door so then the idea that that's going to expand is Pure Fantasy it would blow the back panel off before it blew the door off there's nothing here what'd you say it's a soup I opened up a couple of safes that were at a Blockbuster Video a while and there was Astroglide condoms and some dirty photos so I don't know if a manager was having a fling with somebody but that was pretty unexpected on the more valuable side of things we once opened a safe in an affluent part of Beverly Hills that people had recently moved into a home the former owner was gone there were Bulgari necklaces Cartier necklaces krugerrands Gia certificates I mean I I can only imagine that it must have been you know mid to high six-figure lick but I think that people get traumatized when there's that much left because they're not expecting to have a moral conflict sort of you know it's technically mine but this obviously meant a great deal to whoever it was that was living here before it's nonsense but the mini rig is real so I'm gonna give it a three there's certainly a lot of safes that are known among people who do this kind of work that are very very difficult to open very well guarded locks so yeah there is some truth to that but if the world's living locksmith do I represent your greatest chance of opening it I can with humility say yes the biggest myth I think is that there's some boffin or there there's some Maven who has the you know Magic Touch to get the thing open the forelocks you know what it is no no of course not it's a rotating randomization mechanism if you mess it up again it locks forever forever Las Vegas is overrun with zombies the idea that they're gonna bring some genius to come and manipulate open four locks on a vault or as is ridiculous they would just bring a coring crew they'd bring coring stuff and they'd bore a hole in the side of the Vault and get it open how long we'll take you to a minute 30 minutes the idea that somebody would manipulate open four Vault locks in half an hour is Pure Fantasy he's supposedly manipulating this open he's not even looking at the dial which is where he would be looking for in the indications that he would use to manipulate it open and there's also some hieroglyphs or some scrawling that he wrote on or he drew on the front of the door that really has nothing to do with what he would be doing in order to get this open [Music] the doors are always heavy you're talking about a multi-multi-ton door there are compression systems that that have spinning wheels not all Vault doors have though some have handles according to him this Vault has four locks on it when the vault door swings open we see that there's actually only two Vault locks on the back of the door and a time lock with five movements I've never seen a five movement time lock I'm going to give it a two as far as the realism goes my name is Mark Silverman and I was involved in organized crime with the Italians and uh the Irish today we're going to be looking at some Irish mob movie scenes what do you get your period stop so you have a good idea if the strangers in there or if there's something that doesn't look right you can really find out if somebody's there to infiltrate the bar or cause trouble [Music] that's a great scene I I could tell you one thing and and it struck me right away when I saw the movie for the first time the state police are not going to try to put one of their own inside of a crew especially a dangerous crew that's why they recruit informants or top batchelon informants because the informants can walk the walk and talk the talk and I have never really seen an undercover police officer inside of a crew a lot of people used to say well you know I know that guy's a cop because of his shoes I would say you don't think that they know what shoes to wear and what not to wear you know yeah always always looking over your shoulder for that yeah you know I saw a club when I came in here when I was pulling into the parking lot I didn't miss that but these days I don't have to worry about it well guys on the street like me that are looking at us saying wow that's pretty good [Music] thank you schools have thank you Frank police corruption back in the 80s and the 90s was rampant Whitey Bulger certainly wasn't the only guy that had the inside track with some of the Departments whether they be local or state or federal other guys I mean you're not going to survive on the street if you don't have friends within law enforcement and back then you know police didn't really make as much money as they did today and they were much more easily corrupted as we moved on to the 2000s I think that uh they got a little more stringent you know they wanted to eradicate organized crime they wanted to just put that final nail in the coffin which they claim to have done several times we're not even supposed to be doing this this close to the Worcester the side of Western is that so it says him says Costello This is very accurate so they're obviously nervous it's all about territory if you're dealing drugs doing any type of business in somebody else's territory you are absolutely open to discipline however that discipline is carried out it depends on the severity of the action like if you look at like Medford you know Somerville you know Winter Hill South Boston you know who's who and you know we should be doing things and where you shouldn't because if you don't someone will get your attention one way or another and you probably won't like it but that's what happens you know he's got some real good scenes in there and uh good storyline so yeah I'd say it's pretty accurate I give it a I give it a seven listen uh just wanted to stop by and tell you myself is that the zip code for South Boston uh no it's Charleston everybody has the the Fighting Irish guy usually like on the on their calf you know what I mean and you know it's it's not really like a a requirement or anything it's just that they're proud I mean and they should be the they're always going to honor and respect it where they come from I think my guys can handle it without me I mean I wouldn't hire them without you and I wouldn't hire you without them you're a unit everybody in a crew has a role part of his crew is the bank robbery crew he's not going to put your flip head on it you know he's not going to do that he's not going to hire one without the other they're going to do it together they do it right they do it well they keep the money flowing the Irish mafia I mean they're they're Loosely knit Cruise you know that don't necessarily follow the uh the Pyramid of the structure of power that the Italians have you have your bookies you have your drug dealers you have your hijackers everybody has a role but the earner the guy that fill in the pockets of the higher ups is the most important guy in that crew just out of respect smooth things over take this Farm all right not going to cut us you're going to do what I ask yeah what I want is money you know he's much more valuable to him continuing to make money you know your earners you put you will do anything to keep them earning for you because they're hard to find believe me when I tell you you know there's a lot of Knuckleheads out there that uh you put them on the street you know they last about a week it's like in reality too it's the old-timers that really have the juice I always respected the old time is more than anything because these guys have more wisdom in their pinky finger than the guys the young that's a nine just like that I always want to hell so a lot of people believe that Whitey Bulger was part of the Winter Hill Gang he was at the beginning I don't think I would ever say he was the leader of the winter Hood gang he was the leader of the Bulger group all right whatever you want to call it he was running with the gangs in South Boston there was a power struggle and they wanted to iron out those problems and the ultimate result of it was hey let's combine it you know why don't we make ourselves strong why don't we blend salty and went to Hill and make it all one crew and that's what they did but in 1978 all of a sudden this huge indictment comes down against the entire winterhill gang I mean guys like Whitey stevies Howie John laterano The Who's Who of the Irish mafia in 1978 and it's funny because as it was taking its course you know these guys either went on the limb or some of them went to jail or were awaiting trial all of a sudden you hear the word unindicted co-conspirators when it came to Steve flemmy and Whitey Bulger so when unindicted co-conspirator kind of raised a lot of antennas and again that's where people fail to realize is that once he eliminates Winter Hill he becomes the Bulger group I told him everything the IRA childhood the whole bit this will be dead before Stephen pulls your teeth accurate accurate he says to Stevie flummy he says all right take his teeth out you know back in those days they didn't have DNA you know so they would identify bodies by dental records I think uh in the movie too they they refer to um a Dumping Ground where they dumped a lot of bodies yeah quite a few I remember when the state police were digging it up it was bad it was really bad I thought that was great everything down from the you know to the walk to the eyes you know why he had these eyes that uh like grayish blue with like no emotion behind them and uh I think you'll see a lot of times in this movie when they show the eyes like they'll Focus specifically on the eyes they looked pretty good I'm giving this one an eight I thought this one was gritty it was raw it was pretty accurate hi I'm Kane Vincent Dyer I committed over a hundred bank robberies and a period of almost two years so after turning myself in I decided to form a coaching company that helps people transform their lives and today we are going to be judging the authenticity of bank robbery scenes he has on this helmet so he doesn't need a mask he doesn't look like he'd be coming in a Rob necessarily it looks like he just kept his helmet on which guys do all the time I can really really relate to this him wearing that backpack I would sometimes either wear a backpack or a duffel bag strapped around the front and you can still have the control of your hands it's the only drawback if you get any kind of tracker or die pack and you walk off and that die pack explodes he's wearing it on his chest so real it typically happens your first time or two bank robbery is bad enough so with that out there then what we know from watching the movie is he's in a really desperate situation sometimes the desperation kind of overrides the moral compass it's very accurate it takes a second for him to pump himself up he doesn't want those gloves coming off you know so obviously he's really conscious of not leaving any type of fingerprint also it's holding his sleeve to the jacket down which could be covering up some type of uh tattoo interesting that he picked a bank with glass because of the glass he's got to throw it over to them and you know they could put any kind of device in that bag it almost shows most more so the desperation that he went into this bank that is secure with glass and everything like that but he was still so desperate that it didn't stop him him having a problem with his motorcycle is sure it's happened they just blow through that red light with all those cars coming I don't think uh the intelligent police officer would do that just because you're putting a lot more people at risk I would actually rate this a nine going into the bank leading up to the bank preparing getting nervous everything he did even the mistakes he made inside were actual mistakes that if you you know you haven't done it you would probably make this book that looks like no one could ever get in except for probably the U.S military we have to keep in mind that this movie everything about this movie is supposed to be over the top yes they do have very intricate lock safes and things like that time block safes things that are really hard to get into but a lot of time during business hours they will keep certain safes open just so the employees can have access I learned everything so every bank I went into I knew whether it was going to have a safe such as the one that's in this scene or if it was going to be a regular open doors and if it were like this I would pass unless I found in one of their manuals or knew that they would keep this door open between certain times could I get it then where things were more manual oh yeah I I mean it it would have taken a considerable amount of time to break into that that's not like a three or four minute deal foreign a weapon in there like that unless you have a security guard that was armed you got to keep in mind if you shoot that shotgun and he hits that bank robbery suspect those rounds are probably exiting the perpetrator and going straight into the bank customer or the bank employee that school bus doesn't have any damage on it and he just crashed through a cemented Stone building and if you remember it had to go up the steps because when they were off the building they went up the steps so that like a totally Hollywood right definitely a one they know exactly what they're doing you can tell by the way they move where they go they know the layout of this place bank robberies that are done by a lot of different gangs this is how they go in and this is how they operate just with brute force and sheer fearful nine o'clock I don't know why do I say 15. he asked her uh something very specific about the bank which he already knew I would ask a bank employee a question just because I knew the answer and I wanted to see if they were going to be straight with me or not I wanted to see if they were going to be nervous how they were going to respond to the question I was asking we just wanted to see if she was going to cooperate hold it finally around this address you pull the alarm no no a lot of people believe that everyone in a bank you know all employees have silent alarms that's not accurate there's there's specific people that have the silent alarmed that are allowed to push it bleaching is something seen done before I doing it to get rid of all type of evidence you know once you put bleach on anything everything just kind of dissipates it's just interesting to me that they're doing that like the gloves they they have on so much that covers them up I would say this movie is a 10. for the realistic way that these guys are just that aggressive unfortunately you have a lot of guys that go in and that's how they do it foreign this scene here is very high tech this isn't a normal bank robbery right there are guys in the military and um certain groups around the world that can absolutely do this now a typical bank robbery you're working within a certain construct of time and trying to get a Vault like that even if you have the skill set to get into it it would probably take you as long to get in that vault as the sentence you forget for getting into it I have gone into banks that have safe locks and vaults and time lock vaults and stuff like that but there is a bank in Spain that operates in this way where if certain parts of it are triggered it will flood the actual safe which holds all the gold I'll give it a 10 for entertainment I'm gonna give it a one on the Gil said that anyone would have to go do that um foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] whole body messy imawa King Judaism o service terminal s Wednesday foreign foreign I did more than 10 000 burglaries I wrote everything you can imagine from museums Banks armored trucks but they never used any violence my name is Arthur Brent I'm an art detective and I'm responsible for recovering 250 million of stolenath We Now work together in trying to prevent our ties today we're going to watch out Heist clips from Hollywood movies tell me about this one also from Benin 7th century Fuller tribe I believe nah it was taken by British soldiers in Benin but it's from wakanda she's like the director of the museum and nobody approaches the director doesn't approach or any one guy art stolen from Africa is a hot item these days countries from Africa are demanding these pieces back from Western museums because they were stolen during the colonial era and many of these objects do have a spiritual meaning for these countries and in fact I was one of the first last year who bought such one of such pieces back an empress Crown stolen from Ethiopia and we bought it back and we handed over to the prime minister in Ethiopia I'm gonna take a break it is an inside job you know there is somebody in it in a busy house about what's going to take place it's very easy to get somebody inside very easy I did these things you know you have to find somebody who has problems you know as debt or something I trace them where they go where they go out and then I bump up to him say I'm sorry you want something to drink but also a strange thing they come with their open face he wants to be noticed you you tracks attention yes too much good it's just a taste the problem with museums is that they are there for the public they are not it's not meant to be affording so it's very hard to really prevent everybody from from taking something you cannot put every painting like the Mona Lisa behind such as their class I've never heard of an art theft where people were killed you know it's uh they shoot people here like it's you know it's War it's not like that let's say you have stolen art uh from a crime like this you cannot sell it it's too hot people died you cannot sell it ridiculous clip [Music] I know one Museum who has lasers it's the country storage Museum in Vienna but I don't think it's like this you know you can dance around these laces I'm like what is this capoeira stuff are you not this is this does not exist even if it would exist like this not touching any one of these laces is impossible it's impossible even if you would have seen them if you would see him you know without using any spray or something it's impossible [Music] to practice to do this little dance it will take you about a year the whole collection is gone what you see now is going in the air and you'll be dancing still with your laces I never studied the alarm for a long time I mean when you see a building you see how I'm gonna get in and I see this system and it will be yeah uh studied in a minute it's a system that I can do can hack or not there must have been a lot of sensors right I think at least uh 20 or something is always one or two or three two and a corner the Techno area I really doubt if if technology will ever be that perfect to prevent Earth from happening because you know there is always a button you can switch off and even if they can't find a button you know they come in with a gun the average Burger would do would not do this because it doesn't have a skills or uh the boss to do it because it looks very scary they scared of jail if you can't do the time don't leave a crime I did crimes I can do the time I did a lot of time I give this movie um the 10 no kidding a zero thank you it looks like it's worth Maybe 30 40 million or something I don't want to take it from the person I can see something that the person is wearing and then figure out where he lives but not ever touch anybody but most of these chains don't even have a lock to open or close you know and if they have they have maybe a triple security it doesn't go over the click one it has to one two three and then comes off most of these chains they go over your head if they're with these kind of stones you know why do you need a a lock to open or close it I think this one is very heavy it's possible to do this you know you have pickpocket people who can do this they they take you watch off you don't even notice any change the private security they will go in nobody will stop them because they have to be with their subject she can't go outside it's impossible that somebody will stop these two guys in the Netherlands is not allowed to have private guards with guns but outside the Netherlands it's allowed most of the security are ex-militated so they have uh they know a lot about them what they did before if they're disciplined you know if they can keep the mouth shut what they see or noticed [Music] yeah I don't even know why is that coordinated with all kinds of people you know put the chain into and then it goes to a kitchen and if you have the change you run out and I don't know how we have to get out somebody gets arrested they don't find the stuff on him on her you know they already passed it along otherwise sure uh a suspect then you have to give it to somebody else I've been to uh Monaco to check this kind of necklaces and it was possible but I didn't know that half the city of Monaco are cops I didn't know it's the most secure place you know that's true I have two cops on every person or something like that you won't make it I would say a five thank you for the fall hello everybody my name is Brian Stanton I'm a casino executive in Las Vegas for Station Casinos I have 20 years in the table games business watching and looking at game Security today we're going to be looking at casino Heist movie scenes I would love to know if a mathematician out there ever looked at any of those equations on there and figured out if it was anything card counting is not some extravagant trigonometry problem it's just basic counting second of all you really can't learn card counting in one day reading a book The General Public knowing about it has probably been a boon for us because people think they can come out and do it and they really can't [Music] if you're gonna count cards you probably wouldn't attract that much attention to yourself you have the character in the background flipping off the cameras creating a lot of energy around and drawing attention to themselves noticing that they're doing things again he did split fives which you would never do even if you were a card counter you would have to maybe know what the next three or four cards coming out of the shoe were to make that make sense he can't lose get loose the floor supervisor in The Pit Boss talking to each other we wouldn't need to cover our mouths with a clipboard they're not going to read our lips it would be hey something's going on over there we're watching it on camera let's make a plan for what we're going to do about it doing a distraction to escape doesn't make any sense because they still have to catch the chips out County cards is not illegal unless you're using some device to give yourself an advantage smart watch or a computer in your shoe or on your thigh that would make it cheating a game but keeping track in your head and knowing how many big cards versus little cards are you can gain an advantage and so it's frowned upon is somebody's card counting in the Las Vegas casino we simply say hey you're not welcome to play Blackjack anymore your action's too good for us this scene not very realistic in in that regard one for accuracy of how we do things in a casino or representing how card counters would act Ash flows from the tables to our boxes through the cage and into the most sacred room in the casino account room it's not realistic to a modern Casino as far as how you would enter it how it's laid out or how the actions are actually taking place you see the keep out sign and then they walk in we wouldn't allow anybody need to walk in with a briefcase nowadays the workers that walk in are walking in with clear purses if at all the count room is the most secure room in the building there are procedures in place for who can go in how they can go in what they can do where they are there probably in part because these things did happen when they were run by individuals or by the mob versus now publicly traded companies they're counting money who wants to buy them and the best part was that upstairs the board of directors didn't know what the is going on I mean today I'm everything looked down the up and up but you know when you're paying out at the cage we would count by hand and they did a good job of how their hand motions were and how they laid the bills out every table there's a paddle to the right of the dealer and they take the cash and they drop it into a slot and it goes into what's called a Dropbox and those are collected daily and they're double lock secures and security would come around and remove them take them into the count room where it's unlocked and the money is just dropped out onto a clear table and then the money is counted and sorted and assigned to that table the guys inside The Counting Room all slipped in there to skim The Joint dry they do short counts they lose fill slips they'd even take cash right out of their drop boxes did it's in a time period back in the day where you hear stories about these things going on well Phil slip is just an order form when a table game needs more chips throughout the day as people get up and walk away and cash out we have to replenish those chips and you order a fill from the cage to bring more chips to the table and that's how you figure out how much a table wins or loses in a given day and it was up to this guy right here standing in front of about two million dollars to skim the cash off the top without anybody getting wise the IRS or anybody the skim was apparently a real thing that the mob was doing to the casinos casinos are big business so that it takes a lot of employees to factor in the cash that comes through and the accounting paperwork that goes along with that so it is a very busy room there's a lot of people working but not busy enough that we wouldn't notice somebody walking in with a briefcase and walking out with the cash it takes key access and there's also cameras everywhere nowadays you can spot these by watching the way they bet like this guy he's betting lavender the chips 500 each with only one little problem he's always guessed right when things stand out you take a closer look at it so they did a great job of how the dealers are moving how they're paying how they're putting cards on the tables to how the supervisors stand in the pit to even how De Niro's character walked in and started to observe things I saw that the dealer was weak but he wasn't in on it he just wasn't protecting his hand he was lifting his whole cart way too high the first thing he noticed was that the guy always guesses right kind of bends down to tie his shoes so he can get a look at what's going on and where those angles are coming from and figures out that there's a cheater on the other side signaling his buddy with a cruise from casino to casino looking for weak dealers the way lions look for weekends using a device to cheat at least in the state of Nevada is a crime so you don't see that nearly as often things like that used to happen as computer technology took hold if it wasn't for the device they wouldn't really be doing anything wrong just taking advantage of a weak dealer those were the way we used to check the whole card was for them to cover it up and look for it nowadays we have a thing called the peaker device which is a two-way mirror that they Slide the cards right into so that there's no risk of exposing that card anymore foreign I've heard a lot of stories I've never heard of a cattle prod there are stories of back rooms without cameras where guys get roughed up a little bit nowadays we don't need to do that we have the Nevada Gaming Control Board we have security where we would just notify and do everything through a legal process it's once they brought that device into play and we'd notify the gaming commission say hey we have somebody that we suspected cheating and we would hand it right off to them I think the movie was done incredibly well from a technical standpoint everything outside of the cattle prod knocks the clip down to about a seven and a half [Music] I feel like you should have somebody from the CIA or FBI in here to evaluate this more than me because it doesn't pass the smell test for me on how casinos work or anything that would happen in a casino I think they say in the movie it connects three casinos that in reality are a mile apart there's no secret bunker anywhere with an elevator in and then the two security guards just happen to be facing away from the only elevator facing a door for no reason your manager is probably reporting to you now you have a little over 160 million in your Vault tonight you may notice we're only packing up about half that it would depend on how often deposits are made to the bank or whatever but we are required to be able to cover any winners and losers now does that mean we have to give it to them in cash no we just write them a check for it you know modern casinos we've become increasingly a cashless society and we have credit markers and bank wire transfers yeah in previous Clips we saw where the count room was and then once the money's counted it's put into a secure location you can call it a vault if you want to but it being this far out of the way this protected like it's holding the nuclear codes queue up the tape to the robbery installed on Tuesday the images we saw those men robbing us was a tape I feel safe to say that nobody has a vault quite like this one or would we spend the money to inlay the uh marble or Terrazzo or whatever that was with the name of the casino in the vault that seems like uh we could spend that money better somewhere else I've worked at some extravagant opulent places but that's even a little bit over the top our directors of security our security managers all either we're former law enforcement or know them so they would know when these guys walked in the likelihood of an entire team of criminals pretending to be Las Vegas Metro or SWAT or whoever and walking out with money I had a hard time watching this movie when I watched it the first time and I'm like wow I really have to suspend reality to enjoy this a one on how things in a real Casino look or act or our run there it is you have got your wallet but I got your credit cards laughs
Channel: Insider
Views: 977,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insider, How Real Is It?
Id: AW--rMJoYKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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