Crib Quilt, Its a Mystery

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to weekend project I'm Laurel in at the moment pop culture and we're working on a baby quilt today it's actually for I find a mine so this I'm doing and just pulled from my collection the colors are pink and grey so I thought I'll do something very pink and grayish but I didn't quite have enough pink so I thought pulling a little bit of purples and then it kind of ties them all together so I'm gonna hold up one little bit here and maybe you can guess when I'm working on it I saw it on Facebook that's all you get you have to figure it out waiting for the comments there we go kind of have kind of pinned together you'll see it's coming together so I kind of thought on Facebook but I didn't get any measurements or look at it in detail literally just went flash past and I meant to go back later and figure out where it was but still can't find it so I kind of did my own idea as I well do i adapt patterns to what I like so I have it in some different kind of strips and as you'll tell over here I've got eight strips a one and a half eight strips two two and a half and eight strips of three and a half in the very complementary gray of what's going to go around this colorful stack okay so where you start from the bottom this piece right here pop it over there and we're gonna take because we know this is one and a half okay it's a one and a half inch piece one inch half inch okay okay we better grab that one and a half inch great piece and we know there's already a line in the center of it so we could just cut right along that fold line take that one and a half so on the make sure it's going on the correct side because sometime if it's directional if you're fab this is just plain gray so I could go either way I just want to make sure I had it correct which way I was going to sew it make sure you put your right sides together and you're just gonna do a straight seam okay and we're gonna do that on the other side and we're just gonna keep building okay mystery make you wonder wait till the very end question is how are we gonna label this pop hopefully people will just be curious and click on it alright so we're gonna do that on the other side and then we're gonna give it a little press we're gonna press those seams open not that it really matters you can press them to the dark it's up to you I'm gonna press them open okay just take it spread it just put a little heat take the two fabrics separate them put a little heat in there and then turn it over and then just give it another little press loops looks like we came a little short on the top there let's do that again I wonder why maybe I didn't back tack all right scoot over here there we go dude you do okay then we're just gonna press it and there's our first one which we are going to add to the beak six and a half inch strip that I've taken and cut and we're going to add this right to the bottom okay try and get it so that the half of this fabric read here is in the half of that fold like you're kind of lining things up okay so don't worry you're going to trim this all later don't worry about trimming the roses we're going give it a little quick pin turn mm-hmm figured it out yet like now you will tell me okay and then we're gonna put this I actually wasn't quite in the middle even though it looked like it was in the middle of the fold for some particular reason alright let's try this again okay we want half of this okay oh that's right because the bolt isn't always half okay well we're gonna have to do it our way then put it in half okay it's longer like I said we're gonna trim later it's no worry about what you later let's much later alright just gonna put one on either end and then so we don't you've got a lot of my pins all disappeared somewhere in lesbian projects we go try to get just a shout alright just graze read just because we are working with a purple pink and grey so we're gonna just nice at all straight stitch ordered inch all the way down make sure your edges are lined up what we're building right now is the bottom of the quilt the very bottom parts of the quilts and the start of the pattern with that little purple rectangle okay a couple stitches on there first so I know it's not going to move and take the pin out keep uh turned down but a quarter-inch seam allowance try to be as consistent as possible I understand how sometimes machine gets away from you especially put Geppetto to the flo and since we are trimming just come and make sure you get back tack because we we want to make sure that when we at least get to the edge of our this this fabric here which is our base as we're going up and want to make sure we're tacking it down okay so there's Row 1 can you guess yet okay we're gonna press it open press it anyways we don't have to do the gray I was just trying to do the colors all the scene the little seams in between there we go okay cool alright so we'll put that there and you'll see me here these are the corners that ended up for the North and South quilt these colorful little corners here so and I've got their address and it's gonna be mailed off once I get some nice good pictures in the yard so get them all because it's big I can't there's no place to hang it up in the house here alright so the next one is a two and a half piece wide but it's how long yeah five okay so we know we need to grab from the two-and-a-half pile okay there we go I think what we'll do is well since we'll do at the half this way and then clip this way then we know we got it there's no confusion okay now we take that sew it on one side and sew on the other make sure we have our right side facing out like the right sides together these two right here correct yes I do you don't have to put a pin in you can just like depends you know as it gets to some of the bigger fabric so that the the three and a half inch you may want to at least pop a pin in so it doesn't shift too too much on you okay then we suppress these seams open and then we're gonna pin it to the other one and you can go just build each row all the way up but because it's a it's an placement sort of visual thing that's the way I'm doing it I have some numbers written down hopefully we can kind of perfect a little pattern and be able to share all right so there we go it's very cool now take our little piece all right we're gonna line it up make sure that little piece right there is kind of right in the halfway spot you know what I mean it looks it looks visual it's not over this way it's not over that way we're trying to like half it all the way up sort of thing okay flip to a pin another pin on the other side and then down on one end and down on the other and of course it's going to get as we're getting the bigger pieces in the middle it's gonna get bigger flats coming off the side but don't worry about it okay no worries trim later okay there we go oh another scene all the way to microphones poked me in the nose but I guess it's a collar my shirt my sweater and of course you could do this with varying shades of a light tone on the outside doesn't have to be gray can be cream white screams and whites whites on you tones whatever it doesn't it doesn't matter it's as long as that lightness is there you could definitely do it very scrappy and if I only tried to use one color once like each color once so I did have to go through quite the collection and start digging in there and there's a couple of fat quarters that I I cut into and I probably had I probably had them from like three or four years I've never cut into them so it's kind of kind of nice to be able to cut into them and put them in this quote so especially if it's for people I know hardest part is keeping it all lined up as you're going that was all closed almost get my needle almost hit my needle with my pin or pin with my needle okay now see I'll show you can you guess yet to play stop playing these games oops oh look look was getting in the way there okay I'll just give a little prize then you're just gonna keep doing that as you're plugging the way up to the quilt pattern alright there we go now the next color is this dark purple okay there we go and it's gonna go right there okay so we know this is the three and a half so we know we got to cut and take that three-and-a-half piece cut it down the center and then attach it to either side of this okay there we go cake to me it looks cakey we're making cake no we're not making cake all right we're gonna attach it to either side of this purple making sure we have our right side together of course they're two solid fabrics it's kind of hard to tell with these but you know if you were to use a pattern or you know gingham or you know fatigue so I guess boutique's it doesn't really matter either because they're beautiful on both sides dude we're just keep building away hello the fans on it it can be fight fabric fishing fishing for fabric all right do did you wrong get in there like I'm matching the quilt today didn't realize that with my purple jacket well yeah we all don't mess with me I got stuff to do me and I got stuff to do is to go be busy and once you get into a little routine you could just Boop you know you could probably put all the pieces together first and then pin them and what-have-you it's completely up to you okay so then you want to make sure you're getting the half again okay did I show that wrong no I didn't I thought maybe it's hold deaden it's like how could I have done that mmm very easily all right so we're gonna find our half on this one and this is the easiest way we're gonna get this to work and not be too funky on the I see how I found the halfway point right there and this is my halfway point right here and I'm gonna make sure I'm going to put those two points together okay and then I'm gonna pin you could easily mark it you could pin it first before you start flipping things around but that's what I'm doing here we go okay cool and then reach to the end Hey I thought this would be a fun little project I've been thinking about it since I saw it and and there was another thing that went past but of course we couldn't right I gotta save this stuff as soon as I see it I go oh I know I don't always have to come all the way down here for sewing cuz I this is my main one I'm not going to go beyond that for for the for trimming and the coats not gonna go beyond that because that's the shortest piece and I said put a border on it which I easily could but that's just helping to just easy to square it up oops poke get my shirt there so far he's been a great two weeks of first start of school everybody's getting into the routine it's nice to see drivers are paying attention and only doing what they need to do and at least listening to me when I tell them to slow down with my sign language of slowdown had this truck sometimes when you really need a cop just flying down the hill actually scared me yesterday morning with my one of the other moms stopped to chat with him for she shopped stopped to chat with me for a minute and flew rate it was calm and I could feel it was making the road vibrate he was ever even not to stop at the hill so I'm like turned around I'm like and told him it was a 40 zone you know like buddy do not make me report you because I will I've done it before and I will do it again for the safety of my community and the children that I cross there we go buddy think of that can you guess like every three all right so now getting into the next piece it should be there we go it's just like I'm I already lost should be a one and a half right because we're going one half two and a half three and a half one and a half two and A three and a that's how we're going along okay so there that's gonna go within so we need our one and a half piece we're gonna cut it in half and then so what either side doo-doo-doo I thought he cute here's something it turns out it's not I'd start fresh with baby Colt make something else and this will just hang in the shop that's something weird yes it is thanks dad I think it'd be a great way to bust some scraps - you could do the the strip's each different colors or make it scrappy and it's in its own right you know scrappy colors I think a rainbow one like that would be kind of cool should be for a young and they always love rainbows all the colors I think there's a kid out there doesn't love a rainbow all right now we're gonna find the half do do do half here half there line them up and then we'll make it square later okay so line them up 1/2 and 1/2 a point point and pin together okay it's an easy one to put together it's not really a whole lot you just gotta make sure you have your strips cut beforehand and then making sure you're trying to get that halfway point or if you don't want to and you just want to let it go all wonky that's totally up to you I'm sure you had a really awesome different effect I'll put your own spin on it I think that's what some of these patterns are really kind of screaming for is you know you put your own spin on it's kind of plain or a little not necessarily easy but maybe just I don't know I'm sure you can just kind of do it a little bit different way or or tweak it here or tweak it there and like I say put your own put your own little stamp on it make it your own alright so this down do you know my pins back this one's kind of fuller used to losing my yellows oh I know where the I was shaving really where they're actually pinning my Fall Fair project together think about that I get some more sewing done on her it's not gonna get done Oh okay just yeah that's about right do a little back tack hey and then press and then I'll show you our purple stacking whatever it's a stack of purple something's you know what we think came yes well I will stop asking okay a few more rows lots more rows AXI I think there was you know what I lost count there's a lot there's a lot all right what's the next one the line is that it just one that yeah seems about it okay so take those pins off there my stack down that's pretty little purple a couple of these fabrics are new to my collection they've been dropped off and recycled he wanted it out of theirs and I'm happy to take it into mind so alright so we needed two and a half right all right I'm happy cuz I probably wouldn't been able to finish off this project cuz I didn't have enough purples and pinks I can't believe I said that but really there's a time in the sewing that you don't have enough okay I'd say it's almost a daily thing on either side but check in there good to go when of course you can vary the size ending in any size you like really it's just become how big the strips are you could have just used two and two one and a half inch strips two and a half inch strips or whatever to build the whole thing you know I chose to do it different because they didn't really want to be copywriting anybody's idea that I didn't even know if it was out there or not so okay my own spin doing my own thing figuring it out come on really there's some fabric there really like that little purple leaf in it's very pretty very very pretty okay so we're gonna hold it up to here very do we have a guess at all anybody you know said it was gonna ask and I just clearly did all right so let's fold in half do to do about me do this on point if I just kept it up you know what I mean the fabric wise it keeps bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger big old Dimond all right fine that halfway I think we're gonna put a little pin in there okay and then here already find that again there we go just cuz I don't want to lose it as I'm trying to straighten them out okay and of course if you had directional fabric make sure it's going directional this is the bottom and we're working our way up okay make sure it's Hafeez looks Hafeez right out don't poke your finger no bleeding on the project well it's not good all right and then do another strip all they sold the strip now all the way down okay I think injure or put any pressure on this quilt top make sure they're lined up this would be an easy one to quilt up to because you can just stitch in the ditch or fill in the outside and then fill in the center you know there's lots you could do with this one too quite easily just do weaves do straight lines loops you know you can add some applique to the gray parts you know or add more work it in so you make more of what we're doing yeah new press it's coming along and they didn't do a mock-up one I'm just doing this as we're going and learning together so I can't see how would really mess up really honest it's not like it's hard or anything so there we go I look much better looks beautiful all right Nick peas all right this one of course it's a three and a half okay and the great to get a little bit narrower as they're coming up so the steps difference in between them is a little bit it's less grits with um less visible something like all coming all the way out here it's just a smidge II up up up as it's coming now okay so that looks good there we need our three-and-a-half did I grab it already no I didn't okay and I'm sure had some places near the top you could probably catch some cup of some of these ones off and they would work as the side piece is necessary but I just wanted to make sure I had enough for the whole thing at the same time the rest could just go into my scrappy bin and recycle so into other projects all right so we're gonna sew that on either side make sure I'm getting that correct not sewing one on one side and one on the other hasn't happened yet but I never know it's still early right and then that gets pinned rate to there once we press those little opens perfect yeah I just use a mix of solids and patterns and you know whatever I had really there's even gingham in here and flowers and you name it whatever whatever was around I think the more kind of colorful it was gonna be the I don't know the prettier was gonna be especially with those tones right the purple and the grey and the pink all right so let me get your I find inner half way right put our little seams together we know that's right there so let's put a little pin in so we know that's our halfway point on the little purple flower in the leaf and we know this is our halfway point on our purple solid and we're gonna align those two little points right up together okay making sure we have our right sides together line that pin up forget to take that one at all so Krista where's the head to it where'd it go and make sure you have about equal portion on the other side you know what I mean you put your seams up and you got some where it's dark to the grade to the other purple to make sure you got in not like four inches on one side and two inches on the other but unless that's your choice I mean this pattern is gonna be very flexible so to get there okay for some reason I thought I had two three-and strips on top of me and each other I was like that's not gonna work I designed in a certain way those two there and come up from about here so this one down hopefully you're looking forward to the live stream tomorrow we're gonna finish off that fall a touch of fall table runner I'm very excited for it it was in the McCall's quilting magazine September October 2013 if you're interested in checking it out it actually it is called fall ensemble but because we're kind of tweaking it our way and we're doing it our way we're calling it a touch a fall because I like the applique that they have on it but I make it mine a little bit different so and I look at my strips are a little bit wider so all right little pumpkin we got two pie pumpkins growing there they're little like so cute I really wish I could grow a big pumpkin I'd love to grow this big massive pumpkin you know find somebody's Pharmakon for oh the back forty or something then grow a few big huge massive pumpkins and it's great for chicken feed too you know they eat it throughout the winter it's good things for them cleans them out so parasites and stuff if they had any all right so let's just press this open or press this press this I press it I'm not sure I keep saying press it open because I'm not because it was folded over all right pops just like get on get on with it okay so now we know we need a one because we just did a three okay to to do to do to do all right find a half cut in half so to either side okay make sure we got our rights trip together you know that's the other say you know I gotta have to look again you're right that's pretty color too this one also came from donation it's a very pretty little purple flower one it's pretty adorable that would suit the quilt quite nicely since it's for a little girl a wheelie a munchkin yet to be hatched there we go and then well paying now one I would just keep going and going and going until it's all done alright now make sure you find the halves or you could line it up I mean you don't have to go find the half HAP's if you want to dis all eyeball it that's up to you I can't want I kind of would like a more of an exact look to it so that's why I'm taking the time to find the half and a half and it's only just matter of flipping the two fabrics over so it's not too hard I guess is it gets bigger it might be a wrestle but depend how big you want to make it come on okay perfect add those together all right move down sighs all right and then we're almost onto the pink but I'm not sure how we're doing for time cuz I always tell pop you know twenty thirty minutes and two and a half hours later you mean it seems like twenty minutes has passed that's it I have so much fun with sewing the time goes by so so fast see ha joke joke anybody just get moving right I gotcha okay line a month [Music] let me get this little Street and out here before I take that note I was actually gonna make it white and I thought no they said gray so you know keep it keep it gray then that way it's adds a nice softness to it too it's not just you know pink and white purple away I like it with the gray actually I had actually had a bunch of mix of whites I had like a little scrappy kind of collection that I thought up for first though you know what no I think we'll do it do it though the way that you know she said gray so let's go with gray we like that ready and of course as you're building it I put a nice six and a half strip on the bottom and I have another big six and a half strip for the very top once I get all the way up there and that helps border out the piece of art that we're kind of building up with the fabric so and of course if you want it has its own little board or fabric with all the great bits that are left over but you could always add another one if you so wish you know they even do it very scrappy like like the inside of what so what's what's going on so we good looks good so far yeah he's open alrighty let's do this one and of course it's a two and a half inch strip because we just used a one okay scoot over and grab that so it ends up being when you count eight maybe sixteen plus another eight twenty four so it's 24 rows that you're doing because I said 88 rows one and a half eight rows or eight strips or eight strips well ends up being eight rows when you think about it because we're using one strip per row so it was a plaid one was it or the gingham yeah so if you want to work it out that way but you can do whatever you like if you want have you know five five different sizes doing five different times then you've got 25 rolls right so oops what was weird we were sewing with stuff work cuz it's all gone that was that was very weird last row is someone on right okay that's weird cuckoo cuckoo ladies for sure why is that so Wiggly curly for some reason come on Oh guess cuz hey we just weren't ready third that just to be on the same side sure well went oh and there but oh well no me wanted to get reset up make sure you're not having really hurt your fabric couple little little chewy bits on that side Oh what were the presser foot okay so far so good the quirky things that happen in the quilt shop we see cat is quiet facto he's not sleeping on his pillow obviously but his other pillow he's kinda like four pillows around the floor here with the coach job I make sure he's comfortable where he's napping Italy and I just don't want him on my other stuff so I provide him places to sleep right that way he won't nap on things he's not both to nap on I don't wanna have to get mad at him long thread tail on that one I like gingham being such a fun fabric you could do so much with it all right okay how's that look it's gonna be quite big actually it's gonna be a large size I'm bigger for bigger than the the crib or probably just around the same size as the crib okay so that's just kind of going gradual step up down that one to find the half okay all right now perfect put those little points on top of each other and away you go for here over here and then sew it all down so most let's get that lined up a bit there and this so this and kind of ends the purple colors and then the rest are all pink as I was describing it to pop it goes oh it doesn't seem like a very complicated pattern I go it's not really just to you know it's just super actually quite an easy pattern it's a great start for anybody or an even like a little quick wall hang and you as a gift for somebody do it on a little bit of a smaller scale I come down just a little bit make sure kind of visually lining up with this one always make sure you coming past as that is going to be your trim your your corner down there okay and do - there we go there's another one Papa's making noise all right now for the next one which is a three and a half nice big chunk here and this is where I was thinking okay maybe some of those other three-and-a-half bits might actually fit like since we if we were to square them up but you're like I say you have to square all that up afterwards so we've accommodated we've enough for this each strip each Road to have a strip that one's got a little bit of a fold in it so let's get that there so we know we have our three and a half okay probably don't need all even the half of the half of it but we're gonna do it webs and it seems like my gray strips a little bit bigger than my pink strippers my pink strip small it's up to trim a little gray strip here for some reason it's a little bit bigger than my pink strip [Music] whoops hmm deal with that really weird if you liked this video share did Euterpe later beater believed to be pretty pop says no stop making the noises no bud if it's some reason that's not all quite lined up well happens nothing's perfect trim in there trimmin air okay I'd over here that over there I just press this open go plate it on the right side I did all right so let's find a half it's a pencil on the floor now and roll over it there find a half of here okay having just passed you that was just a short little step - yeah because we're starting to form another shape with these with these strips [Music] and it's so down lining up your two edges we don't need to go that far make sure it's all together go all right come on alone okay next looking away those be fined a half already on this one be ready rock for the next piece which should be a one and a half got that one strips are out of order there it is there's my one and a half okay should be just wider then which it is okay perfect don't leave that there just wanna get a better poke in it's the strangest needles all right one and a half okay line that up better just kind of did a rough folder no so the one in half ours and then a little press just don't burn your fingers all right now find this half because we know we already found it on the big one so you just need to find it on this little one here all right you can pin her up right there like I say make sure when you get to the section here where it's the one is coming past the other make sure they're even yes even ish on both sides he's here so I am trying to flip and flop every now and again because I don't want any big bows and my strips though because I am cutting it and piecing in the center I'm not sure I'd really suffer that but just to be on the safe side put the flop do a couple one way whatever or if you notice that there's a bowing going on then definitely switch it [Music] pass where I need to be yep cut press you must have a guest by now probably have it right how's that looking they can use all right so we still have quite a bit of strips to go however hmm you're gonna fast forward Oh already okay so let's just quick we're can keep plug in and we're gonna make this super fast like two or four five times ten times [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now here comes the fun part okay don't need done need this so have you guessed yet have you we're almost there now comes the part where we're gonna change it okay so we know we're building up on this side we have these little bitty bobs left over and we know our next strip in this section would be a 2-inch okay so we're gonna take our figuring I had that one L pinned together we're gonna take our 2 inch and we're gonna find a happy home somewhere in between with this shape can start taking form at the top okay we're gonna move this over here move this over here and we're gonna put a piece of gray right in the center okay and we're gonna start building up a little bit on either side so let me just refer to my diagram well real quick okay I just want to make sure I am building up for the outside as well as the like to come out this way a little bit and leave that gap in the center so I just want a smidge so this is where the math is gonna have to come involved here okay my whole table off okay and then right here I need to make sure that I have a good enough chunk of gray to substitute this section right here okay and then we'll put grey on the other sides okay so we know that's two and a half right so we're going to take that cut it in half just like the same thing as we've been doing all the long hair so it on to one half okay and then we sew it on to the other half okay just sit right there for a moment hold your horses okay and now we know I could just pinned up in your bed here that comes out just a smidge if we want we wanted to coming out like court half an inch three quarters of an inch or anything like that there and the same over here when you take our little ruler my little one sit under there somewhere no it's okay I guess my people won't have to do dropping stuff off everywhere okay now we know we need a quarter inch seam allowance of both sides of this so if we already add the quarter we know we need four and a quarter so afford a quarter strip of off probably one of these will be just fine actually you know what let's just do another two let's cut the four and a half strip off and we're going to put it in between those two pink pieces okay one two three four does a four and a half or four and a quarter I apologize it was actually four and a quarter one two three four and one quarter now that's going to get sewn in right there and maybe you can guess now what we're doing you need that piece next silly so it there make sure we have our seams together in the right spot where they're supposed to be now we should be able to find the half on the gray come equal with the Pink's right and then just the same thing it's you just have finding a new center you're kind of pretty much making your new center so we know we're half there and we know we are half there pinch and pinch and away we go get a soda on and maybe you can have a better guess what we're doing I'm sure you've guessed already many times okay now make sure you're happy with the equal portion on either side okay okay equal portion of the pink or gray or what have you that is coming past okay because you need just like I said about a quarter of an inch a half an inch whatever and seem on that side it's approximately the same and then just sew it down okay there's only a few more rows to go I know it's been a long project but it's a cute project I almost remind me of the Smurfs song I used to sing this song to pop when you know we first started dating and he's like there's no Smurfs song like that and I'm like yes there is it's about a pink toothbrush in a blue toothbrush and they've met in the bathroom it's fine whatever anybody else know that Smurfs song your pink toothbrush I'm a blue toothbrush and we met somewhere before I know I'm not going crazy I know not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sure you've got your guests on by now I'm sure you're right I'm not gonna tell you nope [Music] that's in them [Music] [Music] almost oh we always use the whole bobbin that was a full bobbin when I started at least I got I love it I'm a backup one just in case okay so let's give this a press who do you they're getting bigger bigger bigger Oh Oh snaggle frag ins oh what's that Louis cuz I have that shift it looks like it's stitched I was looking on the wrong color it's easy it's easy to shift there we go sometimes things get missed you just go back and fix them no stress okay no stress all right let's get the surprise and then I'll show you get a good look at it I'm sure you got this you got this I know you do we peeps our smarts SMRT what you think lookin cute yep yep yeah all right couple more couple more I got this one oops I've got this one to do okay here just do the quick little layout here so you can see with the next couple rows we're gonna look like right there that's one side okay and then the other side it's just like that see you got this all right so what is that two and a half that's actually seems out of order oops dad you thought order because there should be one two three they go to three - oopsies pattern adaption mix it wouldn't gone there no I guess not oopsies oh well pattern adaption okay so put that over there because we want to work on this one right now and make sure they even themselves up so let's put these guys over here don't want to lose them the packing pile okay hopefully have enough two and a half strips but I'm bump [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now for these last little bits here I'm just gonna show you how it's going to lay out and then we'll call that a weekend project and you'll have to check it out to hang behind me will be something along on Wednesday to figure out how it got all finished right here only got a few more but still four more strips it's gonna take some time so let's move it down here smidge here here here I think that goes that way so no what I was looking weird and then of course that goes up there on top ish good on you and then we'll do the same over here here here and here there we go what we think hopefully we like it and that's what I was building today is this right here we had to change the name cuz I had it as something else it's heart so that's kind of what I was working on kind of cool a Jill know a little thingamajiggy and figuring out something new and kind of cool and hoping that they would like it so alright take care everybody enjoy your weekend ll see you tomorrow for live stream finishing off the fall Wow you know Paul a table runner we already did the turkey where he did mr. Tom turkey let's go back Rebecca where did that tom test turkey what will cost all right take everybody Joey D and we'll see you tomorrow you
Channel: Mom and Pop Quilt Shop
Views: 33,280
Rating: 4.5464854 out of 5
Keywords: sewing, Janome, Statler, Gammill, Quilting, Quilts
Id: RXcfSqxsyn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 43sec (4543 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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