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[Music] foreign [Music] everyone here from the island of Crete this is going to be our last video here in Crete not in Greece though we're still going to quite a few other islands and right now we're at a place called placa it's about an hour away driving from iraqlio where we're staying we're not planning to stay on this beach but it just looked like a nice place to open the video really nice Beach heavily Beach I think that's the first heavily Beach that we've seen on this trip yeah yeah it looks cute so this area that we're in now is called el unde Bay so that's this area and we're going to an island called spinalonga which is right there small island supposed to be able to get a boat from here I think it's that boat over there isn't it yeah I think we're missing missing this yeah maybe looks like people are entering I think it's every 30 minutes and then there's also a bigger Bay Area here called Marie Bello Bay and we're gonna go to a city and also another Beach there where we'll actually stay on the beach so it looks like it's going to be an awesome day [Music] [Applause] so this place looks like another really nice little Coastal Village to stay nice and quiet other huge mountains in the backdrop there's loads of places to stay on the mountains as well with awesome views so we just walk in quickly to see if we can still catch the boat we're very close if not it's not really a bad place to wait around for 30 minutes all right cool it hasn't left without us wow look at the water here looks even nicer from this side already got our doggo friend I think he likes me yeah is he climbed up on top of you yeah I think he's a fisherman's dog the fisherman guy here seems like an old dog [Music] [Music] so we have now entered the island Fortress it's 20 euros overall per person because the boat is 12 euros for the round trip and then it's 8 Euros to enter and just like everything that we've been seeing lately this is a Venetian Fortress from around the 1500s but I've got a feeling that this is going to be the most impressive because it's absolutely massive and because of the views that you get of the coast I think this is also another separate Island over here has a nice little beach be a cool place to chill out with the view of this place in the backdrop so from what I read even before the venetians were here there was already a Fortified Area I wouldn't have looked this impressive but that was from the ancient Greeks and it was to protect an ancient city called olus which I think was down there but right now it's sunken due to an earthquake but this place was abandoned in the 7th Century because of Arab Invaders Pirates so yeah they had to leave and then I guess it was only until the venetians came that people stayed around here again what an extremely beautiful Coastline though probably one of the nicest ones that we've seen in Greece the water makes me want to go for a swim already yeah yeah the wind says no but the color says yeah come to me but hopefully we can find a beach with no wind today yeah we're gonna look for one but I think overall it is a bit warmer here on the East Coast compared to where we were before yeah I think so [Music] foreign [Music] yeah already at the beginning we can tell that the other forts are incomparable to this one looks like we could spend hours on the sides of it I think we might be here for for two hours so right now we're making our way to an old church it's supposed to be up here somewhere can't really see it right now so no idea where the church is still but there was some sort of building here now it's the doorway to the beautiful sea so that's where the Invaders where they come from out there somewhere look at the size of these fortified walls though must have took forever to build this thing so I'm not sure if this is the church of Saint Nicholas they don't have many signs around here so I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at all the time a lot of the other places that we visited had signs and I don't know if this is a church looks like it could be a lot of the old Greek churches I like that so you see a lot of places called Saint Nicholas here I think one of the other churches that we went to the other day was also Saint Nicholas so I read that he's the saint of salus and he was Greek so yeah I guess that's why [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] there is basically like a big Village at the bottom of it which is different to any of the other forts that we went to that just looked like some kind of military complex with weapons this has an actual like residential area now look at the colorful windows yeah so this is probably more of a modern touch it definitely is but I guess this is how the original ones would look like in Ruins and get some Museum as well so that's cool this is how they used to play games with the rocks oh look Jess the historic chessboard 1877 1938 so he was a Italian historian an archaeologist so he visited this island and the area is surrounding it to research the area some of these pictures yeah so this area that we're in now is the Central Market so it shows here how the buildings look before get that out completely in Ruins and that's the restored ones that you're seeing right now like this this part here is talking more about the battles with the Ottomans they surrendered the island of svenolonga 4th of October 1715. here's a picture from 1901. That's from the Italian uh archaeologist guy that I just showed before we can see the amount of houses that were here it's not like that now a lot of them have been destroyed [Music] please [Music] it was certainly a big Village around here continues on this one looks in better condition this part going forward yeah this part looks less damaged I don't know if it's restored or if it just remained in good condition seems nicer though so they've got some of the the door frames there so this island was also used as a leper colony in the early 1900s not so long ago for around 50 years so only leopards were on the island during that time because I don't think they really had good treatments back then and it was contagious right now we just use antibiotics I guess to cure that but they would have lived around here and we read that the government did give them some money but they were left on their own so yeah they had their own little Society here they did get married and stuff have children and this island was one of the less leper colonies in Europe I'd never imagined it was this big when we looked from the coast it looked like it's just a tiny Island yeah we've been here for more than two hours already and we haven't seen everything yeah just walking around close to explore I mean we're on this road now but there's buildings going all the way up there I doubt we'll even be able to see everything [Music] thank you more views yeah it's all the way yeah so it comes to some other section of the village here this was the hospital for the leper colony supposed to be a mosque around here and the church that we were looking for before so what I showed before wasn't the church of Saint Nicholas somewhere around here all right well we found the church what's left of it anyway that is heavily damaged probably only like five percent of it here very mild remains of what was a painting [Music] thank you [Music] so we've come back to flakka now where we started the video found a really nice restaurant on the seafront here looks super beautiful and this time we're not going for a saganaki this is fried feta in Honey which I don't think we've ever tried before no first time this is cheese I think we're gonna love it yeah Carol loves juice let's see if it tastes as good as it looks oh wow I don't think I've ever had anything with cheese and honey before so the mix is really delicious I like the crispy part as well really really good I want to try it no you're gonna love this I already know to me it's almost like a dessert yeah yeah it's a mix of sweets with the Salted strong Taste of the cheese is very very nice yeah I don't think we'll be ordering saganaki all the time now then do they have this on all the menus though I think I've seen it before but we never tried it but it's quite common I think all right cool and that was six euros and the main dishes have come pretty quickly so Carol got sea bream for 16. and I got some pork chops for ten two pork chops so really really good the fries are always good here in Greece as well nice and chunky laughs foreign [Music] so we've driven about 30 minutes from flakka to come to a nice Beach I don't know how you pronounce that lisma Golden Beach got some pretty nice views from the parking here free parking some beaches back there as well it's in the beach that we want to go to is this one isn't it so if you go down and see because maybe we have to find some rocks here block the wind yeah it doesn't seem too windy here right now so it's actually quite nice and warm there's a path down here too though yeah we'll work it out but super beautiful by the looks of it nice little place for snacks up here looks like a pretty popular beach too quite a few people here overall it seems like this area of the east coast is busier compared to the west where we were before seems to be more tourists around overall more people around so we found a great part here with no winds I think it's the first time that I felt genuinely hot yeah so feeling very good but go in the water or not the problem is that in the water there's wind here there's no but yeah we'll see there's some people going in I saw some others that were going to go in and then they decided not to once they dip their feet in there it's kind of funny because looking at the footage it probably just looks like everything's boiling here right the nice blue skies thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so at least at this beach I was able to fly the Drone more easily compared to the previous days I think on the previous days the win was like 30 kilometers per hour so it was really hard to fly but here right now it was really easy I was able to check out the other beaches on the other side of the cliff so just over that side there's a little Trail and it's completely empty Beach and then another one with a resort and on that side there was also a beach that was quite empty and this beach is nice it's very simple compared to what we showed in the last two videos elephonesi and balo's Beach since those two were so spectacular but it's still a very nice seat the majority that we've seen improved seem to be this kind of level even the average beaches okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] we're just gonna check out the Pebble Beach area before we head out of here see how it is not really a fan of pebble beaches to be honest had people comment before on the videos that they actually prefer the Pebbles some people don't really like Sam right it bothers them but yeah it's not really for me I like to walk Barefoot and it's also not very nice to lie down on ah so it is a bit of a Sandy Beach I thought the whole thing was Pebbles but it sent barely anyone on this part the ruts are kind of orange over here on that side so we're going to be heading to a city that we haven't been to yet it's just about 10 minutes away from here it might actually be that one over there we can see there's a city it is around that part [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so now we're in iOS Nicolaus Saint Nicholas I mentioned before that a lot of things are called Saint Nicholas here in Crete and this city is called Saint Nicholas and we're right next to an area here with loads of Yachts everywhere pretty much all these Yachts so in the previous videos we've been showing the older areas old neighborhoods Villages towns but I think this is more of a modern city so it should be interesting to see Carol wants to scout some homes at the estate agent yeah maybe yeah we have thought that Greece is like maybe even number one possibility of places to settle down yeah so we are trying to see if we if we like some part of concrete maybe or maybe kofu I don't know we are first we're gonna travel to the places and see if we can see ourselves living somewhere near in Greece got some here two bedroom 150 000 Euros no idea where the location is this one three four bedrooms 168 000 Euros I think for Europe Greece is actually still pretty affordable yeah but if you look at the ones with the Sea View here 287 000 doesn't say how many bedrooms one with a swimming pool 395 000. are these the best ones yeah oh over a million too expensive yeah look at that one though pool amazing views yeah basically the ones where the pools and amazing views are like over a million almost 3 million euros this one whoa this is even a nice little beach here right in the middle of the city it's called Amos Beach so you can go to the island that we visited earlier it's been no longer from here they also have the boat tours from here it's from this little Harbor right here [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this place is actually reminding us of the modern places in The Algarve like Baltimore where my parents live pretty similar style the buildings yeah or even some other areas like Lagos a bit similar so I think this area here is the most popular part of iOS Nicolaus Lake Police many so historically it was a freshwater lake but then they opened it up and opened in there that goes to the Sea so now you have all the boats in here that can access the sea out there loads of restaurants and cafes just like the harbors that we've seen in the previous videos also looks cool because there's these big Cliffs here on this side it is very different I mean from because of this Viewpoint like well we're on a hill as well yeah because the other times that we were in a harbor it's always flat we're not really on a high viewpoint probably walk all the way around that way yeah I think we'll do that I only just noticed those mountains that Carol mentioned huge mountains [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this place is certainly a lot more impressive than what I was expecting I thought that since it was a modern area it wouldn't be as nice as the other places that we visited but it's pretty much the same really the harbor area these boats are so tiny that they almost look like they must be here just for sure maybe they are I don't know they're like freshly painted it's probably like the less touristy Place we've been so far on this trip yeah it's very relaxed and there's no like a lot of people around I think the other towns were very crowded maybe that's why we're enjoying it so much here it's very calm hello what's fun so there are still some old structures though because it was a historic settlement here I think there's just not much left over compared to the other places that we've been yeah look at these things I mean that's definitely super old oh look there girl the babies so cute look at these guys all sleeping maybe that's the the mother don't seem to be too bothered with us all snuggled up look at this nice old chapel too kind of built into the cliff side away in there the old doors there's another cave over here oh I didn't see you there sorry he's the owner of that that cave house even more caves so on Google Maps it doesn't show any of these points here look it's the same kind of paintings that we've been seeing in the churches on the island is that it's part of their church too the butterfly catcher it's a nice one we're getting all the wildlife in this place somehow yeah in the middle of the city yeah yeah just like yesterday in Rhythm no it makes us feel like why didn't we decide to stay here too but you can't stay in all of these places [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we're back at the apartment now in iraqlio where we've been staying and we wanted to do more videos here in Crete but because of the bad weather we weren't able to do as much as we wanted the next few days supposed to be really bad so it's going to be kind of hard to explore and in a few days time we're going to be heading to a place called citia which is heading east from here but we're only going there to get a ferry to our next Island which is going to be car pathos supposed to be a quieter less touristy Island so interested in seeing that and then yeah we're just going to keep making our way around different islands in that region if you like this video and the video so far just drop a like to support us as usual subscribe see more videos like this follow us on Instagram and Facebook and we'll see in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jumping Places
Views: 128,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel guide, things to do, places to visit, attractions, vacation, travel, price, cost, guide, jumping places, greece, greece summer, holiday, island, best beaches, greek islands, best islands, travel greece, best islands in greece, crete, crete 2023, travel crete, crete beaches, beaches in crete, greek food, crete greece, heraklion, best beach, spinalonga, spinalonga island, agios nikolaos, plaka, Elounda, voulisma beach, CRETE | GREECE 🇬🇷 THE ULTIMATE ISLAND, greek island, islands
Id: hRhecSIpBA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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