Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance - 100% Walkthrough [All Endings, All Achievements]

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[Music] oh look at those lovely cheeks and those eyes I was created to experience all of life's joys Ingrid be a deer and go visit your granny and bring her some fresh bread she'll be so happy to see you ah here [Music] on the table when I get back of course my dear and do spend some time with your granny have a chat she's so lonely yeah I'll stick around and chat [Music] what a gross puddle I don't want to sting my new shoes in that dirt [Music] [Laughter] [Music] y thank you what's going on where am I hey you monster I'm talking to you what is this please [Music] here we go when kids are the worst nourishment for their elders nice their kids don't end up down here so where am I you're in a brewery in a swamp there goes being neat and tidy I wanted to keep my shoes clean and now my clothes are all ruined where are you off to I want to go home this instant come here it's you'll make for a wonderful statuette just to give my grandson as a gift take me home now hey swamp monster where's the exit what's with the yelling if you ended up here that means you're getting eaten what a greedy creature there's no tear that away from that bowl just like my ducks strudel she's too arrogant she ruined the broth what about adding time that'll make it too better I'm afraid where am I meant to find any of them now [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah that was some good reach soup but I used Rosemary in that one and so go see the merchant and stuck up I'd rather grow it myself and the Lord has inflates as prices like no one's business I don't like him [Music] laughs [Music] where are you running up to see youngering me [Music] gross [Music] foreign ER has been taken over by a monster [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey newbie wanna fly what a funny game and if you win you get to go back home and if I don't need cracker his last also I personally never lied to him from the start you'd be that sore so who then are you I don't have a name I'm Malik just like all my brothers are there a lot of you plenty but I am the only one who likes to play does this game of yours have any kind of rules the rules are simple I as you see feet and who decides who wins not me that's for sure don't be scared you'll get the hang of things as you go it's not like you have a choice anyway baby you're not a very friendly buncher are you and you are no angel yourself in otherwise you wouldn't have ended up here what you want to go home already of course I do this place is creepy and it totally reeks you see that what a fall that's a portal to your world behind it you can go anytime you like and that's it sounds easy peasy it couldn't be seem fair give it a go all right nice and hot right I guess you're full of vile check it out the wonderful match you are numbers your Saints are on the left and your good deeds are on the right and what am I meant to do with this just be yourself enough hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on what the hell is going on here foreign [Music] there's a hole here there must be another way what's up [Music] gross [Music] it looks disgusting but who knows maybe it'll come in handy [Music] foreign [Music] that scene is barely holding itself together it's missing here [Music] when I get out of here No One's Gonna believe me when I tell them what happened [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ew a so how do I negotiate with them that's it just clocked with food waste and oozing disgusting sticky slime [Music] [Music] uh -huh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] er uh what dinner I won't be able to stand the side of me for the next week what's the week without meat compared to an eternity in hell foreign ers [Music] drawn onto my too much you're ready I like you perhaps you'll even get out of here I will get out and I don't need your help he is a word of advice for you don't let anyone around here see you especially not Auntie to think this place is full of life well death to be more precise and you'll only be a nonsense to the lockers getting in the way and showering them with your questions that mothers never went easy on kids if he sees a child he immediately turns them into Stout and puts them in his yard as a decoration and you know plenty of others have started following his lead hey foreign [Music] why'd you decide to wake the owls huh who I was just walking by yeah yeah it's not like there's any other Road anyway exactly and you're doing nothing but distracting me well perhaps I wanted to help if you want to help then tell me something useful or don't say anything keep in mind that owls like children but in their own way they hang up dream catchers and children die in their nightmare what's this another part of your dunking being nice to wallex and they'll be nice to you huh and this as you put it dump game you can wash away your sins but only for you succeed I want to go home right now quit making a racket maybe you'll get back I heard one boy manage to his cave [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] the owls don't let Outsiders in and their tree is impregnable Fortress but who'd even think of meddling with those lunatics it's a dead end you're right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] looks like a barrel of blue paint [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I mean they started this whole operation [Music] hey are you all dressed up going now each other you've already forgotten but play together that must be cousin amusing himself that slacker I see so what are you doing here he lost you back there I'm looking for Treasure and how's that working out something now all that's left this to find the exit I don't suppose you know where it is I was meaning to ask you the same thing put me down with a feather also sport they catch you up in the tree and you roam around hungry sleep deprived and look at about yeah they're kind of weird anyway what was that about treasure little girls have no business knowing that then have fun with that jar of yours [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mm-hmm what's that prickly Mass that's what I dragged myself up here for [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] problems [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh get up I dealt with that owl we're leaving foreign [Music] music is making my head hurt s yes who's at our final lesson keep up the good work to use I still didn't manage to get out let's play a game who can find the accent the fastest so sick of your games why didn't you find your wow I had nobody to play with [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right remember [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I think I've seen something like that [Music] hmm I saw glowing feathers on the wall somewhere [Music] [Music] looks like this weasel managed to find a way to escape with his stupid jar [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I think I've seen something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] responsible [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey you take me back home this instant [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] oh this is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well how the crown not too tight well I don't need it you want it we'll settle up later sure I always dreamed of being in charge foreign [Applause] there'll be no ruling for me the crowd is as ghostly as the whole world of owls no Crown means no help just try to leave in Malik after that tell me did you look out for the other kitties or just yourself all right I saved them it's part of the game right hmm really that's unexpected well what are you waiting for you think that's Mass adoration is going to last forever look some of them are starting to suspect something time to run ew that leaks although I guess it's time for me to get used to it [Music] open up let me in my teeth black I can't stand it any longer she doesn't hear us doesn't open up then we have to wait here and suffer what do you think you're staring at do you like it when others suffer [Music] I love it especially people like you I'm with you on that I hate children [Music] my pointies [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what did I expect I'll have to find another way [Music] aren't you tired of banging on the door I know we look for another way [Music] where do you think you're going away from here maybe there's a way through the castle that could be but there is no getting into the castle [Music] the Old Timer there's a door up there what if we go through it you're right let's work together tell me what to do and where to go my head hurts too much to focus [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is all useless and she won't let us in before midnight anyway there's not much time left now we can wait it out relax Alzheimer no girl time doesn't pass by itself here okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] now now there's no use in struggling Child open up now nice and wide let me treat you pearly whites [Music] why so angry little one do you know none of sugar plums did your mother not feel your tongue if she won't feed you then I must let me fix this and stuff your mouth full of Sugar by my own design you lick your fingers No More Tears foreign [Music] shall be no more your mouth will cramp from awful pain and your gums will bleed [Music] and until come to snatch your teeth one two and good as new [Music] stay here a while and I'll bake you some fluffy bread you won't need teeth your gums will do just fine [Laughter] [Music] hey Old Timer help me give me your hand and get me out of here I'm sorry if I save you monkey won't fix my teeth me here backstabber fine I'll get out by myself [Music] now I've got a good reason to be scared of going to the dentist [Music] What A sly child it's hide and seek we're playing hey my count is up so I'm on my way keep in mind I know every Nukem Curry [Music] foreign [Music] there's something inside this candy I'd like to turn this bat over but I don't want to get my hands dirty [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] boys [Music] [Music] this is madness now I'm not gonna be a guinea pig senseless violence not today [Music] Hmm this hotel looks like a lock pick it's worth a try damn block nothing works [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thanks your teeth are going to save my life [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] just take a look at that sweet face going through hard times only makes me prettier [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hold on let me get my head straight first sure you'll got a whole eternity huh so where are we in a cemetery bear in mind that even the locals are afraid of this place nothing can scare me at your Auntie's house it's that Soul huh ah remember we are still playing you're it I'm sick of all this I want to go home what a want flow under the tombstone by itself if a task is once begun never leave it till it's done quick coding Proverbs that means super irritating [Laughter] ah did you meet the girl my sweet I saw she fell right over the caretaker's shower as she was running off oh really all right silly did the girl stumble straight into a coffin that's that Hell's Bells pray tell it was the shovel or the coffin I am telling you evil spirits dragged her into the coffin and the chaotic he gave her a whack on the head with his shovel for good measure my dear are you making things up or telling the truth me I'm making things up of course I'm always spinning Yarns that's just the way I am have you seen the child or not oh a child there are plenty of them around here alas I see from you there'll be no answer [Music] what a hideously beautiful side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign if your glasses away I know ghost that's not possible how did a live Human get here from the world of the living who'd have thought it right it's true you're no Mirage and how are you I'm a cabinet maker you make coffins they forced me they've been keeping me on the leash for an eternity got it well I'm off wait girl you can help me by looking for the keys to my shackles and what's in that for me I can give you a reward while I was still upstairs I learned how to breathe life into trees and create Idols to help me it was tough I had to go to an enchanted Lake it's much easier to do that here there is dead water everywhere an interesting story tell me more sometime what was that you were saying about idols do literally every everything give me one and we'll see what it can do [Music] here take my best title he'll serve you well [Music] come here don't be scared are you sure he's the best he doesn't look like much I am ready to serve my new mistress I'll try to help you but I can't promise anything I'll wait and keep my fingers crossed did you find the keys it's not as easy as it seems I got that so what will you do when you're not chained up anymore I haven't thought about that yet I'll try to get back do you know how to get back yeah I heard there is a Passage through the waterfall you do know it only lets good people through right I didn't do anything evil when I was alive I'm here cause of that water I received it for the first time from the hands of my future killer oh how gullible I was the last thing I remember is what enhanced clutch in a shovel and soulless eyes burning with red Flames your servants held a mutiny no it was my partner he was hungry for power and he used me to create his own Army so there's a gang of wooden murderers with shovels someplace in the forest right now I doubt it they need to be careful the first drop of rain will stop them in their tracks you sure got some creepy stories Gramps [Music] don't touch that touch that tool I need it how what years are you you're just an extra weight that's all I'm tired I am a special I am Oak my Linden brothers are lighter but there's less useful how old are you kiddo huh what's an old I've made myself super useful I saw 300 wooden boards for coffins [Music] do you want me to set you free that's not an option Madam I must serve I was made to make people happy you were made to make me happy [Music] what a creepy piggy bank [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] open up I can't breathing here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] huh [Music] why are you so heavy there's something sparkling in there oh damn I can't get it get in the crack kid catch me the treasure [Music] [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] help me I'm over here by the tombstone what do you need I escaped from captivity and now I want to go home to my mom he wants his mommy remember how rude you were to her well we do yes I was an awful son and friend but I realized that now and I want to go back home help me I know you're getting out of here bring me with you it's up to you foreign hey why are you hanging around doing nothing make yourself useful and read what it says you scared me what have you got there [Music] oh [Music] I think I'm starting to understand these symbols it's describing a ritual from The Book of the Dead that can transfer a body from a cemetery to the neighboring Island it does mean a dead body but that's probably now peaky are you sure no but it's a chance to escape it's hardly the best chance I don't feel like dying you're in Hell death isn't the worst thing that could happen to you it sounds less than comforting so what do I need for this ritual you'll need that water and any valuable item but where can I get all that cheer up you're in the realm of the day the deck and dig up anything if you search hard enough you met my cousin why didn't you tell me that didn't come up in the conversation I don't think much of your cousin put in the way and distracted me from the task at hand he actually has a high opinion of you he said he could learn a lot from your example yeah he ran off without helping me I hate him well he was in a rush to go sail his Wares right personal gain above all else I'll remember that will you take me with you girl I haven't decided yet well the lights coming from a gas while at my Bliss I was swimming in the sea of drams and now I'm lost at raft the empty was expensed this wretched song and dance her prey town is to play very nice and in verse 2 something seems to be upsetting you am I right I'm missing a soul one from the SAG Zone not my own ready back to me so I can lock her up and throw away the key perhaps I can help you help me you saw what did just fine I actually had something else in mind help finding the missing soul but not for free ah I like people who know what they want and the American and haggling get me the cell and you'll get a reward you're no stranger I see to bartering [Music] and don't try bluffing I almost got it let me go [Music] [Music] I thought of a way to bring you with me get inside what why uh when I get home I'll get the jar with your spirit inside to a local uh wizard he'll make you into a flesh and blood again you're not lying I never lie enough second guessing just get inside it's your only chance yeah yeah we don't have much time [Music] a wizard seriously any method is good if it means achieving your goal just like you taught me did I really teach you that doesn't ring a bell your poor memory is not of my concern [Music] Ed I collect all the treasures aside from Souls yeah now any of my Wares could be yours in an instant if you come back with something precious in town [Music] I see the prettiest summer yeah and now Paul if my eyes done to save me hey that's experience and ghosts no treasure would exchange such stones are they'd be toast I know that paper weight they even chase you as a natural trade go on hand it over to me your quiet little thing I see [Music] hey I hear that glorious sound I'm sorry but that's staying with me I promise to swap you something but I can't part with this thing [Music] girl don't touch my Flint what if I Wanna smoke for a stand give it to her I made it to light up my dear [Music] thank you I got the necklace great and your thoughts you wouldn't find it keep hold of it and I look for a suitable place for the ritual take a look at this little something I traded with a merchant well well well what have you got there it's the symmetry's old accounts book that's odd what's the sun doing on the cover that's nothing of note here just a load of names and numbers one date is written in the blood the year one five two four [Music] ah change it back fine I'll put it in my sack after all you're not the worst of losses and your common ending when time passes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this key doesn't fit where'd it come from from the yard I had to do some tinkering to get it it's a nice looking key and all but it won't do let's go down [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] what an enormous key it's clearly not for my shackles though [Music] [Music] all right change it back fine [Music] oh fine take the Flint now don't waste your time and bring it back without delay you hear what I say yep queer's day thanks [Music] [Music] so damn dog in here [Music] an ancient fireplace must be for some kind of ritual [Music] huh you're just a tree really what do you say ready to make yourself useful I am so happy that I could help alright then [Music] brace yourself it's about to get hot [Music] [Music] thank you I've got everything attention now for a super game give me the dad water and wear the necklace during the ritual while you were away I found a suitable place for the ritual and got everything prepared see that creep with the gargoyle said the entrance meet me there [Music] all in great finally I'm ready start the ritual let's do this there's just one thing you should know but I don't think it'll face you you see that coffin it's for you it'll serve as a teleporter you scared as if let's do this I hope I didn't get anything mixed up guys [Music] [Laughter] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] how you just got back from your little world I was checking how the weather is over there it's pretty warm I guess now would be a good time to go back [Music] you think the waterfall will let you through nothing to say I've been watching you all this time it's been a long while since we've seen such a nasty girl in our neck of the woods you're naturally crawling with demons that's why I like you so much you couldn't manage to atone for your seal and your path home is blocked off well there's one way of worms I want to give you a present from my heart [Laughter] uh what the hell is that to my late sisters tiara if you wear it you can go anywhere it's amazing get it here in a nice way I feel like I'm the queen of the world I've got a bad feeling about that already I'm out of here [Laughter] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] that's a portal to your world behind it you can go anytime you like and that's it sounds easy peasy [Music] oh thanks I hope so here's a word of advice for you don't let anyone around here see you this especially not Auntie toothache the splice is full of life well death to be more precise and you'll only give getting in the way and showering them with your questions [Music] if he sees a child he immediately turns them into stone and puts them in his yard as a decoration and you know plenty of others have started following his lead [Music] Mommy I'm sorry I behaved terribly and never appreciated how you cared for me wow already repenting are we that's good but words mean nothing if you don't back them up with actions quit your sobbing maybe you'll get back I'll heard one boy manage to escape [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] hey hold it right there where do you think you're going oh my God [Music] hey where are you going I want to go too [Music] I will remember [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you what a boom you made I'm impressed instead of spying on me why don't you find an exit I don't feel like living anymore watching you is interesting [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me did you look out for the other kitties or just yourself save them it's part of the game right hmm really that's unexpected well what are you waiting for you think that's Mass adoration is going to last forever thank you no no one ought to suffer all right still a different story [Music] my pointy there's something inside this candy [Music] foreign [Music] such texture a Heavenly blend have no doubt you're a kitchen Queen so sweet that my dough is cramping just the thing to send teeth packing I'll Dash and fetch my hat smacking little blue if I know where I'll run away is right now get your jar from the stash tired herself for running and took a nap on your feather bad the chick of her [Music] hey whistle run away before it's too late why did you help me we are playing remember so I'm glad to have an occasion there's the hidden exit here find it I am happy to see you and your teeth they seems to be in a place for now so where's Auntie as long as she's not here I don't care you want some honey lollipop [Music] pops I've gotta get out of here [Laughter] [Music] what's got you down I can't find any baby teeth ah so that's what was stuck between my cheese oh Auntie she is already putting it in honey sorry there are no extra teeth left okay that's no joke for my poor throats [Music] I'm too tired to keep searching I'll have to pull out my own good morning [Music] [Music] no worries the hole is barely visible just as cute as always foreign [Music] excuse me may I ask you to read what it says what's that you've got there [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you girl there's some goodness in your heart don't lose it [Music] [Music] [Music] our carpentry chill no more time but it's handy for sure and the engraving is a tallest who worked with it for a long spell [Music] hmm [Music] foreign [Music] I probably need to burn something special [Music] nothing hmm they probably need to burn something special [Music] so there's no getting around this without sacrifices but I tried sorry little one but you need to serve a great purpose I'm so happy that I could help it what I always dreamed of sorry but I don't make the rules around here [Music] wow [Music] I've held the hit from there so you burned the Crypt of the ground my dear [Music] I'm sorry but I can't let you smoke you're still too small and the blender buffers no jog I just got back from your little world I was checking how the weather is over there it's pretty warm I guess now would be a good time to go back I must admit you're really surprised me oh yeah how just take a look at your hands how did you good and you're atone for your sins the game is over now you can go through the waterfall without any shoes really have I ever lied to you maybe you haven't lied exactly but you're always leaving things out anyhow you are smart enough to get your hands on everything for the ritual I thought I'd go mad but you didn't and I'm pleased to see that thanks for your help Malik I wouldn't have managed alone all right all right it's lunch time [Music] thank you [Music] foreign just got back from your little world I was checking how the weather is over there it's pretty warm I guess now would be a good time to go back I've been watching you this whole time there's enough Darkness within you but there's a hand of light too as you see you couldn't manage to atone for your sins in that case I'd better stay here and not torment my mom anymore you're an ordinary kid the dark Powers within your fighting with even darker power it was such a brat I would load anything I wanted but I didn't appreciate that you realize the error of your ways so I'll help you with my blessing you'll be able to go through the waterfall if you behave badly then drop by and we will play a game thanks for your help Malik I wouldn't have managed alone all righty there it's locked them thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Carrot Helper - 100% Walkthroughs | No Commentary
Views: 23,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance walkthrough, letsplay, walkthrough, gameplay, playthrough, game, longplay, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance playthrough, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance ending, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance 100%, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance no commentary, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance letsplay, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance full game, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance longplay, Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance achievement, Carrot Helper
Id: qrr4S--yqr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 16sec (9256 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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