Creepy, Cringe and Confused: The Decline of Joe Biden

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[Music] U.S President Joe Biden kicked off his re-election campaign last week but in true Biden's style it wasn't without mumbles bumbles and gaffes Sky News All-Stars Rita panahi James Morrow Chris Kenny and Paul Murray explain why the 80 year old should be in a nursing home and not on the campaign Trail [Music] yesterday the president traveled to North Carolina to visit the recently renamed Fort Liberty to sign an executive order and sadly things did not go well here's just 10 seconds of the president staring into space looking utterly bewildered and disorientated and this is if it does not work this is a great opportunity to show you how our students have to troubleshoot things did not get much better when he said a few words or at least try to Nash County uh uh excuse me Edgecombe County the President also repeated the lie that his late son Beau died in Iraq and then the new Administration came in and in the meantime things changed in our life and our family lost my son we lost our son in Iraq anyway Barton keeps repeating that lie in speeches he's asked it at least four times this year alone the truth is his son did not die in Iraq he died in Maryland as with every Joe Biden appearance there's the befuddled president becoming hopelessly disorientated on stage after ending his speech unsure of what to do and where to go have a look at this performance and ask yourself is this man fit to sit in the Oval Office foreign [Music] yes she is uh completely at Sea and to help her comes to his Aid and mercifully directs him off stage that man belongs in a nursing home not in the white house but Biden also made a confused comment during a gun control event where he bizarrely made reference to the Queen of England according to Rita panahu President Biden concluded his speech with a bizarre God Save the Queen comment that would be the queen who passed away in September old Joe was at her funeral and yet we got this yesterday all right God Save the Queen man [Applause] come and get him but of course it wouldn't be a barn in speech without the president becoming hopelessly confused about where he is and where he should be going before and Aid comes to his rescue my God Sky News host James Morrow also struggled to make sense of the president during one of his speeches this week but first how many of Joe Biden talking about well you tell me we've got to keep it up we've got to double down right now it's only going to get harder from here but it's closer but it's going to get harder the word is as I said again inflection point inflection point is that what the kids are calling it these days beats me as well as verbal stumbles the president is facing physical obstacles with Sky News host Chris Kenya revealing Joe Biden is struggling to stay upright the verbal stumbles are no longer Joe Biden's biggest problem are they he's flat out staying on his feet have a look at this mashup girls walk like this [Music] this ah pretty girls [Music] yeah he's now a social media punchline surely he won't run and Sky News host Paul Murray together with contributor Megan Kelly has voice concern president said and cognitive decline is cruel and sad highlight of the week is to talk to Megan Kelly and Megan you must be so proud of President Biden I mean he just keeps he just keeps keeping on even when he follow Falls over in the White House desperately tries to say he didn't hit his head I mean that's a wonderful thing to be very very proud of that uh you know you've got this fit man running the country you know you always say he's the only man in the world who can fall up the stairs and now here he goes falling down right on the stage allegedly because he tripped in a sandbag and the thing is look once this starts it doesn't stop you know when you are 80 years old and you start falling you don't get better you don't get stronger you go into your 80s the way you're going to be and that's probably the best you're going to be and so while I'm very sorry for President Biden that he's having this deterioration I'm more sorry for us that if something happens to him we're stuck with her and the one thing that seems to unify us across partisan line here in the United States is we don't want her she's the last person we want and what if what if this goes on Paul I mean think about him this is how he is right now six years out from the point he'd be when he ended his second term if he were to be reelected six years imagine this man who is having trouble stringing sentences together making sense knowing who's alive who's dead including sometimes himself falling down endangering himself around every turn like imagine that person um six years from now how he's going to be and leader of the Free World right the commander-in-chief with access to the nuclear codes that's if he makes that's best case worst case is let's let's look at him two years from now when we're about to vote for the next president um and he has a fall right before the 2024 election that would ruin it that would absolutely ruin his chances if he had a bad fall right before and the Democrats would be stuck with him and then they're really going to be sorry that they elevated Trump who they hate so much they really better be careful with a game they're playing on the Republican side with Trump and their absolute refusal to entertain any alternatives to Joe Biden on the Dem side and Joe Biden has some bold infrastructure plans this week the president announced he wants to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean now class it's time for a little less than geography and economics courtesy of Professor Joe Biden this week the president revealed a bold plan for an engineering project that just might rival the Sydney Harbor Bridge oh yeah have a listen to this well we're going to win and we're going to help we have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean we have plans to build in in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world I could go on but I'm on I'm going off script I'm going to get in trouble a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean Joe my that's impressive if you thought running railroad track across quicksand was tough try the ocean and even Hollywood celebrities weren't spared with James Morrow revealing some creepy comments the president made about actress Eva Longoria it's also making creepy jokes about Hollywood actress Eva Longoria we've known each other a long time she was 17 I was 40. okay hey man never hear of me too Dr ring and stimmering of the late east of Sky News commentators worries when it comes to Joe Biden with James Morrow revealing a new report which alleges systemic corruption within the Biden Administration and finally Robert I can't let you go without asking you about the latest news out of the corruption cases that are Brewing under the surface around the Biden's latest is that there was alleged coercion of a foreign National connected with Ukrainian energy firm barisma to pay 10 million dollars in bribes according to individuals familiar with the investigation into the FBI's handling of the confidential human Source report they have on that what's the latest and given everything we've just talked about is this going to continue to be squelched because there's another agenda I mean I think I think it will continue sadly to be squelched uh but it does raise major questions about what we're doing right now in Ukraine in certain respects because Ukraine keeps coming back to the centerpiece of the bribery allegations concerning uh Joe Biden and his son and other family members and there's apparently according to Senator Grassley 17 tapes that record these conversations that even include uh then Vice President Biden being recorded on these tapes it would fit the modus operandi I mean during the Ukrainian this Ukrainian time frame you had a lot of oligarchs that got a lot of their riches from government connections from questionable Banks uh that was what Biden was put in charge of running after what some people call the maid on coup other people call the maidon revolution however you term it there was a lot of free reign going on a lot of Investigations that got shut down and after Biden gets involved the barisma investigation gets shut down billions at stake in in various forms of fraud so 10 million dollar bribe sounds almost reasonable sad so I it's very believable and credible that this occurred given the history of Biden given what we know about what was happening in Ukraine at the time given the independent verification from third party whistleblowers and apparently authenticated tapes according to Senator Grassley who hasn't been known to just you know spout anything so it looks like we have systemic corruption with the bite Administration and when asked about these allegations by the Press Joe Biden was visibly frustrated and he is getting testier and testier at the Press at least some parts of it zero in on his family's corrupt dealings with Ukraine foreign [Music] dumb question well maybe maybe not in another serious issue Rita panahi is concerned about Joe Biden's support for radical bills that involve children but first let's check in with that supposed devout Catholic himself the leader of the Free World Joe Biden who believes children and we are talking little kids in primary school here can change their gender indeed the president has recently been lashing out at what he calls hateful bills in Republican states that protect children from the devastating consequences of irreversible treatments and surgeries that may lead them to being infertile for life it's wrong that extreme officials are pushing hateful bills targeting transgender children terrifying families and criminalizing doctors these are our kids they're our kids really you see the president is all for radical bills like the one proposed in California they would take children as young as seven away from parents who fail to affirm their gender identity it's almost communist in its perversity this notion that children belong to the state well the Rhonda Santos Camp did not take too kindly to their efforts to protect children being presented as hate nor did they like the president referring to our kids this was their blistering response these are our kids these are our neighbors that's somebody else's kids they're all our kids [Music] when you see our kids and I truly believe that they are our children lgbtq Americans especially children you're loved you're heard and this Administration has your back we met before it's hard to forget those eyes these are our kids all our kids keep your hands off our kids the message couldn't be clearer from the Florida governor despite all of his gaffes the Democrats are still standing behind their president for now but how long before bumbling Biden is shuffled out Paul Murray and contributor Nigel farage weigh in Joe Biden he trips over on a sandbag yet apparently he's absolutely going to sail through to the Democratic nomination and then we've got four years more of him after that conversely we know what's happening with Trump right now but honestly the fact that the Democrats can't find somebody else to shuffle out because the Democrats simultaneously tell us that Trump or DeSantis are worse ever and anyone could beat them well then let anyone fight them why does it have to be Biden I don't think it will be um I don't think it will be I mean the fact that the the fact of course that the deputy uh you know the vice president isn't up to the job is an embarrassment as it is I think he'll be shuffled out at some point early next year and replace for somebody else I think to do so now would be to admit that they have an incompetent president it would lead to calls for the 25th Amendment to be moved which would say through a mental and physical incapacity the president had to go so no I do not believe that it'll be Biden against Trump in November 2024 goodness those who though choose maybe Gavin Newsom from the failed State of California I don't know I cannot believe that the Democrat Party and its donors will allow this man to run again Sky News host Chris Kenney and contributor Kristen Tate agree they say the Democrats are very worried about Joe Biden's mental state behind the scenes even more so because the next in charge Kamala Harris is even less popular talk about good news for Trump and the Republicans generally I suppose when you talk about the concerns about Joe Biden's mental capacity his ability to not only last this term but to serve as president for another four years after that you couldn't have it confirmed those worries confirmed any more dramatically than this event on the weekend foreign [Music] [Applause] this is such a worry Kristen anyone can fall over but he is really daughtering around everywhere so very carefully interesting to see how little the media makes of this and compare it to how much of a fuss they made out of Donald Trump you know carefully walking down a ramp when he was president oh they're all such Hypocrites Chris but I will say that behind the scenes Democrats are very concerned about this nearly every left Winger that I speak to even the most uh you know Boyle Joe Biden supporters are very worried about his mental health and people are starting to wonder if Kamala Harris uh is really you know the best running mate for him because her poles are in the toilet she's never been particularly popular even among Democrats she was a complete dud in the Democratic primary and I think there are lots of Voters out there especially Independents who are saying this guy does not seem like he is going to last for the next four to six years and if he goes we are stuck with Kamala Harris and that is a terrifying Prospect to many Americans so even though the media is saying oh this is no big deal everyone trips and falls they are worried about this this is a serious problem and for the first time after that that last fall because that was so bad and the media really couldn't ignore it I'm starting to hear people talk about his mental health in a way that they were not before and final say goes to Joe Rogan the podcaster slammed the Press president and the clear double standards in mainstream media reporting about Trump vs Biden now to Giant podcaster Joe Rogan you would have heard of this guy he's got the most listened to podcast in the world well he was talking very recently this week about the difference between how the media talks about Trump versus Biden he was taking on the media establishment saying hey there's a massive dichotomy how you analyze everything Trump does versus everything Biden does here he is if you go back and listen to that guy lying about his his education record and lying about his accomplishments and like he's always been a problem the ties to Ukraine and China and the money the family that they got paid millions of dollars and everyone's trying to obscure because well it's better than Trump better than Trump if that guy was a republican they would be up his ass with a microscope I mean I think the problem is that first of all the media is overwhelmingly left-leaning and if you have a left-leaning politician or a left-wing Democratic politician and then you have this media that essentially Works to support that person I mean they'd ignore any information that leads to distrust in the government
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 3,143,255
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Id: wqwrjJLGYd0
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Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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