Creepiest True Stories | r/AskReddit

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after the pause I realized he wasn't going to say anything else so with all the bravery I could muster I asked are you the armed robber and gestured to his hands in his pockets are asked ridet serious what is your true creepy story so my wife and four-year-old daughter are having a nap one lazy afternoon and my four-year-old was Restless just having woken up and my wife wasn't fully awake yet when my four-year-old staring dead above my wife at the head of her bed just says rather sharply don't touch my mummy okay and goes back and does her thing my wife having seen enough horror movies just decides not to ask her or explore the situation further nothing's happened since just the one isolated incident that still creeps the sheet out of her I come from a small city in Australia about 20 years ago a girl went missing Ryan a borough and the case has never been solved sadly I think it's been long forgotten but at the time it was a major news story anyway about a month after her disappearance myself and a friend were walking through a park around the area she vanished from we were about 11 at the time we step out onto this street and see this boy around 7 years old hurrying down the street a car is following him slowly about 10 meters behind him we thought it looked strange and my friend being a bit more switched on than me pulled to the kid pretending to be a friend and he ran over the car stops in the middle of the street we couldn't see who was in it but there were two men in the car after a long standoff my heart pounding away in my chest as we could all sense something was wrong the cast Olli pulls away and heads off down another Street and one of them waved out the widow at us the kid said it had followed him from the corner store a few blocks away my biggest regret was after walking with this kid back to his house which was only a few streets away we sort of decided not to tell anyone and I don't know why walking home from pub one night usually walk with friends but for whatever reason I was alone that night and pretty drunk too it usually takes about 20 minutes at a good pace to get from pubs felt like someone was behind me for ages and noticed someone a few times crossing the road after I hired don't think anything of it as the pub's are popular where I live and a lot of people are wondering at this time anyway there's some pretty isolated wooded area that's really dark and just as I was about to go into it I noticed a guy behind me I'm a guy so I'm expecting a mugging fight I stopped and do a big loop constantly checking over my shoulder until I'm back at the wooded bit and he's still behind me I remember watching a show where a criminal was interviewed and said he'd target someone with their back turned cause they wouldn't be able to identify him and at that moment I just turned round to face the guy and shouted out descriptions about his appearance red jumper black boots long beard stocky build my height mid-40s the guy just stops dead and turns around and walks in the opposite direction he could have been enjoying a walk for all I know but I don't regret doing what I did background I work in a solicitor's I'm a secretary I work in a solicitor's office and the receptionist was out sick this one day and I had to cover for her for the day the reception is at the very front of the building and kind of cut off from everything else you have to walk through at least two doors and down a hallway to get to anyone else in the building because we were short-staffed I was completely on my own out there usually not a big deal anyway this bloke comes in quite tall six plus he's wearing old clothes and a baggy hoodie with the hood up he has his hands in his pocket and his acting all shift and paranoid I go through the usual hi can I help you blah blah he's still acting weird like looking around himself and not looking me directly in the eye I really wasn't prepare for his answer do you deal with armed robberies my heart literally stopped for a second I didn't know what the hell to say to this guy and there was no one place by that could help if anything happened no one would even hear me if I shouted this guy didn't explain himself either he just asked me that question and let it sit there between us after the pours I realized he wasn't going to say anything else so with all the bravery I could muster I asked are you the armed robber and gestured to his hands in his pockets he changed in a second he obviously realized how he was coming across and didn't want to frighten me he took his hands out of his pockets and pulled his her down so I could see his face and was just repeating no no love I'm so sorry he explained then that he was the one that was robbed and wanted to take legal action of course by the end of the encounter we were laughing about it but for a good five seconds I thought she'd this is it he's not gonna be happy with the thirty pound in petty cash and just shoot me my friend passed away at nineteen from an overdose this was over ten years ago we all went to the funeral and burial and helped his girlfriend move out of the house and back into her parents two months later I was hanging out with my friend it was late at night which was normal teenage behavior we just sitting in his car outside his house when his phone rang he just gave it to me and I looked at it in disbelief our deceased friend was calling or someone had had his number now I flipped it opened and put it on speaker and said hello no answer just clicking in the call ended I looked at my friend like WTF and he said it had been happening the past few days and he didn't think anyone would believe him this death hit home for all of us but more so for him since his sister was going to marry the guy and they got along really well I called the number back it was disconnected it happened a few weeks later then stopped altogether I was about 11 watching my little sisters and brother while my parents were out at the store we lived in the country but had a neighbor we shared a driveway with the neighbor was a fisherman and was away for work he has been gone for months our bedroom was on the second floor of the house I happened to glance out the window and there was a guy dressed as a clown on our neighbors patio tight black clothes horrible clown face red fluffy hair I thought I was dreaming so I called my sister over to look she saw him too he slowly turned his head looked right at up at us he gave this nasty slow smile and waved and beckoned to us nope we ran and hid under the bed until our parents got home freakin clowns so much nope this happened when I was at university about ten years ago I hadn't experienced anything like it before and I haven't experienced anything like it since I like to tell myself that it was an elaborate prank given the circumstances but I don't know who did it or why I lived on the north side of town and the university library was in the south the streets are numbered north to south first second third etc did a train track with a small woody area cuts through between 13th and 14th streets and only a few roads actually cross it or go under it I was studying later the library until maybe 2:00 a.m. and was walking home on Friday the 13th to get to my apartment I have to walk north aways then jig down 13th to get to a road that passes under the railway as I turn onto 13th the street light above me goes out this happens a lot so I don't think much of it until the next street light goes out while I'm under it - then the next then the next as I reach about the middle of the block all of the street lights in front of me go out - but the first one turns back on drawn by the light I turn around and look standing directly under the light is a figure wearing a white hoodie and dark pants it is looking down at the ground so I can see no face it is not moving behind me the street light on the other end of the block turns on and I turn to glance at the light it's standing there about five hundred yards from the first Street light white hoodie dark pants looking down I double take back to the first light nobody is there now I am pretty freaked out the figure in front of me slowly looks up the hood looks empty I try to sound manly and say hello but I'm a little squeaky the figure turns and walks across the street into the woody area by the tracks I can see the white of the hoodie for a little while then it's gone all of the street lights on the block about ten turned back on all at once I ran home there was a lady my friends half sisters mom if that makes any sense who would cut my hair at my house she had a boyfriend who I had met once very briefly about a year after meeting him she came over to cut my hair but this time she unexpectedly brought her boyfriend along with her I hadn't seen her in a while and it seemed like something was different and he was acting very odd she went to the bathroom and he began proposing that we hang out sometime but she can't no I'm serious I said sure just to get him off my back I honestly thought they were on drugs and I was just trying to keep everything peaceful and get them out of there ASAP as they were finally leaving he's behind her and he goes to wave goodbye and throws a note on the ground that said call me it's our secret promise with his phone number on it I did not call two days later I kept getting missed calls from a number I didn't recognize I never answered them then eventually I got a text message saying hey it's ray his name can you please call me I really need your help with something I didn't respond he kept texting me saying he needed a favor since I never gave him my phone number to begin with and since this man knows where I live I was pretty alarmed I tried to go to the police station to see if there was anything I could do but the station I went to was not open to the public that was the only station I knew of I could have looked up another one but I kind of felt stupid for being there in the first place you know so I just went home the next morning at 8 a.m. I wake up to very loud banging on my door I couldn't see anyone out the window and I don't have a peephole so I opened the door a little bit I thought it could have been my parents since I live right by them but no it was Ray he was pressed up against the door which is why I couldn't seen him out the window he was smiling and I quickly shut the door on him and called 911 he left before the cops showed up and sent a text message to the effects of I don't want to inconvenience you sorry to bug you the cop told me to text him back saying do not contact me in any way shape or form or I will go to the police again and made me take a picture of the cop car in front of my house and send that too then he left saying it's not illegal for someone to like you well the next day I got another missed call from Ray's number so I went to a different police station the usual front desk person was sick and the man filling in for her was a cop he seemed like he actually wanted to help me and after a quick type enough Ray's phone number to his computer he had me come around to identify his mugshot it turns out Ray's a level 3 sex offender a child rapist to be exact he wasn't even allowed in my state the cop said that was just the beginning of it but it wasn't allowed to further discuss his charges though he did mention that I was raised type I was 23 at the time but looked 15 strokes 16 Ray was 38 so I had to take screenshots of every missed call and every text message take pictures of the note put the note in a baggie and bring it to the police I googled his name and found some articles about him being a sex offender I printed them out along with my screenshots and took them to the courthouse to file a stalking order it should have just been a harassment order but the lady there told me to put stalking so I wouldn't have to pay the $85 fee eventually the cops found him a few days later arrested him and served him his papers we had a court date which he did not show up to and I was given a 10-year protection order last I heard he was released from jail but went back for burglary thanks for watching if you were creeped out by any of these stories make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more creepy content take a gander at these other videos below see you next time you
Channel: Lurker
Views: 32,850
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: r/askreddit, askreddit, reddit, top, posts, lurker, askreddit creepy, creepy true stories, creepiest true stories, askreddit scary stories, r/nosleep, scary clowns, killer clown, pennywise, paranormal activity, paranormal, scary, creepy, redditors share, story time, askreddit nsfw, reddify, r slash, updoot, flumpy, foxfilms, toad films, reddit & chill, brainydude, storytime with reddit, reddit 2019, fresh new post, comment awards
Id: mwP5p0YYNoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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