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oh that spooky I try my hardest now I probably wasn't spooky at all you probably just freaking laughed at me I suck at scaring you ah but if you did get spooked good you should probably get used to it because this whole video is gonna be spooky it's gonna be creepy it's gonna be freakin hot okay okay what's up guys today's video is actually sponsored by monster legends you guys can support me by downloading this free app it's for iOS and Android monster legends has actually been played by over 90 million users in this game you can collect hundreds of different monsters feed them and make them stronger than ever you can fight in amazing PvP battles online there's this like treasure cave where you can do a choose your door type challenge all this cool stuff you can do with your friends as well you could do with me I'm playing the game it's actually monster legends 5th year anniversary and there's going to be a ton of cool events for it guys make sure to go click that first link down below go to sponsor org slash infinite monster and download this game for free on iOS and Android let's celebrate their 5th year anniversary by playing it together thank you so much to monster legends for sponsoring this video guys we're gonna be looking at the creepiest things caught on dash cam this is a part 2 you guys seem to love part 1 so we're making a part 2 guys this is gonna be spooky so make sure to get a drink and a snack and also a blanket or you could just go cop my new merch because it's softer than a blanket link down below go to fan join co / infinite look at this guy's new long-sleeve out now it's blue it's my favorite color and it's dope and it's soft and it's fire and it's ya8 but go cap the merch but yeah guys be prepared to get spooked get under the covers everyone knows that if you get under the blankets you can't be hurt you can't be spoke you're good to go no monsters can get you under the covers that's just straight facts everyone knows that anyways guys let's get right into the video hi my name is Kayla or infinite make sure you are subscribed to the channel hit that freken button just go hit the button subscribe to the channel become a part of the infinite army let's press play on the first clip in three two alright guys so we got this dashcam footage it is 2017 um it looks like it's really dark out it's night time I don't know what time it is but guys just driving around what's gonna happen man is there gonna be a freaking chop scared - better not be I don't like this it's too dark turn ah I wish this was daytime oh oh yo what is she doing yo no oh yeah you there is dude yo I really really hope that's not real no way bro that has to be the scariest dashcam thing ever guys I'm obviously gonna have to put a blur on that this girl right here oh my god rule guys I don't know if you know what she's doing but I can't show you it obviously I can't because I will get them on sighs that is so creepy she has a knife if you didn't know this is something you'd see out of a war movie uh a thousand percent late - what is this girl doing oh my god she needs help if this is real dude I don't even know what to say like this is insane that is probably the scariest thing you'll ever see caught on dash cam if you pause right here you can see the trail of ketchup what uh you can see the trail though guys you can see the trail coming out of the woods it looks like look at this this is woods right here and there's a trail just coming out into the middle of the road why dude why is this a thing why did you do that what is happening guys before we go into the next clip I need help with something real quick I need you guys to go follow me on my Instagram at Kahless CA y el us go follow me and go to my recent picture and comment on my picture saying that you came from this video and I will be deeming some of you back right now so come on at Kayla c8 y el us go give me a follow get me to 1 million followers that'd be sick anyways let's continue with the video ok guys so this was filmed in California when those crazy fires were happening just look at this dude look look at how high this fire is it's higher than the tree bro that is insane these fires worse so massive I was actually scared myself because I live in California I was scared that these fires would come towards me I thought I was gonna have to evacuate my own home but luckily I didn't I feel so bad for all the people who lost their homes lost their lives to these fires these fires were so massive but let's continue with this dude just look at this this looks like the end of the world it actually does like a look at this this is not normal this is insane all of these cars are evacuating like look at this smoke bro that's so bad to breathe I feel bad for these police men too seriously my condolences to all of the families who had to go through this this was insane I feel so bad for everyone that is terrifying oh my god Wow okay let's go on to the next clip apparently in this next clip a policeman catches a girl levitating and standing in fire in the woods I don't know what even I don't even know what that means but let's check it out it sounds great okay so we got this policeman turning up oh it looks like they're going in the woods oh here's it use the girl she's standing in the fire okay okay if I was a policeman and I pulled off to the side of the woods we saw this girl doing this I'd be like Oh can I retire could I not be a place man this is not okay yeah you're fine you quit that sounds creepy oh okay so wait okay let's continue watching this what is she doing and you can't even see your head does she have a head I hope so why is it look like she's levitating it actually does look like she's levitating whoa whoa okay I was gonna say why did the lights go out it's because the police car turned off to its lights wait a second guys look at this closely doesn't it kind of look like she's levitating look at this dude it looks like she's going up and down yo this is creepy what is she oh the fires almost out why is she standing in the fire what is happening dude oh my god what is she doing okay well I wish those more but there's not so that's cool we'll just never know what happened wobbly can you record more plays I'd love to see what happened is but I get [Music] such a crazy clip man I don't know what that girl was doing no clue next clip so the title of this next video is scariest dashcam footage I've seen in a while alright let's check it out I just hear a bunch of police cars a look at this sky first of all what is happening dude is this like a massive tornado or dust storm or just a massive fire like they're going towards it though so that's great okay so I skipped ahead a little bit guys look at this dude so dusty oh I don't know if it's dust it could be smoke looks like smoke really really smoky there's got to be a massive fire or something man cars are leaving the scene this is in 2015 by the way okay skipped ahead a little bit more looks like they're literally in the eye of the storm oh wait it is a fire look that's massive apparently this was in South Australia yo look at the fire that's like right next to the road no way that is massive yep what is happening the fire is literally what yo they got to get out of there what are they doing oh my god this is terrifying they were not lying about the title scariest dashcam footage okay guys I want to watch that part again so with the massive fire you can see right here the car started backing up and I'm guessing this truck did not see the truck behind him so let's watch that again though it'll be this cars backing up cuz look how big the fire is I would too and then they back up right into the other car boom oh wow that's insane that is probably the craziest dashcam for this is a crazy video guys drop a like literally destroy the like button this is aa I didn't even know how crazy these clips were to this that's insane guys in this next clip we have a massive mudslide caught on dash cam so let's check it out okay guys so this car is just oh god oh they're going right in it yo no way it's pushing the car that's how heavy it is yo that would be so scary being in that car and just literally like you can't control your car because the mud all the debris is carrying your car that is terrifying look at all this stuff dude like it could literally push you off a cliff if you were by a cliff like this is terrifying okay so these policemen went to check out the scene this guy's out of his car hopefully the mudslide doesn't just take him away or something I have no clue oh I think he sees it I think it's about to come down this road guys right here just what just keep your eye on this section oh I think he sees it I think he's backing up oh look Yool right there no way that's a car guys oh my god you'll look at all the mud look at all the oh they're so lucky they're so lucky bro luckily they got away to it oh they got lucky they definitely got lucky in this next clip we have a creepy clown yippee Skippy you gotta love clowns they're my favorite yep huh we have a policeman who caught creepy clowns just standing by the side of the road I don't know what they're doing but let's check it out oh no no no dude what are they doing they're literally just standing there hopefully they don't have weapons this one looks like it's in like a like a suit like I'm with it with the helmet and everything I don't know what is that a clown I don't know this is definitely clown what is he doing yo this guy's brave okay there's two of them oh it was a clown that is a clown you can tell yo that's creepy what are they doing bro clowns can you not please can you friend cannot be a thing no one likes you except like little birthday parties but those clowns are fine I'm talking about these kind of clowns who just stand there and they're creepy yeah they're creepy this truck was driving across this bridge and then this happens I'm not even gonna spoil it let's just check it out okay so okay there's a guy oh there's a lot of people Wow there there is a lot of in a tree yo what are they doing they're attacking the car yo they're literally hitting the car what are they doing why is there so many people okay luckily the car gets over the tree why though why did they do that so so these guys brought this tree put it across the road so that no cars could get you know past it but obviously you can you just have to you know Frank and plow through it but what is happening dude so they were trying to stop the truck driver and robbed the driver I guess I that's what the title says I don't know dude that is so crazy anyways next Clint alright just driving along looks like it's daytime Oh what there's just a guy in yo what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing with his arms what is really like that is so spooky he was laying in the middle of the road for further know why but as you can see there's a body in the road he's alive obviously but I you laying in the middle of the road that's not a smart idea what if someone was just you know on their phone driving cuz people do that because we're stupid but on their phone driving and that boom you're freaking dead like just don't lay in the middle of the road idiot like come on so here's more of the clip the guy tries to open the door dude he tries to open the door but luckily the car backs up and then like and then goes forward again so that he couldn't put a Hugh I don't know what he was trying to do rob them I have no clue that's the weirdest way to rob someone just like forget you I'm Arab you like dude what are you doing on to the next class okay we got this massive truck oh no oh God Oh God yo that was way too close look look at this dude it's literally doing a freakin side way it was real thing new all you were so lucky car you are so freaking lucky dude oh my god guys that was Fred kid spooky all of these clips were insane if you guys want a part three can we get 100,000 likes on this video I know you can do it if you're part of the infant army then do your dope and you're gonna like the video let's break it go like the video subscribe guys hey guys quick little reminder to download monster legends click that very first link in the description you guys are gonna love the game seriously guys you can collect hundreds of monsters build them up hide each other it's amazing millions of people are playing this game at plus me download it play with your friends and let me know how it is go to sponsor org slash infinite monster to download right now no I need to go to the App Store just hit that first link alright guys peace out watch part 1 just click the video at the end screen alright see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Infinite
Views: 2,995,299
Rating: 4.9078674 out of 5
Keywords: Infinite lists, entertainment, family friendly, Elders React, Kids React, CREEPIEST Things SPOTTED On DASHCAM.. (TERRIFYING), CREEPIEST, Things, SPOTTED, On, DASHCAM.., infinite, lists, reacts, reaction, react, infinite lists dashcam, dashcam, dash, cam, infinite lists reaction, CREEPIEST Things Spotted On DASHCAM.. (Unbelievable), infinite lists creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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