CREEPIEST Abandoned Ghost Towns You Can Actually Visit!

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hey guys it's Chris from famous places of long ago to Erie towns abandoned slowly join me as I reveal nine famous abandoned towns you can actually visit number nine Bodie California there are many events in the world that unintentionally created ghost towns and one of the biggest such events for the United States was that of the Gold Rush of 18-49 many people flocked to California from all over for a chance to try and strike it rich in Galt then once the gold was gone people left the area in droves and one town that got left in the dust was Bodie California during the point of 18-49 Bodie was still only a very small town as there hadn't been much gold there at all but people did still live there however in 1876 everything changed a major streak of gold was discovered in the area and the gold rush had come to Bodie as a result at the peak of its popularity Bodie California had over 10,000 people in it a vast majority of whom were trying to get gold and the gold itself helped the place expand massively however like many gold towns by the 19th century all the gold was gone and the town went into decline eventually in 1962 the town of Bodie was turned into a Historical Park one that you can go and visit and you can see for yourself what the Gold Rush did to small towns like this one once upon a time number 8 Hashima island Japan despite what people think Japan is not just one unified landmass of a country they have several islands off their coast that they've colonized over the years one of which is now abandoned and a UNESCO World Heritage Site that's Hashima island relative to Japan it's not that far away it's only about 9 miles off Nagasaki and during a massive coal boom the island was filled with people buildings and more but it wasn't just coal mines it was underwater coal mines and it helped fuel the industrialization of Japan at the time from about 1887 to 1974 the island was full of inhabitants but then the mind started to dry up and Japan to cut their losses and close the minds down with the main source of industry now gone the people of the island departed leaving the building schools hospitals and more just laying there however this turned out to be a blessing for since it was an island there was no reason to go there outside of curiosity and the place remained virtually untouched for three decades this eventually led it to be a tourist attraction and then a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015 it's also been featured in certain movies due to its somewhat haunting look number seven Cerro Gordo California it wasn't just gold that was found in California in the 1800s in the little town of Cerro Gordo California a man named Pablo Flores shocked many when he found a streak of silver in the nearby mountain areas and started to mine and smelt them and he made a good profit as a result but even without modern technology word began to spread about what Flores had found so many people descended upon the area of Cerro Gordo even opening up a massive mind to help flesh it all out interestingly enough as they did they found not just silver but lead an ore which was nearly as valuable as silver so the town of Cerro Gordo prospered greatly for this time this all started in 1865 but things took a turn not so long after that a lot of legal battles started happening in the town including many debates happening over who owned the town of Cerro Gordo at this point in time the mines were starting to dry up and the price of lead Anora were going down all these factors led to the town being abandoned by the late 1870s but it's now a popular tourist attraction that you can visit and now for number six but first be sure to subscribe to world list and let us know if you visited any of these places number six keycode Alaska nowadays keycode Alaska is a town that's within a national park called wrangle st. Ellis which just so happens to be the biggest National Park in all of the United States in fact it's so big that it's larger than Switzerland in terms of area at one time though in the early 1900's some unsuspecting prospectors realized the place was a boon for copper after many investigations it was dubbed one of the richest concentrations of copper ever seen naturally a boomtown was built there were even investors in the towns such as JP Morgan also his company could get a cut of the copper and that turned out to be a very wise investment for over two hundred million dollars worth of copper ore was found within the area itself this naturally lent the town the money it needed to expand however when the ore dried up in the 1930s the mine was shut down and the decade started to take a serious toll on the town eventually the National Park Service bought it in 1998 and made it a place that tourists can visit and explore number five Glen Rio New Mexico and Texas the idea of a road making a place a ghost town may sound odd but when a town used to bank on the popularity of route 66 one of the most famous roads ever you start to understand what happened at one time route 66 was the popular way to get from New Mexico to Texas or vice versa was a long stretch at times though so towns like Glen Rio were the oasis in the deserts that people could go to for gas food drinks and more during the prime of route 66 Glen Rio was a very prosperous town and then the i-40 Road came along and it offered a somewhat better route for motorists so because of this Glen Rio saw less and less traffic until eventually it was abandoned the town is now listed as a historical place and you can see many of the things that attracted people there back in the day including motels diners and even some classic cars you'll even see the signs that welcomed motorists to the area and for those of us who watch Pixar films you'll realize that this was part of the plot for the movie Cars number four carico Italy depending on what you view film wise you'll likely recognize carico Italy in movies like The Passion of the Christ and King David the town itself is built into a summit and was done so for defensive reasons because of this the town is quite unique in its looks there's some debate as to when the place was first settled tombs from as far back as the 8th century BC suggest that people have lived there for a really long time and then the Greeks came in and colonized it even more the city has always had an interesting history including growing so large it could have districts and even rebellions certain parties but in the 1900s everything fell apart quite literally first in the 1920s a major immigration movement in Europe to America happened and a Carrico was heavily affected then but that wasn't all eventually a series of natural disasters completely wiped out the town in parts and it was abandoned after that despite this people continued to go back there and visit there are even societies created by the descendants to honor the culture and heritage of the city number three Alcatraz California well not a town per se the island known as Alcatraz most definitely has played an interesting role in the history of the United States mainly because the island off the coast of San Francisco was home to one of the most famous prisons in the history of the world Alcatraz was a maximum-security prison meant to house the worst of the worst and the island location was meant to enforce that there was no way out of the prison because even if you broke out of your cage and the main building you'd have to swim across the ocean to get to somewhere and if you didn't know the tides of the Bay you'd be swept out into the ocean and probably died there what's forgotten at times is that Alcatraz had multiple purposes over the time including being a military base a lighthouse for ships and later on in life an art exhibit for various people in terms of the prison though they housed legends like Al Capone and more but eventually the setting was proven too costly to maintain and the prison itself was breaking down so the prison was closed in many decades later it was opened up for tours now officially no one ever escaped Alcatraz unofficially though there may have been three who were able to and there are many who think that the spirits of the prisoners still remain on the island number two Cahaba Alabama the city of Cahaba which has also been called the city of Cahawba over the years is a very important city in the history of the state mainly because it was this town that was the first capital of Alabama and because of this the place was said to have a bright future however there was a serious problem and it wasn't the people it was the location of the town itself it was near two major rivers in Alabama which meant it was prone to floods and very bad ones due to this in 1826 the town law it's capital status however over the years Cahaba fought back and got new prominence for being both a cotton town and a prison town for Union soldiers during the Civil War this led to it being a popular town for freed slaves once the battles ended eventually though the floods came back and washed many things out including the people the town was eventually abandoned and now stands this Alabama's most famous ghost town it's also an archeological park that you can go to and observe the history of the remaining buildings number one pre Piatt Ukraine the Chernobyl disaster left its mark on the world when it had a failure back in 1986 but without a doubt the biggest casualty of the entire region was that of Pripet in the Ukraine at the time pre Pitt was a booming city even having an amusement park in it because of the amount of people there when the evacuation notice came almost fifty thousand people from the area had to be pulled out because of the outpouring of radiation from the nuclear reactor and even though many got out fine many more were sick because of the radiation and others died due to exposure due to the immediate impact of the area the town had to be warded off to ensure no one returned over the many years since the town has slowly started to open up and there are even tours that can be done in the safe zones of the area still many wonder if the place will ever truly be livable again because of the events that happened there and what nature has done to the place since thanks for watching what did you think of these abandoned places you can actually visit have you ever been to one of these places before would you like to go to one of these towns and maybe check it out let me know in the comments below be sure to subscribe and I'll see you next time on world list
Channel: World List
Views: 16,896
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Keywords: world 5 list, 10 creepiest abandoned ghost towns you can actually visit, abandoned ghost towns, abandoned towns, abandoned places, haunted towns, haunted places, ghost towns, abandoned locations, haunted locations, forgotten places, forgotten towns, abandoned cities, haunted cities, ghost cities, forgotten cities, urban exploring, eerie places, eerie locations, mysterious places, mysterious towns, deserted towns, deserted places, deserted locations, world5list top 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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