Creed || Not A Mistake

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[Music] you've never been in front of this many people before right that don't matter you've never been this far away from home and that don't matter what matters is what you leave in that ring and what you take back with you you know what that is pride and knowing that you did your best and you're doing it for yourself not for me not your father's memory but for you i can see in your eyes you're gonna do it it's coming up your father was special tell you the truth i don't know if you're special only you're going to know that when the time is right can they go to come over tonight you're going to take a beating you're going to take this you're going to get knocked out you're going to get up and you're gonna see if you got the right thing but you gotta work hard i swear to god if you're not gonna do it i'm out like every punch i've ever thrown has been a mom somebody showed me how to do this [Music] all right you know there's only three steps into that ring just three and tonight it's gonna look as high as a mountain and when you climb through them ropes it's gonna be the loneliest place in the world because you're gonna be in there with another fighter to take you out so now you gotta ask yourself are you here to prove something to other people or prove something to yourself it's for myself right why do you want to fight listen to me you got everything to lose he's got nothing to lose well fighter ain't got nothing to lose he's dangerous i'm dangerous i should have stopped this i'm stopping this one now don't okay let me finish i gotta prove it prove what i'm not a mistake [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] anything you ever want technique speed [Music] closing seconds of the fight that is the first time in his career [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's your name what's your name [Music] [Applause] i'm proud to be a creek
Channel: Ricx
Views: 112,566
Rating: 4.9721961 out of 5
Id: 96VuTv5qCMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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