Cree Elder AJ Felix at The Turtle Lodge

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I'm gonna sing you a song and this song was given to me by my adopted father he came to our territory many many years ago and him and my dad took each other for brother in a sweat lodge and we knew him for many few decades one day he stopped by our house and this way my dad had already gone he died he came by and he says well sons I'm here and I'm not well I'm on my way from the north I'm heading south to my home and but I wanted to stop by here I heard you you were having a sweat I'm coming in for one round and for a purpose and that purpose was I wanna give you a song that the spirit world gave to me not or not a month ago the spirit world and my dream gave me this song and I want to give you this song so I said oh yeah he said this song I give you you're not I didn't get I didn't pay for it that song it was just given to me so my son's I'm going to give you this song you're gonna sing that song and now you're gonna have that song and wherever you go you can share that song you don't have to pay me for the song he says because I got it for free wherever you go you sing this song and now give it give it to people for free if they can learn that song and take that song and even change the wording to your own First Nation language to this song they can have that song without paying for it it's yours this song made an impact on my life that my adopted daddy gave them gave us and I'm gonna sing you that song now you don't have to rise just bow your heads when you hear this song [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] one is one is Jamie or not one tear the skin no one [Music] this is the message to this song wake up my grandson wake up my granddaughter your children are hurting wake up your children don't even know how to pray wake up your grandchildren are not learning good things wake up your people are not even getting along they don't even visit each other wake up the old people are not looking after each other they're not visiting they're not acknowledging each other we have wake up my grandson wake up my granddaughter we're not sharing anything with each other for stingy wake up how can we be blessed we're not sharing how can how can we be healthy were not even King we're not even being relative to each other we're not even visiting our sisters and our brothers wake up you're not even telling your mom I love you you're not even telling your dad I love you wake up you're not teaching you're not practicing your spirituality that the Creator Lord God had given you the humility that you are supposed to have you're not practicing it wake up that song that my stepdad gave us saya did a lot of thing with things for me and I want you to take that song and have it and use it as your one of your little bookmarks in your home wake up let's wake up look at this but pandemic is doing to us some of us are paranoid we are we don't know which way to pray we don't know what to do and I know wake up get that little smudge bowl out put some cedar in there and start praying I was praying with my pipe this morning and the might I couldn't help but my tears came down I cried this morning four things I will give you my spirit world in my little humble place told me I'll give you four things I'll give you these four things again as a gift I'll give them to you as a gift and wherever you go give those four gifts away to whomever you talk to give them away to score gifts first gift pray that's the first gift pray pray with sincerity not a long prayer a short prayer make it to the point second gift when you pray cry mean it name your prayer don't just rattle off a prayer and and that's it mean your prayer that means half tears if you want it bad enough for your kid your grandchild your wife your friend if you want it bad enough you'll cry and the spirit world will the whole universe the spirit world will stop when you cry and listen to you their gift never go around trying to buy luck don't go around buying buying a something that'll hurt somebody else don't go and buy success don't do that you don't know what you're buying and you don't know from home you buy you don't go you can hurt your home you can hurt yourself you can hurt your family by buying that was a third gift the fourth gift now that you're a praying person a crying person watchful of your life life and lifestyle watchful you're gonna be successful you're gonna be okay your home is gonna be all right you're not gonna have fear you're not going to have you're not going to be scared because you're doing these first two three things and doing them well the last thing is now that you're okay be humble cuz you're okay you're gonna be all right don't go boasting around because you're okay share your wealth share your food share what little bit you got with those that really need it bad and he'll be okay those are the four gifts and I give them to you here today and the sacred lodge for gifts I was told to share them and give them give them away so with that they this the sickness that is here don't fill your home with fear fill your home with the honesty and truth fill your home with courage fill your home with the spirit that protects you call on your spirit don't go running around scared going to the sweat lodge 500 miles away or that other large 3,000 miles away don't do that stay home and look after your home little home stay home you
Channel: Turtle Lodge
Views: 5,351
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Id: 1vhLinAYaXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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