Credit building

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what's up everybody what's up Facebook show them all these credit cards you guys are in for something you never heard of probably when we talk about mastering your credit so how many credit cards do you have right there these are your personalized 60 and maybe 50 in hand right here 50 here how many do you have total 220 credit cards you have 220 credit cards and how much how much credit line do you have open three million dollars I'm kind of three million in credit open how many credit reward points do you have 20 million 20 million credit reward points and you flew here what on a private jet flew you on a private jet how old are you I'm 20 20 years old private jet he came here staying at one hotel you stand out what I'm stata Ritz Carlton Ritz Carlton tonight all free pay attention to what we're gonna share with you because we're gonna be laying out how Steven Corps basically went from zero to 20 million reward points and 3 million credit line so and we're talk about how to repair your credit if that's an issue so let's jump into this I'm gonna I want I'm gonna draw out what you're teaching and then you would kind of explain it by the way we're gonna put a little bit link a link later I've created a mastermind mentorship if you want to learn how to do this for yourself you what do you been doing the last few hours recording non stop recording non-stop a year by the way did you start out with good credit no I just one year ago how many credit cards did you have zero what was your credit score 600 600 and how much did you have 3 million and 23 million in credit yeah I mean 23 million in rewards 20 million in rewards now what you had before a year ago zero zero zero nothing so if you want to learn how to do this I'm opening up a private mentorship later but I'm gonna give you guys a whole bunch of free education here and then for those of you who are super super interested in learning the full system which we don't have time to you on a live call like this because we'd be here for like ten hours basically but I'll put a link later it's might even be in the title okay so this is what you've been teaching here's you here's you imagine yourself there and there's four pillars that you have to stand on okay what's the first one all right you have to have good credit so we got to talk about your credit score if you have issues how to fix it if you don't have great credit how to you know build credit because some of you you don't have bad credit or good credit you just have no credit and so that's what you were right you know you just have credit ly not let it let me have a little piece of tape to tape this this is popping out too much okay number two what's the next thing people all right we're gonna get as much credit as possible like credit Mac's credit line so credit lines you need to open credit lines he's got three million open you need that basically because then you can use the cards to actually fund a business or you know you can use them pay them off build points okay number three pillar is what free travel free travel that's my favorite ones that's your favorite how much have you traveled in the last year I can't dip the Matthew that I'd like I've been on like a hundred eighty planes then they blast like staying a little bit close to eight months last eight months hundred eighty plans 180 planes some of them private some of your flying from where do you usually go first class always first class always first class I'll purposely not take a flight if like first class is sold out which is a bad habit together what hotels have you stayed at name some ritz-carlton Four Seasons like the Hyatt like I don't even know all the names like there's like the Waldorf Astoria oh you say a Waldorf Astoria yeah I stand on one here in Beverly Hills yeah there's a nice that is a nice one okay and what's the fourth thing people are gonna learn that we're giving a preview of our credit mentorship mastermind we would created one that's private but I'm giving you guys as my free infos we can do right now what's the fourth thing its cash back how to get cash back sash back show them those caught those on cash back cards where'd you put those cash better or the I know these are the if card gift card that's like how much is on these gift cards 20,000 right there in your hand 20,000 in gift cards what are you using these for so that's actually that's that's a secret that's a secret we can't we can't tell that yeah okay we won't tell you everything about but that's pretty cool yeah okay so let's break these down and give I want to give you guys as much info as we can we'll be here for about 45 minutes I got ahead to a movie and let's just go as much practical stuff as we can give somebody right now on these for let's give one powerful tip on improving and fixing credit score fixing oops okay let's start with that so you might be watching and already have credit or you know you might be somebody that's watching here and has bad credit or a few of you will have good credit what's your credit at right now I'm at 777-7777 oh so you need to have at least one credit card it's even like be existing in the credit world right if you don't even have one credit card yet then like you're non-existent so you need to start with at least one card okay what if somebody already has a card if you already have a card then it's establishing more relationships with more banks right because there's more than just one bank so if you only have one credit card you obviously you only have one relation she's are here 60 cards here you got a Amex black too yeah yeah well he keeps the black card over here 20 years old what did you drop out he dropped out of Stanford dropped out of Stanford I've got a Stanford Stanford to figure out the credit game man you got a lot of cards here and I can vouch these have his name on them yeah this will cover up the number in case someone that's his black card Amex black one year ago he didn't have any card yeah this is my favorite this honestly the rewards on this isn't good just hang sure you talk a little bit louder look at this people can't and Iraq have es credit card in the world which ones out one ritz-carlton oh the ritz-carlton if you drop that you'll hear like throat across this is a weapon if you're a ninja someone walks in you throw this across hits oven throat and you survived the attack okay so one correct let's just go let's talk about somebody who doesn't have has some dings on their credit what was that website you were talking about that's a CFPB gov stands for a consumer finance Protection Bureau so you you want to know about what do people do here with this website so when you go to that website you can file a dispute and what happens is that they regulate like every creditor when you're on that site and so basically the high level is that the companies have 14 days to response here dispute right if they don't respond within 14 days they get heavily fine I mean totally so let me put an X down that'll be your spot right there okay yellow I'm ty Lopez you're me right now yeah so they file a dispute so if you have something on your credit what do they what if they somebody you know just forgot to pay something you can still follow dispute yep CFPB and usually like they're more forgiving if you only have like if you've missed one payment that's like nothing like they'll usually forgive that as a good so what happens when you file it here do they go back to the credit bureaus and remove it so they go back to the credit bureaus and they just act that's like a mediator right they'll set up the conversation and so usually it's kind of hard to get in contact with the credit card companies they forced them to talk to you and they don't have like time as money they don't have like time to like pay every lawyer and pay everybody to go talk to you so usually like if it's not something major they'll just forgive it and like so you've got you've been able to help people yep and in the program you'll be learning how to some real life examples let's just talk about this so remember this website next thing stay on this little markers at least one okay what's the best first credit car we'll talk about for beginners and advanced what's the best first credit car for somebody so the best first credit card if you're a student I would go through discover it a student card discover it okay is that visa that's discover yeah all right discover it what if somebody already has a few credit cards if you already have a few credit cards so there's this thing called Chase five and twenty four and basically it's a rule that Chase implements that if you have applied and it got approved for more than five cards in the past 24 months you won't be able to get certain chase cards okay and those certain chase cards are high value like so you want to get those first you want to get those first because you didn't know this you're gonna go out there and get the wrong cards in the wrong order yep so what's what's a car let's just give it okay so this is for a beginner right discover it especially a student yep okay what if your intermediate level if you're so if you're intermediate like I would prioritize like chase five and twenty four which is like so for example chase freedom that's a five percent cash back credit card that rotates every quarter depending on the category phase freedom with five percent money back yep we'll call that envy if somebody's advanced what card should they get so if you're advanced then you're more like comfortable with you know like higher annual fees I would go to chase a fire reserve that's my favorite card so your favorite card is the chase how's our framing here guys on the all the cameras you guys will do better closer yeah Chase Sapphire Reserve okay so there's three cards now what's other ways to build credit but so you get these how much did you pay off on your credit card do you need to pay off a hundred percent of your credit card so if you don't pay off one hundred percent of your credit card it's not going to hurt you as long as you're making the minimum payments right so you have like a thirty eight dollar minimum payment I highly recommend like make this like a law in your brain only spend money that you have physically in your bank account okay if you spend it like if that's a habit and you've only followed that rule you'll never go into debt and you'll never miss a payment because if like if you don't have forty dollars in your bank account you only spent $40 on your credit card there's no way you're not gonna be able to pay off the $40 right yeah now if you're spending like oh I have a four thousand dollar credit line I have like thirty dollars my bank account I four thousand dollars to blow like you're screwing yourself over I remember this is about the long game if you do this wrong you're gonna get you know you're gonna basically get a 4,000 our credit line you're gonna rack it up you're not gonna pay it off and you're gonna kill your chances of ever getting 40,000 the goal is you got to play the long game that's what we're gonna be teaching yes we're teaching now so if somebody let's say somebody has gets a thousand R or let's just say $4,000 credit line and they have the money to pay it off yep should you pay it all off down to zero yeah I would I would suggest it because so like what happens is at the end of your month write a statement comes and it gets reported to the bureau so let's say you have like you spent $3,800 this month yep what you want to do is you don't want to like carry that balance because your utilization ratio is pretty like damn high like what the 800 your utilization ratio should ideally be under 10% yeah so like in terms of more easy numbers if your line was a thousand and you're spending $100 like at your statement you're doing 10% which is pretty good now if you're doing 900 dollars out of your thousand you're doing 90% that's gonna ding your credit board that's actually gonna hurt your score and that's a high impact factor that's as that's the same level as missing a payment yeah as using 90% of your credit yeah so remember that the 90% rule even if you just pay off 10% it's not enough and it ends up dinging your credit and you're in big trouble so just a quick summary here we're gonna get through as much I got to catch a movie what time actually is the movie well um and Stephens going to record some more lessons so for those of you coming in we're talking about right here credit card wizard Stephen went from zero to twenty million reward points including three million in lines on 270 cards 220 credit cards 220 cards we're teaching you the four pillars here the four pillars or your credit score improving this continually mixing what you messed up not messing it up again we're talking about credit lines that's what's next free travel he flew here on a private jet 20 years old coming a little bit more there we go okay I want to highlight you more than me people already seen me before cashback we're talking about okay let's move on so without what you miss there the three first you need to make sure you have at least one credit card some of you already have that we talked about some credit card if you're a beginning beginner the discover it card especially if you're a student is a great Stevens recommendation to start with if you are intermediate you wanna Chase has a rule that only give you so many cards you got to get the guest best cards first or else they won't give you anymore within 24 month period you're so the chase freedom with 5% money back then last but not least the Chase Sapphire reserve the Chase Sapphire reserved for you that are more advanced that's your favorite card why is that your favorite card you get so it's 450 annual fee which isn't that cool I've got a big fee for fifty annual fee yep but you get $300 back on anything related to travel so I go pay for a 300 otter hotel stay and use it most of it you can turn it back and then on top of that you get you get the airport lounge memberships which cost like five hundred dollars to a thousand dollars and you get that inclusive part of that yeah you get a big sign up bonus which is a 50,000 points on a bonus that's worth $500 cash right there so I mean that just that first sign of those pays for your first year plus gives you $50 extra nice then if you have dings on your credit we talked about this important website that you write down CFPB gov you learn to file a dispute okay they become that says mediator and then we talked about if you don't have any major things to mediate how do you manage your credit to keep the score high if you've got a $4,000 credit card and you spend 3800 so you're at almost ninety percent utilization rate guess what keeping it at ninety percent is a huge it's just as bad as basically not paying it so you want to pay down at least 90 percent so in this case you'd want your balance to be under $400 yep so if you kept the balance so the whole key is playing this thing for the long game alright let's go to number two so let's talking about opening up credit lines sure you want to get the maximum amount of credit lines open why is that important so big credit lines gives you more power right now if you want to like do some investment with that I mean you have that line available I've got three is exactly three million it's like 3.2 3.3 I I mean I don't yeah I don't like to memorize that's what that's what Stephen has at age 20 starting with you know he's a college dropout not bad so I wanted you to set a goal for yourself especially those are you coming into my in the mastermind we're opening up by the way we're opening up for the first time today those you get in getting get the most attention from Stephen Stephens teaching it a couple of my other buddies that are masters at credit card and credit you know credit score's and opening it up are going to be doing it okay for those of you who are coming in I'm gonna set a goal I want you to open up $10,000 in credit line over this this is coming here the next 12 months or less that's the goal okay look is that the only place you look look look at different ones okay so let's set this as a goal let's say somebody now doesn't have much so we want to add 10,000 more in credit lines what do people need to know so it goes back to what we talked about in the initial part which is building a relationship with a bank right if you never like build a relationship it's just like oh no like asking the bang on the first date like it that just doesn't happen right right you need you need to establish something likes okay open a credit card maybe have a $500 credit limit maybe a thousand dollar credit limit and you pay it on time every month for six months then when you go back and you do something called a CLI credit line increase okay you need and the goal is a CLI yeah so you goat and once you have like six months of relationship with them then you go to them and say like look I've paid on time for six months and you can see on my credit report and you can show it to other banks that you've done it for six months then asking for a credit line increase is great and especially if you follow that 90 percent rule that were talking about if you pay it off 90 percent or more just pay it off completely then it shows that okay he obviously knows how to manage it's great for six months like not no issue that all have you ever seen it take less than six months I had so my first card was five hundred credit limit and by the second month I had I think like four or five thousand credit loans so if you do this right and we're gonna talk about some special techniques it doesn't have to take six months no it took you one month or two months depends some of you got your credit in a little more complicated situation than others it's hard to draw absolute rules but the point is whether it's one month or six month time flies get your bank account up get your credit line up it's valuable it's powerful okay so what's next so another that a few like dm's come in and like they were under eighteen like there's a lot of people asking me like oh I'm under eighteen how do I build like credit and how do I build a relationship so if you're trying to build a relationship and you're under 18 you can't apply legally for a credit card you can actually get your parents you can actually get your parents to add you as an authorized user now like you know sometimes you're like I don't trust Joey to like handle it right but you get like an uncle can you get some yeah anybody can add you as a credit and like as an authorized user yeah and but here's the thing like here's a really good negotiation way to talk to your parents or like whoever is doing it add me as an authorized user never give me the card in fact if you're so scared just as soon as you get the card with my name on it and authorize you just cut it in half so what you're saying is you can get your parents to do it with no risk yeah with no risk and you inherit your you inherit your parents good relationship with the bank that they've already built with maybe like seven or eight years ago of history now it's like okay now you're starting ahead of the game so the day you turn 18 my parents gonna do this for me but I wish they did his parents didn't do this because some people gonna be like oh you only got that because of your parents yeah so like I mean my the whole reason I'm doing this cuz my dad wouldn't help me with credit so I had to go google it myself like sorry dad I mean I didn't some of you will be able to do this and some of you won't okay so let's talk a little bit more about just how to get on the okay that's one of the things you're gonna learn we're gonna give you scripts for those of you get in this credit mentorship this mastermind we're gonna literally give you the scripts that you use because you get on the phone and you if you know what to say how often does it work that you can shortcut it so when I first started like 20% and now I can guarantee 90% of the time I'm always getting something I get what do you have the script yeah you know what to say and think of it like a sales call right it's kind of like that wolf allanstreet stuff right like yeah the more you do it like the more like in that habit you get it becomes natural it's like second nature you call it it's just natural like it's just talking to another human being if you think about it by the way there's a wide shot look okay for the replay we're not doing a third I'm saying we don't have any wings okay all right so you need the phone script let's give it's hard to do the whole thing but what's a basic let's just show people here's what you say what do you say cool so you you call in right and you're they get these calls all day right whatever like analysts whatever underwriter they're getting these calls all day you want to stick out you don't you want to humanize yourself as much as possible when you call down and say like hey the weather is getting cold like hey where are you located or hey like how's your how was your Thanksgiving how was your holiday weekend start off to like script like that because nobody asked them that people as soon as you call in to these underwriters it's like hey like why is my credit limit so low or hey why do I get ding for this or hey why don't you open this for me it's always like asking and asking and asking so like the best way to do this is you build a relationship as soon as you enter into the phone call you enter into the phone call and you say hey my name is Steven and like you know I'm how's your day like how was your Thanksgiving you like spend some time with your family where are you located I'm located in Ohio or I'm located in California oh cool like we're like timezone apart Oh have you been to Ohio spend like a 1 to 2 minutes like they have the time right nobody gives them a breather because they probably just got off of a phone call like this like as soon as like they picked up they probably just got off the phone like less than 15 seconds ago give a member either get them calm and then as you're moving on then you can start asking for more more and say like all right cool so now that you know a little bit more about me I'm interested in you know doing a little credit line increase here's the reason for that you know what's a good reason to tell them what do you like to say so you say like look I'm you can see that I'm usually spending like say like my credit lines 500 right and on advertisement 800 a month so you can see from my like you know from my spending habits I'm constantly paying like three or four times a month just so I can have access to more credit right so I spend like on average 800 and like so I have a 500 credit limit you see that I spent $380 I had to pay it off before I can make any more purchases because you know like I only have a $500 credit limit be reasonable with them and you'd be reasonable with every call you are or you do and I mean as soon as you stop establish that initial like hey how are you like how are your Thanksgiving how's your whatever then I mean they already are more comfortable with you okay so somebody was just asking and it's just tat so all you got to do it's not really holds um so by the way somebody was just asking how do you get in the program I haven't even put the link up I haven't put the button will eventually have a button but for those of you watching on YouTube YouTube it's in the title Twitter it's in the title Facebook it's in the title there's a clickable link to get in the test group Instagram it's a pinned comment so if you want to get in the mentorship it's a 2 month program in 60 days we're gonna teach you everything that you need to know there's multiple people teaching he's one of the people teaching I'm teaching a little bit and I'm bringing in the most badass guys I know I got some buddies out of San Diego that have their own techniques that are just gonna keep expanding what you know I promise you this almost the most important thing that you can learn in terms of being an entrepreneur and just for life skills buying houses buying cars your feud financial future is predicated on you understanding and trust me they should have taught us this in school they did it we can whine about it we can cry about it or we can just go out and learn it on our own you know I'm saying so you decide which person you are and I remind is it hard is it like you're on it on a standby basis for first class it's confirmed you gotta confront like this ya know first class baby and I'm gonna tell you this for those you have to go long flights like LA to New York I go sometimes I'll fly private which is by far the best I don't really use jet smarter but I usually charter jet but that's very expensive I couldn't do that for most of my life if I charter a jet I spoke at Harvard and I'd to fly from LA I chartered a g4 which is insanely fast we got there in like 4 hours and 15 minutes but cost like 40 G's so with this he's getting it free and you don't need to fly private if you can get first class on a lay layout you know the beds where they lay flat it's a dream you get there you lay flat you're getting there and you know four hours and four and a half hours LA to New York so yeah okay by the way let me just do this I'm gonna put come on I want you guys getting in this program you've got we'll do it at 27 57 minutes 56 now to get in the program I'm gonna put a link a button for those you watch on my website see there on the sides or below if you're on YouTube there's a clickable link in the title Twitter a clickable link Facebook a clickable link and an Instagram we pinned it a comment ah to the comments if you don't see it you can go here what is it ty Lopez dot-com slash credit now if you're feeling overwhelmed don't be it's a eight week program okay it's an eight week program you get in today you access it on your phone you access on your laptop you're gonna get a special login that's password protected for the credit mentorship you go in there you watch the classes there video and audio so you can watch them on your phone on the way to work you know you can watch them on the treadmill listen to all my doing other stuff you go through it you spend 15 20 minutes a day you start implementing the stuff give us eight weeks teach you what they should have taught you in four years of high school or junior High's it's a disaster tragedy that people graduate high school college the most basic not basic the most foundational elements our finances freakin credit mark my words I know wealthy people wealthy people control their credit I know when I was poor I knew nothing about credit nothing I didn't even know if you said what's the three bureaus I'd be like uh I don't know three bureaus what you think is that like drawers in my house like I didn't know I didn't know any of this so like I said we I did not travel much growing up I lived in a mobile home we weren't doing a mobile home travel it wasn't a portable mobile home either it was on some bricks so I the reason I'm building this credit mentorship so she's gonna teach you the four fundamental they're not fundamentals as in basic these are very advanced for some of you for some of you can use the beginning part so you're gonna be learning how to open up credit lines get to $10,000 in credit okay be very responsible because it's a powerful tool it's like a chainsaw you don't want to chop your own head off with it but you need a chainsaw sometimes cut down the trees to obstacles the second thing that I want you guys to learn without a doubt he's gonna be teaching is improving your credit score and the third thing you're talking about is what we were just doing which is free travel flights and motels and then lastly we're about to get to the cash back thing but I want to read off the names of those of you getting in the test group it's got a full 60 day money back guarantee so if you go through the program it ain't helpful for you you knew it all which is not gonna happen that's why I'm giving the hundred cent money back guarantee because if you know this all by the way if you go through the program and you know everything and more I got good news for you I'll send you all your money back and I'll fly you out to LA to teach in the program fly you out to teach in this program so please some of you I hope I gotta send your money back because you know more than me my business partner my business partner raised twenty million dollars he got your beat 20 million in credit so and I've done millions and millions I don't do it quite as much as him but I'm he's actually managing so you're getting access to the people that are managing my credit card stuff so I want you to understand that this isn't some then that's for real before we even built this program he was working on my stuff so if you want to learn from the people that and I been around finance for a long time I can tell when people are biessing he knows his stuff I call it the stumping factor I've asked him 100 questions zero does he not have an instant answer that's how you know somebody's a smart you smart you wanted to you were to Stanford and now you go on the entrepreneurial way so let me read some more people name congratulate you andrew Booker welcome to the credit mentor program got his picture with funnel hacker oh you're a Russell Brunson guy Tyler Peck stin oh no that's for my Bitcoin program sorry Rafaela Carranza you got into one pay so one thing the way it works we flip this here the way it works is we're gonna give you so by the way how much should we charge for this well you know how much this definitely every part here I have a simple rule every program that I build should have as much value as one year of undergrad at college now it might not be as broad you might not learn about what year was the you know French American War or something like that you might but you might not learn geometry but I consider it credit just as valuable as a one-year a college which average in the u.s. is 10 grand so we should charge 10 grand but as you guys know I do not want to be greedy I want to hit people there's no reason the only the rich should get richer 10 men have more money than the bottom 3.5 billion just so you know so the world's very unequal right now and I count my blessings because in a in a way I'm part of that because I live at this point in my life knock on wood a life that's I wouldn't have imagined was possible but I want more people to have that and not just be for me and that's the difference I'm trying to make so I'm not gonna charge ten grand okay but it's definitely worth that so we could go and we could charge that's undergrad and some colleges are more down the street from me UCLA USC is what 25 grand for one year Community College is one grand in LA for a quarter or whatever okay so I don't even charge that the average person pays for Starbucks coffee over $800 a year that's Starbucks I wanted to go lower than that so we decided to go below $500 if you do a one-time payment okay or we've broken it up is it for pay or three pain three we've broken it up into under $200 okay times three payments so you'll pay a little bit more so a lot of you are paying the one payment but if you don't quite have the money if you it's not even it's a little under 200 it's like 197 or something like that okay so now there's a hundred percent money-back guarantee so if you're worried you know what if it doesn't work I send you your money back trust me I've sent people their money back I've had now over a hundred and fifty thousand people actually more it's probably I'll just say 150,000 people go through my paid online programs that's more than most universities okay I mean over a long time universities do that but it's in the last you know year or two I've had over a hundred fifty thousand people go through that's more than people go through UCLA I don't think UCLA even I think it's forty thousand people so in two years they've had eighty thousand I've had more than that go through so it's a reputable thing we pay people if they want a refund but we have one-third the refund rate of average online course okay I want you to understand that so if you don't think learning the techniques of your of credit or worth 200 bucks times 3 or 500 bucks one-time payment there's if you pay the one-time payment there's no tricky billing there's not gonna magically we're not gonna charge it we don't want to hurt your credit what I want honestly and I told this you remember we want a ton of testimonials I want to raise your credit up even in the last years I've raised my credit because even if you have money you always you don't always focus on credit so I focused on my credit and I'd shot it up to like 790 800 but he's 20 and have basically the same credit as week so you know this is life hacks that I didn't know that I'm passing on and so I want to do that for my goals do that for a million people get a million people in America credit when your credits messed up trust me it will ruin your life it'll be a pain in the butt to buy a car the only person who wins if you have bad credit is the banks the credit card companies the car dealerships that jack you through the roof the payday loan people all the stuff when you got good credit and you understand how to repair bad credit and you understand how to how to grow your credit lines and you understand how to get free travel and all this stuff that we're talking about all of a sudden life becomes easier man people life's hard for people I've had life hard for me it's life's hard for you right now I know this seems like too practical and simple and some people want big philosophies on how to improve their life and I believe in doing that too but trust me credit is the simple foundational it's like if somebody's cold and I'm like dude you might want to put a jacket on they're like no no no no there has to be something more sophisticated I need an electric blanket with this I might do put a jacket on no no I'm cold but I know well that's the same thing oh dude my money situation is all messed up yo fix your credit if you fix your credit and you buy real estate you'll save a hundred G's in interest over the time you hole in the house just for changing your credit a little bit your card the email you want to buy a car they'll jet they will charge you an arm and a leg if you got bad credit let's fix your credit if you already got good credit let's boost your credit if you only got five hundred dollars in credit line let's get you to ten thousand and teach you how to manage it remember a little disclaimer I'm not gonna come through there and make you a responsible person so if you get this to ten thousand dollars in you spending you don't pay it back don't come crying to me okay I want to teach you how to play for the long game so some of you get a hundred thousand some of you get a million some of you get ten million in all depends your situation it's all you business owners are watching for the love of God build business credit yes definitely business credit extends I'm working on some more advanced stuff business credit and we're not gonna teach in this program there's big big deal stuff they look at your business credit okay like I said Alex you know my business partner in Mentor Box he had twenty million credit line okay and his business did 1 billion in revenue 20 million of credit turned into what was of course not a hundred percent responsible a twenty million of credit got him to 1b that's the three comma Club so I'm gonna be teaching he's gonna be teaching on that we're going to teach you advanced stuff but what Stephens gonna teach you is a foundational stuff that you must know and if you skip out you got thirty five minutes why am I putting a time limit on it because look this is a test group we want to be able to offer enough one-on-one by the way I haven't even mentioned this there would be a private Facebook group that Steven will be active in okay I'll be there I'm not as active honestly at a day to day but I pop in and check them Steven will be there will have multiple of my buddies teaching there and so if you have a question that wasn't answered in the program you pop in there you know and you'll start getting answers from the community no one person knows everything there's no gurus this isn't a cult this is a movement of teaching everything they should have taught us in school you know that old saying if you can't beat it join it well we can't beat the modern system so instead of joining it we we join it and accelerate it to what it should have been all the practical stuff being taught to you all this in his credit thing I'm telling you your kids and grandkids are gonna laugh at the school sister I'm gonna be like way to saying Dan teach you got credit no no no but they did teach me you know that there's a triangle and has a hypotenuse they did teach me about circumference --is of circles and your grandkids and kids gonna be like did you ever use that no but it was very important it was very important why I have no idea did they make you memorize the capitals of states and your grandkids and kids are gonna go but you can just google what the capital of Tajikistan is why Philip you know a Sherlock Holmes he's a fictional character but you know what the best thing I ever learned from one of those fictional books Watson asked Sherlock Holmes because he didn't know something like how far away the moon was and Sherlock Holmes turned to Watson he said the mine's like an attic it's like a basement it gets full why would I fill it up with stuff I don't use I can refer to a book when I need that so guess what the school system filled up your brain and your brain can only hold so much with stuff you'll never use and then all the stuff that should have been in there they left out parents don't just teach your kids what the capital of Montana is don't just teach your kids about you know what year did the Mongol Empire rampage across Asia it's not gonna help them they can read a book on it later if that interests them teach them how to buy a house teach them how to grow their credit line teach them how to get free hotel rooms so they can you know the best way to learn about history travel the world for free how many miles how many countries I mean how many flights have you done in one year for free how many of them more free for free probably like 160 hundred hundred 60 flights in the last year free get that for your kids get that for yourself you don't need to freaking look I like books and I do like college classes and I do like all that I don't like it more than a life of freedom I'll tell you that van Jellico saying welcome to the group Daniel Moore did the one pay saved a little money those are you do the one peg you'll save a little money where are you at Daniel ohayo congratulations Jason Rogan welcome to the group now quick thing you're getting in so new give us four days and this program will be launched so you're getting in pre we're gonna raise the price by the way but you're getting in now he's recording right now we've already got some stuff recorded private Facebook groups so don't have a heart attack if today you don't get the login you will get the login within four days okay Ben when you're watching this it might already be up I'm just giving myself a little paddy just watch for the email it'll tell you all the stuff about your login so on and so forth by the way this is level one so we will have some more advanced some of you are really advanced like I'm more advanced so we'll have a level two and a level three my team when you fill out when you go to their link or you click the link there did we put a phone scheduler there'll be a phone scheduler if you didn't get the phone scheduler we'll send it to you my team will call you and personalize this program for you so if you need some extra stuff if you're a business owner and you need some more advanced stuff will create we've got levels this is the level one foundational stuff everything we talked about which by the way will be advanced but a few of you need something even more advanced we'll be talking about level two and level three later that we'll be offering to you okay but getting level one everybody by the way has to start in love with one I don't care how advanced you are look I know a lot of stuff I was a CFP I managed on my company manage a hundred million bucks for six thousand people around them I know about money I don't know everything but the stuff he's teaching I didn't know so I doubt even if you consider self advance you probably don't know this stuff let's get to this last thing then we're gonna come back in our lives going yeah we're gonna reset Instagram everyone our reset okay let's go here to number three or the number four was the final thing with you yeah let's check that cash back I'm gonna let you do this what do people need to know by the way do you ever seen how much is this 40 or 20 that's 20 grand 20 grand and this is by the way he didn't want to teach this in the free thing but we're gonna we're gonna put this in there yeah we wouldn't pay that well mentorship yeah this is so secret he didn't want to tell because some of this stuff by the way we honestly don't want everybody know it'll stop working just to be real totally honest with you but for those of you who get in the program you meet us halfway we'll share this stuff with you but I'm not gonna I guarantee you fifty thousand people are watching this live on YouTube instead of Facebook if you add them all up we don't want a fifty thousand people going out and flooding the okay won't be able to get our credit cards yep okay or our Coupe Card discount car or a month or Visa gift cards gift cards thank you okay let's talk about this so with cash back there you know there's a simple credit cards right there's the ones that like 1.5% cash back those are the ones that people generally focus on but what I realized is that when you look at the in the grand scheme of all credit cards like the point credit cards can also get you cash back as well so for example American Express want to say like Amex has something called mr points that's called Membership Rewards points and generally they cannot be liquidated into cash they generally are you can transfer them into travel miles you can transfer into hotel points but you can't convert them to cash directly and so most people just stop at that they think oh mr like I don't even know what that is like too intimidating I'm just gonna stick with the companies that give me 1.5% cash back however there's cards that earn up to 5x and 6x and more points and then there's ways one of them is called a Charles Schwab American Express Platinum Card that lets you convert one mr point equals to one point two five cents so like some of these Amex cards gives you a hundred fifty thousand mr points so do 150 thousand times 1.25 cents that's like it's almost two grand right there in cash back and that's something that most people like this regard they see points points this must be for travel the cool thing about cash back is that all these points can be somehow converted between one card to another program run around until it becomes cash just cold hard cash sitting in your bank account so that's one of the techniques for cashback we're also gonna talk about these gift cards which we're gonna call these the x-factor because Stephen was like hi I don't want to share this I'll show them but I'm not gonna share this right now anyone else doing this doing this I mean this whole system and applying for Amex primarily yeah there's no there's other people out there but it's only a few thousand people that actually like take advantage of this technique right here one of the one of the many techniques so there's probably around I'd say by 2,000 people in the world maybe not even two thousand I'm only like a thousand people in the world that know about how to convert mr points into cash like how do you convert just like a normal point based like reward program and then the cold hard cash sitting in your bank account a US dollar so let me say this real quick I want to take some questions real quick because I know there's a lot of question I'm seeing them come in here so let's see what other cards do em are people asked talking about this right here what other cards do Membership Rewards points so all of the American Express Platinum do that American Express everyday American Express everyday plus there's like the American Express gold cards any of the American Express cards with a little face in the front all of those do em are like all those are those aren't em are points the American Express blue business plus card yeah I was talking to a lawyer he's like he brought that up that's a really good card for business owners you're getting to XMR points so if you do that like most business cards are like Oh 1.5% cash back and that's so great this is getting to mr points and then you do this method two times 1.25 you're getting a much higher cash back rate that's one point five so question I just saw someone on YouTube asks will this work outside the USA so I mean I'm not gonna like talk about stuff I don't know I don't know right at the end I said like oh like will this work in Canada I like I want her upset don't know and Tana but can somebody in Canada or another country they got visa yep can is it that much different you think the principle is basically the principles are going to be the same right there's like you're gonna earn some kind of cash back you're gonna earn some I'm actually curious like I think I want to go to like Hannah just kind of figure out their system so those are you getting in from around the world you're gonna be learning these techniques and not every single thing will apply but I guarantee you a lot of this stuff applies the overall concept will and like that and you'll be and what he's teaching you how to get on the phone with them the scripts that'll work for sure trust me it doesn't matter and visa everywhere yeah this is a monster company visas trillion dollars you know money run trillions running through them so it there's there's visa euro Europe but when you understand the principles and the cool thing if you're not in the US and you get in this less people are doing it so it's more likely to work that's again get onto it yeah when you get on it he's like I want to move to do it alright some more questions throw questions at us we got to go by the way you guys got 24 minutes to get in is a job needed to be eligible what if somebody's not employed so that goes back to needing like an initial relationship right so if your student that counts as a job right so like correct combos will give you just because you're enrolled in school yeah what about secured cards secured cards those are actually if you okay so say you don't have a parent or like a friend address an authorized user say you can't get a student card because you're not a student secure credit cards which is the third ones to kind of get yeah is what you do is you give them like four hundred dollars and don't give you $400 it becomes but it's like a debit card yeah because that's the best secured card you like my first I got the secured card just for the heck of it was Capital One platinum so you can do a secured card cap little one platinum yep and Capital One has a lot like they're probably one of the few that offer like a variety of secured like credit cards I think Bank of America does it I don't like them as much but at Capital One they're the reason I say I like Capital One better is their mobile app is like very simple to use like you add in your bank account you pay like everything it's touch ID everything's clean everything's cut there yeah okay somebody said what soda is that very important question its water but Lacroix what about citi bank cards so you bank is good it's a city bank there's the American Airlines that's a socialist city if you're a business owner or if you just have a normal like Costco membership Costco or the city just like went up the like roof because they Amex lost Costco from their portfolio and now city owns Costco so the Costco card and the American Airlines those are both great if you live in LA or Dallas you can get you can fly on a Boeing 787 900 which is like a Dreamliner best like domestic like airplane you can fly and with those miles that you get from a city card you can fly for free on that they'll even give you a 747 your own on how do you do that one that's a special technique it's called level three it's called you got an auto fly out a 747 Dreamliner and you have to steal it okay how much income for good credit the income to you know the income to credit ratio I don't I don't see it as like income to credit unless if you're trying to like maximize your credit line and even then I value the relationship more and then I also value the sustenance of your credit report so like don't get hung over like oh my credit score is like 702 or something care more about like what your credit like looks like just ignore to score and just look at like the meat of your credit report say like okay cool like I've had on time payments I've had like six accounts all them have been on time payments for past two years I care more about that than whatever your score tells you like you're like what it is by the way congratulations we just had someone joined from the test group from Korea I have not seen that before I'm sure we've had customers Stefan toosha Meyer from Ontario Canada Toronto congratulations okay I see Alexander your card was declined very ironic since we're talking about credit cards ah two things depending on where you are call your bank tell them is you doing it secondly you can there's a phone number here on my throne my website you can call the number and my customer support can help you will send you an automated email you can reply to so as long as you get in the group if something issue with your card we can help you figure out PayPal or some other way to get in okay Robert Kuzma that was you you're Carter's declined by the way you like Kyle Kuzma you play you got family playing for the Lakers man okay Christian Kirby from Kansas welcome to the group Jethro rothe-kushel welcome to the group we've got a lot of people Tata wow what a name chata where is that from CH a ta cha cha cha kart ASEAN oh okay some more questions credit how can you get it here's the goal I'm challenging you guys from where you are add $10,000 of credit in the next two to 12 months to your credit lines use that responsibly build up a ton of credit a ton of your credit score to go up number one use it to get a lot of cash back use it to get fly the world for free use it then of course to do you know this this whole thing I was telling you the more advanced stuff for those of you who already have 10 grand and that's no problem okay you already got 10 15 20 grand maybe a little bit older goal is a hundred thousand of credit you can use it for oh by the way I know a shitload of entrepreneurs follow me all of you entrepreneurs you better get on this or man I'm telling you if you do not have good business credit and you don't have a credit lines open you want to be opening like I'll try to open like last month I think I opened like 800 thousand in credit lines oh you know and I'm a little more advanced in some of you but you can open up if you just open ten thousand for those who are a little more advanced few open up 10,000 new credit lines per month and you do it for a year you added 120,000 and here's the thing when you look at your overall credit ratio the more lines you have open versus what you're using your credit utilization rate is lower which they like and then they want to give you more that's the whole thing you know the rich get richer and the poor get poorer because once you get in a downward spiral nobody wants to give you credit they start pulling your credit I remember a time in my life when I don't have much money I know what I was doing and they would chop my credit cards in half like it was a 2 grand you know credit card also and they were like your credit limits been lowered so because I didn't know what I was doing so I want you that's my challenge the 10 grand or a hundred grand challenge if you already got a hundred grand you need to be adding a million maybe a let's just quick recap for everybody how much do you have open right now at age 20 how much how many credit credit line I have 3.2 million 3.2 million he can spend on credit cards on how many cards 220 221 year ago how much did you have 0 20 years old he can't even go to Vegas and spend this damn stuff you have a heyday in Vegas when you got that you got money like that you'd be the standing but you're staying at ritz-carlton now you jet it in on a private jet using jet smarter it's like it's kind of like a private jet it's like a shared private jet thingy I've done it once so you're doing that or you're flying first-class man this thing is a game-changer I've launched this those are you getting in the test group you're gonna get access to the private Facebook group you're gonna get access to about 10 hours of stephan teaching with screenshot he got a laptop open going click this button then this go to this credit card first followed by this we'll have the scripts in there call this company say these words read the script to them so that they bump your credit up all that stuff somebody said they have 4 cards only used to some of you need to use your cards more because some are you gonna show people how to use the cards of course because you don't just want to have cards that never use them sometimes they shut them down or it's not helping you you're not getting any points or night traveling you're not getting American Airlines you're not getting United you're not getting Delta you're not getting Hilton you're not getting credit card stuff back what else have you gotten besides you're talking about lounges Ritz Carlton's what other perks have you used the cards for so like I've gone through like Global Entry I go through customs I go through TSA I actually go I they gave me because my delta status they gave me free clear like have you heard of clear me yeah so basically like I don't have to have an idea I just go there like scan my fingerprints I'm just go through the blinds and then you can even cut the pre-check line so then you just get full priority like you just I can go through years walk in like a boss you go everybody get out of my way that's me I'm Steven I'm clear that sounds like a Scientology thing when you're clear then that mean like you don't have any aliens in you or something like that I'm not up to date on my Scientology does he have a sanatorium black card I do don't try to test him you guys do not test him here I'll cover up a few of the numbers I got a black card I got one of these too but I didn't have one when I was 20 when I was 20 I had like an ATM debit card that and by the way a lot of you are only using debit cards yep you don't earn anything on the other cars I don't know anything you don't build a lot you don't build your credit up you know what I'm saying 20 with a black card some of you got to get with the game what's his income though you did that what was your income when you started zero zero that broke college student broke college student he was smart he went to Stanford so you're not gonna be learning from a dummy but your dad wouldn't sign the credit cards for you yeah so there's not some story that your dad is bill gate well I don't think adopted you don't look exactly like Bill Gates your dad's not some billionaire that sign for you someone said do you live off your cards no you've got a start up I don't start off so he has other businesses too I convinced him to do this he's doing this for me and I said listen I got you know 200 million people a year who watch my stuff let's help them to because I promise you and people be honest everybody just leave a comment who here has over 750 credit say actually if you know and you're willing to say leave a comment with what's your number let's get a little survey the lowest you can have is what 480 or 420 or something for louis that scene was like 464 i won't say his name but one of my friends had the lowest he sent me a screenshot he goes do you know i have the lowest credit score humanly possible this dude was the most irresponsible friend I have okay what do we got for 70 you almost beat him we got 739 I mean 80 no credit you can't have no credit really I mean you probably have what do you usually start out at if you're like I think like it between 586 yeah then you'll start let 556 now if you're 2 years old you don't probably have much credit somebody said they have 900 which I know you're not on planet Earth ok somebody said my mom charged 20 grand on a card of mine going back to what he's teaching you that should be disputable it's disputed if you're pay if it's not a code you know a card that both of you had given each other authorization yeah so we talked about websites you can go you can get the government to back you up and also specific scripts will have on how to call you can call directly the credit card companies you know dispute yeah you like I don't even like my mom no don't say that ok for 20 somebody has I don't know that you get at for 20 may be talking about smoking weed nicaragua missiles are the lowest for 58 men let's get your credit up get in the group let's go if you don't have $200 to get in go ask your parents for it go ask a friend you know part of building credit is having the ability to talk to people and then pay them back I'm stuck at 610 how do I get to 700 you got to go back you might have come late those of you came late missed all kinds of stuff we talked about that we talked about that here CFPB some of you need to bookmark that website Claudia Roshan has a 619 jaylen Brown has a 5-10 mark Marissa Ella Soria has an 829 back tone nao our khatola whoo that is a hard name to say how did you get through kindergarten I had a complicated name back titanio AR khatola has a credit of 605 well credit monitoring system do you like do you like a high tech karma I use Credit Karma gets you it's free it's a soft inquiry doesn't hurt your score that's a common misconception checking your own credit that will not hurt your score but pulls your TransUnion Equifax and then Experian combo actually give you a free credit report so Experian will give you your Experian for free yeah okay we're gonna get out of here in a second somebody said it does go below 500 yeah it does go by Carmen that's not what I said I said it doesn't start below 500 you can get it all the way down if that's your goal you can feel free to get it down to as low as possible okay I can do anything I have I can't do anything I have a judgment on my credit so some of you have won judgments some of you will have liens there's ways to work on those I one time God sometimes they're wrong yeah I had the other day I had my credit card my credit got dinged also and like my credits like seven over 750 to 800 also and it dropped like 81 of them and it was some for some company was billing sending bills to the wrong house I haven't lived in in three years and it was for something I didn't even know is a low amount like a hundred bucks so I called them up and they removed it and it put my credit right back up don't you can't just you can fight and they're not used to people fighting and when you know how to fight whether it's calling or letters following the script you guys are about to get you can fix it you can even get the government involved in the US and most countries have this - outside the US yep how do you okay all right so there's a ton of more questions how do you maintain that many cars at once with the fees so with the fees honestly like out of my 220 I only have about 25 with fees I actively manage and the best thing to do is literally to set a calendar reminder a year from when you get the card and set for maybe like two weeks before and when that time comes go call them and ask for a retention offer say like look I've been a customer for you for a year retention we're gonna teach you the retention offer so that they would want to keep you and they cancel the fee yep people are asking that all over that's a common question there's a there's a saying that I like if you're playing poker and after 30 minutes you don't know who the sucker and the room is you're the sucker and right now the financial system that usually makes you the sucker if you do it right you won't be the sucker let's see okay I think we're gonna wrap it up now so just in summary you're gonna get an eight-week program we're putting the link if you don't you should see the button here you see them if you're on my website click the button if you're on youtube twitter facebook go to the URL there's nine more minutes I'm gonna leave it up because we talked a little bit longer I'll leave it up for another 29 more minutes so you got 29 more minutes just because we want a little bit longer let's read off the names of the people getting in the group right now Rob Rivera did the one payment option welcome to the group my friend oh I know you it's Rob what's up man it's my friend why's it say you're in Baja California you live here did you move to Mexico he's been in my house here Chad Williams congratulations Pennsylvania Alex McLean by the way the price under five hundred bucks if you do a one payment you'll never be charged again or you can do a three pay plan for or 200 bucks that's as low as we could go okay if we start going lower than that it it's not worth it mean it's not feasible and I'm not I feel like nowadays I'm like why do colleges get to charge ten thousand to teach you nothing why to high school you know how much high school cost shoe taxpayers your parents paying taxes average person in New York State 220,000 was spent on your education if you went to public school from first grade high school so let's say let in that high school is a little more expensive so let's just say high school is at least 10 G's most people high school is pain they're bullied they're bored or they're they're you know traumatized all three all three bullied bored and traumatized I played basketball so I kind of liked high school but if it wasn't for sports boy anja Angela Valley California welcome to the group Andre little Ilyn in Washington welcome to the group nicholas bomba welcome to the group Ken sherry did the one payment 497 James King did the three pay option at 197 uh-huh funny coming Nicholas Oh Nico and people from Greece have complicated names enacted na stop Aliss can you read that what's that holy a knock no stop a populist that's a dinosaur anak no stopping top appopolous that's a pretty cool name Jordan Morgan Johnny yang all right from Taiwan by the way I'm telling these are you Taiwanese I am Telling is and my name is Tai the world I'm not from Taiwan I'm not Asian but okay um thank you my man Thank You tae he's gonna might record a little bit more and somebody said wow I want to greet your right now after listening to that name okay will the replay you're on your Facebook let's see advanced levels don't worry about the advanced levels right now it's not for most of you for those you have special cases businesses special situations everything we talked about now you're getting for that price so we're not gonna try to hold stuff back you get in the thing you got everything you need you got two months eight weeks it doesn't work for you anytime during the eight weeks we'll send you your money back if you think you know more I'll refund you and bring you here if you actually know more I'm looking for more teachers that are badasses but don't just say you're badass and then I've had people be like I know so much the truth or the other day a guy wrote me kind of an obnoxious message he's like I should be teaching in your in your cryptocurrency Bitcoin Pro you know program and I'm like why and he's like because I've made I forget what he said five hundred thousand dollars in crypto currency and I was like well I mean I was like that's pretty good and he's like who do you have teaching now and I'm like well today I had Brock Pierce who probably made nine hundred million and he's like oh okay maybe I'm not so good so some of you both see you are humble a few of you're too cocky for those of you too cocky if you can back it up I can live with the cockiness if you can't you know I grew up playing basketball in the projects and if you talk like you can play basketball and you can't it's a bad day it's a bad day on the court so if you're a bad ass come teach if you know if you got 220 as I tell people people lie but numbers don't if you got 3.2 million if you got 220 cards if you got 20 million in in points and you're 20 years old then you come teach so jaylen Brown said some people need to sit down and be humble good old Kendrick do you guys see the Laker game yesterday Oh guess who I interviewed yesterday Lavar ball I got it coming out on my podcast am i YouTube and it was funny I sat next to Adam Levine if you guys like maroon 5 and boy he loves to talk about basketball we talk about basketball the whole game he was very mad at the refs so I got a funny picture with him where's the winners of the hundred dollars that I promised again I don't say I didn't say we're gonna do a giveaway oh you mean the giveaway on my Twitter I haven't done it yeah I haven't picked yet I got a I got so many people pick it we'll pick the winners so thanks so much you guys I forget how many minutes there should be a little timer or whatever here but you got about 20 minutes left and welcome to the group all of you who got in you'll see a phone scheduler you can talk to my team on specifics that you might need we'll be sending to you the private Facebook group link invitation will give you instructions how to get in the group get in there and then make sure you keep your login safe you can't share if you share with anybody you know our supply system will automatically lock you and everybody you shared without permanently so don't cheat the system because technology can catch you so yeah we'll content be available after eight weeks it's an eight week program you know we we want you to finish in eight weeks we can extend it a little bit but I don't like to just give people programs and then they never do it so alright man my man thank you my boy talk to you guys soon and yeah we're out
Channel: Vinh To TV
Views: 53,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tai lopez, credit building hacks, tai lopez credit building
Id: -lIMQLTi9O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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