Creators Council RoundTable Discussion E01: Insights from 24-Hour Code Brisk Hackathon in Kuri

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foreign [Music] so hello everyone and welcome back to the creators Council Round Table discussion as a round table discussion now we are talking about the recent Hot Topic which is code prisk hackathon 2023. it made pretty big news like it feels twin were pretty known about it for our viewers who don't know like uh code Bridge hackathon was an amazing event which was held at Curry a beautiful village where certain selected participants faced each other off for the winning title but mostly it was about tackling the problems in that area similarly we are very fortunate as a very fortunate sonami five of the important individuals so first off we have Mr gaurav thapalya and saurabh adhikari who are the organizers who made this event happen similarly this is we have Mr Roman Prada nanga sir who is co-founder of the vertex which is pretty renowned as well similarly we have missed sujata thapa who is head of dip cops and also mentor and as well as the results of the hackathon event and last but not list we have the winning participant who is from the emergency College as I say so yeah everyone's doing fine um so let's or just the facts first it was quite a big event let's be honest here right now brief method details there like what hackathon was you know but I'd like to hear from your perspective what it meant to you what hackathon was um so starting off by can you tell any and finally which happened in 2023 and I think you it versus change of the organizing Community changes similarly our it has a history of its own like like the fist border like selected Warrior which is a fact that I didn't know yeah so similarly same question uh uh what was hackathon says okay our similarly mole is ah like organization at the same time so um like did deliver you know like what did it mean [Music] basically I mean aims agriculture information management system develop good news there is a big reason behind it like what was the main reason like nepalma basically seventy percent people are from the agriculture background Nepal but complaints Education Health Facilities foreign oh foreign you know it's all about business is always about creating win-win situation so ah let us explore something hackathon but of course hackathon is all about doing brainstorm in The brainstorms [Music] Amazing Ideas they come up with amazing Solutions so I was really satisfied with the what came up with the students student level idea product or delivery it was really amazing yeah it's like quite refreshing to hear like sorry like one thing says who to rise first and who to do that you know instead like Amazon like open casket like full of goods like tourism and agriculture you are receiving that problem like even through these events like truly uh was the end of for the people liner uh which is quite refusing to air as well um like similarly ma Amro next guest Miss like the same question is like what did it mean to you like hackathon like did match your expectations or what you wanted to do something more with it will actually hackathons second Grand Event or after idea City so 2021 ma deafists okay but thought our communities say uh b-score Community they were the winners and uh UI visuals Community they were the first runners-up so first Runners are playing casting extraordinary ideas 3447 meters foreign Ani everything went so smoothly internet Logistics everything went flawlessly and you say once in a lifetime opportunity for the organizing committee for we as a mentors for we as a ones who supported the event and also for the participants I guess yeah our certain like the event was bigger these people were so many like even forced you know like not too offend you but I didn't care about it I know like it sought an event about answer like dancer like I didn't care much about it I just saw it going like of social media you know about music so like it was quite a success foreign the way we planned the event the way we uh thought about all the possibilities that we might face over there is a fluctuations thankfully I had anticiple Duty incidents so this was the situation before we actually conducted the event hamisakha's first scouting go live in okay how's the place can we really do it plan thogorio student early plan gaurio they came up with the idea we really liked it we planned to fund it but is it is it something that is doable question marks it was always there you know is better we had to write down each and every single problems that we might face while counter while conducting the event an event conduct possibilities okay we have to go for scouting banera we went for a scouting I think a couple of weeks before we actually conducted the events that was um 15th to 17th if I'm not wrong logistical Logistics level of backup plan b or hero Plan B plan C plan God Alternatives we worked out fortunately I think I'm really grateful towards the nature business I can say that we successfully did it organizing organizers we did our 100 best medicines declare even our oxygen Max okay an oxygen cylinders 24 hours hackathon is a health post beneath so 24 hours emergency there was a health assistant to support us like I said before like overcome like uh to bring this event to life uh it's a human on its own like uh I can't climb it one but as you're going forward in a Euros to that point once again so it's quite of living examples of stupid boy okay because from at a certain point it's a journey of its own I know so like it's really good to know that um similarly our last but not least let's get to Our Winning contestant um Miss sadhana uh hour today hello for you so many things it was like I was happy nervous anxious but if I had to sum it all up it was a big reality check it was like um so I've been like brought up in Kathmandu and the furthest I had traveled was still dating um it was like a big reality check for me and my team and after that it was also uh one once in a lifetime experience once Mommy we're like very happy it was a very good experience like this key like follow-up questions like uh you want the audio like uh similar eventually similar events like competition I am majorly from design background someone said design competition I'm routinely Wireless so he was one of the pillar of this and besides that um and they were also engaged in various activities so they were not particip they had not participated in hackathon our obviously uh out of all the contestant like um group areas what was uh is to experience winning beside your like winning obviously it was a nice thing and I remembered besides that you remember yes there were a lot of memories uh like if you like code for 24 hours straight in a cold environment hot environment any kind of environment you stay up all out all night it becomes memorable [Music] they were like very supportive and it just uh it just uh touched off a thing in my heart like so quite a burning experience by the use of it um our organizers I know it was a big events like starting like at a quiz yeah yeah she was um foreign like so as I was saying before right now you already like once my plan already finished six communities [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign to be honest uh um obviously there are so many obstacles you particularly your IDM I think uh Idea Idea city is Theo okay it is uh yeah it's a result it took around one to two months I guess results okay like ah similarly Mr Roman sir Abba you being involved in IT industry and it's uh not a new thing I know obviously like was this event like a first also like those element mentoring events like um foreign [Music] like you saw it aligning with your words like tourism so it would you say like it was a very good like one of the best uh I know I know I am putting on a sport here right now do you think like it was like one of the best event you experienced like in fact in terms of event management in terms of organizing committee on I really appreciate the organizing Community even designer even management like it was a really Flawless event organized in fact I mean even scalar recently workers [Music] the timings were perfect I mean like design were so perfect management and everything was hey in the similarly like like our sub generally of the obstacle like afternoon like how it was organized and it's certainly like equations [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] our like guitar even just depending like 24 hours like is to even in midst of this obstacles like did you add time to like enjoy the place like Curry it's a beautiful Village like let's be honest here right now yes it is indeed a beautiful Village while going we had a stop called foreign we had like some time to go around so at that place we had fun okay so it wasn't all misery good to hear that and about this out of all the places any other unattended practical virus do you feel comfortable feel good extreme situations foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign similar though so Amazon Solutions are passing away waste management related solution data related Solutions related Solutions even right uh ride sharing of Concepts I know Transportation related problems so tourism promotion no no like a problem the problems related Solutions applications foreign so for me like it was really amazing like so in fact at least entire Nepal code tourism sector problems are like solventy Solutions how can we tackle the problems and Etc you know um similarly like estate problem tackling our events reminders [Music] so they of course this is like oh I believe in them so yeah so like as you can see Superman their dreams are organizers so like uh is ready to face the challenges again of course of course actually um once I've started leading Herald dip curves all six community members are highly driven and they want to grow they want to add value community members even the new students who have just joined Herald so growth mentalities is her and I'm definitely ready to support them they're fantastic the internet one particular moment that I remember is I was like and I came and I wanted to go and tell her you're looking so pretty mom today as money right now but I just couldn't tell her because she's a judge neither [Laughter] like the interactions that we're having right now and the interactions that we were having then was like very different because you know like some things were held back but now like we're very Franken speaking like a family okay this uh like uh Susan I'm like originally you are not from IIT film like our Romans are obviously involved though like criteria okay so um of course project boy penny uh Hospitality project Industries two particular area your project suitables the stakeholders who are associated with Curry Village will they accept the project that has been proposed obviously business perspective pattern main criteria suitability acceptability of feasibility okay [Music] I was one of the Jaws from the very beginning like a vast Universe in itself okay about certain our only coding only this only that limit it's a vast thing our certain this is like our similarity promising participants so like pressure like in fact the pressure was used like in fact uh like organizing [Music] technology should be used wisely once okay what's the problems only does so this is there were technical criterias as well you know um production ready products working prototype the idea foreign like the process or the goal final I I work on process any process when equally important to go like obtains uh overall in the big picture soon foreign like goals would be driven by process ones ie like a billion dollar ideas foreign yes I agree with him and her if I was not able to enjoy the process the journey okay we worked for almost uh two and a half months level 6 students three months they had a chance to go and do their internship or companies opportunity they devoted their time for code brics hackathon 2023 only two and a half month is a really long processio readily available boy little three months that they could have worked for some other company pocketman is okay and they nurtured it like their babies foreign like this is the ignoma spontaneous team I have ever worked with a multiple organizations like multiple teamers foreign foreign [Music] scarcity sir it was a very uh foreign but so much you can do because generally opinions so I decided that um foreign foreign Theory so what was it our event is nothing is foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so very satisfied with what they provided yes we are also very satisfied with the organizing committee like organization organization your problem boy or whatever timing a problem six hours till the end of the event was like energy so we a pretty evil organizations event foreign [Music] competition s foreign British quality is here foreign for you so we had a great discussion before moving everything as well like same question like what was going through your mind like different different qualities um so what was going through your head energy since the very beginning of the event itself a dispute noise we were very much concerned about it on the river competitions or ruins a national level my International level foreign with the numbers first second third okay so they will be the finalist who will join us to kuri bonnetia different colleges dispute chances foreign that was one of the strategy a Representatives I know so this dispute boy you know everything went smoothly so throughout the event even the 24 hours money Jose participants organizing community foreign so around four massive branding team okay competition versus organizations foreign then like super ideas like it's like a top three rather you know 13 other college they were very competitive whenever 13 challenge so people came up with varieties of ideas foreign family top three celebrity so top three mother you know top 13 teams here the top trading Team level in the area ideal crowd water stand out ideas promotion related waste management related ideas different things in fact do you write sharing ideas it was very different and is an emergency number or Not Included this is the kind of stood out one yesterday over like uh ideas what was the process uh so the process was I mean first we were highlighted with pitching down much we were highlighted with uh I know pitching loud orientation around your first magazine orientation so orientation round must say what were they supposed to do to do one hour orientation on the orientation and we were we gave them a time of a week to prepare their pitching on a test person to pitching basis 24 hours so first they came for orientation round they pleased their idea yes like uh I asked again I not like the Peach Garden one already like what was the discussion between you and your so our basic strategy was there were three major problems Transportation waste management and Hospital Hotel business you know because it's a relatively simple idea and this is all goodness although ride sharing best ideas so another major thing was Waste Management Waste Management seemed doable um and we have robotics Club so iot company so this is like it is extremely beautiful then we can so major religion this line is foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so apart from your winning team like Molly basically Augie is saying idea is totally different type of idea at least stand out ideas so otherwise there are many factors for choosing the winners or a certain uh problems like sources so the preaching process like case top of the Edward okay like did you practice it just like I do okay okay because uh some somebody thought before putting into my in me into this team that pitch course but then um final presentations underneath this much I felt like I like shook the bits and sunny I could have done a lot better come alive because so I was like practicing and nobody foreign [Music] foreign [Music] like what how why whenever the answer every question see convince using projects even older countries proper Waste Management proper Waste Management it will add a great value to the country to the city yeah terrific um technical part is not my strongest strength I know so like I was a bit shaken up there and uh my team of three other members they were like incredibly into making me understand that of course and I was like always practicing they had also put in a lot of food incredible amount of work your presentation like when you prepared so that is why it happened so uh this is like let's get back to our organizers of hackathon and like is the event organizing like different something foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign gratefulness foreign would like to say something of course uh so this was one of the marvelous event that we've done so far name uh different situation man different scenario ma where there is lack of so many things I know only you even successful who organizing committee were there Rahman he was always there with us he said that he was involved in international hackathon monitor the international hackathon that he was working day night I know he did not sleep for three days if I'm not wrong almost two three days he did not sleep at all due time happening he was he was very much responsive towards us each and every single Department foreign we had a problem actually before starting the event until time as I I called the manager subi Sugo and he came within 45 minutes and he was there within 45 minutes student services department Who provided us with student services officer who helped us at Curry Ani student support government that would be prakash sir our CEO of Herald College Kathmandu who was always there with us he was grilling our student he was grilling the organizing committee because we had numbers of meeting with him it was really hard to convince him you even Gorsuch let me take it goes so we are ready for this one you know I convinced God no it took us really long time was the one who helped us and who supported us throughout the event it's always an involvement sacrifices yes they gave us all the resource allocation was really difficult at Herald because there are so many students and numbers of classes it was really difficult so each and every single Department of her alcohol is they were there to support us I'm going to say like I said Matthew three months ago on a two breaks to do this Grand events photographer videographer died from it shout out to everyone Sana was from it he was there with us ultimately Teamworks Makes the Dream work for them so actually this you even could success like like Flawless efforts everyone was spontaneous this is one of the amazing Factor there so actually this is the result of teamwork once amazing I don't know on saying that note I will like to end this round table discussion uh thank you
Channel: Creators Community
Views: 953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: codebrisk hackathon, college, comedy video, cre8on, creators community, creators council, devfest, fyp, hackathon, herald bald, herald college kathmandu, herald in nepal, herald vlog, interview, podcast, podcast guest, roundtable, roundtable 2023, roundtable creators, roundtable discussion, roundtable rajeev masand, roundtable rival, short video, soft white underbelly, the call reboot
Id: taGP47bjigk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 45sec (4785 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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