Creative People On Another Level

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love friends it's me and today we're checking out some very creative people oh hold still no way it wouldn't gels it on I thought it would be for a second is that Michael Jackson Bart Simpson is this a coincidence I think not how to draw a nose no cannot figure out how to draw nose put clown nose yes perfect oh wait I I looked away for like two seconds and they already have like a nose I don't understand how y'all go from like one color to like blending everything so perfectly and then bam how to draw nose y'all artists make this Look So Easy you make it look too easy because it's like my question is how do you get from this to this there is no way wait how is this tattoo actually glowing is it glowing in the dark or they got technology now that will light up your tattoos I think they're using a special kind of light to make it look like it's glowing but when there is no more light there is no more glow whoa that does not look like a real shoe you told me the shoe started out like the left and then she painted it to look like that it looks like a straight out of Borderlands this shoelaces everything just looks like it's drawn on like straight out of a comic book and onto your foot is that dough clay oh it doesn't say to me how you could just like put the coloring and then mix it all up and then the whole thing is covered it was white a second ago and then they cut it all up dyed it with some red put some gold in it y'all making popcorn no you know there is a marbled cheese like this it's one of the stinky ones and then they cut out the little hearts bake them and then you got these earrings cool clients can you build me a hidden Wine Cellar so people don't know I drink a lot whoa that is behind the kitchen nobody's gonna know how would they know see at first it looks like a normal kitchen and then you turn on the light and I was like whoa hidden Wine Cellar also wanted to sink in on the island it looks nice but not very practical I get triggered when the sink is not on the island this is not a pizza you mean there isn't one more slice left no no more pizza just a painting it's oil paint I want to zoom into it it kind of looks like a painting the little dabs of paint look like parmesan okay what is this onion a veggie pizza I don't even wanna anymore they took a seashell off the beach cleaned it up put some rocks on the first layer added some resin then they're gonna paint a few layers then add some resin and then paint the rest of the photo add some more resin it's a manatee and the way they do that with the paint resin paint resin the layers it makes it look like it's 3D they really look like he's trapped in the Shell free him oh that is perfect a nude macaroon oh as soon as they put the sesame seeds y'all are making a macaroon Burger that's not ketchup oh wait that's the cheese wait why are you dying the cheese red that's not the cheeses that the Tomato oh this is a dessert so everything has to be sweet oh that's the boyga isn't it some caramel sauce oh no it's jelly that's the cheese yeah a kiwi what does the Kiwi for we already have the lettuce puree the Kiwi cut it texturize it oh they're making pickles I forgot about the pickles oh that is perfect when it comes to food there is absolutely nothing this guy can't make this guy went to the Dollar Tree got some balloons flowers pool noodles a paper towel holder a broom put them all together and the flowers of the balloons and made this it's you you're the reason that they changed their prices the Dollar Tree is now 125. instead of a dollar this was bound to happen sooner or later I want to know how you come up with these things it's the flowers and the balloons and then just put them around the heart with Minnie and Mickey from the Dollar Tree I didn't think so I was like wait did they upgrade the Arcane Graphics did they do a live action but this is actually a cosplay and she did everything so perfectly like it's so spot on she looked more like Jinx the Jinx look like Jinx I cannot believe this it's so good they got a Kirby keyboard how do you know which letter each Kirby is ah some people memorize their keyboard I unfortunately have not basically they made a mini Kirby for the Kirby and then another mini Kirby these are more oh there's one more a mini Kirby for the mini Kirby for the mini Kirby for the mini Kirby for the mini Kirby keyboard excellent now we're talking so she sliced this Bagel right with this Bagel slicing device a little excessive you thought that was excessive this dude got a whole entire Guillotine to slice a bagel they still got those purple frog is that even legal for bagels yes for executions no they took a bunch of sprinkles I don't like these ones these are the inferior sprinkles the round ones no I like the long ones they mix some edible glitter in there so they're all coated put a cake pop in it whoa so that's how they do it so instead of like sprinkling it all over the cake pop you put it in the sprinkles and just mix it pretty good they knitted a mini scarf out of their noodles you know I see people do this with only a few Loops but seeing the entire Bowl knitted into a little scarf is very satisfying look at the loops like they're actually knitting the noodles when mother says not to play with your food this is exactly what she means now take a bite I was like looking at this I'm like what is this what could this possibly be but it's tie-dye it that is a shirt tied up with over a hundred ties and he painted each section of it you know all of us are used to tie-dye just like twist shirt and then tied in like five spots but no you could do so much more this is just a very intricate tie-dye and then after he dies all the sections and then you take it out and it looks like this there is no way that is incredible I didn't even know tie-dye could do that I don't even know it could be this intricate crazy I did not know tie that I could be so clean I'm gonna Lego cooking how can you make Legos look wet I don't know but they did it they make it a cake squirts that liquid and then it goes on Lego they're making a cake that was frosting it's this is a day to me that raised my temperature thinking about this they did hundreds of layers of nail polish on One Nail but wait what happens when you dig a little hole make a little tunnel through it there's been a hole wipe it away let's see oh it's like a jawbreaker after you actually take a bite and break your jaw in the process they have all these little molds that they're gonna fill with resin and then add in all the glitter all the Sparkles even pearls pop them all out do they look familiar yet they're actually hair clips so this is how they make them and then some stores be selling these for like twenty dollars a pop it's just glittery resin and then they just hot glue a hair clip on the back okay they look good though oh no I wasn't ready for that one I was like that's about the Body Works candle it's even lit up but no it's okay oh not the Crusty can of tuna that's been sitting for a few days they opened it up put it in the fridge for once I am relieved it's actually cake actually look at the inside of that and it does not look like cake it looks like some rolled up turkey slices same chicken of the sea and it's not cake it's sussy I don't trust this one bit oh a beanie the beanies the brownie pretty good they made resin art out of a cracked egg so they just took two eggshells and then they got the resin to like pour out of it what kind of broken bird this come from where is the yolk this egg got mouthwash in it matching the color of this dill pickle we're gonna start off with some blue and yellow oh oh I know this one this one makes green some red red I would have just added more yellow oh more yellow and more red oh I can't wait for the part where it just Blends in oh there it is there it is it's already blended into the pickle sir You've Won you won this challenge it's over for the pickle and the paint the paper just disappeared into the pickle there's this Art Exhibit and these two people they get real close with us a little too close a little too close I'm have to ask you to back up and then wait they just go through each other from strangers to lovers to strangers again so I guess it didn't work out between them y'all are basically built the same if y'all couldn't find love and there ain't no hope for the rest of us hmm peanut butter but on brush no not peanuts butter it's paint it's too smooth to be peanut butter oh that must be Skippy it's like the exact same color if you didn't put it on a wall and put it on a bread I would have believed you that would have been peanut butter oh there's other paints and other colors so all right I have no choice but to believe you so she's doing this wall art and painting some green mmm that is some thick paint oh that was aggressive these be kind and gentle to the paint just kidding paint has no pain receptors go crazy and then painted trees and leaves yummy is that plaster oh you mix it with the paint and then it makes it very thick this this is going to take it to the next level watch this look how thick and creamy this is that's actually genius using plaster with the paint I didn't even know you could do that if that was oil paint that was that thick one it would be very expensive two it would take literally months to dry oh so you can add texture we got a nice little snake plant my toxic trait is thinking that I can do this I have to remind myself that I cannot do this you see how all the colors are like separated every time I try to put wet paint on top of wet paint it ends up mixing the colors don't separate maybe I'm using a dirty brush those look so good like 3D leaves like just coming out the wall 10 out of 10 would hang up but anyways that's all for today if you guys enjoyed this video make sure that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,879,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, creative, artist, art, creative ideas, creativity ideas, creativity, satisfying, creative people, another level
Id: 3C75iilrUBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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