Creative Automatic Page Numbering InDesign Secrets

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alright folks let's go live everywhere click a couple buttons here and we're live hello everybody and welcome to InDesign Tuesday my name is teri white worldwide design and photography evangelist for Adobe it's my pleasure to be streaming to you live on this beautiful Tuesday afternoon and I hope it's beautiful wherever you are all over the world as a matter of fact Colleen's here from South Africa jaesik mark valdaire and is that turbit all companies welcome hopefully I said that correctly the fears here Victoria's here everyone's here so we are live on InDesign Tuesday and today's topic may not sound all that exciting but it's one of those things that if you're an InDesign user and you're going to lay out documents that are more than a few pages then this will come in handy plus we're going to throw some surprise tips at you along the way and hopefully you will learn something new that you did not know about numbering pages and doing continuations and all kinds of things inside of InDesign so I see Besant Debbie and Barbara just joined us as well as a doff bin and others all the way from Iraq to Farah around welcome so let's get started kind of switch over to my computer so you guys can see what I'm working on here and I got a magazine already going I can't take credit for this because I got lazy day and just said you know what rather than start from scratch I just headed over to Stockton Adobe comm and grabbed a couple of templates so these templates I believe were free I didn't know they got to pay for these and this one and for was fortunately for me but unfortunately for you only has the one page it only has the cover this one has multiple pages and of course many of these have multiple pages but this actually works out great because there's nothing else in it besides the cover and therefore I get a chance to show you how to do stuff from scratch alright so if you don't have a template just go to InDesign create a new document make it whatever size you want 8:00 nap by 11 in my case 12 pages start on page number one facing pages no primary text frame and six columns so even for the people that don't want to go grab a template you can create an empty document from scratch to work along with us all right so I'm gonna go back to my sample document and again this only has the one page there are no other pages here and we're gonna go create some other pages right now before we create those other pages though we are gonna talk about well actually we know you know what we can go ahead and have the pages first let's do that so I'm gonna insert pages I'm gonna insert an eleven you know eleven pages after page one so they'll give me twelve total and it just did it now you'll notice that of course all eleven pages except for the cover or blank so just like the other twelve page document the only difference between yours and mine is I have a cover you don't yet unless you go make one so it's not about designing the cover it's really about the page numbering for all these other pages so how do we do page numbers now what I don't want you to do is go to page two create a frame type of two I don't want you doing that anymore so if you were doing that because you were new to InDesign there is a much better way now also if you're using this particular template you'll notice that it opens in preview mode so preview mode is down here in the tool panel you can switch to normal mode and you'll see all the guys and everything or he use the keyboard shortcut as long as you're not typing you can hit the letter W to jump to preview mode and hit the letter W to jump out all right Emory Concepcion welcome glad that you were here as well let's go ahead and Thomas Boehner's here welcome let's go ahead and dive in to our page numbers on the master pages now like I said I don't want you going to page 2 page 3 page 4 and typing numbers in that's not the way to do it instead you're going to jump over to your master page and and by the way if it didn't look like it did anything let's say I was on the cover then I double click the master it's showing me the master left and right all InDesign documents have a blunt at least one blank master so that wasn't something I had to create a matter of Factor we go to our empty document it's got master pages - so master pages come in by default now the question becomes where do you want your page numbers and how do you want them formatted this is all up to you and this is the part I was talking about you can be creative with it so for example I'm just going to give you a basic example let's say you want your page numbers in the center of both pages at the bottom very basic example so what I would do in that case is I would draw a frame underneath where the copy is going to go keep in mind the margin area you would have copy here normally or images here we want it below the margin area and not into the bleed area because we don't want to get cut off so I'm just going to drag a frame out and you can move it down a little bit if you don't want it touching the bottom of the content and once I create that frame I'll move it down just a couple hairs and there it is now what I want to what I'm gonna put in that frame and by the way it was on center by default normally would be on the left but I'm gonna go ahead and click Center alignment and what I would put in that frame is not the number one not the number two I would go up to my type menu come down to insert special characters markers current page number something you would have stumbled upon eventually in the next ten years or so not very intuitive not very self-explanatory but there it is insert special character because you wouldn't think page numbers are special insert special character markers current page number all right that will put an A there and you're like well why is it an A because we're on the a master so that's why it's an A now I want that exact same thing on the other side so I would go in and just instead of me doing it all over again creating a frame centering it typing me or inserting a special character I'm just going to hold down the option or Alt key and drag it over if I hold down the shift key to keep it perfectly aligned and now all my pages have page numbers here let me just let me go show you let's jump to page four page four and five have page number page 8 and 9 have page numbers page 12 has a page number and unfortunately page 1 will have a page number we just don't see it because the content is covering it but page 1 would have a page number on it - there it is so how would I not have that page number if my content wasn't covering it so let me undo that there we go my if my photo just didn't happen to be covering it up maybe I don't have a photo that goes all the way up to the edge how would I get that page number off page 1 the easiest way is to use a master that doesn't have a page number so you always have a none master meaning this has nothing on it if I drag that on top of page 1 that gets rid of the page number so even if I had content that wasn't going down that far no page numbers there if I ever wanted to get that back just drag the a master onto it page 1 comes back now there is another way for my more slightly more advanced InDesign users if you want to keep all your other items from the master page you just wanted to get rid of the page number on a specific page well you can't unlock it from the master on that one page or just delete it so if I hit command shift and click that unlocks the page number on this one page and if I hit delete sorry had they had the content selected too but if I hit here let's just get the page number there we go I hit delete it's gone now it's only gone on this one page it's still on the master it's still on all the other pages but if you wanted to get rid of it just for that one situation you could so let's undo that I don't want to get rid of it I would just use the none master on page 1 to get rid of it and then that my content can come all the way back down alright now let's get into some other ways to do this so that was just the bare bones basic way to do it now could you put other things in that frame yes so if we go back to this one let's delete this one for a quick second you can have anything you want before or after the page number so you could say my great magazine apparently I'm in an all cap situation yep magazine magazine there we go and you can put a dash in there and you could put whatever else you wanted in there and then that's the way your page numbers would look so if I word again drag this over now my all my numbers are preceded with whatever text I typed in so you can make it whatever you want to name of your publication the name of each chapter there's ways to do that you can put something after the page number as well so the number is automatically generated you're deciding if anything else goes with it now another thing that we can jump back to is what if you like like for example I started typing that and I noticed it was in all caps because I'm working in a template and this is using a different month surrett monster at bot light all caps that's just the way this template was set up so that means that and by the way it's 14 point maybe I don't want impatient numbers that big so you can style this any way you want you don't want all caps don't use all caps you don't want it to be 14-point don't use 14-point you want it to be a different font make it a different font you can make this anything you want it to be for your page numbers style it just like you would the rest of your text all right what's the here's a question coming up from severe what so it's an easy way to start the numbering from a from different pages or a chapter base that's called a section break let me do that towards the end remind me again but that's a good question let me finish this first then we'll do a section break alright so now that we've seen some basic way and by the way you know again I put page number at the bottom you want your page numbers in the upper left corner upper right corner put them there you put the page numbers anywhere you want let me give you one more way to do this one that I don't see that often but someone did ask about it on the stream and I said one day I'll show you how to do that on the stream and this is that day I'm gonna go ahead and drag out a elliptic ellipse frame and I'm going to position in the corner I'm gonna hold down my option or Alt key so it drags out from the center I'm gonna hold down my shift key so it keeps it the proportionately still constrained so it basically makes a perfect circle now I'm gonna take my type tool and click into it so now it's centered already in the circle at the top even though it doesn't look it but it's centered and now I want to go ahead and go to my type menu and come down oh you know what it's not centered that's why I didn't look sooner now it's centered all right let's go to my type menu let's come down to actually let me go to my object menu I always figure out where this is because I always do it from the keyboard there it is I always do command B that's why I'd never remember what menu it's under but we're gonna go to our text frame options and our text frame options I want to choose vertical justification centered as well so basically I'm telling my cursor to go from the left of the circle to the center and from the top of the circle to the center so now my cursor will be in the center of that circle now why don't we see the circle because it doesn't have a path on it so let's go ahead and say that we want to put a no we'll use the red sorry not the fill sorry not the fill I meant the stroke I could have toggled it but there we go we'll just got a stroke and we'll make the stroke and you can make it even something nice and thin let's say 0.5 or 0.25 make it a nice thin red stroke okay so now that's going to put my cursor there give me my nice red stroke I'm gonna go ahead and say the same thing type insert special character markers and there's a keyboard shortcut for this as well page number again style it any way you want and now that my page numbers they are going to do one more thing I'm gonna come back to the circle and I'm also going to say that the circle itself has a text wrap around it so that way I get a nice text wrap and my page number can intrude into my document and that would be okay because it would wrap around the page number I can also make the patient number bigger this is time this time it's by design make it nice and I can choose whatever thought I want I saw a nice & grebe thought will make it that and now we'll go ahead and move that over here as well and put it right there great and so now my page numbers look like this they have the nice big circle on them and if I were to put some text in here let's go to page two let's put some text in let's say that we're going to go ahead and just fill this area with text over the page number no problem left aligned we will go ahead and say type insert with or fill with placeholder text and notice how the text thing comes in in all caps but anyway it wraps around your circle so that way you can see what do you mean you don't see what I'm doing okay so is anyone not seeing what I'm doing oh because it's behind my head that's okay sorry about that this is what I was doing sorry about that I should have moved myself over but all I did here let's go back let's go back in time undo undo undo undo put it back to the way it was undo undo I'll go back in time as a matter of fact I'll just recreate the thing from scratch since you couldn't see it sorry about that so real quick what I did get rid of the circle because it's kind of you know not fair if you couldn't see it so we put it in the corner hold down the option key hold down the shift key to get a perfect circle then we click into that circle with the type tool and we aligned it to the center and we went to our text frame options under object and we vertically aligned it to the center there we go and then we insert the page number symbol under type insert special character marker markers current page number and then I made it have a red circle around it so I went to the stroke I chose the red that was already in the template you use whatever color you want I changed it to a half-point stroke and then the last thing I did was just changed the font so we make this engraved adorned engraved number two which is an Adobe font and I think I made it nice and big so you could see it oh not that big let's go smaller there we go nice twenty-four point and then I also just decided to make the circle bigger at the very end held down my shift key and just made it bigger then I duplicated it over to the other side so let me keep that from behind my head option shift drag to the other side and there this I don't think it needs to be closer to the edge might be other one there we go so that's what I did sorry about that didn't mean to be in your way alright so now I went then I went to one of the document pages and by the way that I just do that oh no it's gonna have a skill I did that on a document page there we go I went to the document page and I just created a frame in that case frame anywhere you want but over the page number would be helpful and then left aligned and I said type ends fill with placeholder type out one more thing undo one more thing I forgot to do that I did last time I chose the circle and I made it text wrap there we go text wrap it was epic when it worked the first time without me having to go back and do this all right type fill the place letter type there we go that's what I did last time alright so now anything that you want to wrap around that will just wrap around it in the shape of a circle and if you want the text not to touch the circle go back to your master page select your circle and in your text wrap options you can go in I don't have the panel open but let's go to text wrap and you can specify how far away from that circle the text is allowed to be so I would do the same thing on both circles there we go and now if I go back to page two the text shouldn't be touching it and it's not so that's how all of that was done so just a creative way to have your text have your page numbers be a little bit more decorative so you can make those on top of images you could make them you can use a really creative font for the page numbers you didn't make the page numbers of different color you can have the fill for the circle being a different fill color anything you want to do creatively you can do it alright so now with that said let's talk about continuations and that's the trick here that's another one that you would never guess this one in a million years you'd never guess how this works all right so I have a have a magazine here and this was it this was the other template so this was this template and I just replaced the cover image and so this one's got all of this content already in it so this was this can all came with the template which I'm surprised because most templates don't come with all the content and you would go in and you would of course replace all this with your own content that's why I'm surprised because most of it would just have placeholders for your pictures you wouldn't have to replace them all you just place them so let's do an example this story which was already here starts in this frame continues down to this frame and ends so this is a continuation and to see that line going from one to the other I went up to view extras show text threads so if you turn it off where it would normally default you would hide the text threads if you turn it on show text threads it just shows you the line so you can see wherever this is going to continue now let's say this once this needs to continue we ran out of room for some reason on that page and it needs to continue down here on whatever this page is go to my pages panel I could probably figure it out it needs to continue on page 14 all right so we're on page 14 that's where it needs to continue so we go back up to where it was which I believe is here and we say that nope I'm gonna delete this and I'm gonna continue this on page 14 so I just jump over to page 14 and I now continue this text here boom all right so that goes all the way back up to page whatever this was page 2 now your reader doesn't know that this continues on page 14 unless you tell them they would have to just figure it out so normally in a magazine situation you would see something like see also or not not see also you would say see editor's note or whatever on page whatever you they would basically spell it out that you got to go to page 14 to continue reading this so we're going to do that with a continuation a jump to in InDesign so first we're going to create the first frame and I'm just going to go ahead and make a separate frame I'm going to right justify my type so it's right justified and I'm going to say C or no editor's note editor's note continues on and you can see it behind my head let me zoom in a little bit there we go continues on page I'm two spaces there there we go page space blank I'm not going to type in 14 don't do it that way instead I'm going to say type insert special character because they're special markers next page number because that's self-explanatory - next plate next page number there we go and you're gonna so why does get that in there hang on something weirds it okay there we go it says page three because we're on page three apparently so editor's note doesn't continue on page three we know it continues on page 14 the reason that this says page three is because it doesn't know anything about this frame it doesn't know about this frame it doesn't know which story we're talking about how do we tell it that we're talking about this story which continues on page fourteen we we wonder twin powers activate if they're touching each other they do a fist bump they know about each other so all we do is just simply drag this up to where it's touching the other frame boom it now knows it's page 14 so as long as they're touching each other that's all it would need to do and you can space this out you're gonna line it down you can put some header space above it you could do what I did earlier or you could say text frame options and you could align it to the bottom or vertically actually let's do it a bottom vertically or Center it and that way you get a little bit more space great that takes care of page 14 and if we drag it away says page three again if we make them touch and we make them fist bump it now says page fourteen because it knows that oh you're talking about this story therefore continues on that page now how do we go to page fourteen and do something there if we jump all the way down to page fourteen where this continued I believe it's this yeah so we could pull this down a bit if we wanted to we could put another new frame in and we could say something like left just five we can say editor's note continued from page don't type in a three we're gonna do a type insert special character markers previous page number and then it will oh it's like why is it doing that because they're not touching through me for a second all right same fist bump because it doesn't know which one we're talking about there we go continues from page three as long as they're touching it we'll do it now what does that mean that means that if I decide to insert another page after the fact but before page 13 insert insert then this will now say still says 3 but if we go back to page 3 wherever page 3 was editor's note now continues on page 16 so it's keeping track of where ever this continues no matter if it changes later if you pick up the story and move it to a different page and you pick up the little frame and move it with it it'll it'll always represent the right page numbers so that's how we do a jump to and that's how it keeps track of it from that point on but again none of this will work if the frames aren't touching so once they touch this bump just remember this ball then it will always work all right last but not least since someone asked about a section break see I remembered we can go to a specific page and we can say let's say we go to pay this page after page 16 let's say that we want this to be start page number 1 again or whatever reason or page 18 should be number 1 again for whatever reason you can you can create a number and sections options and you can start a new section so I just right clicked on that page went to section and number options start a section start the page number in on whatever you want so this will be a new page and it will start the page numbering wherever you want it to be and click OK and yes I know it's telling me it's gonna break some stuff but now if we go down we're gonna tell it so yeah now that's page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 and if this had an automatic page number on it let's go fix that let's make some automatic page numbers real quick we can even go steal them from the other document let's do that let's go grab this on a master page let's go grab this and this and copying whatever you created those in another document doesn't matter they're still the same symbols and paste and put them where they go there we go and it's giving me weird colors because oh and this is not even the same page sighs that's okay we'll still make it work here we go and now if we go to that page page one it has a one there and now I created a by the way I created a over set situation because of the text wrapping so this stops at page 17 and starts over again at page 1 so that's how you would start a section on a different or with a new set of numbers in the same document okay so Colleen's asking put some hyperlinks back to where you came from and I believe it memory serves doing the jump to also serve as hyperlinks if you were making this a PDF or eBook I think it does that automatically I can't remember but I think I think it does it all right so with that said I hope that answers your questions on page numbering if you had any I hope that gives you some creative ways to look at page numbering they don't have to be just a number they don't have to be just a static font they're not to be just a small number in the corner they can be anything you want them to be because you're just going to use the symbol and then you're gonna go to your master page when you create that symbol and style it any way you want so your page numbers no longer have to look boring if they were looking boring to you and don't forget about the jump to when your story needs to continue on another page easily to have InDesign keep track of that automatically alright so with that said cheers everyone and thanks for watching and we will catch you on the next one thank you for joining me once again on InDesign Tuesday bye everybody have a go [Music]
Channel: Terry White
Views: 16,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry, White
Id: RWlVFzg8gB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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