Creating your own IoT Cloud from scratch using php, mysql and NodeMCU (ESP12E or ESP8266) - Part 1

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[Applause] hello guys welcome to another tutorial of IOT muncom I am the vague and in this tutorial series we are going to create our own IOT cloud from scratch so we will be using a lot of PHP MySQL and we will be using node MCU or yes pitrelli to upload and get the data from our PHP API and will be also using some of HTML CSS and JavaScript to make of a page like this and this is how the output of the API will look like so first of all thank you everyone that we just completed our 100 subscribers it means a lot to me and thank you each and every one of you out there this really encourages me to create more quality tutorials so first let's see that what exactly content we are going to cover in this tutorial series so I have divided this whole tutorial into four parts so you will be expecting four videos for different videos for this tutorial series so in the first tutorial series we are going to create a free account on a very popular website where you can get some free space for hosting your database and your PHP API on your web pages then we will be creating MySQL database and we'll get the database username and password which will be used to insert and get the data right now I am NOT explaining I am NOT getting into detail of how api's will work and how your code will work etc we'll be seeing that in upcoming tutorials just to mention that these are the things which you will require before beginning with the tutorial for software's you need to have updated arduino ide so i assume if you work on arduino then you already have the ID any code editor like not visual studio for me I use Visual Studio because it's very comfortable for me for hardware you will need up yes because your node MCU 1.0 I'm using 1.0 you can use any of the USB 2 le you want and you need you will need a dht11 temperature and humidity sensor on which will upload the temperature and humidity data on our server on through a PHP API which will make then you will need a 10k resistor a mini breadboard three LEDs which will control from again on HTML page using a PHP API and obviously rest of degree discrete components wires for a stripper nose plier so make sure that you are ready with them and it will be really good to have if you have some knowledge of already programming your Reyes bit value with Arduino some basic concepts of REST API basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript so if you are watching this tutorial then I am sure that you will already have experience with these things now let's see that what exactly we are going to make and this is a very basic introduction to what exactly we are going to make and the introduction to our our tutorial so I am NOT going into detail but I am just showing the inside so you would exactly note what we are going to study further so this is the first thing which will do that we have a note MCU connected to dht11 and which is updating the data in a database which is phpMyAdmin and it will dit it will update the database using a PHP API in the middleware which will be hosted on this platform I'm going to tell you which platform it is you can create the free account it's awesome for the new learners and people who want to experiment and then on the other hand we will have a desktop in which we will create an HTML app which again will be hosted on the server and it will show the temperature and humidity which is latest entered by node MCU in this table so for here let's say for example the last temperature is 23 point 20 and humidity forty six point twenty so will read the data latest data using a PHP API so here we will require two api's for reading and writing for we are writing in the API using get request to our database and we are reading the API through our HTML page and the second tutorial or second part of this tutorial is basically to create this to create an API to control our LEDs so will will make an HTML page with three LEDs button add button control and that will also be hosted on a server same server and then through a PHP API we'll make changes on this table like for one on/off on/off whatever button you will press accordingly and another API through which our no temps you can fetch the status of the LED for example if LED one status is on then it will turn on the LED one two three and so on and all I will also give the circuit diagram and the breadboard setup images in the tutorial and you can find it in this description section so for now let's just start off with the basic and let's go and create free account so you need to log into this website 0 0 0 web it is a free service it is very good for new learners who want to experiment with IOT here or any database or any kind of web development and don't want to spend money on that so it's totally free for some usage so I'm just going to click on free signup I already created the account so you just need to enter your email id your password and website name for meats IOT among dot-com you can enter whatever website you want and you can click on get free hosting and after creating the web hosting what happens is like you will get a email for confirmation of your account you just have to click on the link and confirm the email and that's it you are done and then click on login and enter your username and password for me it is already saved and I will click on login and we will wait for some time and this is what the user interface looks like so it's very neat user interface I have already created a website so it is already running but I'm going to tell you how to create a new website for that and this is your user interface let's create a website along with the database and this is what we are going to cover in this tutorial so we have already created free account on to host our PHP API Maskell database and web pages now we are I'm going to give the you to introduction to hosting platform and creating a new MySQL database and getting database username and password which we will use to read and write on the database using PHP api's and so I'm switching on to the platform so for me it is already one website is already there and so you will have you'll find only this plus icon just click on that and for website name let me just push to bunker and this is my password I'm gonna hide it sleep and it should take some time and it will create a website yeah it's taking take sometimes you need to be patient and after clicking so just once again so I have clicked on dashboard and this is my website I'll click on the website and these are the three options available for me and nobo you can see the rest of the options so now you have created a new website that will be our domain name that will be our endpoint URL which is monka dot 0 0 0 web host app calm so this is the URL which we will be using to access our PHP api's or whatever whatever webpages we are going to upload we are going to use this domain name now to create the database click on manage database go up and click on manage database and here we there is no database so we will click on new database and our data and database name should be let's say for me it I'm going to just enter moniker and database username again will be among cur and password again will be more good so I'm just keeping it simple make sure that if you are creating it make sure that you are keeping it some really hard password now after that just simply click on create and your database is created it will take some time to configure our database and we will be able to see our PHP myadmin so again this is only for experimentation if you are planning to build something really large you want to store a lot of database then this is not a viable solution you can go ahead and purchase your proper hosting service and here you can see this is my DB username and DB user and this host which is obviously localhost and this are really important for configuring your PHP api's and simply then I will click on manage and PHP my admin yeah so this is how the panel of PHP myadmin looks like here we are going to create the table I will tell you that in the next tutorial in this tutorial we are just only covering the basics of this tutorial and you know creating the database and setting things up so that's this tutorial is what about and you can see that we can create here database there are options available I'm going to tell you each and every option that how which options we are going to use in this tutorial and that's it so make sure that you copy and paste this in a notepad file I'm just going to copy it and my user is again same and my password is bunker and obviously this is localhost so your DB name DB user and DTB password & DB host these are the things which you are required after creating this database and creating your website you can click on this on the top board on the top left corner you can click here and you can see all the websites active you can at a time create two websites in this platform on the free hosting service so I will just click on wonka and there I can see all of my files now we will be hosting some of the files in this website our PHP api's and our HTML pages will be hosted on this website so I have told you already told you about manage database now if I click on file manager and go down and click on upload files and just it's okay I want to learn and it will show me the file manager so here I can upload the files and I will be able to access it using my URL which we already created maka dot using this URL I can access all the files here according to the file name and domain name and these are the only two things which we are going to use in this platform and we are going to use a lot of PHP JavaScript CSS jQuery HTML Arduino code so it's gonna be a really fun in front you toriel and we are going to learn a lot of things and I hope that you are enjoying my previous tutorial so and if you have not subscribed until now please hit that subscribe button to support me it encourages me to make more awesome tutorials like this I will be posting the second tutorial very soon so make sure that you are subscribed to my channel to get the notification whenever I post this new tutorial I hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank you for watching and hit that subscribe button and like button and share this video if you know someone who can really use this tutorial hit like and share this video if you found this tutorial useful comment below if you have any questions and please subscribe to my channel if you want to keep seeing awesome tutorials and don't forget to visit IOT muncom for more tutorials
Channel: Vivek Gupta
Views: 92,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp12e, nodemcu, esp8266, mysql, php, phpmyadmin, iotserver, upload data, php api, nodemcu post data, nodemcu php api, api, own iot cloud, iot cloud, iot, internet of things
Id: I1iz0YlBl84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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