Creating Striking Dashboards in Power Apps (without using Power BI)

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everybody wants a dashboard and if you want to build a visually stunning power application I suggest you've got the home screen set up like a dashboard uh I can't think of a better a type of home screen that people would want than that um Kurt what is a dashboard do you have any thoughts on that at all I know I'm putting you on the spot it well I mean if I guess it's a summary if you want to know the official thing it's a summary but um The Unofficial thing it's like it's it's all the oo and a right it's what makes your program really look it makes your program look really cool um it does yeah it's what it you want something that's going to be attractive and bring bring attention to the uh to the data in a way that that um makes people want to come back to your program right oh I also just kind of want to put something out here there's a the elephant in the room right now I did not pierce my nose let's see yeah see that okay my dog attacked me this morning so I yeah I hear about all the dog all the time uh do should I call up the the sheriff there and maybe do a wellness check just do just do this if if you're in trouble okay right so I just want I don't mean to make light of of if that was serious I mean you know no you we're always cracking jokes at each other we're always giving each other a hard time my my little puppy my little puppy tried to just beat me up right I'm getting beat up by a little puppy right it's all it's funny you anyway I just back back to the subject at hand though but but dashboards it just seems like everybody wants a dashboard some people don't even know what a dashboard is I think they just say I want a dashboard I gotta have a dashboard you know um so it's you know but I I tell you what in in the in the official capacity though it's really what some summarizes all your data you want a place that summarized your data so that people can see a high level view of what's going on how's that absolutely uh look like Sandra's here from Florida okay Sandra I that your your name looks really familiar uh Rebecca Jay from Texas uh this is Matthew from the from the Discord in Texas very cool and um let's see what else we got um love the idea of today's live absolutely because guys this um upcoming week we're going we're going to be doing a workshop on this and what I like to do or or what I think is a good idea is we go live and we sort of unpack it and we sort of cover the prel preliminary information uh the overall like maybe a high level in the workshop we dig in and um hopefully have just full of practical exercises um so uh any thoughts you'd like to share Kurt about work shops and um we had one just yesterday and uh that that one was interesting so complex patching and we were doing all kinds of stuff there doing speed tests and yeah we learned a lot didn't we yeah I actually learned two or three things that came up and that's probably why you said that uh but it's true I learned a few I didn't write them down but I'm sure they're in my head somewhere they're going to come back they're going to come back up you know it's just funny when every time you go to try to show somebody something you end up learning something more right if you want yeah if you want to learn something teach it that's the that's the bottom line you know and uh and there's nothing like I'm sorry there's nothing like learning in front of a group of people you know when you got a whole bunch of people doing a workshop together you know everybody's got something to bring to the table you know so it's pretty neat absolutely yeah so we got a lot of comments uh we got a lot of activity so guys this is a popular topic I did a poll on the workshops number one was comp patching which we had the workshop yesterday we talked last Saturday about that for I believe about an hour or so and then this was the next topic right underneath that one so we got Bruno from Calvary um Joanne from Mar maras and uh very cool somebody from Missouri and we got our own Patty Love perfect timing the boss just asked for well this is great is great now I also want to let you know that I you know I keep looking up it's because I end up putting my the restream up on one of my upper monitors because I got so much going on on here today with with stuff so just want to let you know if I'm looking up it doesn't mean I'm not look I'm looking at I'm actually part of the thing I'm not you know and that goes for me sometimes I'm looking up too yeah and sometimes people think well he's not even really paying attention to me he's up there looking up in his screens and everything but sometimes that's how I feel Kurt when I see your face and and you're just like on or something maybe something super I'm old old people just look like that when they're not talking you know I mean it's just the way it is you know um I know I do need to uh post a link in school so everybody knows um you know the link for this but um so Kurt you've prepared a few things to show us today now what are charts besides just a bunch of graphs and well so I wan you know if I you know in the interest of dashboards and in the interest of a workshop that we've got coming up next week on dashboard I guess you know we got we T you just brought up the chart word you know um to me that a picture says a thousand words you know it's it's just another way of doing a report oftentimes when we when we're looking at power apps we're thinking of uh you know the data we're thinking of pretty screens we're thinking of buttons and menus and text boxes and input stuff and you know check boxes and whatnot right but really we need to start thinking about the end from the beginning and the whole reason why we're even writing a power apps is because we're trying to uh I'm trying to do position my things my my my screen so it's not like looking up all the time sorry guys about that um so so we we it's it's about the reports the whole purpose of having a power app in the first place is to be able to access the data and make sense of the data first of all you got to get the data in there that's what I love about power apps you're getting it in there you're validating it you're getting it in there clean but in the end the whole the whole reason why we do all this work is so that somebody some somebody who's a stakeholder in your in your program it might be your boss it might be a CEO of the company it might be the president of United States who knows what's going to be look who's going to be looking at your your your data so it's all about showing them what they need to see at any given moment of any given day okay so and and it's got to be shown in a way that they need it right now you know and so repeat that that that statement I like that I want to type that up here okay I don't even know what I said oh my goodness Kurt there's the SL let me slow down let me slow down a little bit okay go ahead look are all about dot dot dot as Kurt was saying yeah okay so so did you want me to try to remember what I said or yeah I would okay um let's see so so it's dashboards are all about Pres any data to the people who need to see to see the data in a way that they need to see it at any given moment and every any given day well you gotta go slower man okay uh I'm gonna bring on somebody that's gonna help us out um Rick anything that Kurt says I want you to your mind to grab it like a steel trap um and be able to repeat it back slowly uh so Kurt just said dashboards are all about presenting data to the people who need to see the data in a way that they need to see it see it at any given moment at any given day okay now okay I'm I'm gonna run uh Rick gbt through this Rick parag paraphrase that for me uh he lost me after dashboard okay so no it's good I'm just so on on a on a serious note though it's it's really it's just really important for us to be able to the whole reason the whole goal of our power app is so that people can see a report and oftentimes we we almost never talk about reports we almost never do and there's lots of different kinds of reports you know you got you your your lists of things and you got your summary reports and blah blah blah Skippy right but the thing is pictures I like to see things in pictures and I believe most people do I believe that most people can make sense of a visual picture more than just a bunch of lines of numbers and letters you know and so and and if you got color within that and you got it arranged in such a a way that makes it make sense to people right away catches their eye I think that that makes people love your program and what Darren makes a good program if it gets used and uh also if you create a good program as being used and and people will start asking for more stuff they might actually overwhelm you with oh can you do this oh can and they're getting all excited about what you're able to do yeah that's actually that's a sign of a good program so it's just as simple you said it it's it's just that simple if people are using your program that's what makes a good program if your program is good if people are using your program it's a good program so it's and and then if the sign is how you can tell if your program is a good program is if people ask you to do more a lot of times people I hear system developers and programmers they say they say ah you know they just keep asking me for all this stuff man they just never happy I can't make them happy no it means that you did a good job it means you did a great job and they want you to do more because the the the alternative to that is they don't ask you to do anything more then what you know then you're not doing anything so that means that you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing so enjoy that Embrace that you know um it just means you did a good job good work always means more good work it's just the bottom line I don't whatever company it's in I've been worked for whatever job I've done if I do good work I'm G to get more good work you know so um and that means if there's overtime out there they're going to give it to you because you're the one that does the good work you know so uh people know that and so when when they see these dashboards I believe making charts is a big deal now charts I it just seems like that's something that you never hear of synonymous with power apps is charts when you think of charts you think a powerbi everyone wants to go to powerbi and I love me powerbi I do but I also love me a program that can get everything done inside of my program one thing I absolutely can't stand is integration you know and Microsoft tries pretty hard to make things integrated you know but I don't like having to integrate things to going to other software if I have if I don't have to and I want to just contend that we can make some pretty cool dashboards with some pretty cool charts right here in power apps you know but we just have to know how to do it we just have to know how to handle it you know so you got any questions about what I've said so far D you got anything you want to put in there any comments Rick hey yeah I'll throw something out there you know you're talking about how um you know people putting input or giving you input to add more stuff or to change whatever I think we've all probably used apps before when we started out that was um you know great at first but because it didn't change or it didn't develop you know or you know add the things that were needed you just kind of put it to the Wayside and it no longer became a you know a good app because it was you know it was you know no longer useful and um so when you make these changes and you things like that that's on there yeah that's a great thing uh because as you said that means people are still excited about your app and um ready you know for the next iteration of it and looking forward to it I mean I'm always every day I'm always checking you know updates and stuff on my current apps that I have uh you know what do they add and things like that on there so hey just stay uh just because you throw an app out there it doesn't necessarily mean that it's done and complete right there um you know you can always make improvements and and things like that on there that that gets people excited and that keeps them wanting to go back to your app over and over again absolutely and by the way I'll go back to what you just said yeah pictures and graphs that's just that's going to grab your attention right away it's just cool absolutely um you know it's just like oh you know that's many people are visual you know visual Learners and things like that and so if you can add those kinds of things like that they're going to gravitate toward that and it's going to get it's going to I mean when I open something I notice those things probably the first thing um is one of the first things I'll notice is is stuff like that you know so yeah absolutely and if we can do that in power apps I mean that's just all the more um you know makes it better it does it does so I you know we got some comments going on here now look guys I am not poo pooing powerbi I think powerbi does some crazy good stuff and I'm saying that if you you want to make some crazy goodlook charts and and and you know get down that powerbi okay uh but if you just want something that's going to be a basic a report you can make a nice you can make a nice looking dashboard in in power apps and I guess that's what we're we're here to try to address is yeah you know maybe we can do that without having to go to powerbi you know um just kind of wanted to put that out there because I I do think powerbi is I mean powerbi is all designed for the report right it's all designed for that so uh now I don't want to go into too much detail about powerbi but there are some downsides to that too you know uh powerbi has got some serious licensing issues just like power apps does and and oftentimes they're not if you got this the super the super license for power apps you don't have the super license for powerbi you don't necessarily so maybe you got to buy both and then that's a pain in the butt right so so sometimes it's just easier to deal with your clients if you say hey yeah I can get that thing done right here in power apps they're gonna love you for that maybe you know um okay so where do we so shall we make a shall we make something like a I got an idea I got an idea so in my in my my history of teaching Darren will probably recogn this I used to have a a fictitious company called the we cheet and gougam stock company it was a it was a company that you could that bought and sold stocks and of course you know it was we cheat them and gouge them you know so uh it's funny my nose looks like a pierce my it looks like I pierce my nose it's over here it's like just just always wanted to pierce nose so uh let's see so anyway so let's imagine that we have a sales a table there that just does sales and so the the first thing you've got to think about in in in a dashboard or in any report is the data and oftentimes what we've got to do is we've got to shape our data so it's got to start there we have if we're GNA do that we got to start there now I'm gonna go ahead and create I'm just gonna go ahead and create a dashboard can we share my screen yes please okay here I come that's on you all right right Yas SP says you don't want to have to go to three different places to get your information so having good knowledge management practices and place to keep everything the same location is key absolutely yeah nobody's got these go ahead there there's lots of aspects with with dashboards too and I don't know we're just talk I'm gonna talk about some charting aspects of it you know so let's just let's just build something really quick uh of course nothing's really quick in for me but you know we want to be able to talk about it um so I understand that too but let's go ahead and and just draw a button on the screen here and we're going to just we're going to name that we're GNA put some text in there called create data okay so we're just G to create some data in here I'm going to go ahead and open this thing up now I've got we're gonna we're gonna do some pretend stuff here we're going to pretend that we've got some persistent data out there and we're going to we're going to create a a colle ction out here called um uh we'll call we'll call it sales it's it's our Co sales okay so I'm going to go ahead and do a forall now I'm just gonna go ahead and try to I'm G to kind of talk about this a little bit as I'm going um we won't pick at the code here too much because this is all about just getting the data in uh I will explain it once I once we get you know once we get it all laid out um I'll try to explain a little bit as I'm going and then um once I get it all laid out we'll to make sure we understand what I was doing with that data but then from that point I want to get into the actual building of some charts and stuff you know so but we got to have this and I I thought it's it's kind of a good way I wanted to show a practice that I use too in this oftentimes somebody wants some kind of um they want to know if if it's something can be done or maybe you just need to talk about something in the moment well I don't have a database table set up and I don't want to go out there and have to create a database table for it so like to build a collection in memory and just use that as my data source you know so I wanted to show that process a little bit too so we're going to build a small table it's gonna probably have 10 records in here maybe whatever we we'll think about that but I think just 10 records will be good for now we'll just do 10 and I'm going to do a wi here because I want to use a random number and I want to be able use that random number in more than one place so I'm G to I'm going to try to store that and I'm going to store that in a wi statement or a width level scope uh scope variable we'll call that my number and I'm going to do a round down of a random number that I generate times three plus one because I'm because it's random zero to one but not one Rand R the random number will come up with any number between zero and one or the random number generator the Rand function I should say will come up with any number between zero and one includes zero but it won't include one there's something else I was just thinking about as I'm going through here I think I need to build another table I want to build a table that's got my stocks the company's got stocks so we're going to go I'm gonna go over here to my formula section over here I think that's what I want to do and I'm gonna go ahead and create a a table out here called TBL stocks not sticks stocks Rick quit making fun of me [Laughter] man grammarly yeah and we're just going to use a simple table function here and I'm going to create a record create a couple records let's see let's start right there put you know I just this is not something I do very well I'm I'm sorry guys I hope uh hope I'm not too slow for you one and name you know I could talk in front of a million people but can I can't type in front of one that's what I always we're gonna we're going to have three we're GNA have three stocks the we Che him and gum stock company right now only sells three stocks we specialize in three stocks we're GNA do um we're gonna do window's Wonderworld Freddy's fast food and Bob's big burgers those are the stocks that we sell all right okay Windows Wonderworld and let's see that'll be that one right I'm going come down to here and this one and I'm going to say an ID we make that two now this is this is all important this is our data this is our this is the data that we're going to be shaping at some point here um this will be called Freddy's fast food [Music] [Music] and I think that will kill the table there we'll do an ID and we'll make that three we're g to do another name and make this Bob's big burgers okay [Music] I think that's pretty good and we got to put a doly at the end of it semicolon it's the C that's Kurt terminology for a do LLY so we've got a we've got a table out there called stocks table stocks and it's just going to have three stocks and it's got an ID and a name that's what we're going to use to construct our stuff here in the moment so I've got this width statement back to our back to our regular scheduled program here I'm going to go back here to my width and I'm going to finish this thing out I think I need to looking at I think I got a problem there it is that fixes that so I'm GNA come back down here collect I'm gonna do a collection of um sales we're going to create our table [Music] here and let's see go back [Music] here that'll work there that's the end of my collection I like to I like to put my my brackets and stuff in so that way I don't forget them because otherwise I will you know me too so let's see we're going to go ahead and start off uh let's see we'll get we'll do data sale that's the hardest one right here I think data sale because this is all GNA be fictitional stuff I'm just putting in a bunch of random stuff in here okay um so so I got data sale somebody asked me well somebody said to me one time well you don't hardly ever use Rand I'm like I use it all over the place this is why I do it so I'm gonna do a text I'm GNA do a text on a a date ad function and I'm going to take a date value from that and I'm gonna seed that with some month we're just going to do a month and I'm just going to use March we'll go back to March 03 comma 01 2024 I'm gonna do a round oop oh my goodness of a Rand yeah I love this intelligence it just gets in your way I think Matt and Rick are staying at the same Hotel oh yeah look at them maybe the guys could you know looks like you got the same room too looks like you same the angle of the pool and everything are you guys beside each other no he hadn't said a word to me times 30 I'm gonna round that to zero and I'm gonna make another line see so now I got to do the date okay so I'm gonna do a date value so this is GNA be time unit time unit I'm going to do days and I'm going to do a datetime format of that because that's the text doshort dat so that puts that in that one and then oh boy go start name do a look up of our table that we created in in the formula am I am I going too slow or too fast or anything am I'm doing all right you're perfect okay now Rick may not agree no you're going fine as long as you spell it right like I said I'm gonna I'm gonna explain this in just a minute I'm just kind of trying to trying to formulate this code first here I I see Matt's face I know he's building a powerbi report right now that he's going to try to Pebble snatch a Kurt you just you just watch okay look I'm okay if you want to go ahead and make this about powerbi we can but no okay we're gonna build we're gonna build dashboards in Paris and I'm just going to do a simple little thing here that you guys and I'm hoping what happens is what you'll see what what I did here and you'll use your guys's own imagination to make this thing just go crazy you can you'll take what I did here today and you'll go out there in your world and and just make some fantastic dashboards because I'm just going to show you some basic stuff but it's out there it's simple but the funny thing is about these charts there's just not a lot of information about it out there you know it's just not you know so and and you know I there are some there are some things about the charts that I wish they would make better but I just feel I just feel like they're not going to do anything more developing with those charts I don't know I hope they do because I just think it's a powerful thing okay so back where was I at uh okay so I got I got a DAT of sale we need I got a stop name I need to get a price G get a price and I'm going to go ahead and just put a fictitional price in here we're gonna round of a round gonna put another random number in here times times 100 zoom in um like you're and maybe bring the code window down so we could um see more of what you're doing there bring the code window down oh okay yeah sure absolutely we can only see five lines of code right now thank you that's all I got right now but it might get worse right if you could if you could zoom in one more time okay on the browser go to 175 yeah will that help you that looks great very nice very nice yeah this I mean it doesn't do you any good to do all this and people can't see it right that's [Laughter] right I mean that's the that's the bottom line here I've learned that with this intellisense if I hit escape and enter that that's how I get around it oh really so hit escape and then hit enter and you can make a new line that's that's been myh thing I tried that and then it took my uh carrot or my C uh is that a carrot or a cursor what's the difference between a carot car and a cursor C the other I hope you don't what' you say Kurt I did I said one of them you chew and the other one I hope you don't you know okay now Matt were you saying something I was saying uh the cursor is is your mouse but uh the carrot is a symbol it's a text symbol that that that blinks in the text editor is that called a carrot oh the blinking line um I think that's placeholder right back up my first job my mentor told me that was a carrot but B bless his heart he's probably forgotten more stuff than M well yeah you know that's what happens when you get old okay so I have the stock name the price the quantity and I'm gonna I like I like to make sure that my so this is an important thing when you're creating a generate you're generating a random number that's going to come up with a key like an ID or something and you're you're doing you're filling up random numbers I like to see what that random number generated is so that's it and I'm G to put that and since I'm doing this in a collection doesn't cost me anything it's not like I got a store out there in persistent data or anything so so that this is like a trick it's no extra charge guys you know this is this is something that's good to know now I've got a lot of random numbers out here and I'm not doing that for every random number but I'm doing that for the ID because the random number that's generating the ID I want to make sure that I'm hitting good data you know even if it's fictitional data when I'm mapping it I want to make sure it's right so I like to have that out there just for a debug it's a good debugging tool so I just stick this out here I'm going to call this generated number so we can kind of see what happen with that I'm going to use the my number which is the same the same number that I've got up here in the wi statement and I got it over here and this my number I'm stored it in my St name okay so I've got that that closes the collect that closes the width that closes the for all there that's it right there I'm happy with that so let me just run this through one time you know what before I do that I'm going to go ahead and put my clears in here this is Magic well it it hasn't ran yet so see well the fact that you're able to like declare variables inside this thing is still yeah yeah um The W so you know we've got three levels we've got three levels of of scoping in power apps you've got your Global level which Darren and I we we warn against that use it cautiously and use it sparingly only when you absolutely have to it's kind of like having water in the desert and then and then we have the the form level or what we call local variables okay but those aren't as local as you can get we have the with scope now this my number is if you look at this just real quick I don't want to go down this Rabbit Hole too long but I think it's important this wi statement has brackets in it just like a record does right also just like update context the only difference between a wi statement and an update context function is one more parameter and that is the the parameter is the second parameter of the width statement is the actual code that you're going to place that that WID that that variable is going to be alive in so it's only going to see this my number inside of this uh curly bracket right here or not curly bracket but this uh parentheses that th those that's the only place where my number is going to exist so that scope is even more local and and more cheap than a local variable a screen level update context variable so it's pretty cool just kind of wanted to put that out there so I'm doing a for all which gives me 10 records we could make that 20 if I change that and then we've got this with statement which is doing a round down of this random and I'm using round down because sometimes I run into a problem with uh including zero and I and and it'll it'll make it uh well I'm sorry it'll go up to four for on me because I'm going to do I'm going to add one to this okay and I don't want to do that so I want to round down and make it zero if it needs to be and then I will go ahead and uh add one to it okay because remember ra random gives you gives you zero and includes zero but it doesn't include one so it's a little tricky so I do a round down when it matters when it matters I do a round down when it doesn't matter I just do around and that's what I'm doing over here I've got a random number here with this text now this is some cool stuff I this is a this date value is a pretty good good it's a creates a date out of any text that you put in there and then this date add I'm just going to go ahead and add whatever number comes up here between one and 100 or zero and 100 actually and then I'm gonna put that in the date sale so I'm GNA get generate a random number I'm going to go ahead and randomly go out there and buy stocks based on this this uh my number here this random number up here a random price and then I G to be a random quantity everything's random here so let's see if it runs let's go see what happens here so we run this thing we collect it it's all done running let's go ahead and see what's in there make sure we've got it we go into collection sales oh I guess I gotta bring my yeah it's a pain you know what I wish I could do with power apps is utilize more than one screen uh maybe have the coding window on one screen and all the visual stuff on the other that would be great that that would be cool okay so if I come down here you'll see I've got now I'm not you can see I got data in here let's see can I boy let me do this one more time and click it on again I'm gonna get good at this by the time I'm done so I've got I've got dates here they're going to be all in March so we're going to make a report in March and I can't oh this thing do it again here there we go and now I've got uh I got my name BOS Burgers looks like I've got 10 records in here you'll see my generated number it's either one two or three okay prices quantities it's all good so I got data this is our this is our sales this is this is the we Che and gum stock company sales for March okay and and what we want to do is we want to generate a report from that so let's do that let's let's go ahead and generate our report let's see um the thing of it is yeah yeah okay I want to talk about shaping Data before I go yeah yeah let's do that yeah see let's do that see okay um let's let's generate a little bit more data all right let's do this um we because sometimes okay this is this is the probably the most important I said all that stuff I said before to get to this point right here oftentimes when you're dealing with reports and I don't care if it's a written report or if it's a chart you're going to have to present that data in a different way than than the way that is stored usually like we have a persistent table out there called the sales table but we're going to have to we're going to have to shape our data now this is what the powerbi tool is used you know they've got powerbi has got some pretty cool shape data shaping tools out there but in programming and if you're going to be an app developer and a good programmer you need to be able to know data very well to the point where you can actually shape your own data okay so that you can put it into your own report s and make and have it make sense so that you don't have to go to the powerbi people to do that and the powerbi people can love you because they can go ahead and they get their time back because your program is doing their work for you know and Mark clo Mark clo down here in the chat says the key to the chart is the shaping of the data and you know why Mark knows that you know why Mark knows that why does Mark know that because he did lab three and he struggled with that and he he did it and he did a great job man he did a great job so by the way guys um you may not know this but the accelerator students we have a whole um we have a set of uh practical labs and exercises and Kurt has created some he's he's laid some golden eggs there for us and lab three you went over Collections and charting and all this stuff all in Lab 3 it and blew me away what you did there I was impressed well thank you as long as you're impressed Darren I'm okay you know and as long as as long as Rick and Sammy I see Sam's out there as long as Sammy and Patty and all you guys are impressed I'm good Rick says whatever I'm glad you're feeling better too Rick by the way I I am I'm getting I'm getting there I can tell you sound a lot better okay so I'm going to do another for our Loop because I'm going to create a collection from our persistent data we're pretending that that collection sales is persistent data and we're going to go out here and create this collection a real collection not a pretend one um and it's just going to have three records in it because we have three we have three stocks all right and I'm going to go ahead and put three there and I'm going to go ahead and get rid of that collect I'm gonna call this line chart this is going to be for my line chart I'm gonna create a line chart with this it's gonna be a really cool one too guys you're gonna love it I promise I promise Patty says she's super impressed okay okay everybody knows that's sub person we got and I know Sammy is I I know Samy I know Samy's impressed because you know why I know that what is that he's a Dallas Cowboy fan unfortunately right Sammy unfortunately uh okay we're gonna go ahead and go back to TBL stocks that's our table we created in our memory the ID equals oops equals the value which is of the the sequence up there and we're going to take the name field of that and then we're going to put a comma there I'm going to go ahead and break another line and we're going to call this total sales okay I'm going to do a text other the sum I'm going to do a summary what are we summar we're going to filter based on that what what uh sequence we're in filter of the persistent data call sales where the stock name I love it when intellisense comes up like it's supposed to and then I'm going to do a look up here TBL stock comma y d equals value and we're going to take the name of that that kills the filter um okay okay then I got to do the the the uh what am I summing right what am I summing I'm going to be summing the quantity times the price both of those are randomly generated as well that's the end of my sum and then I'm going to format that text to make it look somewhat pretty and this is this is a I've got a video out out here on PPC this is how I like to format my my my dollar amounts my currency what's PPC well I'm glad I'm glad you asked Darren that that's our personal pocket coaching offering that we have and it is a collection of videos that uh it's it's it's a collection of videos that are just amazing it ends up being a reference for us right that's pretty cool yeah I'll share a link to that if anybody's interested in knowing more about that and yeah I mean if you wanted to talk about a little bit that's fine too you know Brock says blows me away how easy this coding is to Kurt so much information in the head of his well guys the guy used to program an assembler in C++ so just but you know I I appreciate that I really do but you know it's so funny because I get hung up on some of the dumbest stuff though I mean I'll be like I can't make this work well Kurt you're supposed to add the two numbers together not divide them oh yeah oh I mean you get to carry the one sometimes right yeah I I just don't know how many times Darren's had to come in and look at my code and say well Kurt it's just right here and I feel like I'm just a beginner and I'm the guy that taught him how to program but yet he's gonna show me it's just funny how it works you know well I I remember one time uh it was when I was working with you and I actually lived uh fairly close to you at the time yeah and you're like scooter get over here I want I want you to look at this and I came over and as you explaining it and this thing opens you know instantiates this class right here I'm like bring that up and you brought it up and they were all stubs you know there there were method signatures but there was no code inside and I didn't figure it out but just the act of you sort of showing me the problem you know I don't know if you remember that I do I do remember that but yeah you get hung up I you know sometimes you got you guys are gonna to you're going to be you're going to lay some brilliant code and it's just going to come out of there out of your mind like peanut butter you know just but then but then the next time you're gonna get stuck up on the dumbest thing and you're gonna think that you don't deserve to be even programming you don't know how many times I go I don't deserve to program anymore I needed to get me a job I don't know shoveling something because I sure can't I can't program my way out of a wet paper bag you know and then and then the next day I lay some cod and Darren will go oh K what did you do and then it's like I am a God don't ever just there's no in between right there's no in between you know it's you're either a hero or you're a zero there is anything in between there her zero yeah for real yeah I get that I had a study buddy in Co or yeah in college and it luckily for us it would alternate when we would because we're taking like three programming languages at the same time so we're learning you know Java and Python and yeah and uh you know whatever else and um so on his he'd be the hero and I'd be the zero and then a different class and a different uh chapter it' be the other way around absolutely okay so so we've got data I've got my now we've got our report Table sitting here see we just shaped our data we took this whole mess of data over here in all sales you see all this we got we got price and quantity and we got the stock name over here and the dates and then what I've done in this one is I created another table out here to shape our data and we just want summary data now this is going to go into some some of our reports now what is that up there that looks like a that's look like a chart up there what is that up there Darren you like that you like that Cent show off okay I just want to give people of a visual now this is not this is not anything better than what you have because what I'm showing here is simply uh the three chart controls that you have available to you in power apps and that's all I did is I just dropped them on a form yeah and and you got and it gives you sample data and that sample data in there is really important and we'll be explaining that in just a little bit very good so but but but here's here's the coolest just thought it was neat that you had that up there that's that's a good idea Darren thank you for that so it that you got three three three good look charts out there you know um they do a lot of the work for you so we're gonna see that so anyway so so now we've got the summarized data so I've taken all that data that we had in our sales table out there and I put it into this report format that shows our total sales for each company or for each stock that we sell okay and now we're ready to do some reporting so let's go ahead and create a let the first thing I want to do I I really like these guys this if you want to set up a dashboard and make it look like oo and a you know oo and a and see you got to be careful about what you're putting into oo and A's right because if you're putting oo and O's in there where the user has to do a lot of pointing and clicking those oo and O's are going to go away after about the third time they use it they're going to be going hissing at you they're gonna be hissing on you like a house cat you know they will find out where your cube is at that's what they're G do yeah they will be spitting and hissing because they're gonna say you're making me point and click a thousand times a day more than what I normally do you know and so so this is this is a cheap o and a here that people are just gonna go oh wow okay and I'm just gonna put a container in here we gonna get a container let's just put that thing right here right here and we'll make it about there yeah now this is where Darren's a lot faster than me yeah that's okay you get what you pay for Darren that's all I got to say okay I'm teasing you man I'm teasing you he says no I pay I I pay too much all right so this is what we do here uh now the cool thing about this container is we've got this drop shadow down here I coffee yeah you can you can recover a Kurt from his I think I just you a raise if I'm not mistaken for about the price of a cup of coffee but go ahead I'm sorry yeah about price okay but that's okay you know I'm building this thing one c one cup of coffee at a time oh he he's using the old school newspaper rules where he gets paid by the word that's what it is shut up Matt okay he didn't know that he didn't know okay so down down in here we have this thing called charts and I'm gonna go ahead and just bring a line chart in here and I'm gonna put it inside of my my my container because I just like the way if you try to put a border let me try to show you something if you try to put a border around this chart control right here it does some weird stuff it's gonna put it's gonna try to put borders around everything that's inside of that and I don't want borders inside of that and you can't control it you can't just take the borders off of one of those things so I just say you know what fine we're just gonna keep no borders on there and I'm gonna put the borders around my container is going to be the border a't that smooth trick it's Pro tip I like it c pro tip okay so it now it's what's neat about this also is with this line chart if we look at items the items property we should have if I click on that you see we've got this line chart sample data and the reason why I said that this is important the sample data is good to have is it tells you how this chart is expecting to see the data coming in so we see this chart so in order to use the chart we've got to be able to see what what's it what we got to be able to put our data we can't shape the chart to the data we have to shape the data to the Chart so we look at our we look at our data we look at the chart and we see how do we got to make our data fit into that chart and Mark cloak said it earlier the secret to the charts is shaping your data to the Chart that's the secret so we you'll see here we've got City density and population now and then they gives us an example right here you see we've got cities across here down down below that's our that's our that's our xais our Legend let's talk let's show that for a second here if we go to this line chart we come over here to Advanced you'll see down here you your labels you see your labels are City now if we change that to area look at that it changes it'll put the area numbers down there so we we they it I can't even talk we're using city as as the legend and then you've got your series labels now we've only got one series across here and that's area and you'll see that that's a green color I don't like that you know what let's go do something else I don't like these colors at all so let's go let's go over here to our app and we're going to go back to our our formulas and let's create another formula let's create let's create an fx FX Legend colors okay and I'm G to go ahead and equals equals and I think I can do this let me see if I can get away with it color. red comma color oh boy color do blue comma color. green that just gets us away from what's being used right there and put my do there now yep we're good now if I say this FX Legend colors I should be able to come down here to my chart now chart one if I come down here I believe it's down here should be series oh we got the numbers series one item color set that's what it is right there now look at this this is what comes with it and these are all the different rgba colors to handle the different Ser serieses okay serieses and there shades of green and stuff in there and I just don't like it so I always what I do is I just comment it out because I don't like to get I don't like to get rid of code right I don't like to get rid of code yeah so I'm just gonna keep it in there and I'm G to put my own in here FX Legend colors look at that the we've got one series here and it's it's red and that's our first it's our first color would you mind hitting run just for a moment and then use that Zoom it tool that we have the control one I don't have it set up on my computer I'm sorry I wish I did I I you I forgot until you just said it yeah I had to do reformat and yeah go ahead yeah Brock Brock was asking if we so could you tell us what what those little labels at the bottom of the chart say okay let me can I can I zoom out a little bit maybe that'll help while I'm running it does that help a little bit something move us down a little bit okay so Tokyo Shanghai Soul New York city so these are major cities in the world that that's what that is that's right and when I was showing I was boy I tell you what it's never easy is it nope this is never easy um what I was showing was down here in our Advanced properties well I thought it was in there I gotta be in the thing there there we go how about now where's my data at oh there I wasn't I wasn't up high enough the label this the city labels so it's using the city uh I think I showed this when you were gone Darren oh okay okay so anyway um so we have that so I've changed the colors and we managed the Colors by putting that in I just I want to show that one more time if I come over here to it should be series colors item color set that's what it was and I could put I could put whatever colors I want in there it's just an array of colors it's it's expecting and it's to handle the number of series that you got we'll be seeing that come into play here in a little while maybe okay so so uh let's see where do we go from here um let's talk about this chart now so I've I've got right now we're just using a in the items property I'm just using their line chart sample so let's go ahead and use ours and what I want to do is I want to put in the collection of sales the summary that we did that the data that we shaped Co line chart and we called it co line chart so because it's a line chart and you see right here that I've got a this is actually representing uh this the different stocks that we're selling here and it's drawing a line representing that if I shape my data more look at that oh you know what I didn't you know what I didn't do what didn't you do I should only be getting three I should only be getting three really okay yeah the reason why is because I didn't do a clear data see I'm not it's not as what did I do um Co line chart I need to clear that I need to do a clear of Co line chart there now I should only get three because that collection that collect just it just collects it doesn't care but you'll see every time it's got every time we run this because it's random you know it's going to be different values coming in there now let's talk about this this is kind of cool see this xais here it's lead uh this I I guess it's the x- axis I like this is pretty neat I'll get to the right thing if I go to properties now see this x Lael angle let's do this 45 degrees we can shift it and make it sideways oh wow we can make it zero you know is't that cool yeah very nice the thing I don't like about it of this chart control is that this label I can't change you see how it's got these dot dot dots in there it's programs I don't know how to change it I've not been able to find it out find a way to do it yet but it will take and you can uh it changes the font for you and everything based on the size of your of your chart so if I expanded that chart let's see if I took this this thing and I made it really big to span across my whole screen and I get this whole thing you see I get more of the I get more of the the label now let me Zoom back out so that you can see that better does that can you guys see that better yeah and I can I'll adjust us so it goes even bigger there you go yeah so now what don't you like about it okay the see how it's got wind is Wonder World War and it's got ellipses there oh the Ellipsis and F Freddy's fast Fu and it just cuts off because it assumes that you don't have room for everything and instead of allowing me to change things you know um it it makes it harder to do now what I could and what I could do is for my labels I could do some programming in that maybe uh and I and and that's exactly what I could do you know what I could do that I'm not gonna do it today but here you go Mark uh extra credit so so what you could do what I could do is I could hang another column off the side of this this collection called called uh um legend legend name and could actually do an abbreviation I could shorten it up somehow so that it'll fit in my chart you know and then I can use that so that way I don't have to have that ellipses but you know some people you guys a lot of you guys might not even notice that those ellipses The ellips ey were even there unless I said something you know so okay so so we have the angle there that I thought that was neat now we have this other thing called let me get this back to where it needed to be here let's get this back to small again because I I've got things I want to do I got stuff for you guys today I really do I hope I hope we can get through some of this because it's going to be neat uh oh that's not what I want to do oh my goodness the other thing about this chart that I don't like is that it's kind of in a group and you can move everything around it gets you can really get what happened what happened I can't do my work yeah that's that's that's a that's a movie that Rick showed me called uh Mighty Wind A Mighty Wind okay you gotta check it out okay so what did happen Kurt things just got rearranged there yeah I moved the wrong thing it's kind of like that time when I went in there and messed with your your uh relative placed gallery and I clicked on the and I messed I fouled up all your gallery and you ended up spending about a half an hour fixing my mess and boy he was mad too was I oh it's he just shamed me oh he shamed me to death I was just so full of Shame by the time I got done okay so then we're g we're gonna call this shame he's got a shame stick out there total stock sales that's from Game of Thrones but yeah okay which is not rated G by the way I just want to I've never I've never seen it so I don't know there and let's change let's let's put some let's put some stuff on let's get that 20 I like bold I like bold um that looks pretty good I think and then I want to see so in this properties chart we have all kinds of cool stuff you got grid style you could do like you got your labels see this all it's can you guys see this okay do I need to blow anything up over here do I need to bring it back I think I yeah you get back to 125 yeah okay so this grid Styles now watch this now you guys are gonna be able to read this stuff I could put none so I got no no uh stuff there I could do X only or I could do y only I like to do all I think it looks nice and then we have the number series that that means so if I if I wanted to do if I wanted to plot not only the price or the the total sales let's say I had other fields in there called like quantities I could do I could do different uh values based on that as well so I think that covers most of the Cosmetics there I I want to go into the advanced section here now real quick if if you don't mind uh up on your browser with the the ellipses or the ellip eye uh click on that now right beside the plus that's right beside the 150 there are these diagonal arrows click on that diagonal Arrow so that got rid of your task bar got rid of the the URL bar and your bookmark bar so that's a a full screen thing how about that does it help you guys see it more I think it does yeah okay okay then very good um let me look here I want to make sure I'm covering stuff I got the grid style oh markers this is something like if I if I make this to be false I think we've got markers being represented in properties some of the advanced stuff you know is is not I think markers is on here yeah it's on or off if I take the markers off you see that the at each point it doesn't have a marker on there turn the markers on those are okay I'm okay with that sometimes what I like and don't like depending on what it is is if I've got uh show values now if I show values what happens when I put true on there now there is no I don't think anyway I didn't see it before let me show it I don't think there's a show values on here there's not you got to go into the advanced properties but I I like to use that pratically I'm going to show you how to do that in just a minute but we got show values here we can set that to true and you see what it does there it puts these little it at each marking point it shows you what the value is that it's plotting which can be helpful sometimes but I think it's a detractor so I like to keep it off unless I need it so this now we have the legend down here and this Legend we have the item color Set uh I'm you'll notice that I'm using the one from the line chart it's using the line charts color set we set that with the FX property uh array that I set and the series labels okay so this line chart series labels I can I can put things in that as well I believe if I click on uh oh it's the series like it's the line one series labels which means it's going to be the total sales that's what I used in in the uh in the chart itself when I come in here to my series labels you see that series labels is total sales so there we have it that's that's the first step right there now okay I I want to do some other slick stuff here that's that's a line chart is everybody with me at this point I think so yeah I mean it's pretty straightforward isn't it it's it's a it's not hard to use just you got to have your data shaped right now I want to do a line chart using the other data that we had so this this represents the total stock sales so we actually had to go and compute that we didn't have a table out there in our in our table out there in our in our call sales we're not storing total sales in here this is a line item thing so we actually had to do a summary of each one of the of each one of the uh stocks stock values you know so we had Freddy's fast food and windows and Bob's Burgers and all that so um we ended up doing a summary but we could there is a version of a line control that I think would be good especially for a stock market you might be able to see prices of the stock at any given moment you know that might be kind of an important thing to know sorry guys I'm getting my my throat's getting dry here okay so I'm going to go ahead and I don't I'm not liking the placement of this yet oh that wasn't good that's not what I want to do let me bring that up just a little bit there it gives me a little bit more now can I move this up a little bit Z andna let me sometimes boy I tell you sometimes what just happened here I have no idea where that why that did that but I'm going to go ahead and keep that right there for now bring that down here let me select on my container that's what I want there that's what I want to do let me get him up just a little bit um maybe bring him in just a little bit all right so I'm gonna go ahead and make a copy of all this oh I bet it put it right there in the container too didn't it it sure did it sure enough did come out of here and hit control V there H well you you just can't get a hold of it yeah there hold still there we go just won't hold still all right so I want to do uh let's let's I'm G to go with this I actually need a shorten these down just a little bit maybe because I want to put I want to bring in a drop drop down box oh I did it again Kurt Kurt Kurt Kurt now Kurt I know you're you're working with collections here but we had a question and and I I think it's great I want to know this so would you be able to show with a sample with a simple list from SharePoint if time allows to this into um these charts uh sure it's it's really the same process if I could find a SharePoint list that uh I might have one I just don't have I don't know if I got one prepared that would actually work with our data you know I try I'll take a look though but but really um so what is the question then what was the question so instead of um well well I think maybe I I could probably answer this person's question so you're working with collections okay and your your SharePoint list is is a table of values you could do a clear collect create a uh you know you have a collection name there you could have done a clear collect and then the second parameter of the clear collect would be your SharePoint list ex just make sure you have all the all the field names the same as what you define in your collection there exactly so so really this right here instead of doing this I've got this collect here you see the second parameter all this let me expand my window here this right here is all the second parameter that could be in replaced with the name of your SharePoint list you know you got it brought in with your data source over here right you bring it in and then you just you would just put the name down instead of all this stuff this is this is just me hard coding something in there to show you to have something ready but if you got a list a SharePoint list out there just put that in your in your in your collection you know you don't need to put it in a collection you can just bring your SharePoint list into the into the uh uh the chart if you want to just just put that in the items instead of this collection you see I got collection line chart here in here I can just change this um if I can get to it right here in items instead of call line chart I could put my SharePoint data and put it right in there and you could put a fil in there you could do any kind of stuff you wanted to with that so but um it's just a data source and a collection is a data source so I'm just using the collection at this point uh but it's it is I do most of my work in collections anyway and if you're shaping your data you're probably going to have to unless you're G to have some kind of hardcoded table sitting out there and persistent data that you're going to use over and over and over again to shape your data that's that's something you could do too but often times when I'm shaping data I I just use a collection it's f faster way faster so okay um what did I do again I just keep messing up this this table over here just keeps messing up on me what what have I got a hold of here hold on let me see what I got what happens is I get to talking and then I get going I'm like oh yeah oh yeah it's not it's not easy thinking programming thinking about what you're gonna say next and right and I'm yeah and I'm used to you know as a teacher I'm used to teaching and I'm I'm the only one doing the talking and you know and it's like uh you guys you guys shut up and listen to me but that's not the way it works in this world right yeah it's not it's just not the way it works here so it's a little bit different for me um just let me know when it's my turn to talk it's your turn right now Rick you go ahead hey why why was the strawberry uh why did the strawberry look worried he he was in the jam is that in your database app you know it is one why do I have this oh I don't have it in a a container I was looking for the container I don't have that in the container yet oh okay hold on let me do something see let me look at that insert a container you guys got the talking to me you know look I can't remember how somebody said something about how I could just lay code really good yeah but as soon as I start talking it's over I can't talk and chew bubble gum at the same time I was about to say I'm I'm gonna send you a creative bubble gum so you can add one more thing to do in the middle of this so we were talking about geese flying over and and one one one side of the V was longer than the other because there was more geese in it right have you ever seen Goose poo you know what's in the middle of goose poo can't say I have you never seen it oh any bird poo you know what's in the middle of bird poo poo more bird poo yeah yep that's that's what's in there scientific scientific well you know we could talk about dad jokes so okay all right let me go ahead and put this back in here now that's gonna be making me a little bit happier but what we're gonna do with this little Gizmo guy is we're gonna change his stuff I want to put a drop down list box up here could you have taken your first container and you know you know copied it over I did I I did originally and then I copied it in a container and then I got to talking to you guys and then I deleted the container and then I forgot I deleted the container and then I just yeah so it ended up being a hot mess that's what it ended up being so Darren's Never Gonna want me to do this again he's like Kurt you're not doing this anymore after this see this is gonna be okay so in our drop down list box I want to be able to pick our our stock that we're working with and this is pretty slick I want to use uh what do we call that TBL stocks yep right there and look at that look at that drop down list box a't that great just put it right in there for me I love that and I don't like that blue color right there on that that drop down list box in fact I need to name that because I'm G to use that in code I'm going to call it DRP stocks and this chevron color I don't like my power app looking like a power app so I'm going to change that to great no that's like make that that's better that's a little better maybe okay and so we've got that I'm going to change the this items click on items instead of call line chart I'm going to say filter now this the person that asked about the SharePoint imagine this being a SharePoint list okay this is persistent data this is our this is coming right out of our raw our raw uh sales table okay right now we're just doing our raw sales table we're gonna filter on TBL not TBL stocks co uh sales that's what we call that comma DRP I'm sorry um ID nope I want to call it name stop name yeah stock name equals DRP stocks do selected text. name now Darren this is something new I I I just noticed just now look at this remember it used to be value there right yeah but now now it gives us we could do the actual field names as well as value They just added that I think didn't they that's crazy I thought that they deprecated selected text they wanted everybody to start using do selected to get it everything but uh I guess if they're expanding the list here yeah we used to only have uh value but now we got name and ID so that's um that's interesting it is so we're just gonna go ahead and try it we're gonna put a name in there for now now are those the three properties of your collection does your collection are those the three Fields two Fields two Fields the value is obviously the property of the of the thing you know the thing of the selected text right probably I think um let see I'm trying to get my I got a pro I got some oh got stuff all right so okay so let's see if that's working let's let's let's let's see this when is world Wonder World Freddy's fast food well my value aren't coming in right okay and the reason why is because my I haven't set my my uh chart up yet so I've got this I'm in items I got collections I'm let's let's let's get this thing finalized yet though it's not quite ready yet we're gonna do some sorting on this because we want to make we want this to go from left to right like like a ticker thing you know so I'm going to go ahead and do a sort on this uh where are you on that it's I am I am in the chart this chart right here second the second chart yep okay thank you okay I'm gonna do a comma here and I'm GNA do date value because I put that into a text earlier on so I'm gonna do date value data sale uh didn't I call that data sale what did I call that date sale not data of sale okay I was close I was close see that's what happens when I talk it all just derails after that yeah that's okay so now I'm gon I'm gonna have sorted data and we we can see that based on this right here oh I can't do my okay I gotta bring this down let me get this so I can toggle it back down a littleit so we can see things okay so if you look down here below you'll see I've got my dates can you guys see these dates maybe you can they're sorted from 311 312 321 from left to right so that's that was the effect that we were trying to get okay so then we're going to come in here to my grid my line chart and we got to set this up because it's all fouled up right now and what I'm going to do is go to my Advanced and I'm going to instead of generated number being my series I want it to be the price I want it I want it to be the price now look at that now it looks more like a like a stock market chart doesn't it so if I run this you'll see Freddy's got a whole bunch of sell points on here I come over here to win this Wonder World I've only got two because you remember we're only doing we're only generating 10 at a time let's create some more data here oh look at that now we got Bob's Burger's got a bunch data here so so each time it just depends on you know the the the number of sales is going to just depend on what was generated randomly kind of cool huh yes so far so far so good starting to look like a starting to look like a dashboard a little bit ain't it yeah just a little bit like one it's coming look like a gold golden egg like a golden egg current okay so you know okay so I want to do the those what was it show data so let's do a toggle here let's get a toggle going here how am we doing on time there are we doing okay yep we are okay okay so much pressure okay so um okay I'm gon instead of looking up here why don't I just do this I'm going to put a toggle right there oh it didn't put it right there put it right there that's a little bit that's not elegant looking is it it's not elegant at all at all let's change let's change that property let's go to properties and see what that font's looking like font size let's make that 15 just a little bigger okay and let's put a label in front of that on top of it I mean let's insert a label D that bad boy right there and let's put show values on that we're going to show values and we're going to call this let's see wait a minute let's get this a little bigger too that down just a little bit maybe I just absolutely can love I absolutely love that purple thing that keeps coming up every time I love it Darren yes it is so helpful I'm see see Microsoft I'm being really nice I'm saying really nice things about your stuff um please help me with teams and not not let teams be bad to me anymore please I wish we had an option just to turn all that that purple stuff off that keeps popping up gets in the way more than anything it really does just looks too big right there I just don't like it I'm trying to get happy here there that that looks a little more elegant doesn't that look a little more elegant I can I think so you know what if it's not broke fix it till it is that's what I do all that purple thing I love it okay there we go all right we're gonna change this toggle to T P show values because if what's the rule on that Dar what's the rule it with controls naming controls if you're going to refer to the control in any expression or code you should probably give it give it a meaningful name exactly and tog is a good naming convention for uh Hungarian notation right there tog so uh now what I'm going to do in this yes is we've got a show values if I'm in the right chart here nope there I am and I come into this there should be a show values all there is look at that show values and I'm G to put tog show values dot value and then I'm G to do the same thing over here right yeah there should be a show values I'm G put TG show Val val. value now when I run this thing it's kind of looking like a dashboard uh oh no it's not looking like a dashboard yet looks like a bad program because this this container has no drop shadow shame on thee okay and we always go extra bold on that don't we Kurt always always don't even question it Go bold or go home that's what I always say you know and I don't like this and see look look look look this look at this Darren look at this this is just atrocious look at this label look at that title and we don't want that to be total stock sales because it's not total stock sales anymore what we want to do is we want to put in the name of this what whoever's up here whatever stock we're dealing with right and it's a price isn't it so let's put uh well first of all let's get to the thing there it is you know the thing and then we go to text and we change this and we're gonna say price prices price for uh ersan DRP stocks. selected text. name and then that's done so now look at this boy it's starting to look like a dashboard fellas there's wind's one price for W's Wonderworld price for Freddy's fast food look at this stocks going way up on that one isn't it and in fact you know what we need to do that we need to put stock price that's not just any price that's a stock price okay so we have okay so then we're going to show these values bam look at that turn them off bam we turn them off it's it's not a dashboard until you got some clicky things that you can do put on there so people can feel like they're in a command center you know you want this to look like they're in a cockpit you know dashboard dashboard for an F-16 right here we got clickies here right we got we got clickies all over the place is't that cool yeah it's kind of nice isn't it it is okay but we're not done we're not done we're not done I don't I want to do one more thing you know I want to do one more thing if we can let's do it okay okay I'm trying to think this through a little bit here so I want to put a different kind of we've done line chart a line chart here I want to put a pie chart up there because I want to use our summary data that we've got that we created in our shape our data shaping because this is kind of nice you can kind of see that where where Freddy's is a little bit better than winda and and Bob's Burgers been sold more than you know but that doesn't really tell us a lot I think pie charts when you look at portions of the hole you know what slice of the pie I think pie charts represent that pretty well if you want to know who's got the biggest slice of the pie it's really cool to put a pie out there so that you can see it right so let's go ahead and do that and I think that makes a dashboard and I also like pie charts I you know let me show I I gotta bring something else up Darren talk for a little bit oh oh wow okay yeah uh I don't got anything yeah that's what he does to me all the time he does that to me all the time oh my God what am I gonna do what GNA do H look at my dashboard at my dashboard your dashboard look your go I gotta drag this around I'm just trying to figure out how to use restream tool I start go ahead no you go ahead all right so um I started these notes over here and whenever I've got an example of a dashboard if I can call it a d well this looks like a dashboard uh I just dropped the controls over on a screen this is my checklist inspection app and uh you know this isn't maybe the the best example of a dashboard but it it it's used as a dashboard so they they see pertinent data of what's going on and it's filtered uh based on what needs their attention so it's like a dynamic report rather than yeah y That's cool yep I got some other examples of some dashboards that were done inside of a canvas app that are out there and I think look excellent um so I'll I'll try to add to these and if you guys look at the notes I've got links so if you wanted to uh either download this or or find out who did this and you can see their their blog post or whatever feel free okay you ready to go again I think so I think so hold on let me move you again I gotta move you again here okay so this is full screen thing uh well no well no because I'm gonna have to change the the things I guess I can for now if you want me to if that helps does that help you have a regular keyboard is just uh f11 I don't have a regular keyboard so so um this is just this is a we Che and galim stock company expense track okay yep the wcg and what we've got here is just a bunch of numbers here I put in here and if I look at here this is kind of a a use of once I get something going here let me try when I collect some data this is kind of like a a way of looking at like a dashboard this is another version of a dashboard using pie charts and stuff like that so I just kind of wanted to show you this is data now this is actually SharePoint I'm actually in a SharePoint list I'm pulling this data from a SharePoint list so there you go so there there we have that I I just thought of that but I kind of want should have led with this this this looks great man well I don't want I didn't want to because I I you know this is something different this is something different Darren you just just don't give everybody everything okay but ever the fisherman Kurt so it was the reason why I want to show this is that there's lots of different ways you can display charts to to represent things you know so you know we've got pie charts for the quarters we've got pie charts we got we got bar charts for the quarters you know you could just do different stuff like that with it and that I just wanted to show that because it was a picture of a of something that I had done oh but you know what I gotta do I've got to get out of this U now how do I okay there I am I don't have a regular keyboard dar he's got a stick shift over there it's it's a silly thing okay so let's go ahead and put a pie chart on here I'm going to put a little pie chart up here at the top just a little thing to show the same deal we got here in in uh in a pie chart okay so let's go ahead and insert a pie chart go down here to charts and we got a pie chart and you see we've got we got that same sample data that they put in and I'm going to change that some of this stuff here for now in just a moment here let's go ahead and since we've already got our data shaped we're gonna say it's basically not going to be much different than what we do with this line chart um we go in here we go to items instead of pie chart we're going to say Co line chart right is it line chart yeah and now we got you see we got wind's Wonder World up here and BOS Baby Burgers and we've got all those green Shades going on there too right I I kind of don't like that but remember we've got a a the different series thing so let's see what we can do about that let's go to let's go to where is my Advanced it should be item color set yep right there you see that and we're going to change that bring that to uh it was FX Legend colors look at that now we got a red green and blue there see it was just that that simple nice and so then I'm going to take these labels out of there because I think it's just too much so I'm gonna take I'm gonna and they've got this cool thing this is a really cool thing this uh explode I'm gonna put one here you see how it comes apart there look at this look at that that's kind of neat huh cool that looks like a chart for ants it does doesn't it it's elegant though it's elegant it's elegant and I'm going to change this Legend I'm G to go down to this Legend I'm G change the font down to here down to about 13 and I want to see if I bring that out to there how far can I get away with it because what I'm GNA do show labels no I don't want to show labels I'm going to make this smaller CU I want this just to be small I want this to be just a small little picture I just want to show you guys you can you can do some pretty cool stuff with this bring this title down here you can manipulate all this maybe we're g to call this um total stock sales just to give you guys some ideas on some things that you can do font weight I want you know I like bold Darren I like bold just just kind of partial to it you know at some point I'm GNA get this thing figured out here just got to bear with me hopefully I don't screw it all up it's going to be done in a someday oh my goodness okay I gotta have it that wide I did it okay that's up there put that there now I gotta move this button somewhere I like the button now you know what I'm gonna do with that button yeah I can't we're on air we're on air okay no okay and I'm gonna move this up just a little bit more oh that's too small now jeers all the OCD people look away content [Laughter] one okay that's close that's kind of close to what I wanted to do that's kind of close so you can kind of see you know you could you could you could make that really a small thing like looking like you know Darren you've got your template right and you know how you got your your U your um template heading going on um not not the big heading but the small heading the screen heading you could put something like that in your screen heading that could that you know something small that shows a little graph chart that people can see all you know so you can you can have something there on any of screens you know every one of your screens can end up being a dashboard at some point so there's just different I just kind of wanted to show that that aspect of it you know I like it that's pretty much it that's what I got that's all I got Darren cool and and I actually thought because we were talking about this today and I said you know I need about an hour and a half it's a little bit more than that you didn't talk very much so you know I don't want to throw you off your game I had tons of things to say but well let's go let's talk well most of them were just Jabs at you but I didn't want thanks Darren thanks so just talk about I think what's so exciting about dashboards so we've got so we've gone over line charts uh pie charts um well I guess here on my screen let me let me um bring my screen over here here so these are the three so this is a pie chart this is a line chart and the one in the middle is you happen to know well you got a line chart in the middle you got a pie chart and you got a bar chart to the left bar chart yeah or a column chart I think I think if I insert if I do an insert you're or you're up I can bring yours over though no it's okay just um if you go to the charts go do an insert charts and you'll see it's I think it's called I'm not in powerups I'm in my that's a screenshot so if you don't mind uh go ahead and do it okay it's a column chart right here so you got line chart pie chart and you got a powerbi tile so I guess you can bring up powerbi uh report into this thing if you wanted to I think Matt likes that that's where you could import the geographic location you know to remind yourself where you know Tokyo is or whatever yeah so you can pull in elements that you've done in in powerbi and embed it right into your canvas apps that's kind of cool too so there's a lot of ways you can do it like I think I remember in um early on when you and I were doing first start doing stuff together with these live streams we did a live stream where we were making what was it a service a ticketing system that Microsoft had where it had the round it had little circle that had values in those circles remember that yeah that's kind of a dashboard you know that was a dashboard I I I just think of you know places where you can see like like um high level information that's kind of what you're looking at in a dashboard you want people to be able to see or so that they can get their pulse on on stuff you know um I think did we talk about that last weekend because I got really excited no I don't think so I think it was I think it was Sunday when I got really excited about that uh AI function we got some new AI functions and I did a video on that and we're going to be doing a bunch of videos on that uh but imagine those some of those AI functions could really be used for dashboards like uh there's a SE AI sentiment function which determines whether or not a uh a customer's comment was good favorable unfavorable or lukewarm and you know that would be really good to put into a dashboard if you had a listing of of you know you did a summary if you counted the number of customers that had good things to say versus bad things to say you know and you could do a percentage based on that or you could do a dashboard that shows nothing but the negative ones you know we always want to focus on the ne well we got to fix things right so so you know you could you could use something like that to show these are the customers that we need to worry about here because they got some negative feedback you know so put down here think of agre ation and summaries so we're not interested in just one record we want to take a subset of the data and think about totals and counts and sums and um averages medians um help me out here statistic type of stuff right yep I never took statistics you guys so that's something that's something I kind of want to do with our Workshop is maybe work with some statistical information like maybe doing averages and medians and modes you know um what type of aggregation functions do we have inside the power apps count rows I think there's also account an account um if there's an average I believe there's a sum I mean there's all kinds of stuff up there average some count um and then you can make your own too you know that's true finding finding the median finding the mode do we know what those are Matt do you Matt Rick uh median is um you have a series whoa I'm disappearing um it's the middle number of a series it is that's exactly right and what mode is the most common uh number in a series the highest frequency highest frequency right yeah yep that's right that's right good stuff man so you tell tell's well educated right so you array your data from smallest to highest and you find your Middle Point that's the median and so so it's really I like when I'm doing charts every dashboard I've ever done with charts I've always always produced average median and mode because oftentimes the average is not it's a misleading number you know let's say if I was doing bowling if I went out there bowling and I couldn't break a hundred most of the time but one game one game lightning in a bottle hit and I got a 275 you know well now I walk around thinking man my my average for three game series was 210 I'm pretty good dude you can't even bowl a 100 most of the time so but that average that one game skewed the data right so you find so you do something like you just said you you you would have the median you find your middle point and it would say well there's your middle you get you know you divide it by two you find your middle and there you got it's a better representation sometimes especially if the data is not very big you know if you don't have a lot of data points yeah you know and if you got a lot of data points it's really good to find the mode you know because you know because you got those outliers but most commonly it hits here right so so I like to represent all three of those those those statistical information points in my charts you know I've got a visual for you guys here just take me a moment and this is from a post in um uh the Microsoft community that I found I'll include this link in the in the notes and I'm going to put the link here so shows examples of um the the aggregate functions okay so we have Max now this is funny to use a concatenate function where you could just use an Amper sand and be done with it one character to splice two strings together we' got Max we've got Min sum average standard deviation p uh the V the variation um so that's what I saw out of that and I'm trying to come up with more of a definitive list um here's a link from Microsoft learn yeah so I'll go down here to my outline and so the aggregation and summaries these functions here and there that is create a bookmark and I'll actually bring this up here so this like you're trying to figure out hey what what should I do here to uh you know you trying to come up some ideas for a good dashboard we'll go through the aggregate functions okay average Max Min sum so maybe those are is that a full list we got examples down here okay go back to the notes and uh let's look at some examples here so this is a great example of a a dashboard that I I really like now doesn't have charts all over the place but it has two progress bars and it shows me exactly what I want to see so this is an onboarding application this is a uh canvas power apps uh template that Microsoft provides um and if you use it you probably have to do a lot of fixing things up because they're a bit old but look at this here's my profile and I'm trying to get onboarded here's my name my title shows me my progress um write in an about me email all this so here's a to-do list so I need to complete my W4 form and all this other stuff it shows me which ones are done and it gives me a progress bar then we got quick resources and tabs at the top I think it's a a great dashboard what do you guys think of this nice yeah on a scale from one to 10 what do you have for us right 65 six boy you read my mind that's exactly what I was about to say 65 oh 6.5 what do you say Matt on this dashboard uh yeah I I I'll stick with Rick okay it's organized but there's not very much color all right yeah do you like this card or you think it's a little lackluster for you I I like it I I like it for the organization but for the opposite reason um that Matt thinks um I I don't like a lot of color um some color because too much color I think brings the the eyes away from the the data there's too much data there there's just too much stuff there if if if I'm thinking of a CEO looking at this man they're gonna say I don't have time to look at this they're gonna look at that for about three seconds they're gonna say no get away you know yeah they're got they're assistant hey what what does that say [Music] um let's look at um oh my goodness what happened I think I accidentally hit some type of a narration did you guys hear that nope I did hear something so here's my uh checklist inspection app I I'm not g I'm not gonna act like this is a super duper great dashboard um now these look great R and something that people get excited about is they got like a dark color and then the the bright colors on the foreground or the fonts or the charts if you can put in a map of something and put little pins on it or something people people love that eat that you know so if this is a CR Arm System maybe I'd want to see a a a world map and little points where all my customers are from and visually I can say oh yeah most of them are from Canada or some other country so have you guys seen any dashboards that you've seen and you really uh like and think think are great or uh you know any applications that we use that you feel that have a great let's let's look at uh power apps itself does power apps itself have does it have a dashboard well let's go home we got all kinds of stuff what what do you want to do on the home screen well you probably want to create a new app or you might want to open up an existing app or maybe you're trying to learn it's got everything that I would expect like getting started at home type of thing so that's where you want to be mentally is hey what what are the types of things that they want to um what are the questions that the user's asking right when they come to the dashboard um it might be uh you know what things are assigned to me what do I need to do here that type of stuff you got something to show us Kurt I do if you whenever you're done it's just it's not that important so um this is this is uh another this is actually a lab from accelerator uh Mark Mark's going to know it pretty well but uh somebody had asked Can you plot more than one line together and I and I and I did yes you can it's just about shaping your data again you gotta you got to make sure that you shape your data so that the the um the chart can understand it so understand that you got three series and you got to be able to put that in there three different series player one player two player three and it's just a matter of of of just plotting it after that so just wanted to wanted to answer that question are you're at liberty to to show us any more of your uh lab stuff well um what would you like to see uh visuals um or or just like take it for a spin and like I think you got some random uh stuff in there so this is lab three right what's that yeah this is lab three yeah yeah now your F just your face just lit up I want to see what you're thinking of that smile appeared on your face here here's some of the code if if that's what you're wanting to look at here I don't spend too much time on it but I do want to kind of show we do stuff in here this is shaping data at a high level as Mark Mark will be able to tell you because he's done this and um there is a lot of data shaping going on here so uh I'm not really this is just kind of a quick tour of what shaping data can look like you know of course the green stuff is just me coding stuff out and that might actually be the end of it right there yeah um but this right here okay so I just kind of want to show you I've got this thing called game history here it's a collection it's just a game history and it's just taking if I look at the collection game history right now in the data I've got player one player two and player three now that gets mapped if I change the names let's say if I do this if I run this and I put Kurt Darren nice mat okay see that all gets changed huh I wasn't invited to play all right all right here you can have you can have my spot Rick I just invited I'm a I'm a terrible bowler anyway so then we go bowling oh you know what this isn't working because I gotta reset it I didn't yep I got a bug in here fell okay here we go now let's run it stings there we go look at that look at that pie chart going see Darren was winning and now he's not now he's starting to starting to even out a little bit total wins you got Darren's got four Matt's got three why I oh Darren just won again oh Matt won again Rick you okay Rick just won he's M oh no look at he's on a roll oh Darren Darren there we go now notice that this thing gets more and more it's a game history it's the individual games right so let me let me reset this again let me show you this okay so you go bowling and it starts off you see we got the dates actually this is a time because we can we're we're plotting times here but you know we're going to be clicking quite a bit right so so I click it again and we got more times it just keeps adding to this and that kind of keep kind of cool but now watch what happens once it after a while it gets to a point where those numbers just it doesn't make sense to even have them anymore so you take them out look at that kind of nice huh but uh so it's just a matter of shaping your data so that you're your your you your Series so these series I guess I'm trying to explain that that's the whole reason why I brought this up was so that people could understand that that that question about can you put more than one thing so you can compare yeah I've got comparison in all of these but this is one of the labs yeah this is this is actually uh lab three y um but you'll see I've got number Series right here and in my Advanced I've got player one player two and player three and that's how I that's how you compare it and you got to make sure that you got your data in there so as the data could be 50,000 plus after filters do you have any recommendations um so you got to display 50,000 records at a time so there was a message before that I'm creating currently a customer list generator app which is based on datae on the left side I'm having a list of attributes in equals to so customer can have several filters I think this was the one that you saw as the data could be big 50k plus after filters do you have any recommendation I need some to create a collection or just a gallery so I can represent the data in a bar chart dynamically okay so my my question was do you have to see that data all at once those 50,000 records is there a way to summarize that a little bit you know Darren had an example that's coming to my mind one time somebody said they had you know you had people from all kinds of all all the states they're doing a nationwide thing and they were saying and and uh there's way over you know 10,000 records Nationwide and Darren says well can you can how about per state can you can you just show one state or can you show two states or a zip code something like that things like that narrow it down I thought that was a pretty good example Darren um yeah yeah so so maybe you've got to look at no ideally I need the filter after all filters but I am struggling to do all those and oh okay and a Norse together yeah those are fun what I what I would suggest for you Jose is uh if you have access to sequel server um you could create a you know a joint in a view you call a store procedure that will do all that aggregation of number crunching and it would just return the aggregate numbers and you wouldn't have any issues with delegation at all but U you said that you are using data verse which is uh of course much better than than SharePoint you can still create a uh some views in dataverse um so you you could uh I I'll probably steer you that Direction create a view inside a data verse and then uh reference that view that Aggregates the data and I think I think you'd have a winner there and uh I'm trying to find some more visuals uh for you guys so we can uh look at and discuss different types of uh dashboards so over here in the notes uh Kurt actually brought this one up this is a service desk application and uh he's saying that was sort of like a dashboard so we don't have any charts or anything but we have aggregation of data up here and um what I if I would have designed this maybe you see we got these filters on all the side these numbers could be over here on this side and then you could have more space up there and let's see here Brock says with my model driven inventory application I was thinking on changing over to Canvas to use the Office 365 uh groups for being able to make the app Dynamic now you can make charts with connectors okay and then how many people have checked out equipment yeah I would say um we could do now curtain I we don't I've done some model driven applications I don't like model driven very much I I try not to talk about it I also feel like I'm not an expert in model driven so uh you'll see me not say much about the model driven end of things but if it's canvas apps uh you know maybe we could go over something like that um you know in the workshop I I need a little bit of time to prepare for it uh a great tool you know if you're going to create dashboards you need a lot of data that you can Aggregate and what I recommend is a website called macaroo yeah wondered about that through Matthew deaney and I'm G to share that link in the chat and this allows you to generate some great sample data and I'm also going to put it in the notes down at the bottom for references and I should say things to check out so that's in the show notes see what else so Kurt you brought up this dashboard that was a part of the service desk um what do you like or don't like about this dashboard I I actually love it as a dashboard um really okay you know weal we talked about charts but like dashboards aren't all about charts you said it's about aggregated data it's really about aggregated data and when we say aggregated that means rounded it all up into a summary and look at those look at those five numbers at the top right there there's they're they're all aggregated we know at a glance and they're big the numbers are big there's not a lot of data that's uh that's getting in the way of seeing what's important here and it's a it's a it's a dashboard to me that is a dashboard and if you want to see something more than just those numbers you can look at the drill down below it you know so absolutely I I love it as a dashboard um it doesn't have charts now wouldn't that be cool if you could put little charts little pie charts across there or something maybe at that or somewhere in there you know but we can't we can't bother those powerbi report guys for for little reports like this why don't you know why not create them your yourself here inside of it right but for a dashboard you're just I love the that that where you can just at a summary at a glance you can see that the you get a pulse on your whole your whole uh whatever it is you're you're dealing with your whole business right yeah um not only in a dashboard you want to aggregate data but you want to think about uh kpis key performance indicators and there's another acronym okrs um I don't know much about okrs but my wife tells me it's like the new uh kpis so any type of metrics that managers would be interested in seeing or the users would be interested in seeing little uh you know metrics let's say for these tickets um maybe I'm logged in and and it's going to show me the average response time I have to a ticket maybe just to initially reach out to the customer then I've got a time of like how long it takes me to close a ticket and then a manager could have a dashboard showing who's your best performer who fills tickets you know um you know or who's your worst yeah um I think that uh yeah o okr Jose says objective key results thank you and uh there's nothing that would uh you know if you want to sell a manager on using power abs or impress them you know give them what they what they want they want these kpi key performance indicators and these objective key results and aggregation they just want to see a u a nice summary of what's going on now if you're driving a car um do you want to see do you want a transparent body of a car not that I've ever seen one and in you know for a real car but you don't care what's going on underneath the hood you just want a nice dashboard and dashboard is going to tell you what your your instrumentation you're going to see the RPMs you're going to see your speed how many miles you have uh any temperature uh fluctuation you know you you get these lights come on that uh you know maybe your engine's getting a little too hot um all these things I mean that's a real life dashboard right there that um you know if you drive a car you're you're very used to having you know so think about it that way when people use an application they don't need to see all all the data just good little summaries yeah go ahead Kurt so so you just talked about the dashboards and you know what you just I've got a I'm I'm old school where dashboard was just you know you had your RPMs you had your speedometer your gas your heat and your oil that was it but now I've got this I've got this Silverado this thing has these you got to hit this button you see how many miles per gallon you're getting for the last 30 miles you got your air pressure on your tires you got your you got so much stuff on there how many miles to a recommended oil change right I'm just look I'm just trying to get from point A to point B without crashing here I just need to you know I don't have time to get down here and look at all that man so it's like it's almost like it's a drill down it's like too much man so I guess the reason why I wanted to interject that Darren was because try not to have that tendency that that you want to put more information out there sometimes more is not a good thing right keep it simple yeah yeah you might want to have a limit to how many things you're showing them in the dashboard absolutely um I mean look at just over the years how much dashboards have changed over the years and you say oh they've changed a lot but I mean come on we're still displaying the odometer speedometer tachometer the you know the temperature you know how much fuel uh you know that's at the core the common denominator across the years all makes and models and that type of stuff so yeah um if they had put a bunch of stuff in there maybe people wouldn't uh buy them they look at the dash oh my goodness I'm out of here I'm gonna go with a different one you know so yeah used to be a tech and it's all sensors reporting to a central brain and if stuff is out of parameters to turn on the checkl like that when I worked at um uh estate agency I you know they all their service test technicians sat in this room and they had a projector and the whole wall was filled with dashboards you know the the speed of the internet so people oh I can't I can't access the internet and they look up and you're like Well everybody's experiencing that problem based on this dashboard up on the wall you know so they know what's going on they can respond appropriately to situations um as they have this information so there's like a sweet spot between too little information too much information and making it uh accessible and Visually U you know allow somebody to visually process it quickly so they can make a decision and super basic breakdown right Kurt I I want to thank you for um you know sharing uh what you did here and guys if you have any topics now so the the workshop next Friday will be more of getting into the um we're expecting you to get in there start creating some cool dashboards and whatever project that you're currently working on or you want to work on and we'll help you with those but we'll we'll have more examples to go over and even more Concepts so you can always always reach us at I'm going to bring up our uh email address here at the top you always reach us at support at n is at the very top of the screen it's listed right there you want to join our community I actually created a third School Community guys can you believe that and I'm offering a membership for $1 right now I even had a chance to talk to you about this Kurt um now the price is going to go up but let me bring this up so right now you can get in at a dollar if you click on the community tab right now on the YouTube channel what you'll see is that post and then link directly to that and what it what is it uh what it's going to be is I'm going to create a power apps a canvas power apps application template from scratch and it's going to be 10 times better than my jump start kit and and uh the people in that Community are sort of going to drive the features in there and what I'm going to encourage is that everybody shares their tweaks and their improvements to this to the files that I'm I'm doing I'm producing and we can share these and then we can build full apps based on that template and make them available to all the other members so over time uh you know so right now I'm thinking um now if you get if you get in at $1 a month that's all you're going to pay for forever in perpetuity uh you always going to pay one so you're G be grandfathered in at whatever amount that you come in at so I would recommend you guys click on it now $1 is is sort of cool uh for the value that's going to be um so we're talking like today if you get in today that's just going to spend $12 a year to get all these application uh templates that we're that we're going to build and um and then tomorrow it might be $2 and I'll I'll increase it by $1 at a time so I'm I'm I'm strongly considering just raising it uh once a day maybe once every two or three days you know so um anyhow I just thought I'd share that hey that's less than a price for a cup of [Laughter] coffee coffee yeah you can you can cover a Kurt from his that's the only reason I said it who's got the power now Darren who's got the power I don't find that the least bit I've got the power I guess Kurt doesn't sing when he's got potato chips in his mouth oh I didn't know I supposed huh I've already got you've already got me doing that I was expecting you to S there no I do have something every once in a while you guys were here is talk about the accelerator program and uh maybe maybe not everybody wants to know more about it it's not for everybody but uh I do have some information to share with you guys about it this has been the key ingredient for the hundreds of people that we've helped dominate in their organization with this one skill you're able to simplify processes for countless tasks like tracking leads doing inspections logging attendance booking desks in a shared office generating reports tracking employee performance and the list goes on if you ever project that you need to get done or you're an IT professional or a developer or if you plan to eventually do some freelancing work with Microsoft power apps I am literally the only person you need to accomplish your goals spreadsheets and all the old ways of doing things are becoming redundant and the people who are able to build power apps are going to accelerate the professional career so much faster than everyone else who's okay being average I have over 20 years experience as a software developer and have been working in power apps for over 3 years we have lots of course material for you but if you're eager to accelerate your expertise with power apps at a much faster pace and want to work directly with me this is what me and my team are going to do for you number one we're going to figure out exactly what projects and skills you're working on and the overall end goal number two we're going to get clear on exactly what data sources are needed for your projects if it's a particular project with a deadline we're going to work with you to make sure that you meet that deadline and number four we're going to work with you to make sure that you master the platform so not only can you finish any project that you're currently working on the projects that come up in the in the future and you might want to take those skills and become a freelancer in the future if that sounds like something that you're interested in and you want to expedite the process of being able to build apps that can literally be used for years and you want to be an important asset to your organization in any future companies you work for click the button below and we can have a 15-minute chat about what you're needing and how we can help and YouTube thinks you're going to like this video next let's see if they're right or you can select this playlist which I've selected for you based on the content you're currently watching guys got to hurry click one of them otherwise YouTube's going to autoplay some other video got the power Darren who's got the power I got the power [Laughter]
Channel: PowerApps Tutorial
Views: 2,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X8AZMejbMPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 36sec (8136 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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