Creating spell and other AOE templates in Roll 20

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all right so i'm going to show you how to um use some pre-existing graphics uh like the ones you can buy uh on the rule 20 marketplace uh to make like a spell template okay so let's say um the other day uh one of my friends was doing uh spirit guardians okay so let me show you how that could work right so you do for you know here's basically how i i learned to do it um so first of all you can go into the compendium or you can go in like d and d beyond whatever um i like doing it this way if it's in here because then uh um it's right here right so you can pull it up right bring it on here i'm gonna copy this i'm gonna leave that here for now so i'm just gonna drag it off um just in case if you didn't know this this is something i learned after a long time of doing dnd uh dm'ing on roll 20 is that you can double click on this and you can drag it down you can do that for like the dice roller two which is nice to have um you know you can do that for if you're doing a pre pre-made campaign you can do that for the uh the stuff that's written you can you know expand it and then double click it to to minimize it and then you know bring it to a part of your screen and when you need to see it again you just double click again and etc okay so what we're going to do is we're going to make a character right now you can kind of see up here i've already done this i did a different magen spiritual weapons spirit guardians award and wins um so i'm gonna go to add character um so what i would do is i'm gonna do um i'll do spirit guardians again i'll do spirit guardians 2 just so i know that that way i i'm going to get rid of it after um i'm going to put it in whatever player's journal has it so in my group it's brian right so i'm going to click on that and then i'm going to do that brian can edit and control it because that way it'll be in his journal right this tab up here and then he will be able to just drag it out himself right which is really nice um if you want you could do uh tags here like i usually do templates um what i've been doing for brian is i've been doing cleric because he's our only cleric so basically like his cleric abilities i'll i'll make that so it's easy to find all right now um first of all you'll notice that the the name up here it will change once i click save changes um okay so i got that part set up for now so what i need to do for actually you know what i'm going to just save changes so i have this uh i'm going to go to character sheet i'm going to do create a npc and then just click close because i don't need to do anything with it um obviously if this was going to be a character then i would do that but i don't need to so i'm going to click clue actually you know what um i'm going to go to edit and then i'm going to drag this over here okay then if you notice i have like this circle thing right what i always end up doing is um i forget i forget what the name of the things that i bought are um so let's say if you have this as actually you know i downloaded these on my uh i downloaded these so i can do that hold on let me what you can do is you go to upload right and choose a file let me go into downloads i downloaded this the other day um i forget which one i think was it in here it doesn't really matter which one i do um let me just add this one in sphere of color wait let me see if i can remember what uh how big spirit guardians is um her guardians is 15 feet okay so um let me add in so something with 15 feet right so sphere cone of color no uh cone of color no did i do i think i might have used a different one um okay sound blast it doesn't matter what it is as long as it's something um for the sake of right now i'm just gonna do this one right so uh 15 foot radius gonna upload it here now if it's something you bought in the marketplace right like there's some template packs then what you can do is you can go in and you can uh search for the name of it and then you would just type it in right like i know that there's like a ghost ghostly hand i want to say oh um no okay uh if you're doing like may chand right con i think it's called conjure hand yeah conjured hand conjured blade right um so yeah because i i bought one called chaotic conjuration uh from roll 20 it was like a few bucks and there was another one from roll 20 that was like thaumaturgy toasty thaumaturgy i think that was pretty cool so anyway now i have it here um i can get rid of this so it will show me this and i'm going to bring it up here right so it said it'll tell you six by six right so if i want this to be 15 i'm gonna go one two three four five six all right so now i don't have to worry about counting and whatever um if you get a good template it'll be made up with this right so you can you can have it perfect um if you want uh you can go into something like photoshop or something like uh you know any other image uh editing software that will allow you to adjust the opacity uh of this image and you can dial it down right so like what i did with my spirit guardians is oh that's weird oh it's it's just the image what i did with um with my spirit guardians it's 15 by 15 but i made it like maybe fifty percent opacity or some opacity opacity opacity whatever um so that it's easier to see through um but yeah so for right now i'm just gonna keep it like this um there might be a way to do it in roll 20 i'm not 100 sure um so then we only have a couple more quick things to do um and it's gonna be ready to go so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go into the spirit guardians thing again you can get this on d d beyond et cetera right i'm gonna copy this and i'm going to look down here i'm looking for the cast as a dm i like to see this the casting time i don't need the range because i have it um and its concentration is up to 10 minutes all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into this um i'm gonna go down to here i'm gonna paste in what i just put in right and it tells you all this stuff and i'm gonna type in for myself one action casting time i'm gonna put 10 minute duration and i'm going to put a concentration because for me those are the things i need to know and um i could click save changes but i'd have to come back in here so i'm just going to leave it open like that um this can actually go away if i want to all right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go in because this is a token okay i'm going to click on here and i'm going to have this represent spirit guardians 2 because i already have it ok i don't need to show the name plate i don't need to do any of this other stuff i don't need this i could if i want to i could put in something but like i want this to be visible to everybody or everybody who's using it i don't need anything in this i don't need anything in this right i'm just going to keep it like that and i am going to save changes and then what i would do is keep this selected right if i accidentally click off i just select it i go in here and i go use selected token all right and because it's already expanded and because it already represents the spirit guardian's quote-unquote character it is uh all i have to do is drag it out from now on and it's going to be exactly the same as i want um and then what i could do too to make it to make it so i can see um you know what this looks like in the the uh over here basically in the menu over here is i can bring that in and then i would just do save changes and we're good right so then uh if if uh you know brian could go in here and do this on his own just drag it in there and then he can move it around sorry so like let's say his character which one is he he's angus right so we have his character right here and then he can drag in his spirit guardians we can do send to back right that would that might make it a little bit easier and then he can put it near his character right wherever he wants it um it's gonna kind of do one of these so like you're getting like a rough thing um what i found is if i can make it like this then i don't it doesn't act like a token anymore maybe there's a way to fix that um but basically like this is this is good enough to work right and then so you're gonna be able to see where it connects with everybody around it um and then what he can do is he can go like this and then when he moves himself it'll move that with it right i can do this as well too and then you just delete it right and so you can do this for me chandra i'll show you may change real quick all right so magenta uh if i do shift and double click it's going to open it up all right so this is the bio right all this stuff in here um has the token and all that stuff um and same thing as before right i just did the exact same thing and then uh you know i can bring that in spiritual weapon you know same thing i can put it in here he can move it around etc and then we get rid of it when it's time uh you can also do stuff like this with like torches if you're using dynamic lighting on d and d beyond this is kind of cool right where you can put this in and this will have the dynamic lighting already set up and i did everything exactly the same the only thing i did is when i went into the token i went to represent character torch right i made a character over here and then advanced um i put 40 feet of bright light 20 feet uh oh 40 feet of light total 20 feet of dim light right so the first 20 feet is going to be bright then it's going to be 20. all players can see the light and that's it and then you save the changes and again you can make it um i think i made i think i made the torch quote-unquote character so that everybody um can access it yeah all players can use it so they can take it out so you can do that with a light spell you know you can use something for light etc so it's pretty cool it's pretty easy um so hopefully uh that is helpful for you um if you have any questions let me know and i hope you have fun dming your roll 20 game
Channel: Peter Flynn
Views: 757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tMye7FkdOeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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