Creating PHASING ANIMATIONS in Lumion with the new Phasing Function!

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what's up guys justin here with the back with another lumion tutorial for you so in today's video we're going to talk about how to use the animated phasing feature in order to create a phasing sequence animation where different parts of a building fly in and the building's kind of constructed piece by piece inside of lumion so let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so note that this got added in lumion 11. so if you have a version older than that you're not going to be able to access this feature but what i want to do is i want to go into my example models and there's a model that's set up in here for the animated phasing effect and we can kind of talk through some of the basics and then we can bring in a simple model from sketchup where i can show you kind of how you would set everything up in order to create that animation so let's go ahead and open up the valley winery model right here in our examples all right and so first off i've turned my editor resolution down a little bit just so this isn't really um heating up my computer in the background trying to render all of this stuff so that's why the quality is a little lower than usual but what we want to do is we want to click over into the movie mode that's where we're going to be able to access the animated phasing so if we click into movie mode like this you can see how there's already some animated phasing videos in here so there's videos where they show like the basic phasing animation and how that can look notice how the parts are going to kind of fly in here like this so that's one example of the way this looks there's another example over here where the same thing comes in but it's a little bit different because it's phased in with different groups instead and so what we want to do is we want to add our own phasing animation and so the way that we do that is we need to add a new clip so we're going to click over here and we're going to click on record and for now i'm just going to click the plus button to add a keyframe so all i'm doing is setting my camera view at the moment then we're going to click on the check box and we're going to go back over here and just for simplicity's sake we'll just add a realistic preset right here well now let's add our phasing preset or effect so we're going to click over here on add effect then you want to go into it's under featured but i think it may also show up under animation we want to add animated phasing to this model and so when we um when we add animated phasing to this model that's going to pop up this little option right here where you can click on edit and so edit is where you're going to be able to adjust this phasing animation so notice how right now nothing is happening but what it gives us is it gives us a timeline down below as well as a menu over here where we can edit the different objects in our animation and so there's a few different options in here like the effect that you can use in order to bring things in as well as the start time and duration of these effects so first off let's add a couple objects so the way that i'm going to do this is i'm just going to click on the button right here for the pencil we're going to add a couple objects let's go ahead and let's fly around and maybe pick up some of these walls so we'll just pick up the perimeter walls real quick [Music] and notice how they turn green when you click on them in order to indicate that they're selected all right so now we have three walls selected so once we're done selecting the objects that we want we can click on the button right here for save changes well now what this has done is this has associated those three walls with this animation right here notice how now if i click and drag in here that wall is gonna fly into my scene so at the beginning of this clip there's no wall if you drag this to the right the wall is in place and so that in the most general sense is how we're going to set up these different animations but now let's take a look at a couple of the effects that are available here so if we click on this drop down right now this is set to pop in well let's say that you wanted this to fall out of the sky instead you could set this to a sky drop instead of the pop in what that's going to do is that's going to bring this in from the sky right here so you could have the different pieces fly in you could also set them so they rise out of the ground in a place like this or you can set this with the implode feature which is kind of an odd one but it just has everything come from way out like had it had been exploded and then it brings these together and puts them in place so you can really set any of these that you want i kind of like the skydrop effect myself and so there's some options you can set in here like the move distance so that's going to set like how far out this moves in from so you can adjust the way that that looks a little bit with this slider right here and so now let's go back and let's add something else so let's add another clip in our animation so to do that we're going to click on this button right here for add phasing animation that's going to add a second animation in here well now we need to link that to some objects so in this case i'm just going to click on my pencil and i'm just going to select the windows this time around all right so now we have our window selected so what we're going to do is we're going to click on save changes and so when we save our changes now you can see that not only are our walls going to drop in but our windows will drop in as well and somehow i selected the ground in here and i guess that's okay we can kind of leave it as is but let's look at some options for how we can adjust these down here so for example let's say that we wanted our windows to drop in after our walls are in place well the way that we can do that is we could select our phasing animation number two and we could set our start time to one second so what that means is that means that now one second after this clip starts our windows are going to fly into place like this and so one thing we may want to do is we may want to set our phasing animation to be a little bit longer and the way we can do that is to uncheck the auto and we can adjust the length right here so now you can see how we have a lot more time in here so we can adjust our first and second animations like this so now if we click play our walls are going to drop in and then our ground and our windows will drop in so and because the ground plane got selected in there i might take this and set this to be a ground rise instead so i might want my walls to drop in and i might want my windows to come out of the ground but you can see how we have that second animation set up right here and then let's say we wanted to add a third all right so we would do to do that is let's go ahead and let's add another phasing animation down here so we're just going to click on phasing animation and for this one we want to add all of these furniture objects that are in here and you can set this by the way by clicking on the outdoor object so you can only see the little dots for objects that are set as outdoor type objects inside of lumion but i'm going to go through select all of these and then click the check box then i'm going to set this one to start at 3 seconds like this we're going to set this one so they drop out of the sky so now if i play this i've got my walls dropping in i've got my windows coming in then i've got these dropping down and all these seem a little bit fast so what we can do is we can adjust their duration so for example instead of having phasing animation one drop in with a duration of one second let's give it a duration of three seconds so we're going to make this animation a little bit longer then this one will change our start time to around three seconds and we'll set our duration to around three seconds as well notice how you're getting this dark bar in here the dark bar is indicating the part of the animation where the movement is actually occurring that's going to be your duration so then this one we'll move it over to six seconds and we'll set a duration to three seconds well now if we click on play this animation is going to come in but it's going to come in a lot slower so you can use this to adjust how quickly or slowly these objects come in just like this so in addition if you don't want these all dropping in at once like this you can adjust the stagger so that these get brought so that they don't get brought in at the exact same time so i'm going to click and drag this we'll notice how now this is just going to kind of randomly bring these in and one thing i might adjust is i might have the the move distance be a little bit lower in here so they're not coming quite so high out of the sky when they come in but notice how now if i click play i've got some kind of like random stagger in here as well and you can play around with this effect a little bit in order to get the result that you're looking for okay so now let's say that this gave us everything that we were looking for in our animation so what we could do is we could click on save changes then we would go back in here and so note that our animated phasing is set up inside of our effects we can control the camera location by using the edit clip function and so what we want to do is let's say first of all we want this clip to be longer right we want the whole thing to be we'll call it 10 seconds and so now let's add another keyframe just by moving our camera and clicking on add camera keyframe so then we'll add a third right here so that has set our camera movement right and i'm going to adjust my overall camera length so that it's about 30 seconds long whoops or we're going to click on the check box right here so now our clip is going to be 30 seconds long and so we've set our camera movement by setting those different views inside of our clip and then we've set our actual animation using the animated phasing right here we can go in and adjust that so let's say we want the whole thing to be shorter let's say we want the whole thing to be maybe like 15 seconds long so then we'll save this we'll notice how now your camera movement is going to be more pronounced and you're still getting this animated phasing coming in here just like this so you can use this in order to set up these animated phasing clips and then from there once you're done you just click on the button for render clip in order to go through and render that out and i'm not going to do that right now just because that's going to be fairly time consuming but that's how you would render this when you're ready to render it all right so now let's bring an example project from sketchup into lumion so we can take a look at what this process would look like with your own models so this is a quick model that i've put together using a medic medics wall and medics truss extension and flex tools for the windows and so the first thing you're going to notice is when you set things up you're going to want to group them by the different groups that you bring into lumion and so there's a reason for that and the reason is you have to bring in the parts and pieces of your model separately so you basically have to import everything based on the groups that you want to fly in separately so let's go over into lumion 11 i'm going to create a new project and we'll go ahead and say that we're going to bring this into let's use the suburban environment as a base all right so what we want to do is we want to import a sketchup model and so i have a version of the sketchup model where nothing's grouped the way that we need it to be and so we're just going to go to import and so it's just my phasing example no grouping and if i bring that in right here and i have a sketchup models folder i'm going to bring that in and i'm going to drop this right here i know the house doesn't really fit in with the neighborhood that's fine so if we look at this right here we can bring this house in and we can go ahead and we can animate it right so we can go into our movie mode and we can add a quick movie so we're just going to record we'll set a keyframe right here make it a little bit longer click on the check box so right now if we bring this in and we'll apply a realistic style and we'll add the animated phasing well if we add the animated phasing right now and we want to add an object notice how the only object that we have in here is our overall sketchup model so it doesn't bring this in with that hierarchy of things that we need in order to animate this right so now if i click on the check box and then i animate this and let's say we wanted to do the skydrop if i bring this in you're just going to have this one model that drops in here right you can see how it has the other detail in it but there's no way to access it inside of lumion right you can't like access the different parts and pieces that's why it's going to be important to bring these in separately and it's a little bit frustrating to have to do just because there is definitely some additional work associated with that but um let's go ahead and i'll show you how to do it so the way that's going to work is first of all let's go back into build mode for a second i'm just going to delete this out so delete delete alright so now what we need to do instead is we need to take all of those parts and pieces from our model and export them to separate model pieces so i'm going to right click and in order to do that all of these are going to have to be components i believe because then you can right click into a save as so i'm just going to convert these all the components i think there might be an extension that can do this faster but and so i'm just going to export these real quick by doing a save as and notice that i'm basically exporting each one of these groups as a separate model so we'll save our slab we'll do a save as we'll save our studs all right so now we have those saved we want to import them into lumion and so the way that i want to do that so i just want to come over here i want to import my slab and we'll go ahead and create a folder for this we'll call it phasing animation we'll just drop this in and we'll bring our other pieces in here and by the way if anyone knows a faster way to do this let me know [Music] so all right so now we've got our parts and pieces in here and so what we're going to do now is we're just going to go do our animation so the way we're going to do that is click over into movie mode and let's go ahead and let's add a new clip right here so we'll just click on record and we'll just set a view kind of up above right here and we'll just set our camera keyframe and i'll go ahead and set this to be a 10 second animation for right now well now what we would do i'll go ahead and add a realistic preset to this is we would just add our animated phasing effect we're just going to add the different pieces that are in here so for example to start i'm going to want my slab to come in so we're going to go find our slab right here and click on that click on ok so that is when our flap our slab is going to pop in and we'll go ahead and set the duration on this to we'll call it two seconds for right now so our slabs gonna pop in now at one second let's add our framing popping in so we're gonna add another phasing animation set this to be our framing and notice how having these named out separately can be really helpful because you can see which ones are which based on the name that pops up so we'll go ahead and click on wall studs so that is going to show up right here we're gonna set our start time on that one to we'll call it we'll call it two seconds for right now and give it a duration of two seconds then we're just gonna do the same thing for all the other parts that are in here so we'll add another phase for our trusses and we're gonna have to make our phasing length a little bit longer so we're just gonna uncheck this automatic for right now and then we'll adjust that manually in a second so so now i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna add the phasing for the rest of the pieces of my model and i'm gonna speed this up so that you don't have to sit here and watch me work on this for like 20 [Music] minutes [Music] all right so now if we were to play this you can see how our slab pops in and our framing our trusses etc all the different parts and pieces now come in here and they grow in and you could definitely come in here and adjust these so they like drop in as well so if you didn't like the pop-in effect for example we could use the skydrop effect i wish there was a way to change all of these at once that would be really convenient in case you decide and you have a complicated phasing animation that you wanted to see how it looked with one of these other animation types but we'll go ahead and we'll switch all of these to the skydrop so then once you're done with that we'll go ahead and we'll edit our overall clip so that it's 20 seconds long go ahead and click right here so we'll set the whole thing so it's 20 seconds long click on ok now if we play this all of our different parts and pieces are going to come in here then you could render out that animation as well and you could definitely adjust this so that your camera changes angles in the middle of the clip so for example let's say we wanted the camera to maybe move over here or something like that you could click on this button right here to update that keyframe and now you've got the camera moving while this is going then once you're done you just click on the button right here to render the clip in order to render out your final result so that's from in this video um i know the process so the process is a lot better than it was trying to create this kind of animation i would hope in the future to see a workflow where we can at least have something where we can import the parts and pieces without having to place them manually by the way if you know about a way to do that let me know i'd love to hear about it but that's probably the most time consuming part of the process once you get everything in animating it really isn't that hard i think they've made that process pretty easy but leave a comment below let me know what you thought if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new rendering content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 40,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization
Id: rm8mueDHBi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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