Creating Lip-Sync 👄 with Canva ANIMATION - 2 Methods

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books do you read my sister and I love to read  she's shy but we are happy to read with you hi my   name is zanele thank you for joining me today we  are going to be looking at two ways you can do lip   sync on canva using our favorite tool canva the  first and easy way is to find characters already   on canva nice surprise how are you honey second  challenging way is you find static characters   and you make them have a lip sync animation that  you've downloaded somewhere and you make them talk   so that's the fun part that we're doing together  let's Jump Right In [Music] your process starts by   accessing you can choose any video  canvas it's easy to use video canvas because it   has the timeline that allows you to edit and  make changes so for this example we're going to   be using the mobile video canvas so you're gonna  create a blank canvas canva has various animated   characters that you could use that are already  talking or their lips are moving so you could   find them in different kinds of ways the first way  that I want to show you is you're going to click   on your elements and you're going to scroll down  to stickers once you get to stickers you're gonna   click on see all and then you're gonna scroll down  and get to trending you will then scroll all the   way down looking for different kinds of characters  like this one you click and you add the sticker   on your canvas and you could also use magic  recommendation to get more stickers which are   similar to the one that you are creating So based  on your storyline you could add them and you add   your audio and you can have them talking as quick  and easy as simple as that number two you're gonna   click back on element and you're going to look for  lip sync and you press enter in this instant you   are looking for videos which are lip synced please  take note most of the videos that are on canva are   for pro users so if you are a free User it's going  to be difficult to be using these videos because   most of them as you can see they have crowns  so when you look at them and you hover they   start showing you people who are talking in these  different kinds of them so for example here's a   doctor we're gonna right click end we're gonna  replace the background and we're gonna play it and it looks like that and there's tons of  them that you could be using there's also   sort of like anime in their 20 seconds long  so it depends on what kind of a storyline   you want to create with your design that  you're busy with and you could be using   quick and easy just adding audio and then you  create a beautiful storyline like this one hello Cindy nice surprise how are you honey  we've been together for a long time and I   think it's time that we you know the second  method involves you adding characters on your   canvas or your animation and making them move  as well as talk so adding characters I've done   a video you can go find it to see how you can do  that but the easiest way you just go to your apps   and you find pixton and with pixton you find  different characters that you can add for your   animation so we already found a chef now we're  gonna find somebody who's chatting to the chef   about the food that they've made once you've  added your characters this particular scene   I'm gonna split into two then moving characters  is fairly easy so with a fast scene the chef is   not going to be saying anything but we're going to  move the shape so we're gonna select the element   and we're gonna click on animate and then we're  gonna click on create an animation so that the   chef moves closer to the a customer so we select  her and we drag her and we make her move closer   to the customer when we click on done so with  the second scene we're gonna not move the chef   anymore we're gonna make sure that the chef is  standing closer to the customer so that they can   now have a conversation making the move is very  easy so let's get to the fun part the Talking part   on our first scene we don't want the chef to be  saying anything we want the customer to be saying   something then we're gonna start lip syncing and  manipulating her mouth while the chef is coming so   it starts with you going on YouTube and Google  and finding videos that you could download in   order for you to manipulate the mouth so I went  on Google and I searched for lip sync animation   download and then I found a couple of videos  that you could use for free that has talking   Mouse lips animation as well as free green screen  manipulation that you could be using and all you   do is you again go back on Google and you find  a video downloader a YouTube video downloader to   download this so what you will do you'll open your  cap cut I have kept cut on my laptop you can use   it on your phone as well and once you've opened  Capt you're going to open a new project and then   you're going to import to the video that you've  downloaded so I'm gonna grab this tiny little   video that we've downloaded once it's imported  to capcat You're Gonna click on add to track and   then you can start deleting and removing the  portion so we're going to make our timeline   a little bit bigger and then we're going to move  the mouse until we find the portion that we want   to use so I want the beginning of this clip  so I'm going to take test that's the mouth and delete the test and he's got different kinds of mouths that  are talking for us on here so I went up until   a small portion then I'm gonna split and  delete the rest so in order for you to take   away the green screen on cap cut you're gonna  select the video and you're gonna go to cut out   and you're gonna click on Chrome my key then  you're gonna select Color Picker and you're   gonna pick the color that you don't want then  you're gonna increase the strength 50 percent   once you're done you're gonna export  this clip and then import it to canva   so let's see where we're gonna export it to  and once we get to canva we're going to upload   the mouse so we're gonna go to our uploads and  we're gonna upload the file and we go find it   and it's uploaded so next you're going to  move closer to your lady that you would like   to animate on the first C so we're going to  zoom in and what we want here is to cover her   mouth so we're gonna go to our elements and we're  going to go to lines and shapes and we're going   to look for a triangle her mouth is triangle  so we're gonna add a triangle shape [Music] [Music]   and we want the color of the triangle to be  the same color as her face so we're gonna   click on the color for the shape and we're  gonna pick the color that's next to her face   so that her mouth is covered that  way and we're gonna group this   so that she's one and then we're gonna go back  to our uploads and we're gonna go find the mouth   and we edit on our video so let me just zoom back  out so that we can see the video that we've just   added we can pause it so because we've taken  the green off on cap cut it's still black that   means we need to take off again on canva using  the background remover you need to have a pro   account to do this so we're gonna take off the  background you can trial it using my link below   and I've never looked back with my canva Pro by  the way hey the background is removed let's see   how it looks like looks like she's yelling okay  so what you then do you crop the video so you're   gonna crop the video the circle will is going to  guide you to show you where her mouth is the mouth   is on the surface go so we're gonna click on crop  and we're gonna crop it all the way in like that and we're gonna click on done we want to move  the mouse over to her face so we're gonna zoom in   and when we play it she's yelling so we're gonna  reduce the size of the video so that it suits her mouth and place it on  top of her mouth let's see how it looks like   looks a little bit big for her face  and we'll just reduce it [Music]   she looks yelling right okay so she looks  way fast but spot on it looks like it is   her she's mad at the chef for whatever  the reason but it's a little bit too fast   so what you then do you're gonna click where  it says playback and you're gonna reduce the   video speed and make her to talk a little  bit slower in order for the video to suit   whatever scene you're trying to create so  video speed is something that you could   also look into especially when you see that  it is too fast so let's quickly have a look how are you doing why are you cooking bad food  that's how you create lip sync on Tundra and we   could also make the chef talk exactly the same  way that we did there and like we've seen with   the intro of this video it's a mouth that  we it's a video that we've added and we've   manipulated if you can find characters that  have hands moving and their heads popping and   um acting a little bit especially if the head is  not moving it makes it so much better the other   thing to take note of that how long this video  you want it to be our scene was five seconds so   if you want the video to be five seconds as well  you can go to the timing of this video and then   you can reduce the time to suit the scene that  you're busy creating and visit our animation   playlist and have lots of fun with It smash the  like button share the video so that we can help as   many canva creators as possible thank you so much  for joining me I will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Learn with Zar
Views: 160,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create an animation in 3 steps using 3 canva ai tools - 5 min, canva tutorial, canva, canva ai, Create Animation with Canva's 3 AI Tools in 3 Steps - 5 min, create animation with canva's 3 ai tools in 3 steps - 5 min, artificial intelligence, kevin stratvert, how to animate, ai, creating lip sync on canva animation - 2 methods, creating moving lips on canva animation, Creating Lip Sync on Canva Animation -, how to use canva
Id: 882AOkAen04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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