Creating Human-level AI: How and When?
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Channel: Future of Life Institute
Views: 22,766
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Id: V0aXMTpZTfc
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Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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There's always the elephant in the room in these kinds of things which is the the lack of processing power. In essence this yammering is just as theoretical as it was in the 60's. We can only give AI a nudge into the right direction but AI needs to learn how to AI mostly by itself. It seems that Schmidhuber is the only one of these who is aware of this by making note of law of accelerating returns and metalearning. The rest are kind of wrapped up in their cute little tricks. I don't know how much hardware for example google has in total but we need like 105 more of that. Thanks. Then we can really talk about AI.