Creating Dynamic Carousel Slider in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Guide !

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welcome back to my channel in this tutorial I will be showing you how to create Carousel slider in your flutter application in this tutorial we will be using this Carousel slider package which you can find in next go to installing and get the latest version package dependency and place it in the flutter project so in this tutorial I have created a very simple flutter application which only have a scaffold and an app bar now we will start creating the carousel slider we have added the package dependency which now we can use the carousel slider widget so for Carousel slider widget there are two required parameters which is items a list of widgets and options which is Carousel option so Carousel options allow you to customize your slider such as adding animation or the setting the height for the slider and so on so for tutorial purposes I will just add the height or the carousel options and you can customize it based on your needs next we will add widgets into items parameter here I will add integer to the list and display different Widgets or content according to that integer in the slider so here by using the map function I can return the different numbers of widgets according to the length of the list of integer so here I added 5 integer which will return five different widgets in the slider if I want to add more widgets or reduce I can easily change the length of integer in the list next I will create the content for each slider so here I have created a container that has a text widget as each child and I added some decorations and weave for the container and for the child I will display a simple text with the index of that items at the same time here I will add some style for the text widget and now we have successfully created a carousel slider in flutter application let's hot restart and see how the carousel slider looks like and this is the carousel slider that we have created now we can slide through left and right to change the widget so in this tutorial I've created those widgets with a container that holds a text widget if you want to display an image or some customized widgets you just have to return your own customized Widgets or images and you can change the length of the slider according to the index or integer that you input in the list before the map function and this is how you create Carousel slider in flutter application here comes to the end of the tutorial if you have any question feel free to comment below see you in the next tutorial
Channel: AI with Flutter
Views: 12,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter carousel slider, carousel slider in flutter, flutter carousel slider tutorial, carousel slider flutter tutorial, how to create slider in flutter, flutter image carousel, flutter image slider, flutter carousel_slider, flutter card carousel, carousel pro flutter, image slider flutter, carousel_slider flutter, carousel slider flutter, image slider in flutter, carousel slider with dot indicator flutter
Id: vqPA1wbfAZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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