Creating Dailies in DaVinci Resolve

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you to start out we're gonna open DaVinci Resolve and be in the media window I'm gonna right click this proxies folder which will pretend is the Raw's and click on add folder to media pool and create bins this will just set it up so that exactly what you have in finder goes right into the media pool and it's very convenient and very organized we'll do the same with the audio and that way and the master folder Ben you can see we just have our what we're kind of called raw media and then the audio I'm just gonna close all these tabs so it just looks nice and organized and pretty and then I'm going to select the corresponding day from the footage and the audio the numbers happen to be different here because day one of the shoot was mos and then we're gonna sort by file name just to keep it in alphabetical order if you have timecode you can just use command a to select everything and then click on sync by timecode and then hopefully everything will be good you'll still have to kind of go through this process just to double-check so we're gonna click on this clip find the slate get scene for take one we'll find our corresponding audio and then to reference the audio have to click on this little audio tab up here and we want to make sure that this is set to waveform and so now to sync these two it's very simple in the video you just find the moment where the slate closes and then in the audio you do the same you can see on this big graph up here this peak is probably it then you click that little chain so you know it's synced and then as you can see when I drag the video the audio moves with it and we have the five tracks of audio that came from the mixer the left and right and then the three inputs and now if I go to the Edit window when I drag this clip in you can see it's got all five tracks of audio synched with it so now we're basically gonna do this with every clip which sometimes you got to do it's tedious but manual syncing is part of the gig so we're not gonna go clip by clip dragging it into the Edit sequence you want to just stay in the media window sync everything and then bring it all in and you want to just go day by day you want to have a different sequence for each day because that'll just help you stay more organized it'll help you compartmentalize it and just helps with ease of mind and it helps you in the Edit later so just to demonstrate I'm just gonna quickly sync these three clips just to show how fast and easy it is and so we'll pretend I did everything from the day no I only did three more clips we'll drag these in you don't have to get them perfectly put together but yeah it's pleasing and so you just want to go through clip by clip and make sure that the sync is correct you want to check the slate you want to check their voice to see make sure ideally you can see the face of the person who's slating and then like you know when they're calling it out that's in sync when the slate closes that's in sync and then you're good then we'll go to the deliver window and set all of our parameters for transcoding depending on if you're going into avid or premiere you'll transcode differently for avid you want to select mxf Opie Adam and then you want to select DNxHD 36 8 bit you don't need to worry about the Advanced Settings if you're going into premiere you want to do QuickTime with pro res LT or proxy proxy is smaller if you want smaller files LT is bigger but it'll look a little better for audio you want same as source and then you want your bit depth to be 24 and then for file you want to use the source name of the file that way when you're relink to the Raw's you won't have any problems and then you just select where you're gonna save and then you select add to render queue and if you've synced all of your days then you can just line up all of your renders to happen select them all and then hit render and you're off to the races it'll be a couple hours probably but all of your dailies we'll be done after you get back from a very long nap
Channel: Post Production
Views: 2,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xu1cmr-Vaj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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