Creating Custom Eyes Template - Photoshop to zBrush Workflow

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hey guys welcome to uh today's video in today's video let's take a look at how we can create an eye for um for you know our characters in zbrush uh relatively quickly what would be the best way so there's a few different options you could do it but in this case I don't normally use other apps like Photoshop but um I think it would be really cool if we created a custom pattern for our eye and you can even set up like a template and you can always change colors and all of that and then always use uh your own kind of a custom template to project the ey in zbrush and uh that's what I would like to uh try and see what would be the process for doing so right so the first thing we should do is let's jump into uh Photoshop all right so here I am in Photoshop I already went through the steps and I created the template but for um for this exercise let's start over right so I'm going to say file new and I'm going to select a uh size for this uh you know you can do whatever you want I'm just going to do 1024x 1024 and say okay so once the new file was created uh let's go ahead and do this let's create a new layer let's make a circle I'm going to hold on uh shift and ALT and I'm going to draw a circle right in the uh just kind of find the size that I like and then what I can do is I can just kind of drag this around and uh put it in the center right all right so once this is uh centered the next thing we should do is Let's uh select SCT our uh color and um I I'm not going to make it perfectly black because if you make it perfectly black and um insert it and try to import it into zbrush zbrush is going to treat black uh pure black as transparent so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make it just slightly gray just right above it right and I'm going to say okay and make a circle right so it's almost black all right so next what i' would like to do is I need to create a path that runs um along this uh line line to create the inner part of the eye right so to do this what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to path and let's say New Path and let's go ahead and select this ellipse tool and let's switch this up here to a path let's go ahead and um activate your uh make sure you have your rulers on that's under view uh rulers right and you see them on the side now what I can do is I can click inside the ruler and drag a guide and I'm going to do that uh for um the center and then hold on the shift and ALT and drag out a path for myself and just let it go so now I have a path um on top of this black circle right next let's do this let's go to filter let's go to uh render and let's click on flame all right and here you want to do a couple things one of them you want to select your um flame type to multiple Flames path directed number four is what I have selected and then the length I set it to uh 250 uh 250 doesn't need to be 254 let's do 250 and then for the um um I do have randomized length turned on so you can see the difference it's creating kind of a more of an interesting um effect but of course you can play play with it and see if you like it the length I set it to 70 um in my case that works angle 180 right the 180 um is important because then the flame is pointed inwards and intervals I have it set to 19 um you can of course play around and see if you want them to be spaced out a little bit differently all right so once you play around with it and you like your settings say okay and now you have this cool flame going uh around um the shape now we're done with this uh path right so let's go ahead and right click and say delete path we don't really need that anymore right and now let's go ahead and create the uh middle pupil part so I'm going to go to my layers I'm going to create a new layer grab my circle tool let's go in the center and do shift alt and let's just decide what our size of the pupil we want maybe something like that that's fine grab my fill and let's just do a black color and uh if you press crl h you can hide the ruler for a second let's also uh go to filter blur gsh and blur and let's just blur this up a little bit so it's not so um sharp right I'm going to say okay now if I wanted to control the color of this flame one thing I could do is I can go here and let's just set it to image and let's turn it into H black and white say okay all right so now what I can do I can right click and go to blending options and in here let's just select something like the color overlay for example and I'm going to switch it to soft light and you can play around with these and see which one you like better but I have it currently set to soft light and then in here you can also decide on the color of the eye you want right so maybe this time let's maybe I'll try the blue one right um and I'm going to say okay you can also add additional gradients to this if you want and uh you're welcome to play around with it and see you know what you like if you do set a gradient um you can set it to uh radial right so it's it's round and then of course you have options here as well uh maybe you know maybe actually I'll turn mine on I'm going to leave it on color burn and gradient overlay is set to radial right and I'm going to say okay and then if you uh check these off you can see the difference right so gradient just gave me a little more kind of a WP right very cool so uh the other thing I would like to do is I want to add a little Shadow to the top of the eye how do I do that I'm going to press control and click on this and you can see there's a selection that um formed around my um shape I'm going to create a new layer I'm going to grab a brush let's make my um brush kind of large and I'm going to set it to soft round pressure size I'm going to leave it on black and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to do something like this that's going to be kind of a the top part of the eye is going to be um a little bit dark right uh the next thing we can do is we can of course turn this down and maybe we don't want it to be completely black right so we'll do something like that another thing I would like to do is I want to add uh some Reflections to this so I'm going to create a new layer again let's grab this let's set this to White and uh in here let's just simply uh get rid of this selection let's just create kind of a couple reflectors Right light reflection so I'm going to do that and I want to make sure that it's all the way to the top on the top layer right and let's do maybe uh another one here as well just a matter of preference right just kind of artistic choice so let's say I like this another thing we can do is let's add another layer on top I'm going to grab my brush and let me make my brush uh a little bit smaller and I'm going to actually still leave it on this um soft round pressure and what I'm going to do is I'm going to create kind of a highlight right right here for my eye and then I'm going to grab this um smudge tool I'm just going to smudge the ends a little bit so it kind of goes up right so I'll do something like that that's cool I can also switch it from normal to maybe an overlay and you can see the difference now I have like this kind of a even brighter light underneath and maybe I can turn uh turn this down a little bit if I wanted to I'm going to also turn off my background all right so now let's just export this out so I'm going to say file export I'm going to say export uh PNG and I do want to transparent uh and let's just go ahead and Export this out all right once you do that let's go ahead and jump into zbrush and in zbrush here's my other eye right let's start over I'm going to go to light box let's go ahead and choose a sphere I'm just going to choose this sphere 128 that's fine and the first thing I would like to do is I want to change the resolution of the sphere currently it's 128 let's go ahead and set this to 512 press enter um I'm going to press control and drag and you can see my points points went up to almost 700,000 uh very nice let's make sure that it's white color and let's change the material to maybe something a little bit brighter like this skin Shader four I think is pretty nice okay now the next step is let's go ahead and jump out of the perspective view so it's nice and um flat all right so next let's go ahead and create the round uh Circle for our um pupil or our IRS right so to do this what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold on the control key go into my masking and I'm going to select this mask Perfect Circle in my Quick Pick I'm going to go in the center holding down the control key I can now just drag a selection of the size of the eye that I want I'm going to go with something like this and I'm going to let it go now you can see that this is uh messed out but it's not really that sharp right so what I would like to do is I'm going to press control and click to blur the lines a little bit and I'm going to do it a couple times and now what I'll do is I press control and click to reverse my mask I'm going to change this color to Black and do a fill object um so I'm going to make sure that my RGB is on at 100% And I'm going to set this to Black and do a fill object okay now I'll switch this back to White do control and drag and now you can see I have something like this I have the white eyeball with the um black uh in the center right now let's go ahead and bring our texture in so I'm going to go to texture I'm going to say texture import find the PNG that you exported out of Photoshop here's mine now I'm going to Simply select it and I'm going to do a couple things I'm going to make sure that my transparent texture is on my anti-alias texture is on and I'm going to going to add it to Spotlight as soon as I press add it to Spotlight you can see it appeared over my um sphere so now I can do a couple things one I can uh make it smaller I can also drag it and put it in position and let's go ahead and make it smaller still and just do something like this right so it's aligned right in the center of my uh eye and I think that's pretty good all all right once that's done um let's go ahead and press Z grab our standard brush make sure our GB is on hold on the S key make our brush kind of large and let's just simply um make sure your Spotlight projection is on as well and then also turn off uh symmetry right so now we we have this big brush and what we're going to do is we're going to click and drag over our um eye and that's going to project our eye right onto our sphere so once you're done that let's go ahead and press shift Z to hide the spotlight and now you are left with a projection of the eye and you can also see there's something in the back here so let me go ahead and get rid of that I can just fill it white that's fine all right and this is a quick way how you can project the uh Photoshop created eye texture onto a sphere and then use that for um your eye in zbrush and then of course we can also change the uh material right if we want to be a little more reflective so I hope you found this uh useful and uh now you have a template in Photoshop that you can quickly change the colors of the eye and do uh various uh variations for your characters all right thanks for watching this video and I'll see you in our next one
Channel: Alan Balodi - 3D Tutorials
Views: 129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zBrush, eyes, eyeballs, custom eyes, eye tutorial, photoshop, zBrush for Beginners
Id: w87jkSE5L70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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