Creating Custom Dashboards in Microsoft Project Professional

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all right everyone welcome to today's webinar  today's webinar is creating custom dashboards in   Microsoft Project Pro 2016 it is noon so we're  going to go ahead and get started I know time   is extremely valuable to all of you that are  dialing in so I want to keep this to an hour   so my name is Laura Crawford and I will be your  facilitator for today's session so I just wanted   to welcome you let's go ahead and talk about some  of our upcoming events today's session is on here   but you'll see that we have two more coming up in  January we only have one for the month of December   and that is because it's a very busy month so  we realize that everyone's got a lot of things   going on so we only have one webinar this month  but we'll pick back up with Q in January on the   11th will have creating custom tables and views  and project professional which I'll actually try   into today's session as well and then on the 25th  we'll talk about sharepoint project site templates   alright we'll show you how to develop those give  you some of our best practices and hopefully you   can join us for those as well all right a little  bit about me I'm a senior ppm specialist with TCM   works a lot of pecans in that one sentence I  have almost eight years experience in the tool   I actually do live eat and breathe in this tool  so I create projects and project professionals I   publish them to project online I create reports  you name it I fill out a timesheet each week so   we actually live eat and breathe in this tool I do  have my certifications going all the way back to   2007 so configuration project server and project  project Microsoft Project there's three exams 4   7 10 13 um I think I just took the configuration  one for 13 and lecture I can't remember no I did   both and then also for 2016 so if you have any  questions about anything that we cover today or   you want to get certified in the tool you're not  sure how to do it or you'd like to have a bootcamp   training session with me we'd be happy to set that  up you have a few microsoft certified trainers on   staff on one of them so we can certainly work  that out or with you either yourself or a team   maybe there's others in your organization so if  you do have any questions please feel free to   email us at info at ppm works comm and the way  usually structure this session again if you're   joining after I stopped past that initial intro  slide my name is Laura Crawford and I do want   to welcome you to the session here we any state  I will try and take questions towards the end   it's much easier for me to kind of go through  and monitor the questions as I as a demoing but   sometimes I a little bit I get a little passionate  to get a little involved and I might not see your   question so I do try and stop towards the end  and save about five to ten minutes for questions   and I also realized that you might not have any  questions right now but you're going to be really   excited about what I should share with you today  and you're going to want to jump right in there   and after you want you know leave later on when  you have a moment you want to practice what I've   shown you today and you're struggling or you  have questions again just go ahead and reach   out to us at info at ppm works comm and we'll  be sure to answer those questions for you all   right so why ppm works why are we doing this well  we are gold certified Microsoft Partner so in to   become a gold Certified Partner that means that  we have maintained a lot of competencies one or   those exams that I mentioned we also have our  staff has to also achieve those goals as well   and then we also have to prove that our we're  that our consulting skills or what we say they   are so our customers are interviewed and surveyed  by Microsoft every couple of years to make sure   it's actually I think every three years to make  sure that we are still worthy of that status so   we're real proud of that right so close choose  us because we are as I said we live eat and   breathe in this tool so we're going to give you  real-world experience and recommendations all   right we also have a proven the top methodology  and very competitive pricing so please reach out   to us if you have any interest in learning more  about and having a demo happy to do that as well   all right so let's talk a little bit about our  learning objectives for today for those of you   that are PMPs and what PDUs you'll certainly be  able to obtain those at the end you again email   us at info at ppm or comm we've submitted this  courseware to PMI so we are registered education   providers which is another reason why you might  want us to come on site and do some training for   you or to some virtual training you do receive  PDUs for our training alright so our learning   objectives we're going to show you some of the  new reporting in project Pro 2016 it's pretty   exciting so I think you're really going to enjoy  what you're seeing I'm certain that you're going   to want to test the waters after this webinar  alright so again if you have questions reach out   to us but at the end of the session you're going  to be able to edit existing reports that are with   project professional you're also going to be able  to create a custom dashboard and custom reports   and then I'm going to show you how to leverage  the organizer to share those reports with either   your team we're also from projects of projects  if you're not using project online or a project   server yet have no fear you can transfer these  reports from one project to the other all right so   we want you to get started right away in creating  these reports so let's go over our agenda real   quick I've gone through the introductions we're  going to go through an overview of the new report   so I'm going to show you what's out there then  we're also going to edit some existing reports   that's where we're going to start then we're going  to create a new report I'm going to show you how   to create a new dashboard and while I'm doing this  we'll talk about leveraging the organizer and then   again we're going to save those last five to ten  minutes for Question and Answer depending upon   how much content we get through today all right so  our session goals we're always trying to improve   your custom reporting we're going to equip you  to get started today and also make the most of   your time right we want you to get in and out in  an hour and walk away understanding about these   new reports and being able to make some changes  right away in your own project in your own version   of project all right so these are we're going  to project reports in project professional 2016   but if you have 2013 this is also applicable the  reports did not change all right so have no fear   if you're not using 2016 yet if you're using 2013  you'll recognize these reports as well so I'm just   going to go ahead and grab my project that I  have open already on the screen here and we'll   go ahead and jump right in alright so from here on  in we're just going to demo within the tool now if   we're using an older version of Microsoft projects  which is 2010 you'll note that you will not have   this report tab up here all right there is a  brand new report ribbon in report from project   Pro 2013 and also 2016 it also comes with project  standard - all right so all right let me just jump   in here okay so I have my project open um this is  just a very basic project that I actually created   from the default templates that are back in here  so if I go back in here and do file there I just   created one from a market research project plan  here just for demonstration purposes for today   alright so I have my project plan in here I do  have some progress in this project um I also had   baselines my project right that's something that  you're going to want to do when you start creating   reports alright so those of you that are familiar  with the reporting um ribbon here you'll see that   in from 2013 going forward there's a brand new  ribbon for reports you may not hopefully we've   gone in here and you tried to get started or you  tried and taking a look at some of the report   templates that are in here for you but let me go  ahead and point out some before we get started   getting getting started let's take a look here  these are some really good reports especially   if you're new to project or if you're actually  even experienced with using the tool they're   really good at picking up some things that you  may have missed all right one of these that are   really like it's the best practice analyzer I'll  just go through these real quick all right let's   practice analyzer you'll see that if there's TAS  with no actual work will show up here that means   there's tasking your project that no one's started  working on just yet this is a good one taps with   no resources assigned so you shouldn't be seeing  anything but your summary tasking here so if you   have a bunch of tasks in here that do not have  resources is fine you need to go back into your   Gantt chart view locate those tasks and then make  sure that you have resources assigned to them all   right the other thing is tasked with duration  less than 8 hours um this might not be a red   flag for you I typically adjust my duration down  to 0.25 0.5 for project planning but you'll see   here that it may note that if it's 0 it's um for  instance it will point out tasks it may need to go   back and review also summary tasks with the sign  resources that's a big no-no you should not be   assigning resources to summary tab again this is  just the best practice analyzer report here under   getting started then I'll also point out one more  um getting started report and then we'll get into   some of the other reports here and we'll show how  show you how you can edit them as well but you'll   see oh this is a great little tutorial welcome  to project take your project to the next level   in three simple steps and you could go through  and click on start and it will take you through a   nice little tutorial here alright so these are now  hidden and tucked away under the getting started   section on your reporting ribbon alright so we do  encourage you to come out here and take a look at   those all right now those of you that are using  project 2010 or 7 or 13 you may be familiar with   the visual reports these are those pivot tables or  Excel reports that are here in Microsoft Project   and available they are still here and available to  you we're not going to focus on these reports so   what we're going to be focusing on are these new  reports here in the reporting ribbon all right so   we're gonna we're gonna stick with these here all  right so let's point out some new ones here if I   open up to dashboard you'll see that you now have  a burned-down report so if you baselining your   project as we said earlier you can actually take a  look and see what your burn rate is in your given   project here we'll also be looking at the project  overview report in just a moment but you'll see   that I also have resource reports as well where I  can see over allocated resources and the resource   overview there's some cost reports in here too  so if I'm tracking earn value no in order to do   that again baseline is common denominator and all  these reports and want to baseline your projects   so that you have that snapshot of what you plan to  happen so you can track various you can track to   earn value and throughout these different reports  in progress so you can take a look at critical   tasks late tasks or milestones and those that are  slipping alright so again these are great built-in   reports let me go ahead and click on something  right here so you can see where I have some tasks   that are slipping all right the finish date is  past the baseline finish date all right so this   is going to slag those taps for me some may need  to go in and either have a talk with myself and   Jennifer to figure out what we can do or as some  additional resources in here alright so there's   some great reports that are here ready for you out  of the box alright so here let's go ahead and take   a look at one of the dashboard reports let's  go to the project overview report alright and ok so I'm going to go ahead and check out my  project just so I can start working on this so   this is your default project overview report  let me make it a little bit smaller so we can   fit everything in here a little bit easier ok  so you'll see it is a dashboard report it has   multiple charts in here our table so we have a  milestone do report down here we have percent   complete at the phase level here we also have a  list of tasks that are past due that was supposed   to work that was supposed to happen in the  past would be also displayed here and we can   also see that the overall percent complete for  the project is at seven percent all right so   each of these though and let me make this just a  little bit bigger all right each of these areas   these are several components to this report it is  a dashboard - each of these are separate these are   very very customizable as you can see all they  did is click on the percent complete it is now   at 7 percent and I do get this field list over  here where I can toggle between tasks fields and   resource scales and also if I scroll through  you'll see here that I have two cent complete   care selected and that's displaying I could easily  change this to percent of work complete and then I   could modify the title heading here as well so I  can change between those two percent complete is   duration driven where's percent of work complete  is looking at the total hours for the task and   where you are all right so let's take a look at  this milestones do report all right this is going   to let me know my milestones down here and when  they are due now I can again I can change this   all right so you'll see that over on the five  anytime I click on any of these charts or the   areas of the components of the report I'm going to  have my field list that will automatically display   over here and this one happens to be filtered for  upcoming milestones now I can change this if I   want to or let's say critical tasks have to scroll  up a bit from the beginning in the alphabet so I   could come in here and change that to critical and  you'll see how now what I'm seeing is a list of   all the critical tasks on life in my project plan  here all right now if I was going to change that   then what I might want to do is to also change the  title all right so I could say critical tasks if I   wanted to all right to match the data that's being  displayed here now I also could of course come in   here and change my font all right so I could edit  my text and change it from here or also just from   up here if I go to my cast ribbon I can change my  font size from here as well so these can easily be   changed but actually another thing that I could  do is um hmm let's go back I want to go back to   that milestone report let's see if I Muslims do  all right so I'm going to change this back for   just a minute I'm gonna click on my chart so I  get my field list back here you can see how you   can change any of the components to fit how you  currently track projects all right so now I have   milestones that are coming soon or actually see  we can also look at late milestones if we needed   to I don't have any late milestones that's good  I could also just focus on this month so I could   say milestones due this month and now we can see  the target is finished date here and what I also   could do here within this chart let's just see  if I have let's expand Enterprise feel and see   if I have see if I have any deadlines associated  okay I do all right okay so I had to take an extra   step in my project I've created deadlines for  my milestones within the projects so I did that   on my own and my Gantt chart view by setting a  deadline for each of my milestones so that I can   track them so what I'm looking at here is I like  I like seeing the upcoming milestones that are due   but I also want to see whether or not I'm going  to miss my deadline date for those milestones   so you can see how I am for these first few um  actually looks like I'm missing it for all of   them all right so I might need to go back into  my project and take a look at that but again   very easy to come in and change the components  or the information the data that you're seeing   in this report alright so again you can just come  in here i expanded enterprise and these are your   enterprise custom fields here so now if you have  additional custom fields you can certainly bring   them in so when you're in a Gantt chart view and  let me just take you to a view real quick let me   say what I did kind of like that I can go back to  my Gantt chart view over here alright and if you   wanted to you could create a custom deal not sure  if you know how to do that we're going to focus on   that next month but I'll just open this up for  you so if you create custom deal here on the   cab lookup tables they can have indicators if you  want it to so maybe you have a schedule indicator   for your task right you know stoplight red yellow  green if you've created those then you certainly   can bring them in to the reports all right so  you go use this to bring me back if you're not   familiar with this these are navigation links down  here and it will bring you to the last report that   I was in so all right now I'm back here on my  projects overview report alright so if you have   custom fields you can certainly insert or add them  here all right so we'll be available for selection   underneath here all right so it's helpful to  create those if you don't already have them   um you'll see here that I also have a duration  field alright and baseline information as well   so if I wanted to see my baseball in duration  compare that against my actual duration and I   could also look at the duration variance as well  all right so lots of information available to you   here right out of the box on this particular  report right here it's displaying by faith and   that's because you'll see here my outline level  right my outline level right now is that only   level one which is going to be my phases now if  I break this down to show all subtasks we'll see   how this information changes alright so let's  see let's change up again let's try that whoa   there we go I took a minute to do that so this is  a lot of information to display here so probably   not a very good I would go back to outline level  one I would take a look at this at the phase level   here all right so um again you can change the  outline level here you can change the filter   to UM incomplete tasks or whatever makes sense  for the information the data you're trying to   display in here the other thing too is that um i  chen is I'm changing these things I can either um   rename my report here if I wanted to so I can  edit this project overview report and create a   brand new one from this and rename it I'm okay  with project overview so I'll leave that as is   I also could select copy reports now this is a  copy and paste function so if I wanted to if I   made a bunch of changes in other words in here  and I wanted to share that with somebody and an   email or a document or a PowerPoint slide maybe  it's a project kickoff for a weekly meeting I   can select copy report and then I would right  click and paste into my powerpoint and it will   go ahead and paste my report in there for me all  right so that's the difference between manage and   copy this is copy and paste whereas manage gives  you the opportunity to rename a report again all   right so let's go um let's actually let's do one  more thing to this report before we move on all   right so now down here I have the ability to add  or free again customize this report here so if   I wanted to go to design I can add an additional  table so for this specific example I'll go ahead   and do that alright so you'll see that I can add  I actually want to undo that I don't want to add   a table I'm going to add a chart I'll show you  the table in just a moment um and I am going to   use I'm going to do the sidebar alright and I'm  going to click on OK it's going to throw in here   for me I'm actually gonna want to move this I can  grab it there we go credit roll mom try and grab   the new one move it down here alright now I can  scroll down a little bit alright let's talk about   how we can add this new chart here I'm going to  move it over here alright so what we're looking   at its remaining work and actual work which okay  that might be nice to look at but I've based on   my project so I think what I'd rather look at is  my baseline work here we go me and when we go up down tiny little window all right I don't want to  see remaining work you don't want to see actual   work I want to see it work variance and work  and let's go to work the variance there we go   all right now what I'm looking at is my baseline  work then what's really happening in the project   and then my variance all right so this variance  um live appears to be negative so it looks like I   actually reduced the amount of work for a specific  tab so that it's lower than the original baseline   alright and now it's showing it to me by face  again I could break this out into all sub tasks   because I have this tax this way it would be a  little bit easier to read then the way we had   it earlier so I could see each task listed here  and check out my work variance for each of these   all right so I can certainly see that now each  of these bars let's see if I take this baseline   bar now right click on this I can go up here to  my change series chart type and now you'll see   from my face line right now it's a clustered bar  I can actually change that from the bar to a line all right so I can now see my baseline  information here if I don't like the way   that looks it may just cancel out of here all  right and leave it at it I think it's easier   to see the baseline compared it to the work  variance but again right-clicking on the bar   change series chart types and now you'll see  how I can see the baseline work work and work   variance and I can change how that information  appears within the chart right here all right   so very easy to change that information there but  I'll leave that is because I think I like the way   that looks oh but one thing I might want to do  here is let's see about a chart table all right   because right now this is just thrown in here  without a name so let's say let's name this my   parents make sense right so let's go ahead  and change that she works variance alright   and hopefully let me just luck to WL hmm area  all right you know my work variance chart all   right so again all I did is take advantage of  the existing project overview report and make   some changes and edits to that report another  one that you may like to see is over allocated   resources this is a really good report as well  let me just save my changes right here and then   we'll go to the resource and take a look at  over allocated resources all right what are   we looking at here these are the resources on my  project and what I'm seeing is actual work and   remaining work and also the over allocation for  each person defined by the color in that bomb um   in looking at this I'm not real thrilled with  the way this is laid out here actual work and   remaining work doesn't really tell me though  everything is stacked up right here it's not   really giving me an idea why we're over allocated  we're in this happening or curry etc I'm actually   going to change this to let's go down here again  and oh but I need to do is I need to switch to   resources some on resources here so we were on  a tap field list earlier some on the resources   now that I want to look at is up here I don't want  me anymore you need to look here alright remember   how I did it last time we want to find what  to put in peak units this isn't work me up see see if we can change those resource here we go  alright only this one looks for a minute let me   go back and put in my actual work on my remaining  work I'll figure this out in just a moment I have   an example that I can show you there we go I'm  actually marking your mating marks all right so   I'll figure I'll go through this will probably  come to me in just a moment but in the meantime   let's go ahead and create a new report alright  so we've shown well gone through and adjusted   the existing reports here but you also have the  ability to create a brand new report as well and   you'll see that's right here so if I select this  drop down here you can see that I can start from   a blank report I could create a chart a table  or comparison all right I'm going to go ahead   and create a table and I am going to name this  one weekly to-do list all right all right so   my weekly to-do list now you automatically get  this table here it always has the project name   start finish and the percent complete but what  I want to do is I don't know if I want this what   is that and now that I've done that I can move  everything over here so if I wanted to justify   it and try that again I can grab it and move it  over to the left-hand side all right so all i   did was highlight everything in here so i could  move it the other way if I wanted to so it's a   quick and easy way to grab everything that you  see here the first thing is just kind of boring   on the font cloud could probably be changed it  gonna make that a little bit bigger all right I   also can create some I can go to my design format  tab here and I can fill in with a different color   I'll stick with blue so there we go all right and  this guy here is really tall so we can decrease   the font size for this as well that we don't need  to see this giant table a little bit better I'll   make it even smaller let's try eleven there we  go all right so now I have a little bit more   real estate now also um necessarily want the  name to wrap that's probably a little bit too   there we go we can manipulate each of these  columns pretty easily as you can see and I'm   just trying so that we don't see the name over  here um rat okay so weekly to do it and myself   processes is that it would be kind of neat to be  able to go into a status meeting with my team and   copy this into a PowerPoint presentation and  just go through um their weekly to-do list all   right so one thing I might want to add on here  is resource names so I'm going to expand this a   little bit too so you can see that alright and  now I might need a little bit more room alright   so now what I'm going to do is you're going to  scroll through here oh and also my outline level   right now is at my project summary so that's just  showing the summary line of my project which is   project row zero all right so if I wanted to  throw in all my subtasks or level one you'll   see this is just by saying but again I don't  have resource assignments at the phase level   so I need to break this down a little bit more  so if I go down to level three or if I also go   down to I might have a level four in here in this  project template alright see here now that I see a   list of the resources I also see a tap here and  whether they're complete so what I'm also might   want to do is to not to filter this not by all  tasks but maybe I just want to see tap do this   week so let's these are all built in all right  tap do this week there we go this is a built-in   filter I don't have to create it so now I can  see tasks that are due this week I'm actually   going to keep this whole time okay so now I can  see all the towel letter due this week for each   of the resources and I also could if I wanted  you to make this a little bit easier group of   five resource alright so again I got to change  the outline level because otherwise it's going   to just show the resource and high level what  they have going on so this is a great little   to-do list that you could bring into a weekly  status meeting here all right and I can see um   which test I have assigned to me alright so again  this is just by going in here filtering by task   you this week I grouped it by resource I could  come in here and change the grouping color here   but that would not stick so I'm going to leave  it as a yellow here and I did change my outline   levels so I can see a specific task detail  when the task starts when it finishes and if   I change this your high-level outline will see  more specific tasks that are in here alright so   again just creating a simple table and modifying  or manipulating the fields that are in the table   I added resource names I changed the filter to  tasks you this week and then I changed my outline   level and I grouped it by resource alright so  this is my weekly to do let me go back here alright so now what I want to do I'm going to  leave this as it I'm not going to change I like   what I'm seeing here so I'm going to leave it as  is keep it as simple as possible but I do want to   I'm going to leave it as that okay so click okay  I'm going to save my changes here it's the last   thing I want to show you is how we can create a  dashboard alright so I go back to my reporting   tab here you'll see here that I can go here to  dashboards or reports and I can again create a   new report for this case I'm going to actually  just create a blank report and I'm going to name   it um project - yeah we got project dashboards  alright I'm going to click on OK alright so   again I'm probably going to want to change my font  size real quick well let's make this a little bit   bigger oh the whole thing's gonna 28th that got  you there we go alright I used blue on the other   so let me go ahead and change this she blue make  a consistent was what I was saying oh and I also   want to insert an image I'm gonna brand this so I  am going to search for teaching should be in their document you can there we go alright so I'm  going to insert my logo here - alright I'm   going to drive this over here and  I can move this out of the way I   can change that alright you get the  idea or you can very easily change what you're seeing here right this I might want  to move down here a little bit here alright so   now that I can do is I can add those other reports  to my dashboard alright and what I'm going to do   is I'm actually going to create links to those  reports so let me come over here I'm not gonna   copy her for it and bring it in here what I'm  going to do is actually go and use alright so   I have no replay to do the list so let me go  let me start with my project dashboard I mean   excuse me let me start with my project overview  alright so what I'm going to do is I'm going to   take a screenshot of this make it a little bit  smaller so I can see it alright so I can see   everything I should have Snagit open somewhere  not what I want up here right now awesome all   right so where is my snipping tool or I could  use this knitting tool if it's not going to or   sitting if you can't stop here we go no it's  not it's not opening right now alright so   what I could do let me come in here and I can  grab these all right and now I can go back to   report to report dashboard and I can copy and  paste that in here and of course I'm going to   need to size that real quick so let me just do  pretty two or three so we can get this in here   and pull this down all right so now there's  a picture of my report right there and what   I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the other  ones as well I'm going to grab that to do its   weekly to do what I want all right all right I'm  going to snip this one to join the snipping tool all right I'm going to go back again to my retort  and find my custom dashboard here and I'm going to   taste that guy in here - I'll go ahead and format  him I did three so let's just keep it consistent   here when I'll do three again all right you can  see how I can put sound underneath here - probably   should change my project overview label so that  it matches my blue here alright so I have this   little dashboard here but what I want to show you  isn't just pretty cool then this will be the last   thing that we go through a bit I wanted to show  you how you can create a link to this from here   so that when I click on the icon here or the image  that I can actually pray a link so let me show you   let me show you this one first because this one  we're no no I'll start here sorry sorry sorry   go alright let me go my link alright everybody  go to place in my document and now if I scroll   through I have my project overview reports units  like that I'm gonna click on OK alright so what   that does is it actually create a link to that  report and it brings me directly to the report   so I think that's pretty cool very helpful  alright so let me go back here to my custom   project dashboard because if I Jarrett trying to  this thing from my weekly to-do list my project   overview is one of the default report so it's  ready in there but if I try to locate that link   again for the weekly to-do list you'll see that  it's not going to be in this list all right so   I have to take an extra step on that and this is  actually something I need to show you anyway what   I need to do is I need to take this report and  copy it using the organizer so if you've ever   used the organizer it's a great tool all right so  what I did is I went to the file backstage and if   I go to the bottom of the info page you'll see  organizer I'm going to select organizer alright   so again file backstage organizer and now if I  go to the reports tab here you'll see my weekly   to-do list and I'm going to copy that into  my global non cached copy alright so going to   select copy and now if I scroll down I can see  my weekly to-do list two reasons why I want to   do that number one it's going to help me create  that hyperlink that I was just trying to do but   the other reason why I might want to do this is  because I can share this report now with other   project alright right now this project is this  report is only visible in this market research   project but if I open up another project and  I want to use the same report this is how you   would do that you would copy it from here into  your global known cached organizer here using   the organizer excuse me and then when you open  up your new project you would copy it from here   into that other project alright and that's how you  can use these reports over and over again alright   so the organizer is an extremely helpful tool  alright so I'll go ahead and close this now that   I've done that I'll click my arrow back here and  now if I go ahead and right-click on this image alright and I click on link I will now see my  weekly to-do list here all right so I can click   on OK and now each of these is a link to those  individual reports all right and now what I   also could do is I could also induce on the same  create the same thing over here using text boxes   so if I wanted to format this I can use the same  shape file and I can say project overview right   and then I can come in here and I can copy and  paste that down here alright and then this one   can call weekly to-do list alright so what I could  do is create those links here as well to do to do   do there we go alright so and I can size these  so that they're evenly sized and that they're   match etc I can change the color of you name it  alright but again if I select this I can create a   late alright so create a link to project overview  all right and then thank here and let's get down   to the bottom quickly to do left click on OK and  now I'm going to create one more though she's done   this and it's going to link back to the dashboard  all right let's just you know managing that should   I did before okay yeah I don't know if I want  to do that so now I have one leg in there oh   there we go alright so project dash board alright  and now again I can change the format so the pill   shape is insane and then I can right right click  on this and create a link huh my project dashboard didn't copy my project dashboard okay selection   so that I gotta go over here back  to the organizer again organizer reports project dashboard copy all  set go back all right do the same   and again I would make these  nice and evenly spaced this a   little floppy I want to have time for  some questions at the end there we go although it's going to drive me crazy it's more  okay there we go a little bigger alright sorry   take the time to make them look a little bit  nicer but what I can do is I also can wait   sing it so much I can copy these I can copy these  on to the weekly to-do list so that when I'm here   I can navigate back to the dashboard that may have  all the customers works that I use so I can create   those links here as well that keeps me from having  to click on reports having to click on either the   dashboard or the specific customer report that  I'm looking for all right so again taking what   you see here and then applying it on each of the  report pages so that it just provides that quick   and easy navigation on going from one report  to the other because otherwise you have to go   back to the report tab select the report it'll  save you a bunch of clicks all right and then I   also might want to put in a text box here or just  Lily let's put in a text box that maybe explains   what you can do here click on the report to  navigate to navigate to the changes on the   report to navigate you to the point that's ones a  little bit redundant but you get the idea we need   to put something in here that is helpful that  explains that each of these is the navigation   maybe to navigate to the resort to navigate to  the report click the picture picture oh thank you right okay all right all right so again I would  arrange this though it's a little bit neater   kind of resize everything add additional custom  reports that you've created or reports that you   use if there's three go to reports that are here  as a box go ahead and create this dashboard with   these links so that you can easily catch them  it takes a couple minutes to do but it'll save   you a lot of time overall and not only that you  can copy remember you can use the organizer and   use this over and over again from project to  project all right so I do encourage you to get   in here and sample these reports all right so  take a look at this report out-of-the-box are   great but again just very easy to customize each  and everything that you see in here all right so   lots of information we didn't even really go  through the chart elements the formatting and   the filtering as well so there's a lot to do we  could probably spend a good three hours in here   really doing a deep dive in here but hopefully  you've given you enough to get you started on   getting in here and practicing let me get to  the end here why do you have a couple of I'm   going to call to action just want to review this  real quick also remind you about your PD use for   the webinar and then I'm going to stop sharing  in a moment so that I can take a look and see   if there's any questions in the chat window all  right so again go ahead and link in with me today   if you like you can find me on LinkedIn I'm a  ppm specialist again with ppm works or linked   in with our company as well so you can follow  what we're doing and what we've got upcoming   also register for this is something I didn't talk  about this is tips and tricks immersion session   we've been delivering these these are through the  mid-december is the cutoff date for this quarter   but we're going to be starting them up again in  the new year it is called a customer immersion   experience it's Microsoft funded and you can  actually join us for a few hours lunch and   breakfast are provided and you get to actually  dive deeper into these tools so we would come   on-site to your organization and put up these  sessions so please go ahead and reach out to us   if that's something that you're interested  in there's actually a link on our website   that you can click on and we can send additional  information to you and register for your PDA all   right so email us info at TPM works calm and we'll  give you the information on how you can register
Channel: PPM Works
Views: 6,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Project, Project, Project Professional 2016, Project Plan, Project Management, Office 365, project pro, project professional, project online, project online pro, project reports, project reporting, project dashboard, project dash, project online reporting, ppm works, Microsoft project online
Id: mYrYNztwVcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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