Creating Custom Bootstrap Theme and Template for Drupal 7.

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hello friend welcome in my youtube channel ID support today's video on creating custom multi-strap from Drupal sell for this you have to download bootstrap from Drupal to 200 G for this you have to install Drupal I am else under my previous video URL digital box please check it just see I have downloaded the destructive path to download then placed it inside the theme folder then extract it just open it goes to stark kid and copy the version that you want to create for CDNs generally you're using Syrian for creating custom themes just paste it outside from Buddha step rename it as you want [Music] just copy this name open steam folder change the Syrian star key to start it dot info file yeah this is info file of your theme this is the default theme that provided by bootstrap so they renamed voltage types of themes idiot just change the name these are the reasons that would disturb default created or the thing you may change this according to unit this is how we add a CSS file a info file we know to create theme template just check it however things appear yeah this is the one that we are created with the help of Buddhist crap you check the demo theme that I have renamed it please enable and sit as default for your site now the custom theme that we are heated at the revolt theme aside we need to create custom template or the theme in which we are gated the reasons that's we need in our site for this we have to create PHP template file just single thing save the template inside the team template folder just save the bass beat your team template folder reading with this dot TPL dot PHP yeah now we have to clear three cells or area for that for example like each and every sides there is three things Commons header footer and content area now we go to clear this [Music] [Music] hiding low you tidy this is the format in which we have signed a vinyl or logo you have like this tall and for this now complete this test just six steps the bestest side image this is the intersection and this is for the footer now we need to get contained area or main content we are going to create content this is for the best item [Music] now just now we are going to create [Music] just put the condition [Music] just puppets [Music] [Music] just call this price still no we have to peer teach videos in operated for fats pigeons in a sidebar first just parrot secrets [Music] just change right time for the right reasons Marco fine just with this twist here yeah now we have to hear our catcher we need to have lost our cats after every changes in template file will appear in for bleaching appearance that sure we need to check our PI it work or not just open system blocks all the reasons that we have catered and in San here oh yeah just yet you know area contain left intact right but that right to left us we are created I mentioned assigned any block here thanks guys my next video is based on how to create bootstrap theme intro for that thank you [Music]
Channel: IT Support
Views: 621
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: drupal 7, drupal 8, bootstrap, cdn, template, custom
Id: 7C-i7ffIwmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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