Creating Cloth with Garment Maker (Autodesk 3ds Max)

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hello and welcome to another controlled elite tutorials today what we're going to be focusing on is 3d studio max is garment maker and cloth simulation so one of the things that I'm going to do is I've gone to just Google Images and looked for I done a Google search for sewing patterns which doesn't seem like the most maybe exciting thing to be modeling but I want to show it for how you can use it with garment maker and so to start I want to get a basically a sewing pattern so this is the one I have chosen I brought it into Photoshop and kind of cropped it the image so that it's four-and-a-half by seven and a half and at 300 dpi and also put a great background behind it because it was a PNG and it makes it really tricky to see while we're in max so this is the the reference that I've created so that you can kind of follow along with it if you want you can kind of just screencap this in the video and use that as your reference just crop it like I said I have mine cropped at four and a half by seven and a half so I'm going to come into max I'm going to maximize my screen here and go into the top view and I'm going to open up the material editor here and you know just make this little while wider so we can see so I'm going to just drag in a standard material I'm going to drag in a bitmap yeah bitmap image and I'm going to go ahead and search for my picture that I have my patterns here so there's my gray image but I have and drop that into my diffuse color slot and a double-click on my material here and just make sure I turn on show shaded material in viewport just so it makes it easy to see so now that I have that and close that for a second I'm going to create a plane in the top view as you can see my snaps are turned on here by default just because something else I was doing so I can go ahead and turn that off for now and I'm going to draw out a rectangle or a plane I'm just gonna make that a little darker to make it easier to see and I'm going to get rid of my length and width segments I'm still typing one by one okay the other thing I'm going to do is make sure that it is some sort of aspect ratio that is basically four and a half by seven and a half so I'm going to just do 75 if that was 7.5 which I'll make this 45 so just move the decimal place over and I'm going to move this to zero right clicking here on the swivel arrows and setting that to zero I'm actually going to drop this down just slightly just so my references under the grid for whenever I start working here on my pattern so I'm going to open my materials back up and it's kind of pan this out of the way a little and I'm gonna drive from here and drop that onto my plane so now we can see my image reference here so the first part of the demo is going over a garment maker and garment maker is one of the modifiers in the modifier list here and B down oh oh it actually won't apply on a plane it has to apply on a shape which is what we're going to create so I'm going to do my best to try to follow the outline of these garment sections so I'm just going to click at each corner and I'm not worried about the dip here just yet I can fix that after the fact I'm just going to follow this as closely as I can I'm going to do the same idea here just clicking down to there and just follow this around and then back up to the top and it says do you want to close spline I'm going to say yes so now I'm going to continue on doing this section I'm just gonna click on through it all the corners now I've chosen this pattern and I hope that something I do ends up working okay the part that I'm worried about is that this piece of fabric has kind of this pleat that it would end up creating I may end up getting rid of this if part of this doesn't work okay and then we have the sleeve so again just hitting all the corners an old shift here to get myself a straight line and finish that one up okay so now what I'm going to do is attach all of these together so I'm going to go to attach and I'm going to select each one and then I'm gonna go to vertex I'm going to change all of these do a window slice my window selection not showing up it's really weird there we go that's weird I don't know what happened there maybe it was waiting for me to finish attaching I might have started that active so everything's been attached I'm going to select all the vertices I'm going to right click and I'm going to go to Bezier corner and it's going to give me these little handles and so what I can do is I can use move and I can now move these handles kind of like you would use the path tool in Photoshop if you've ever used that I'm gonna go around it anywhere where I need to have this Bend around more I'm just gonna try to match this up as close as I can get to the garment kind of like that these ones are technically look like been a little so I'll do that shouldn't cause any issues okay there's that one it's pretty close this one here in the sleeve so this is where the sleeve will end up connecting it's pretty good all right that's good and then the last one is just this section of the sleeve now this one is actually bowing out and then back in it's kind of doing this ease and knees out sort of thing so again trying to just match that up as close as possible last part is I'm gonna go to spline I'm gonna select this one here I'm gonna pan down I'm gonna mirror this over to make the other one so they're exactly the same but I'm gonna do it as a copy so that I keep the one that I had and it's gonna move that off you can see that I may end up having to change this maybe these aren't as identical as I had thought they might be so you know I'm just gonna leave it like that it should I don't let's go ahead and do it I don't want to risk messing up something that I may not have to there may be a reason that the sleeve is slightly different on one side so we'll just make an adjustment there everything else looks basically the same so this is the front of whatever this garment is I'm not quite certain what it is but it looks like just some sort of basic shirt so what I'm going to do is I need to duplicate this and this because and actually both of these because I only have one half of the front and one half of the back so I'm going to go into spline mode I'm going to select everything here and again I'm gonna go down to mirror with copy and I'm just going to copy all that now it doesn't matter the arrangement that I have here because I am going to end up moving these but just to make things a little more organized I am going to move the sections that are the same apart so I'll move the sleeves over here to go with the other sleeves this is mostly to make the next section a little bit easier to do I still have duplicated that let's get rid of that I helped shift whenever I drug that one over and accidentally duplicated it okay actually bring these back over this way just so we're keeping around the origin here of my scene let's move things closer together here all right so that's been finished something else that I'm going to do is I want to make sure that these line up now I'll just leave them actually look pretty good all right so the next part I'm going to do will end up deciding whether or not I'm going to keep these pleats these ones will be fine but these ones the shoulders have to line up with the shoulders here in the sleeves based on where these would be sewn together we're going to get rid of the reference now so I'm just gonna right click and hide that while it's selected and I'm just gonna Center these objects I just want the hierarchy effect pivot point only Center two objects so it's centered to the whole thing and now I'm just gonna right click on these to Center everything all right before I go any further I'm gonna go ahead and save this so I'll just make a new folder and call this garment garment underscore zero zero one alright so before I end up applying garment maker to this I've actually got to unweld all of the vertices from one another so the way I do that is it go to vertex mode observe being weird again maybe it was still saving like I say don't crash on me in the middle of a demo that'd be bad okay so I'm gonna select everything I'm gonna right-click I can either right-click or I can just click on break when I click break you'll see everything becomes deselected if I go to spline mode now I can see that all of the splines have been broken apart so they're no longer selecting everything and that's what I want to have so now I'm going to turn off spline mode and then go to garment maker there it is garment maker I want to click that what it automatically does is it creates geometry for all of the pieces and you will see that they are all triangles and this is just the default for the way that a garment maker works it actually allows for better wrinkles and stuff that would be created by your fabric typically whenever I'm modeling I try to keep everything four sided shapes but in this case this is what garment maker does I'm gonna change my density to one just to make this a little more dense which will add a little more wrinkles you want to be very careful with this number because this can end up crashing your system if you put too high of a number in here it's going to tessellate this quite a bit and you're not gonna you're not going to be happy with those results okay so those are the four pieces so now each one of these sections is called a panel so I need to arrange these panels so that they'll all work together so I'm going to take the back panels and now whenever I go to rotate these even if I change my selection to Center and I rotate they're going to rotate individually so I'm going to make sure I turn on angle snap toggle and then rotate these 180 degrees and I can see down at the bottom here and the Y that would have said 180 and I'm just gonna go to move and line these as close as I can back to being about the same gap that I'm getting here okay so I'm going to leave that one for now actually I lied I'm going to move that to Center here and then I'm going to take this and drop it down a little bit quite a bit actually okay now these ones are already rotated the right way so go back to the top view now line them up as close as I can to the center here and try to line them up as close as I can here as well so now I'm going to take my sleeves and move these just off to the side for a second if you want to you can rotate this whole thing up I'm gonna end up doing that here in a minute but just from my panels I'm doing it this way so this panel going to rotate 180 degrees and I'm gonna move it to line up with this panel as close as I can get it I'm gonna drop this one down as well let's see I'm just type in negative five that way that's give a negative ten actually and then I'll go to the other one and move these so they're also at negative ten okay and then I'm gonna take both of these I'm gonna rotate them you'd be about 60 degrees and I'm going to move them pretty close to where they're gonna get sewn on here now the one thing dharmic maker is going to try to do is it's going to try to match up this seam with this seam now I've tried to work from a pattern to see if this will actually line up properly because normally if there are too many vertices here to line up with right here it's going to cause an issue so I'm hoping it works always a good idea to test these things out off-screen but you know let you learn through my mistakes if that's what it's got to be so I'm going to rotate this 180 degrees and I move it down to negative 10 I'm going to go to the top view here no actually I did the wrong one need to rotate this one because I'm going on the other side it's my bad so 180 line these up as close as possible drop down negative ten and now I'm going to take both of these I'm going to rotate them believe we did sixty degrees and I've got a line I'm just doing this so I can get these pretty close to the same arrangement here on both sides okay so now for the moment of truth to see if the seams will actually work so what we can see is we've got the front of the garment and the back of the garment so we've laid out our panels now I have to settle them together so that sounds a lot worse than maybe it is but we're gonna go down to seams I'm gonna try these ones first just because they're the ones that I'm worried about so I'm going to select both and I'm going to say create seam all right seam splines lengths not within tolerance let's see if it gives us a seam tolerance okay I'm gonna change this too I'm guessing that's looking for a higher number so I'm going to go to point one and see if that will allow so I'm going to click hold ctrl click again create team still not within tolerance all right say 0.5 okay so what it did is you can see the geometry had changed ever so slightly to match this one so that's good so this should end up working now so I'm going to click these two because the seam won't be created there create seam the sleeve at the end here is going to be a hole so we don't want to see him there so I'll select these two and I'm holding ctrl to pick the second one and you know well there are well create seam there all right so this part is what I have a filling might be an issue so I'm going to select the pleat I'm going to say create seam and then I'm to select these two this have a feelings gonna give us an issue yeah so it doesn't like that because of that there so I could go back to the line or move it for now I'm just gonna leave it as a whole I know it's gonna not be ideal for having my shirt this way and I don't think there's really any way around this even if I select all of that now so we're gonna have holes here in the shoulders but we know that now so that's fine create seam I'm gonna come down there create seem I don't know why you'd really want pleading there this must be a girl's shirt I'm guessing create seam I'm just gonna work our way around here these are going to get it seemed together there and there and this is the bottom so actually we need to remove that seam that's we've seen that's my bad okay um the back it's gonna get pulled together so create seam there create seam on the bottom I'm gonna seem the front together just since the shoulders aren't connected and then I think this will be our last one all right so that's going to end up creating no we didn't do this one now we will be able to weld these together more than likely once this thing is all been put together it's just not ideal to have to do it after the fact okay so now on top of this we're going to create or we're going to add the cloth modifier now I know the seams all look like they disappeared but they're actually just fine here so I'm going to go to the object properties of this cloth and it's selected so it's line 0 1 that's the name of my line and I'm gonna say be a cloth I'll say use panel no be a cloth and I'm going to just go with default the default settings you can mess with some of the different ones they all kind of do different things I just find default works for this next part and I can always simulate the cloth is a different fabric after based on whatever that fabric is so I'm gonna click OK now we see my seams are showing up again since the cloth modifier knows that this is actually cloth so we're going to use and show the sewing spring springs we have to turn off gravity because if I simulate this it's going to end up falling and that's not going to be good the other thing I'm going to do is rotate this 90 degrees so that it's up and down okay something else that I would normally suggest is if I'm going to simulate something like this I want to make sure that it's not going to end up falling you know off of this whenever it pulls these seams together it's good if you have a character that the seams are basically going around so I could make a very simple mesh just to work in here so I'm going to do that just briefly let's do it in the front view so I'm just going to take a box created me top view here I'm going to move that to just above my objects so I'm going to convert this to an editable poly I'm going to extrude this down all the way to the bottom here I'm going to drop down my graphite modeling panel here I'm going to go to modeling turn off that I'm gonna go to Swift loop and then add some loops in here so these are just going to go around a character so that for my arms and then just a very simple kind of Thor so who's gonna be created here okay so no double click these two select the loops and I'm gonna just pull this out to about where the shoulders would rest go in the wireframe mode here and basically just stretching this out to create a very simple sort of shape for what my character you know would fit fill in oops so I'm gonna go back to garment maker or not go back to the cloth and I'm gonna add this object so actually let's select that I'm going to put a turbosmooth on this character and I forgot to extrude him some arms so we'll just do extrude just extrude this far out and the scale the ends here and pull them down kind of like that but I also be a good idea for this to have these sections here under my shoulders of my garment and then have the arms here also down like this so that way when this shrinks up around this it will kind of keep some sort of form on the inside all right and then turbosmooth pretty sweet-looking character enough all right and I'll just convert him to an editable poly all right back to garment maker we're back to my garment so from here I need to weld or to seam all of this together but in order for it to understand that I have a character in here line this up a little closer to be between my negative ten and my zero so in order for this to keep a shape I need to attach this character so I'm going to go to object properties make sure my line is still set up as a cloth because that's important I'm gonna go to add object I'm gonna select the box that I started with my little character I'm gonna make him a collision object and I'm gonna turn my depth of my offset to a really low number for this so I'm just gonna go to 0.1 for that always go back and make sure your cloth object is set as cloth because every now and then if had this to wear it resets and I really don't know why I'm gonna click OK and then now what we're gonna do is simulate this now the simulation we're gonna do is not a not clicking the simulate because what this will do is if I had this character animated moving around the simulation would actually try to move the cloth based on those movements and it'll actually key or add animation keys to that object we don't want to do that what we want to do is simulate it moving together so we have simulate local and simulate local damped the differences dammt slow is a slower process as it tries to pull these pieces together much slower whereas local will go a little bit faster but it can end up making things move too fast for the simulation so I start off with sim local damped and when I click this it should end up pulling these seams together so I'm going to do seemingly damped okay so it is actually running but what it ended up doing was rotating this back to where it was before apparently didn't like the fact that I had rotated so I'm gonna undo my simulation so I'm just gonna hit control Z and I'm gonna rotate this back to line down and I'll just simulate it on the character here so I'll rotate that also 90 degrees and do that so I'll line him up in the arms and then move him down I'm just gonna type in negative five because I know that's center there all right so I'm gonna try that again and turn off my grid by hitting G all right where did my scene go there did I not put one I thought for sure I had okay I'm gonna erase the cloth modifier real quick just to make sure that I have all my seams in I thought I did that one but I guess I didn't I make sure I have my ones on the shoulders that are here and here I do all right weird I want to make sure I remove the cloth modifier from him as well all right so I'm gonna add that again so cloth make sure gravity's off we're using and showing the sewing Springs I've made my cloth object a cloth set it to default and hit OK make sure the so sewing Springs show up and go back in the properties make sure that's still cloth an ad box I know I can add them all at the same time but if I do that I've just had it happen to where it doesn't keep it so this is mostly just out of habit so I'm going to set this to a really low low number point zero I think it did point one before but I'll do a point zero one that's fine so that's a collision object that's a cloth object hit okay and now I'm gonna do simulate damped again all right so it's gonna try to pull these pieces together now if there are any parts that were pulled through the mesh they're probably going to end up having problems and I'm gonna let simulation kind of finish doing what it does here you see there it wasn't able to sew those parts together and I'm going to turn that off I'm gonna hide this for a second just to see what it did there that's actually not too awful so now I've got this gonna hide my little dummy object so what I'm going to do is I'm going to convert this now to an editable mesh because it's been kind of put together here so I'm gonna right click convert to editable poly I'm going to go and select borders and hit ctrl a to select all of my borders here I'm going to hold ctrl and click vertex to turn my boarder selection into vertex selection which should allow me to weld everything here together and that looks pretty good looks like you got everything small hole right here it's easy to fix I can just select those vertices I can't collapse and they'll pull them all together and since that arm was messed up chances are this one will also be yep so I'll just select all those sometimes in the cloth if you turn off sewing Springs it will weld everything together for you but I had bad luck with it today so I'm just doing it this way whoops collapse really do this to any areas that it didn't weld I'll check the other side here just to make sure because now it's not trying to simulate the cloth so I can weld things together very easy on my own and I can make this object cloth again I'm just doing this just to clean up areas all right that's probably fine definitely fine for what we're doing okay so now that that's been simulated I'm gonna take both of these objects rotate I'm gonna rotate from selection Center 90 degrees and just to be safe with this I'm gonna select everything which already had it selected and go to utilities reset transform reset selected and I'm going to right click and convert these objects back to editable Polys the reason I've done that is because if I don't do that it'll um it'll keep that rotation information and my pivot points will all be kind of following the wrong direction so now I'm going to select my garment object again as well go ahead and name that garment and I'm gonna put the cloth modifier on it once more actually I'm going to take that off and then use push modifier I'm gonna push this out slightly away from the mesh because some of these problem areas might end up fixing themselves or they may end up sticking to the skin there ideally you don't want this kind of stuff to happen and it's only because I used this really kind of generic mesh to put in here that this had even happened in the first place but now I'm going to convert this to edit poly and I'll put the cloth modifier on it again I'm going to add my garment object set it as cloth I'll set it as let's say cotton something different and I'm gonna click OK I know that silly but I'm gonna go back into it add my box character make sure I click it set it as collision I'm gonna go to like 0.1 this time may have ended up pulling those parts in because I went with such a low number before so I'm gonna try that make sure a garment is set to cloth good ok so now I'm gonna turn gravity back on and I don't need sewing spring so I can turn those off and I'm gonna go ahead and do simulate local so now my cloth is basically gonna try to come to rest as much as possible now some of these areas are being pulled tight or pulled against the skin so then you're probably not going to simulate properly I can always come in convert this to an edit poly and just pull these up which should help that also ideally these would be pulled together so I'm just going to convert this to an editable poly and this is how I make those fixes to there so I can go to freeform and I can use the different paint brush tools here so I'm going to move my tools off and change this to something smaller like five and I can use pole strength there's a bit high I'm gonna set this to a lower number so I can kind of go over this and just pull these areas out away from everything else here I got a little hole there good weld that's gonna make this so just pull this out just a little bit away and then I come in with relax kind of relax these areas after some of them started bunching up a little bit so it's the way to kind of fix that there's also going to take any holes that I have and make them more apparent kind of pulled that back down into the skin just fix that and then fix these parts also have some welding errors along there I'm go ahead and pull this up relax you can't just have to go between these okay so let me go ahead and fix these couple of holes turn off my relax tool there so I'll just select these now if I have keyboard shortcuts charcoal keyboard shortcut override toggle turned off if I have two vertices selected I hit ctrl alt C I will collapse them together so just something to keep in mind there see problems here control see how to get all those now again I should be pulling those parts together but I'm not really all that worried about that for now all right so I'm gonna apply my cloth simulation again and see if I get it to fall off the body a little bit better than this right now it's really not looking the way I would want it to look so I'm gonna put on cloth and this time we'll try adding this in at the same time and see if it does everything all right so box collision point one point one garment let's try to pick something else we'll go with a heavy material so we'll just go with a generic heavy material okay that said is cloth that said as collision simulate local there you can see it kind of falls off the body a little bit better than I did before what's nice about this is it will allow us to basically simulate this thing dropped first and then I'm going to convert it once more let's get rid of the other cloth modifiers on there I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna grab let's grab part of his arm here and I'm going to apply a bend modifier to just that part of the arm so let me go into my um my gizmo here and I'm gonna rotate this so it aligns a little bit better with the arm okay so I'm gonna bend it and I'm gonna change my center point here no that would be incredibly weird all right let's use limit effect there we go so that way I can limit the bend to just a small portion of the arm there we go okay so I'm going to animate that coming up so I'll set it back to 0 for the beginning and then I'll just bend this up partway here and then have it come back down now put my cloth back on here had my object again change this all right okay so I have that now I'm just gonna go ahead and do simulate so when it runs the simulation the cloth should end up following the arm moving up and it's going to key this animation so that I can keep it so I'm going to go ahead and pause the video and let this go through and then when I come back I'll play it for you alright so the simulation is finished so we're going to go back to the beginning here and then what does it play and you can see the cloth simulating and wrinkling up and doing all the stuff that it basically should do now this cloth is kind of stiff right now because I've chosen to use this you know heavy fabric so everything's kind of moving but you can kind of get the idea of how the cloth simulation should work so I'm going to do another video where I just do simulation of cloth without having to go through garment maker and that I'll upload as soon as possible so that we have that one as well like thank you for watching please like and subscribe to our Channel and our videos and if you guys have any questions or anything that you want to do leave them in the comments if you have any ideas of things that you would like to see again leave those in comments and I'm pretty good about getting back on commenting back on any of your comments to let you know if I'm gonna be able to do something or if I'm able to help in any way so once again thanks a lot for watching I hope you enjoyed this video
Channel: CtrlAultDelTutorials
Views: 30,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds, max, 3d, autodesk, tutorial, tutorials, teaching, learning, modeling, texturing, animation, video, games, art, cloth, simulation, garment maker, Autodesk 3ds Max (Award-Winning Work), 3D Modeling (Film Job), modifier, clothing
Id: x-dNdgog1B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2015
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