Creating ChatBot || Dialogflow || Just in 30 Minutes

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now we have the dialogue floor so you start things off so you can make it out yes except now let's create an alien first of all okay now let's say I have a shop I own a cake shop it's name is cupcake shop it's an example it's an example okay so being in th now let's say I have a custom customer okay okay he came to me he asked for cake okay I think I got cupcakes doesn't matter whatever it is so let's it's working we will let you know what is fall back into okay now let's see vignette creating a charred bok okay you need to have a small table which means when you see high it should respond to say good morning it should reply with readings or something like that so that's a good thing I mean I love loop it provides small talk with us you can just polish small talk and we can just start that thing and tell you can fill this up why how old are you anything whatever you want to make a chat board would cut this emotions everything so let's see I will just add for example to you why so let's say hey there cupcake what okay there to you with your order sir I think and I will save it out as it done okay now let's go to integrations okay we'll explain you line by line okay now I need to see that how much at what is working so I will have a web demo itself and I will take Street here okay this is cupcake chat bot okay let's see as you have seen that I will give this small talk means I can talk to my chat board for small talks let's say hi hello and how are you at this thing so let's say hello it has posted date let's say I ask oh you response hey there I'm a cupcake shop chat but let me with your orders okay that's great it is agreed once this of this model talks now I want my chant forward to integrate and to take my orders and to save it okay so let's go to engines first of all okay now this is what intent intentions what you can are your training phases you can add your tags whatever tags you have units in the language I'm explaining you tags let's see what type of cake I want what size of state I want how much will be the price what timings I will be preparing the cake on what timings the customer needs the cake as well as it should be deliverable to home or it should be you have the customer should take any shop whatever you want to are I will be just hiding to what reasons as an example for you guys let's go to any DS first of all now and it is a water means they are obtained which would be as cold as it tags to you okay let's say I will create an entity the first entity so mean will be Li like him let's say the type of item I prefer when might be it will be a cake will be ice cream or let's say it will be a chocolate or it will be something has let's say cupcakes also that's famous okay the preferable things will be something like let's see now let's add some cakes that is let's say I'm this is just for training purposes okay all right I just fix it black forest forest cake you can add two or three cakes that's it when is nothing also a teacher it's a personal that's another I'd say ice cream mango ice cream sorry spelling mistake guys place it is like what else you can add whatever you want let's see we can have it okay let's add this out here two or three for you cupcake just for presence then we need to add chocolate cupcake what about cupcakes and it's on let's say we saw okay now the before the things let's see we drinkin okay now let's say the Creed I intend will be my custom custom custom whatever it may be context will be explaining in a moment events now what is events first of all it really means what let's say I will be adding this event as well come for my dialogue flow you can add if you're adding this project in color system indicating to Google Instant you can add a video open your mobile or something smart whatever sack smartphone you have and you press the open will understand your site and you just say and I want some cake it will be automatically take you to the application itself or else you need your permission whatever you want to be well I am using for even demo itself so I'm using this next training phases let's some cleaning phases firstly this is the response this is reaction in parameter is what actions I will be taking about parameters I am using I will mix training not all this so this is a basic explanation let's see now the cake has been automatically is the type of looking for a strong sticker aw yeah no you need to train these things that it can be strumming also okay and you can have your entities as different let's say I have any type of item in and release you can have keys you can have sorry you can have cupcakes entities I have just made the chocolate I pick other days when teach to you chocolate even cupcake and it's like okay okay let me explain you whenever a custom customer comes to your shop okay he says let's say reason idiotic mind I think so it's just an example okay I need I need something I need something in my budget of let's say special whatever it is okay so we'll copy this out let's say what is a customer says these things know at this time what should the chat bot say okay because I don't find anything that is to be connected now that is to be have a connection with my entities so at that time the chart what will come wrong the question hello what are you looking or in cupcake shop okay yeah what are you looking for you can say then that wish it doesn't matter okay so this is what required means is these sentences if the tag sorry if these phrases okay if the faces does exist it's not having any type of dimension in this case then the chat pod would automatically ask what type of item are you looking for any cupcake shop let's say some of the customers come to the shop and ask for many things so it might be is list is list notes what you can add many things let's say I need a cupcake on a cake I mean a drink or drink what do we he made see so let's see what this out let's change these things intense okay you know ultimately the agent training will be started let's go to this shot let's test this out okay let's say hello to this is good day let's say I am looking for something delicious okay now how many prompts that hello what are you looking for in cupcake shop okay no it has an empty response because I have to provide like okay cake you can add what flavor but I really I just what sighs let's see okay now the customer says I need a key I need a take now the shopkeeper asked what kind of or what size of take you okay so my main whatever is to get the size of me okay so when you have something you can go to entities size not besides maybe it's a hat size and it will be big not small medium as 1kg half ad okay I let's see ah sorry 2 kg rs5 he's done this out intense ladies I am 8 of Round House kg it automatically detects that yes besides is or else I'm looking for a large not be large as will be identified let's say the type of item sighs what okay yeah next I need a bouquet G cake now it automatically displays the type of item system done but we don't want to identify the number you want to identify as sides okay now we just change this here this is sides I just save this our saving melts it is the tile approach is been training this racist understanding that 2 kg 5 kg 4 kg whatever it may be it will be as a entity let's see okay now let's ask because hello so I know the recipe now let's say we will add one more let's see the time okay we need timing much so that's when you need this cake okay we will work on your Eid differences now you're getting the point what increase its let's see Andy's okay we don't want to read it is because it is pretty neat I love slow right because timings are what we are detailed okay so let's just find this out key yeah let's see put in une I stated okay oh let's make this as important because we need to know what time the customer once again let's say I can't read it what knows okay now you have got the idea what I'm doing and what you are getting it okay let's refresh this out let's say now when you write these full three sentences in one phrase okay I mean when you write this smoothly Oh what should I see at least in one small space then it directly will go to the main response back straight okay I'm looking for a key yeah the response come ask what is it raining that's why it's time for small size makes a directly I will write small size okay what time you need to get by it's empty response moments after this what kind of response will be having from chat one that doesn't mean okay let's do this no let's say everything is done everything has been taking order has been taken let's see what kind of kick I will be required what timings and what size are they regret now it's optimal see okay yes yes yes okay so this is yes I know fish also thing no we have done these things yes no okay relevant that is not related to D chatbot so that should you fall back in 10 mins that should be a fallback see you are providing something relevant to the topic okay mix that is back only we tell you what is fallback and how do you understand it is that this fall back let's see when you say something your eleventh will be that what it says save and go back to intense the mean okay now we have fallback no it's and what is if you want to cancel your order to cancel and you can say okay we have canceled you say so almost I have done with me customer Kate when it says cancel or say yes also use no it's uh says anything that is it a level to be chat one now let's go but now let's see we need to tell any customer that in your order has been taken when everything satisfies when it's the type of item is satisfied and if you guys will take an upside as medical update a times Delta will provide a response we have your order oh now what what do you have got that you okay bye timings yes okay what do you like what do you okay we have got your order or something something something something something okay so let's I'll ask do you confirm come from your order okay done let's say this out I'm like test and then save him started he completed okay let's refresh this and have a test let's say now let's see I put any of the entities that asked me what kind of key come looking for me what flavor okay so don't get is it it it you can add in the end is it what size are you looking for okay okay at what time do you need decay today after we have got your order of state today afternoon do you want to confirm your order yes okay the order has been taken here we have ended let's see again we will have okay let's see directly see your cancer also so it will be sending out and sending in face at least and anyway okay outside let say 1 GG till the time but so no problem just okay I say yes and let's say cancel it cancel my order what it says please send an email to cupcake already so this is a short video for you guys to understand the dialogue no v6 said that how can you make these things well if you need more about listening that how I will be integrating with you have many kind of integrations can be totally for now a vast Baelfire whatever you want you can integrate with the Skype also telegram cake line everything if you want these for the videos for let's say we have a full cell phone so you can control the top slow motion video API is another books as well as the inline editor that is power sorry we can use files are also heroes okay if you want more video on this comment down below so that I can add more videos according to this and I will let you know how it can integrate this dialogue flow with your application with your website with your any of your policy if you want okay so this is a small video that you can understand how the dialogue flow works with a simple on smart techniques
Channel: EduTech Load
Views: 10,715
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: dialogflow, chatbot, chtterbot, free chatbot, free service in chatbor, robot, free app chatbot, free diaogflow chatbot, chatbot easy, easy making of chatbot, dialogflow easy chatbot, google chatbot, cupcake app chatbt, business chatbot, free business service chatbot, chatbot in 30 minutes, 30 minute chatbot, fast and easy making chatbot, dialogflow easy and fast making of chatbot
Id: 0SDfi3JvacE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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