Creating and Running First Flutter Application in Visual Studio Code

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hello guys today i will teach you on how to create new flatter application using visual studio code but before that you need to download and install the following software before you start developing flutter application using visual studio code then after installing all the software requirements in flutter application development you can now create your first flutter application so the first step is click on command palette then search on flatter then click on flatter new project then type the name of your project for example my first flatter app then press enter to confirm then select the directory of your project for me i created a folder in my documents name flatter project then select folder to create the project then wait for few minutes while the visual studio code populate all the requirements for your first platter application then it is done so check the project directory of your first application so in here we have the android the ios and the library which is dart file and then we have the test folder and we also have metadata packages my first platter app iml pubspec.log pubspec.yaml in our lib folder or the library folder this is where we can find our dart files before editing anything on this file we need to check first if the project was successfully created or it has the complete files and directories for our project so how to test if the project was successfully created we need to run our flutter application so how to run our first flutter application you can click on this button the play button or the run without debugging or just simply press f5 on your keyboard so let's run our first application so in here you need to select the device where you're going to run your application so in here we have the start pixel 2 api 27 mobile emulator and if you don't have any emulator on your computer you can create android emulator or if you have a mobile phone especially an android phone you can connect your phone using a usb cord to your computer and let the computer detect your phone by opening the debugging mode once detected you can select your mobile phone in here but this time we'll be running our first application using an emulator the emulator was created in android studio so wait until the application will be loaded to your emulator okay check on always allow from this computer okay so we find an error here cannot launch without an active device so the problem here is our emulator is not yet started so what you need to do is to try to run again your application then again wait until the application will be installed on our emulator so you can monitor the installation by clicking on the terminal or in the debug console so in here you can see that there is a progress here launching main.dart on android sdk built for x86 in debug mode so let us still wait so still running griddle tas assemble debug just wait until it's done this will take a few minutes but once the application is already installed or running on your emulator once you made a changes on your application you can use the hot reload feature so that you can instantly update or run your application after few minutes the application was successfully installed to our emulator so let us try the application so we can try our application by pressing the floating button or the floating action button here so as we can see the number is increasing depending on how many times depending on how many times we click this button then try to change some content on our first flatter application for example we'll be changing the text here for example we type my first flatter application then let's run again our application using the restart button so as you can see the text is updated in our text component so that's all thank you for watching and see you on our next videos god bless everyone
Channel: Code PH
Views: 23,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter tutorial, flutter app, flutter sdk, flutter hello world, flutter hello world vscode, flutter hello world in android studio
Id: sfjPX-adYKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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