Creating and Managing Groups on Google Workspace

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hey guys let's set up groups on Google workspace so you can use it for distribution list as well as folder security so to start go to I'm already there on the left select directory and then groups I have a few groups that I've created to create a group select create group to create a group name your group I'm going to name my finance team and for group email I'm gonna also put Finance team there for group description this is optional we don't need to put anything here and for group owners we can put one now or do one later for labels it's default for mailing but we're also going to add security which I'll show you how to use for our Google Drive now let's modify the access type it's currently default for public but we can change it to team announcement only restricted or Custom Custom will not highlight but you'll see that it changed for who can contact group owners we're only going to set group owners and group managers to contact that person for who can view the conversation we want group members and group managers and owners to view them for who can post we want pretty much everyone to be able to post including external people for who can view members we only want group members managers and owners to be able to view them for who can manage members we only want owners and managers to manage them for who can join the group I'm going to set it to only invited users so only admins can add members to allow users outside your company you want to toggle the sun this is helpful if you have Freelancers that would work with you once you're set with that click create group next thing we need to do is modify some advanced settings hover over the group and select edit settings scroll down and you'll see advanced settings you can rename your group here add group description and add a welcome message for group features no additional features is selected but you can turn on collaborative inbox and what does that mean I'm going to show you I'm going to duplicate this window and open the group I'm going to select the finance team I have a test email already if we select that you can see that you have few options here but if we turn on collaborative inbox under settings we'll save changes go back to our group and refresh that page select the message you'll see that you have more options like assigning the message to another group member there's also Market as complete duplicate the message and no action needed if you go back to the group settings we can also add a shared label let's enable this and then save changes go back to the group message again and we're going to refresh this page select the message there's an added icon over here that you can use to create labels for certain messages I'm going to create a label so something like this will be created you can also assign multiple labels and assign it to one message but there's no option to color code those labels yet let's go back to our group settings we've already configured some of these settings so I'm just going to scroll down for posting policies you can turn off allow email posting if you don't want the group to get an email when someone sends a message to the group but you'll still be able to view them on the group page or if you only want to get emails for the group you can click allow webposting next conversation history that's automatically on when you have collaborative inbox we leave who can reply properly to others for who can attach files we're actually going to change this to anyone on the web just in case someone's trying to email this group and they want to add screenshot attachments who can moderate the content we're going to leave it as group managers and who composes a group we want group members to post as a group for default sender you can change it to a group address but we'll leave it for author's address if you are replying to a message you can easily switch the sender so it's from the Group address for message moderation I won't change anything there so the message is delivered to our group automatically for new members restrictions We're Not Gonna put any restriction on that but for spam message handling I'm going to change that to post suspicious messages to the group so we don't miss any emails in case Google thinks is a spam email a few more settings we need to configure for subject prefix add one here if you want to easily identify the email that is for a group this is also useful if you want to create a rule in your inbox I put Finance inside the bracket you can make it Fun by putting emojis instead you can have fun with this you don't necessarily need to put it inside a bracket as well you can just put a text or just emojis each messages you get for a group there's an email footer included we don't need this so I'll turn it off and for all replies we're only going to turn on enable auto reply to non-members outside the organization and then you can add your message something like this for post replies to we're going to leave it as sender chooses recipient this way we can include everyone in the group or just the recipient and for conversation mode I'll leave that on so emails in the same subject are in one conversation instead of multiple emails and for member moderation I'll leave that responsibility to the group managers and then that's it let's click save changes now we can add members in this group so on the left side you'll see members then click the add members button I'm going to add the group owner first which is me and then I'm going to add the group members which I only have one for this test you can also add a group manager if you want you can also add a welcome message when you add a person in the group for subscription it's default that you get an email every time someone emails the group but you can change that to digest which you get one email when there are 25 messages sent in a group you can choose Abridged which you get one email every day that could contain up to 150 messages but would only contain a few lines from the email or you can choose not to get any emails for that group and you'll have to log into the web hosting to view the messages so I'll leave it for each email and then click add members and that's it I'm going to go to the groups now if you've gone this far of this tutorial please help me out and click the like button I'm going to select the finance team and then send a test email to this I'm also going to open my personal email I'm basically just going to send an email to finance team at mark with a test subject [Music] now we should get an auto reply because we've said that so as you can see that worked [Music] now I'm going to go to the groups refresh this page and there's the email now if we log into John Smith's account which is one of the members of this group so the email is there including their prefix emojis that I set as a member I can reply to this but I can only reply as the user and not as a group if you want to be able to reply as a group go to the group page and to access that on the top right you'll see the waffle menu look for groups and we'll open a separate tab click the group then select your message and you can reply here as a group all you got to do is click this drop down and then select the group name then add your reply and then click post message keep in mind that if you send it from the group account and you have a lot of members it's sometimes hard to know who actually replied to the message now the last thing that this group is useful is by using it for security access I'm going to open my Google Drive you can easily share a file or folder to a bunch of people by giving them access as a group for example I have a shared drive here which I use as a server I have a finance Drive click the three dots select manage members type the who will group over here select it then you can choose to modify the access you can give them manager access content manager contributor commenter and viewer so in this case I'm only going to give them contributor access so they can only add and edit files and not delete any you can include to notify them as a group everyone will get an email if you have that on and you also see it on the group posting if you want to learn more about Google share drive on how you can use it as a server I've got a tutorial on that thank you for watching put your questions and comments below or simply say thanks if this video is helpful and while you're at it please subscribe and click the like button so you can also help me out
Channel: StuffedBox
Views: 18,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google cloud platform, gcp tutorial, google tutorial, apple tutorial
Id: N9Rzgso5efY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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