Creating an Indian Paintbursh Pin with Amy Raymond

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hey everybody this is Amy Raymond I was asked by Rio to do a couple projects so my first project that I'd like to show you guys is um I have a hat pin idea so the back story on it is um I'm a ranch wife and a mother of two boys and when I'm being Amy Raymond the ranch wife I really like to go ride in the mountains and gather cows and there's a plant that really stands out to me every time I go and ride um and that's the Indian Paintbrush it also happens to be the Oregon state plant since I'm an Oregonian that's kind of cool and fun to have it be a part of my work I could figure out how to make it a bolo and a couple other things but I really saw it as a hat pin I've been searching online I found a couple ones that I liked and then I I manipulated them to what I want it to be so I'll show you guys the process I'll show you my what I'm gonna do my thought process why I'm doing it um the way I'm going to go about attaching it to a hat um all of the steps and stick with me I think it's going to be kind of fun I'm really excited to see the finish so what I'm gonna do is I shrunk this down to the size that I wanted it I did it in two different sizes and at first glance I really like this one I thought when I copied this off that this was going to be what I went for but I don't think that that's gonna be it I think we're gonna go with the little one so then what I did was I took a piece I use a lot of drafting paper to um to design my work with so what we're going to do is I have this Nifty white box that I use I wanted to manipulate The Indian Paintbrush so it all came from one place my thought in this whole deal is that you would kind of shove the bottom of the Indian Paintbrush into the hat band and then the Indian Paintbrush would come out of the hat band this is a statement piece I want to make a statement with my Indian Paintbrush on a hat so I believe that I want it just a little bit taller a little bit bigger so I made a copy of it a hundred and twenty percent so 120 percent of this one that I made is about a half an inch you can see it's it's about a half an inch bigger on each one I really like this size I think that's going to look really fancy on a hat so what I did was is because um I designed it a little bit smaller in the beginning this is my piece of rose gold for the tops of The Indian Paintbrush I'm going to figure out as big of pieces as I can to utilize as much of the rose gold as I can and to like be have these accent tops so we're gonna figure that out how I'm probably gonna do that is I'm gonna cut these out and see if I can fit them all on here and I'll show you how I do that after I cut them out stick with me it's gonna be fun okay so we have our little um piece of rose gold with um this one top of the Indian Paintbrush ready to cut out and I thought while I was doing that I might as well cut out as much as I can so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this out and so this is a piece of 20 gauge sterling silver every time I use silver I try to butt up in a corner because just waste less and then maybe you can use the outside for I don't know uh project of some kind so now we got this glued down and my fingers are all sticky again and then once this dries then I'll cut this out on my with my Jeweler saw in my bench and then we can go figure out where the rest of these will fit and glue it all down over there okay here's my sawing station um I thought we'd start with the plant itself get the base cut out and then we can go from there I'm going to use a four out just because I have some really small areas to go into if my if the area that I'm cutting into is um like 45 degrees unless I will I'll cut from one side and then pull my blade back out like I did right here cut in one side pull my blade back out and then cut over and then I'll cut down to the V if it's like this one that I'm coming up to right now I want that b to be very definite so I'll pull my blade back out and then I'll kind of come over and cut into it because it'll give this more definition you want it to look crisp and clean so you you have to think about how your saw blade you got to make your saw blade do the work so in the end you don't have to run a tiny file or sandpaper in there to kind of clean stuff up look at that so the next part of what I like to do and it really depends on the piece I'm cutting out when I do this um you know if you're cutting out a whole bunch of letters for a belt buckle I'm going to do this first but I'm going to decide which because like if you look at that there's a lot of definition that I'm missing that I could get if I saw more out so I'm going to go through on the front and decide more parts because this is pretty law I want more definition I want more filigree I want to see the Hat through it more so what I'm going to do is decide the parts that need cut out like if I cut this out it's going to make a big difference in this piece and I think if I cut out where that purple is if you can see it then that would be a huge um that would be a huge game changer so how I do this is um I drill a hole so I can stick my saw blade through it so I'm going to go show you how I drill a hole okay so flex shaft drill with tiny hole just make sure your saw blade will go through it it doesn't really matter the size I mean you don't want it so big that you're gonna compromise your definition in your plants but you want it big enough your saw blade will go through but not too big right to screw you all up so two should get me I should be able to get around in here and get around down here and we'll see how much definition that helps with but this is a pretty big piece and that one's kind of small so I think it'll help with a lot of the definition of the plant brass hammer and my name stamp right here so I'm going to come down here to the stems stamp my name it's all nice and neat Raymond there we go it's good to go okay we have my Indian Paintbrush base metal cut out but we still have this wonderful paper on the top the The Deco cement is water soluble so all you have to do is soak it in water in this paper will pop right off we'll leave it for 10 minutes and that paper will pull right off and so will the glute as promised the paper came off the Indian Paintbrush really easy after I soaked it in water so I soaked it in water for about 10 minutes and then it pops right off so now we're gonna cut out um the red Tops on each one of these so I cut the tops out of The Indian Paintbrush so then these are the pieces that I'm going to glue on this beautiful piece of rose gold this is the piece of rose gold that we glued part of The Indian Paintbrush down so I glued this one down and I'm going to cut it out and then I'm going to piece the other pieces together okay now we're going to cut out the next piece notice I speed up my saw blade when I'm turning Each corner it doesn't matter um what kind of corner it is I'll stop my motion forward and I just let it move kind of in place what it does is it cuts a bigger hole so so you can go any direction and I'm sure I've said this before but it's really important when you're running a Jeweler's saw to be loose and easy and really think about the future of where your Blade's gonna go and where you've been and how you want to get there and you don't you don't want to sit here with a file for three hours trust me I've done it so the more work you can do you can make your saw blade do for you the less work you're going to do in the future okay so the first piece we cut out looks like this when I pull it out of the water we're going to just let that just pop right off like that so that's my first top and that goes there like that The Next Step is I'm going to get each piece ready to solder so what I want to do is I'm going to Tin the back of each um of each set of flowers right now there's no solder on the back of this what I'm going to do is I'm going to put solder on the back of this so I want to figure out which side's the top this sides of the top of this one this side's the top of this one so in order for solder to not go on something you make it dirty so you make the Surface dirty how you can do that a very easy way is you use a black Sharpie marker and what I do is I color this side so if if your surface is dirty there's less likely that your solder will stick to it so the side that needs solder on it still looks like rose gold and the side that I don't want solder on is black so then what I'm going to do is I'm going to Tin these pieces so tinning means you're going to put the solder on the back of the rose gold so um so you can then heat up the base of the solder of the Hat pin itself and solder it and then it'll stick to the it'll solder to the piece so what I'm going to do is I use handy flux I'm going to flex the front where I don't want um solder and I flex the back I'm going to set on my solder right board and then I can be able to do them all at the same time I'm going to just use my butane torch I really really don't want to melt this gold into a million pieces and have it not be okay so then we will heat each piece up until the flux turns clear add solder to it soldering I think is definitely the hardest part of all this but there we go then I'll stick them in water and let them cool down for a second and then we'll solder them onto the piece itself and I'll show you that too okay so this beautiful container is full of boric acid and denatured alcohol and what I will do is um paint my slurry and then you light it on fire and you can see a green flame and it's going to form kind of a crust on the back of it and that is supposed to hold back the heat scale while doing this so then what I do is I paint my flux on the top I also use these tungsten strips that I've been into different shapes so I can make them however I want to hold my pieces down and then they're not sliding all over the place and then you can keep something right where you want it so then you have all three pieces that are all ready to go then I put flux on the front of them and then this one we're going to heat I want so I the solder is on the gold and I want the solder to go to the to the silver so I want to pull my solder down so what I'm going to do is solder it from underneath that's why I want it on my expanded metal because I'm going to pull that solder down towards you I'm gonna get my solder pick and I want to keep my flame moving while I'm doing this but you don't want these pieces don't take as much heat as like if you're doing belt buckles so you got to turn your torch down when you're doing smaller stuff now if you're super fancy like I am you have a beautiful 19 crock pot and it holds your Rio pickle and then when you're done soldering I try to do it after every soldering step um just because then you know it's clean so see the boric acid denatured alcohol kept most of that heat scale off the back of it we'll stick this in the pickle pot and get it out in about 10 minutes and see what she looks like what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to solder um probably a half inch chunks of wire on the backs of these that point straight up in the air so they'll Point straight up in the air like this in four different places on the top of this probably on the top of each flower and then down here on the bottom what that's going to do is that is going to be able to push through the felt and then you'll be able to bend them over this is a very high-end piece that you're going to stick on a pretty hat and it's just probably going to stay there for the rest of its life so I want four holes is all I'm going to put in this hat and they're just going to be little round 18 gauge holes so it's pretty thin and then that's all the that's all that it's going to affect your felt so I need four of them there we go Mark half inch then I'll take my side Cutters I always put the flat end Edge towards the side that I want to have be flat um so I have my four little pieces and this is a file but I'm just going to drag these across it like this um because I really want a very flat surface to solder to um so so you don't have a big bubble around it okay so this is what this is how I'm gonna set this up I have my four pins that I'm going to use and then we do not want to do anything with the front what we're going to do is we're going to take my slurry get that um boric acid denatured alcohol all mixed up then you can just stick your paintbrush in there paint the top of this get rid of this you do not want to light this fire with that tubbed very close to you it is very dangerous so then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my handy flux you just need kind of a thin layer so I'm also going to use paste solder this is what I'm going to use to solder each one of these pins down so if I put these in a tweezer we're gonna put it straight up and down and then we're going to take my paste solder we don't need a ton of it just a little bit on the end I see how I balance that tweezer because I want them straight these tweezers tend to lean a Direction um but if you just have extra little deals in your shop to lean stuff against it really really helps so we're going to solder the stuff on the back this is just a little bit less heat than what the big torch does and it's a little bit easier a little bit softer and then these tweezers just come right off each one of these all four of my pins are mounted and we're ready to go so we should be able to stick it in the pickle pot pickle it for 10 minutes and then we'll go like crazy okay so I got this out of the pickle pot rinsed it on in water doesn't matter if it's cold or hot just rinse it off what I usually do on the back of my pieces is do a matte finish we're going to run this little wheel so this we're just going to kind of get around these pins clean them up make them look presentable like I said I'm not as worried on the back I just want it to be presentable cleaning up is the hardest most time consuming I think part of this um and it's probably one of the most important that gets spent the least amount of time on take time that's the difference between um people and pieces and setting your yourself apart of everyone else is how much you care about your piece and how much time you spend cleaning it up and making sure that it's 150 percent this is not the cleanest part of today the idea would be to have a ventilation system set up to pull your air back out of this also a dust collector would be nice too and that's going to happen in the shop eventually I'm just going to buff the top of this thank you [Music] um you want to kind of take those scratches out get it nice and pretty because the next step is gonna be engraving and you want to the more cleanup you have to do after engraving the more likely that you're going to take some of your cuts out the um the pretty definition and stuff that you have going on um You're Gonna Lose It by buffing it afterwards so this is my basket um I'm going to set it in my Ultrasonic Cleaner make sure that the liquid is covering your ultrasonic cleaner I'm going to add a little water to it there's just ultrasonic cleaner liquid in there with water next step is engraving I have this all cleaned up it's not spotless there's some areas that need some work you know like where I took the silicone wheel it's still a little rough and not quite perfect now to engrave it I engrave everything on this metal plate to put it on there I use hot glue but I bent my pins over in the back I just pulled them over and bent them so I'm going to put a bunch down here because I want my piece to be secure my next big project is the layout so when I laid this out I thought that the stems part the green stemi part down here would be really neat um with some bright cuts to it you can see my cuts and I'm going to draw this side and this side up and then we'll start engraving those ones too when you're at the end it's really important to make sure that all your cuts are done so I always at the end of each piece I will go through and go through each sequins whether it's a bright cut sequence or a American scroll sequence or you're doing flare cut or any of those kind of deals and and you want to make sure that you're done 100 percent because that's the time when you have all your tools out and you're all and your hands are trained okay now I'm going to fill some of my stems with my 105 again then I'll go back and make sure that those go down to the leaves okay so there's my plant I have all the cuts in it the leaves are all kind of going funky directions like I want them to I'm going to set up to do the petals next so when you shade a lot of it's um starting really light and then you're gonna angle your Graver up as you go and and that makes your cut deeper so you're going to start really shallow pretty much sliding across the top of this metal and then you go deeper and deeper to kind of give it some you want to give your um it some shape I'm going to kind of go through and make sure all my cuts are 100 and everything is copacetic I'm going to pop this off of here and do the final polish on it so I'll show you guys how to do that so I fill my syringe with rubbing alcohol rubbing alcohol will make everything rust in your shop so you don't need a ton of this see how easy that comes off so then it pops right off um and then because we didn't I didn't have the glue down everywhere there's a couple leaves that are poking up a little bit but what we're going to do is clean all this up now and finish her up so I have this microfiber wheel and I'm just gonna clean it up like I did last time but just a little bit more I want it clean I want it to look professional but I don't necessarily need it to be like I want the front to be so now we're going to take this on the red Rouge and buff it up you don't want to hold it on there too long it's going to take your engraving off you don't want to hold it on you kind of want your finger to be back there to kind of put a little pressure into it I might spend a little bit more time on the plant just because I want those bright Cuts real real bright gonna kind of make sure it we get all the little scratches out of it and it has the shine that you want it to and then it's going to go back in the ultrasonic all right I set my timer for about 20 minutes and turn the heat on so let's turn the heat off so we'll pull this out check it out we can see how nice and shiny it is there's bubbles everywhere um so now what we're going to do is we're going to rinse it off just Pat it dry and then we'll go antique it I washed it off in the acetone and then I washed it in Dawn dish soap so the most important thing for me in this piece is that it's in the cuts and I can see that it's in the cuts it's not taking to the tops of it as much as I'd like it to but it doesn't need to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to Pat it dry with my with my cloth so the back kind of looks like um somebody was murdered with the Black Max on the back of my piece so I'm going to clean up the back before I clean up the front because I think that's important so we'll just take all this off of it and make it look pretty again okay so there we go we got her all cleaned up and it's ready to go now what we're gonna do is I'm going to take all the black off the top so there's a couple of things that I use to do that so A polishing pad from Rio I use that and a Mars eraser the Mars eraser is pretty fancy because like if you really want to you can trim it down and get it the shape that you want it but it's going to take this top layer off that I want to take off but I think I'm getting pretty close to what I want this to look like on the stem the stem part and the flowers so we got this one is all cleaned up um now we'll just clean up these other ones it's kind of cool I'm pretty excited about it like can't wait till some awesome lady wants to put it on a hat okay so now this is I I think this is pretty finished but it has the look that I wanted I kind of wanted it darker underneath these leaves underneath the petal leaves so this is a finished product for me it's done but now one I have to take a picture of it for my marketing and to I have to fit it to the hat so whenever somebody buys this I'm going I would like to be the one that puts it on the hat myself I've done one other one that was this interesting and I fit it to the Hat itself um and I'd like to do it just because you're going to be the one that's going to be molding it to the hat so I'd want it to ride like that on that hat [Music]
Channel: Rio Grande
Views: 3,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Jewelry, #Rio, #Riogrande, #pin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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