Creating a Winning Content Plan for Your Blog (The Battleship Method)

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so the way that we have always produced our blogs and the way that just about every blogger does is you start with an initial batch of content where you're writing on the topics that you think will be winners where you can get traffic and that you can beat out the competition and you kind of see how that does and then you're finding more keywords that you can write about and you're writing those and I mean I've gone on for years doing this I on a website as you're just producing more and more content as you go and as we've learned a little bit in 2020 that's not working as well right so the traditional approach is kind of like if you were playing a game of battleship and in the game you say c3 and you find out it's a hit and then you say f7 why would you do such a thing but that's what it is that's what that's what people have been doing in the blog space we create a bunch of content some are winners some are losers recreate a bunch more content so the Battleship method is about taking an organized and strategic approach to first gridding out the different areas of your niche analyzing what worked and then only working on those effective shots forevermore on your site so the Battleship method consists of three distinct phases the first phase that Jim alluded to was gridding and this is a methodical strategic approach to creating content that really covers our niche so let's say you're in the parenting industry that's your niche and you're like okay I'm gonna create some content around baby products I'm gonna create some content the methods for helping babies go to sleep maybe these are some different categories I intend to cover over the course of my site and then as I go do my search analysis as I use the Google auto suggests or that alphabet soup method on Google I can come up with a list of topics that should be topics that people are actually searching for and then I'm going to methodically create content not necessarily all in one of those spaces I'm going to methodically grid them out create some content in each of those different categories over the course of as quick a time as I can so that we can get those out there on Google so that we can see some feedback now that seems obvious but it's really not most people when you go look at their blog they kind of get on one track of something that they're really excited about writing about and they just write 30 different aspects of that one thing what if you find out that it did just didn't perform how you think I in terms of the competition or the search volume now you've wasted a year to try to figure that out so methodically creating a plan of where your content is going to go for the whole first year is a huge part of this plan and that's why we teach the brand plan in our course all right so phase two is the analyze phase and this is where we're really putting in process some of the things putting in a methodical process to something that we've kind of only done haphazardly in the past and miss some really big opportunities and so those of you who are project 24 members today we just dropped a new course that's like once your site is one year old step by step by step to analyze all over the content you currently have and decide what to do going forward but for those of you on YouTube I want to give you the general idea of what we're doing here so in the analyze phase you've taken all these shots on your battleship game right and you want to know what worked and what didn't work so our goal is for each blog post to deliver 1,000 page views per month and so if I wrote a post that ranks number one or number two on Google when I search the primary search phrase for that article that I was targeting if it's only bringing in 200 people a month page views a month that's one I'm not gonna spend any more time on that search phrase because it's very unlikely to ever get to the thousand a month you're already number one or number two you're probably not going to get a whole lot more traffic than and then we look at other topics where maybe we rank number 9 or we're on page 2 but from some of the other things we saw from other things that hit we said I think that one could work I just didn't write and a good enough article for that that's one that we say okay put this one in the rewrite category we need to do something with this and then others were going to see where we did get some traffic and we ranked lower you know maybe you rank four or five but it brought in a hundred two hundred pageviews if you're ranking number five number four and it brought in 200 pageviews that's a pretty good sign that if you could pop up to number one then you're probably going to bring in at least a thousand page views per month and so we're putting things in the rewrite keep never touch again buckets so that we can make an informed decision about where to go in the future now this is the step that we've just always kind of haphazardly done like I mentioned so you write posts and then you're like alright more posts instead of like in a game of Battleship it would be stupid to get a hit and then jump to a different place of the of the board and so you can see where we're going with this if you're analyzing everything you're writing and carefully analyzing what worked and what didn't the future is there where you have 200 blog posts that you own the number one position on and I mean that could be bring a huge amount of traffic and you don't really need to keep writing a bunch more articles once we've completed phase 2 now we can jump right into phase 3 which is the win phase in the wind phase we're gonna take those different buckets that we've put content into the things that we're just gonna leave we're just going to leave right the things that we decided to rewrite we're going to take the time to go through them assess the competition and figure out what is it that I need to do to be able to rank above all the rest how do I win position number 1 because this topic has proved itself to be valuable for me to own with this website and so what this may look like it may mean that you know what this is just an EA T issue I need to work on EA T for my entire website likely this is an issue where the other person maybe has some original research or maybe nobody has some original research and you don't know why there is out ranked to you but if you could do some original research and put your own statistics together you know put together a downloadable PDFs put together some infographics put to you know just make your blog post better and I'm not talking about just making it a little bit better but I'm talking about like taking your content a full step above what others are willing to do and if it's gonna take you 8 hours per blog post to do this work who cares this is the content that you've already proven has a chance to really drive traffic to your website if you can own one or two hundred of these search phrases where you just ranked number one or maybe number two you will have consistent traffic amazing traffic for the long haul chances are you'll be able to retain most of those spots for years to come because most bloggers are not willing to put in that work because most bloggers are always gritting so when you're gritting you hear people say create amazing content create epic content it's not very smart to do that in the beginning phases of your website to some extent if I'm just testing the waters I can't spend 60 now one blog post no way I would never make any progress I'd never figure out my niche and what kind of content I need to write in order to win it just takes too long and so that's why we have response posts it's like we can cover a lot of area in a one-hour write that's why we have the post recipes we're showing you hey here's an hour BAM try this new thing out but then when you see hey there's a winner here but I'm number four now spending eight hours on a single blog post is not at all a waste of the time because you know that's gonna bring in a thousand people a month for potentially years to come and so I'm gonna go do original research I'm gonna go take a custom image for this I'm gonna create a table I'm gonna put in that extra time that nobody else is willing to because they don't know what I know about this keyword [Music] so here's why we're so excited about implementing this right now Google is really focused on high quality content we keep hearing I'm talking about it over and over again and so the number of links to your website matters and it always has and there's some kind of ratio between the number of links to your site and how much content you have so great you have a hundred thousand links but you have 10 million blog posts it tells Google that like yeah this actually is pretty thin content and so by only working on winners by every time you and not you find a winner you rewrite and rework that post until until you're number one and as soon as you start to fade you're reworking it to just dominate everything you do so Google says when this guy has a blog post or this gal it's a winner and so I think it works very well - Google's focus on content to have excellent link to content ratios without just not covering enough content the next one is that your content never fades so again with most blogs what's going to happen is you're gonna have content that's gonna get outdated and what do you do you forget about it right well that content already has links to it right that content already has built up reputation with Google what if we could revamp that content and keep it evergreen you can't do that if you're putting thousands of blog posts on a website over the years but if instead again there are a hundred or 200 blog posts really ever on your website that are actively being maintained the content never fades it's always up to date and therefore you never have to lose a number one ranking again because your content is always the newest freshest best content out there yeah so we're doing those content audits consistently regularly scheduled and we have an orbit orderly process to get there so that we can make sure if anything dropped to number two we are going to notice it immediately and we know exactly how to approach the rewrite to get it back up next search analysis takes time it takes time to search through and look for those cracks and new territory to gain and you don't need to you already explored the territory and you've identified what those cracks are before were just going back to them in an orderly way and making sure we hit on them the next one is just imagine how much less your content needs to cost if you have so many fewer blog posts if you have outsourced to any of your writing or doing the writing yourself that cost either in money or time is a lot upfront because you're having to add new content all the time but on an ongoing basis you don't need to be adding again dozens and hundreds of blog posts to your website you can just take the time one post at a time to update the content that needs to be updated to rework the content that you've identified should be reworked to gain the same amount of traffic right as a site with ten times as many blog posts because yours again is always up-to-date relevant so during the gridding phase it could be that you write 75 blog posts all by yourself or maybe you're outsourcing some and we write 300 blog posts but then once we identified the effective 150 to 200 you may just ape working on those for a few years and that could produce 200,000 pageviews every single month because you know we're only working on the winners so the point of this whole thing is why write another hundred blog posts instead of taking the hundred blog posts using that information that incredibly valuable information and moving forward I mean imagine if you're starting a new site if you got to spy on somebody's Google Analytics that's been in that industry for a year woohoo you could dominate that industry but we have that same information we don't always take advantage of it at least I know us personally we haven't don't know sometimes we ignore it because we're always just looking at new territory we didn't really have a set process for how to take advantage of this so project 24 members go log in today because we just dropped today a new course on the battleship method where we'll give you all the details we'll give you a tool for doing that content audit and we recommend doing it at the one-year mark as soon as your site is a year old do your content audit let's look through show you what goes in each one of those buckets exactly how to do a rewrite of those posts with the redirects and all that stuff so definitely log in hey thanks everybody for joining us give us a subscribe if you're new to the channel and if you've been around for a while we really appreciate everybody's support we love making this content for you and talking about blogging each week if you can't tell we're pretty excited about it no but a yard gets B 5 so that's how I I'm being methodical know who set up my ships I was always like to stack them up real close they been clever but and then my brother just wiped me out but I blow out of my bedroom crying or you like clump them all up tight and then you put your little 2-1 down on the other they'll never guess
Channel: Income School
Views: 65,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Id: Js1uRntrbj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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