Creating a Wavy Felt Look in Cinema 4D's New Particle System

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[Music] hey my fellow motion designers welcome back it's another Cinema tutorial this time and it's going to be a quick one but I really just wanted to share this cool technique with you guys out there and I really want to see what you can do with it so without further Ado let's jump into Cinema and I'm going to show you how to make this felt glowing simulation all right so here inside of Cinema we are first of all going to start by making a sphere so we have something that we can generate our smoke from and this spere will just sit to 50 cm then I'll right click go to my text say simulation TXS go down to the Pyro emitter so now we have some smoke so here inside of our pyro emitter we can first of all go and turn off the temperature and as you can see now now we only have a little bit of pocy left then we can go and set our density add to one and we can also set our density to one then I'm going to go down here to my frame zero and I'm going to set a key frame for my density then I'm going to go to frame two and then I'm going to unshake my enable density and I'm also going to key frame that so now I have this density that is slowly disappearing and we don't actually want that so let's press controll D let's go into our simulation project settings on our pyro and let's first of all change some settings here so first of all we're going to go down to our density tab down here pull the density dissipation away so now I just have this blob going on and it will never disappear so we need a little bit more resolution and we'll put this down to 3 cenm let's take a look at that looks a bit better and then I'm going to set the bany to Min -1 instead of minus5 and I think that's it for all of the configuration so now we're only going to take a look at this turbulence tab here so I'm just going to pull up the strength to a th000 and let's see what that does it makes these wild wild clouds that are actually looking pretty nice so this is like the call of the whole system we want to control these clouds and the way we do that is by going over to the scene of our simulations and we're just going to key frame our time scale so let me just set a key frame here add one on frame zero let's go to frame 30 and set a time scale of point two I think that should be good or01 that you also be fine so I'm going to give myself a little bit more room here to work with so let's set our timeline to 200 so let's zoom out a bit and let's move our key frames to begin at frame 40 all right let's see what happens so as you can see we have this smoke going on and it's just slowly ramping down and I think if we just set it to 0.1 instead our last key frame it would look so much more epic yeah that's looking super nice so I'm actually just going to move to frame 50 let's see what that does so we just get a little bit more of this billowing smoke here it's looking super nice so I'll actually set it to 45 and that should be good yeah so now we don't have that much chaos we have a little bit more definition in our clouds so now we have our smoke our controller for our particles so now we actually need to create the particles and it's super super simple we just need to go up to our simulation tab here make a mesh M and inside of this mesh Metter we'll just pull in our sphere as the geometry and we can also set it to 10,000 so then I'm going to go up to civilation again go down to modifier and use a pyro advict and this pyro advict we're just going to put it under our particle group so let's see what happens when we press play we have some particles forming and they are taking the velocity of our smoke but it's a bit chaotic right now it almost just looks like some Sparks that are flying away and we want it to more look like this Cloud we just created so let's go here to our Miss emit again so I'll first of all just check on this range here and what it does it just says that we'll only emit particles in Z to 30 frames so what I actually want to set my range to is the part in the beginning where nothing is happening so things are starting to happen at fr 40 I think so 30 is actually good enough for me and then I also want to put one more zero so 100,000 here and as you can see we still have the same problem just with a lot more particles but our particles are not hanging around down here in the beginning which is super nice so how do we control this Miss well it's super simple just go up to your old simulation text here make a friction and just set it to 50 and that is it so as you can see here it follows the curve of our smoke and it's looking super super nice and if you want it to follow the smoke a little bit more closely you can pull the strength up and if you want it to be a little bit more frayed or random and edes you can pull it down and if you pull down you can see you get a little bit more of this Randomness going on but it still has this really nice trulance look to it that's super cool all right so now we have this cool simulation here and we just need to make it into felt now so how do we do this without crushing your computer well it's actually fairly simple if we go to frame zero and just hide our sphere here we can go and make a circle and this circle I'm just going to set to 20 cm just to make it nice I'm also going to set the uniform numbers to 16 then I'm going to put it inside of cloner make it a radial cloner pull the radius down to zero and I'm just going to up the count to something like 30 and with our cloner selected I'm going to make a random effector over here and I'm going to turn off the position and I'm only going to use the P rotation here so you can also use some H rotation just like this but we want to get this uneven ball here awesome so let's right click on our cloner and let's say connect objects and delete so now we have this ball with all of these points on it so what we're going to do now is go down here and make a displacer put it under a cloner go into the shading tab make a noise and inside of this noise we're just going to pull global scale down and just going to go out here make the height a little bit bigger something like this yeah I think that should be good and then I just need to go to my cloner here and I'm going to say connect state to object and now I have this really nice cloner over here and I can just delete my first cloner with the displacer on it let's call this felt so now that we have our felt let's first of all just sitting in the middle again and then we can go here and make a extrude then we can pull it inside of the extrude I'll set my extrude here to 0.1 and then I'm going to go to my caps here and I'm going to say no start cap no end cap awesome then I'm just going to go and say connect objects delete and I'm just going to delete these tags over here and now we have this extrude here awesome just going to call it felt again so now we have this felt particle and we just need to distribute it onto our particle group so the way we do that is pretty simple as you know we just make a cloner put it inside of the cloner set the cloner to object mode and we'll just pull in our particle group awesome and as you can see here we have a lot of particles and I'm actually just before I forget I'm going to set the instance mode to render instance or multi- instance and this will hopefully make it a little bit easier on the machine so let's see what's happening here boom we have this big explosion of these felt particles and one thing we need to do is go inside of the transform Tab and just set the scale to point two something like this and I think that should be actually good I'm just going to go into my cloner and I'm just going to hide it from my viewport here I'll just go up here to Red shift and let's quickly just make a cool scene so let's first of all make a dome light and let's go to details and we can pull every single one of them down all right just like that then I'm just going to hide it in my viewport again and then I'll go and make a light and I'll just place it above something like that so get little bit of back light but not that much front light and then I'm just going to go into the intensity set it to 10 instead of pull the spread down a bit here something like that and let's press render and let's see where we are so as you can see we also need to hide our particles here and we need to do a little bit more stuff to make this actually look real because it looks great right now but we need to select our cloner and we need to make a random effector and inside of this random Vector we'll turn off the position and we'll just go and put a lot of rotation on it and then I actually also want to go here set it to uniform scale and just say 05 and this will make it a little bit less uniform and a little bit cooler to look at so let's go over here make a material let's put it on our felt and let's go in here and let's set the color to something like this red here that is cool and I'm just going to pull up the roughness to something like this. five and let's also set our resolution to 1080 so you guys can see it in the full glob let's undug it and as you probably can see here we have a really nice look that really doesn't cost that much to actually do on your CPU or in cinema at all so one last thing here if you just go out and go to your project settings again under the Pyro tab you can just click through the seats of your turbulence and it'll just give you a new look each time and this is like a really nice way to get some really Dynamic clouds in a really fast manner so that was it for this quick Cinema tutorial I really hope that you liked it and I'm definitely going to do some more videos on this new Cinema particle system because it's a super nice addition to cinema so if you enjoyed this tutorial then please go and subscribe it really helps me out by making all of these videos for you guys so if you have any questions or you want to show me what your res this from this tutorial then please DM me on Instagram i' love to see how it turned out so without further Ado I'll just say go out there make some awesome awesome renders and I'll see you back here on the channel for some more Cinema magic goodbye oh [Music]
Channel: Lukas Thorup
Views: 12,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema4d, redshift, C4D, After Effects, Dynamics, Motion Design, Houdini, 3D, Render, Particles, System, Felt, Abstract, Simulation
Id: jm6HsaHZrM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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