Creating a Virtual Server (Domain) in Virtualmin

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In this video I want to pick up where we left off in the last video where I'd installed Virtualmin on a CentOS 7 server running at the Vutr VPS, sort of hosting provider and So now we have the system pretty much as I left it in that last video and in this video We're gonna create a virtual server Virtual server in Virtualmin is maybe called domains in some other control panels you might think of it as vhosts or virtual hosts If you are editing the Apache configuration configuration file directly but in Virtuamin it's also going to create a system user and a mail configuration and a database and all the other pieces that you need to make up what would be a modern sort of website with all the features that you would expect a website to have So to do that and to get started we're going to go ahead and click on this Create virtual server link up here in the top corner Okay, we fill out this form, I'm just gonna punch in a name And I'll give it a description you And a password And then I'm gonna stick with the default settings for the server configuration template and The account plan because we haven't configured any new server templates or account plans and in a later video I'll go into more detail about what those are that allows you to customize what the Apache configuration might look like or what the zone file looks like, a variety of options Within that we're just going to stick with the defaults on both of those now, we'll stick with automatic Administration username that means that it'll get the username "tutorials" For advanced we're just gonna leave these alone notice whenever I hover Over any of these I get a little question mark beside my pointer and that means I can pull up help for that And so if you're browsing around or working in Virtualmin And you're not sure what something does You can almost always hover over the option and click it and you'll get a little bit of a help file For what that option does we're gonna leave all these alone for enabled features The only thing I'm going to change is I'm going to enable the SSL website option which will create an additional vhost for port 443 with an SSL certificate and then and I'm doing that because in a later video I want to show you guys how to set up a Let's Encrypt certificate which is a way to get a free Certificate that is signed by a recognized provider so that your browser won't give a security warning when you browse to a page that is secured with one of those certificates and so For IP address and forwarding we're going to stick with the the defaults on all of this I won't go into any any complexity about how all this works, but we're just gonna put it on our shared our shared IP that all virtual hosts on this system will use and Then I'm gonna click create server And as I mentioned earlier this creates a system user it creates some mail aliases, mailbox, DNS zone The Apache vhost. It sets up webalizer log analysis and some other features Most of those are enabled by default in a full Virtualmin installation Some of them would be disabled in the minimal installation that we talked about in the previous video Okay, so now we've got this Virtual server over here and I can list virtual servers and I can see some details about that Ok so we can see the domain we created here in the list virtual servers page And we can see the user name that Virtualmin assigned that might be different than this if we chose different User name formats or if we had multiple servers with "tutorials" as the first part of the domain name so if we had and we'd end up with some other generated username for the second one OK, so there's a bunch of other configuration that went on behind the scenes as I talked about I want to go into any detail in this video I'll go into more detail about what actually goes on behind the scenes in another video But for this one, I want to talk about the next sort of the next step right now We don't actually have a website. We have all the stuff We need on the back end to make a website, but there's nothing there So we want a we want to, you know, create a landing page We want to upload some HTML, the most basic thing you can possibly do to put up a website to stand up a website and so I spent all afternoon carefully constructing a beautiful HTML website So I'm going to show you how to upload that So virtualmin has a file manager. This is one of several ways You can upload files and I'll show you a couple of others before I end this video But so to get to the file manager I just clicked on file manager over here and notice I have selected here if there Obviously if there's only one domain on this server But if there were more this would be a drop-down list and whichever one I had selected all of these menu items apply to the selected domain That includes the file manager. So when I click the file manager, it takes me to the home directory of the user that owns that domain so "/home/tutorials/public_html" and Note it takes me right into public_html. That's actually the document root that we need for this virtual server So I can go ahead and upload my super excellent website And the image that goes along with it Okay, so now I should be able to Preview the website And there it is my super excellent very cool website Still under construction though because No website is perfect Okay, so Some things to know about this, er, some things to notice about this the files that I uploaded are now owned by tutorials : tutorials, even though I'm logged in as root and That wouldn't be the case if we used FTP and logged in as root or if we used SSH and logged in as root So that's a nice little feature of the file manager Okay, so I'm going to show you a couple more ways. You can upload your files So I'll delete these so that The other methods Most popular method even though it is my least favorite is FTP and so I'm going to use an FTP client called FileZilla, which is a pretty popular open source and free FTP client, and then I'm gonna type in the host name And the username And the password that I assigned I don't need to specify the port virtualmin sets up both passive and active FTP and creates the The necessary firewall rules for all that to work and So it should just work. We should just be able to do quick connect and have it connect and sure enough it did and Notice also here in the in the status information. It's initializing TLS. So it is using an encrypted connection Which virtualmin also sets up by default So it is reasonably safe to use FTP, historically FTP was a dangerous protocol to use because it was not encrypted but But these days you can you can use it encrypted so it's not such a big deal so It's worth noting that if that until you have a a valid certificate from a certificate provider like Let's Encrypt or one of the many others that are out there until you have one of those the self signed certificate will generate a Validation error in most FTP clients and so you'll have to accept the self signed certificate just like if you browse to a website that has a self signed certificate like when you first logged into To Webmin are Virtualmin Using the self signed certificate you have to tell it Okay, I know that it's self signed go ahead and trust it anyway Later on, we'll cover Let's encrypt certificates and generating, you know Signing requests and stuff like that. Okay. So another thing to notice is if you use FTP is That it takes you to the home directory of the user rather than the document root for the web site So we have to click on the public_html directory to get into that But otherwise pretty much the same deal we're just gonna grab those files and I'm going to drag them over and it copied them over and The ownership is correct, because I logged in as that user and now I can go over here and I can reload that and I can see that my website is in fact working I can also refresh this and see that these files are still here Or have come back rather And I'm going to delete these two And I'll cover the final way to upload some files to your virtualmin server Close out that FileZilla Now I'm going to use something called git bash Which I talked about in the previous video, this is how I get SSH on my windows systems Because I like having a good command line and git comes with bash And so it has the complete OpenSSH suite of clients including SCP Which is one way to copy files using SSH There's also SFTP which is an FTP protocol or an FTP like protocol that runs over SSH So to use SCP, I need to go to the directory where I've put those things those files and Then I can type "scp index.html underconstruction.gif" Those are my two files that I want to upload and then I type in the username The hostname : /home/tutorials/public_html and Notice in this case. I have to specify the full path Right and then I type in the password And theoretically we will have our files back And sure enough we do and we'll be able to load this over here And we should also be able to load it on the host name it we gave it because I have already set up glue records and My DNS is working for this this domain so I should be able to do this and I can so there we go So this is my very cool website. It is working everywhere that it needs to be One other thing I want to show you before I end this video is that you can also do quick one-off edits Using the built-in text editor in the file manager so if I wanted to Remove this under construction GIF and consider my site perfect because it is. We've all seen it. No one can deny the perfection Save that and now when we load it No longer under construction, this is a complete Finished work of art. All right, so I think that's all I want to cover in this video if there's anything that you Think I should cover Please let me know in the comments. There's anything you want to know about Just let me know if you think I went too fast too slow Cover something really important that was confusing to you. Please, let me know in the comments and I'll try to do better next time and like and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this if I know people are watching them and liking them then I'll keep making them Thank you for watching
Channel: Virtualmin
Views: 25,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtualmin, webmin, linux, apache
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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